Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 20 to 27 December, 2005.
Archive: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31822
Achim Blumensath announced:I'm pleased to announce the release of ant version 0.7. The archive can be found at http://ant.berlios.de ant is a typesetting system inspired by TeX. It does not aim at complete compatibility with TeX but focuses instead on a flexible, clean, and modular design. New in this release are: o improved h&j algorithm (better ligature handling, river detection) o improved OpenType support o improved PDF generator Achim PS: Yes, I do know about Apache Ant.
Archive: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31828
Robert Roessler announced:The second public release of the LablPCRE OCaml binding for PCRE is now available, featuring a new "module" interface with expanded functionality and supporting PCRE releases 6.1 - 6.4 (current). LablPCRE still provides simple and easy to use access to regular expression pattern matching - while a richer module-based interface is now standard, the original "object" interface is available for those who prefer that style. While I have been pleased to incorporate feedback on the interface layout, I am still very interested in expanding the platforms supported "natively" in the Makefile, and welcome any contributions, patches, or suggestions in this area... not only will these help LablPCRE advance to "1.0" status, they will greatly facilitate the release (and usefulness) of other projects to the OCaml community. With a distribution incorporating pre-built Windows binaries, LablPCRE is released under the "new" BSD license, and may be downloaded here: http://www.rftp.com/Downloads.shtml
Archive: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31832
Stephen Tse announced:We would like to announce our project written in OCaml: "ocfgc" - a parser generator for ordered context free grammars (OCFG) based on GLR (Generalized LR) parsing, also known as Tomita's parsing. GLR parsing allows syntax specification in the full context-free grammar, eliminating shift or reduce conflicts in LR/LALR parsing. High efficiency is achieved using a graph-structured parse stack. Ordered CFG (see our paper below) specifies the datatype tags together with associativity and precedence per production rule, making it possibly to generate abstract syntax trees from a concise specification of concrete syntax. We have applied the parser generator for Java 5; the parser can parse any JDK 1.5 files under 0.5 second. Features: - concise specification (e.g. http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~stse/javac/java.g) - automatic error diagnosis with line numbers and grammar information - automatic construction of abstract-syntax trees - generates maps, iterators, pretty-printers - on-the-fly disambiguation filters Currently ocfgc is bundled with our fjavac (Functional Java Compiler) project, which can be obtained at: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~stse/javac/ Basic type checking and bytecode compilation of the compiler are implemented, but supports for generics and type inference are still underway. Our following paper "Concise Concrete Syntax" explains the idea of ordered CFG, which can also be applied to LR/LALR parsing: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~stse/javac/ocfg.pdf
Archive: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31831
Stephen Tse annouced:We would like to announce our project written in OCaml: "fjavac" - a functional Java 5 compiler. Currently the compiler can parse and pretty-print all JDK 1.5 files. Our abstract syntax trees has been carefully designed for easy of use. Hopefully other people find our project useful for Java language extensions or program analyzes. Our parser is based on GLR (Generalized LR) parsing, making it very easy to extend the language syntax without worrying about shift/reduce conflicts in LR/LALR parsing. Basic type checking and bytecode compilation have been implemented, but are still under testing. Type checking and type inference for generics have not been implemented yet. Our long term research goal is to produce a complete and formal specification of Java compilation (using Twelf, a logical framework). Homepage: http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~stse/javac/
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