Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 13 to 20 December, 2005.
Joyeux Noël !
Archive: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31762
Richard Jones announced:I'm pleased to announce that we have "liberated" another two modules which we use internally. Weblogs ------- A module for importing web logfiles from Apache or IIS web servers and doing simple analysis on them. License: LGPL + OCaml linking exception http://merjis.com/developers/weblogs http://resources.merjis.com/developers/weblogs/Weblogs.html HostIP ------ HostIP is an OCaml module for looking up geolocation data from IP addresses. It uses the community HostIP.info project API. License: LGPL + OCaml linking exception http://merjis.com/developers/hostip http://resources.merjis.com/developers/hostip/HostIP.html http://hostip.info/
Archive: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31781
Alexsandro Soares asked:My team is working with evolutionary computing and we develop a distributed model of gene expression programming (GEP) in OCaml. Our first try used the primitives provided in modules Mutex and Condition to do syncronization between process and threads. The system is done. However, we will make a refactoring of the code and, at this time, we would like to use higher level constructs to work with concurrent and distributed programming. What are the options to do this in OCaml? We started to see Jocaml, but our system uses native code generation both in Linux and Windows, and I don't know if Jocaml can be compiled in native code. Any help?Vincenzo Ciancia suggested:
I would recommend trying the Event module which features channels and events, which in turn are an abstraction which allows to build more complex events from simpler ones before "synchronizing" on the resulting event. For example, "receive a" is the event that, when you synchronize to it, waits for a value to be sent on channel "a", and returns the value, and "choose [receive a,receive b]" is the event that, when you synchronize to it, waits for a value to be sent on either "a" or "b" and returns the value - in this case a and b must have the same value type. http://caml.inria.fr/pub/docs/manual-ocaml/libref/Event.htmlDavid Teller then said:
While this module is absolutely great, it suffers from OCaml's limitation that multi-threaded code runs only one one processor, even if several are available. For concurrency, I would suggest taking a look at Acute, but that's quite low-level, when compared to JoCaml. Basically, the communication primitives are similar to a somewhat lower-level version of the Event module. I don't know whether there is a native code compiler, though.
Archive: http://thread.gmane.org/gmane.comp.lang.caml.general/31772
Andries Hekstra asked and Gerd Stolpmann answered:> Attached please find the first program I wrote. It has about the same > speed as its C++ counterpart (slightly faster). I welcome comments w.r.t. > programming style, esp. when it affects the speed of the program. As you are doing a lot of array manipulation, this tip may increase performance significantly: because "float array" is stored with a different layout than all other arrays, the compiler generates a dynamic check for every access when the type of the array elements cannot be statically determined. For example, your function let swapElement i j a = let x = a.(i) in a.(i) <- a.(j); a.(j) <- x is polymorphic in the element type. If you define instead let swapFloatElement i j (a : float array) = let x = a.(i) in a.(i) <- a.(j); a.(j) <- x better code is generated because the mentioned check can be omitted by the compiler. This applies only if the function is not inlined; swapElement could be small enough (but qsort, for instance, is definitely not). Unfortunately, one cannot define swapNonFloatElement because there is no way to constrain a type that it is not float. So the type system cannot represent this duality float/non-float, and one must fall back to as many definitions as element types are actually used.Gerd Stolpmann added and Xavier Leroy said:
> I forgot one thing: This comment is only correct for 32 bit code. 64 bit > code has a uniform array layout for all element types. Yes, but a generic access to a float array still involves an extra boxing operation. So, your advice is sound for 64-bit plaforms as well. I had a very quick look at the original poster's code: it seems reasonable performance-wise. There are a few extra hacks that could be done to increase performance at some expense in code clarity, for instance turning a.(i).(j) <- f i j a.(i).(j); in (let b = a.(i) in b.(j) <- f i j b.(j)); but I wouldn't recommend doing this unless profiling exhibits a big "hot spot" in this function.
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