Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of November 28 to December 05, 2017.
Archive: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/reason-on-ocaml-4-06/1205/1
Jordan W. announced:The [Reason](https://reasonml.github.io/) syntax is now available on OCaml 4.06! Thanks to github users @hcarty , @rgrinberg @ncihnegn, @hhugo, @avsm for some input/feedback and/or helping to [merge into opam-repository](https://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository/pull/10869#issuecomment-347429216). Thanks to @let-def for nearly single-handedly implementing the latest iteration of Reason syntax changes which were intentionally designed to be more familiar to the largest developer audience (with ES6 style lambdas `arguments => returnValue`). Whether or not we all *personally like* the syntax changes, it's undeniable that the feedback we've received has been **overwhelmingly** positive. I hope this ends up being good for the growth of the OCaml ecosystem in the long term. Several people have approached me asking how they can "use Reason to build their app" now that the "syntax is improved". The power that syntax has over perception of a language continues to be eye opening. Even as a fan of the ML style of syntax, I must say it feels great to have a larger number of people immediately recognize your code as familiar and embrace it. It should be fairly straightforward to integrate the Reason syntax/printer into your application, and Reason shouldn't prohibit you from accessing all of OCaml's features (anything less is currently considered a bug - for which pull requests (or Issues) are graciously welcome). If you use `jbuilder`, then your build system already supports Reason (thanks to @diml and @rgrinberg). Merlin already has built-in first-class support for using Reason or standard OCaml syntax. (It's pretty cool how Merlin + Reason demonstrates that you can build IDE infrastructure for which concrete syntax is fully abstracted away without giving up recovered parsing and recovered type checking). For those curious, Reason uses `ocaml-migrate-parsetree` in order to sustain support for all modern OCaml versions. (Reason was one of the first test cases for `ocaml-migrate-parsetree`). There's still some room for improvements with the workflow/packaging and your contributions to help improve it are always welcomed. For example, `rtop` (the `utop` top level for Reason) should be factored out into its own opam package (this is tough to orchestrate with `opam-publish`). This will help reduce package manager conflicts. Most of our work in the last six months has been focused around building and shipping [Reason React](https://reasonml.github.io/reason-react/) which uses Reason, BuckleScript, and ReactJS to create a very nice UI development experience (okay, to say I'm biased would be putting it lightly). (Questions about Reason React or BuckleScript would be best asked in their own threads, thanks!) Stay tuned for more syntax improvements/features. Again, your contributions are welcomed and appreciated.
Archive: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ocaml-2017-videos/842/9
gasche announced:Videos for the main ICFP 2017 conference just started flowing in [on Youtube](https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCwRL68qZFfub1Ep1EScfmBw/videos). I have no insider information, but I hope that video recording of the workshop talks will soon follow.
Archive: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-ocaml-mariadb-0-10-0/1209/1
Andre Nathan announced:Yet another OCaml-MariaDB release... Petter Urkedal noticed a design flaw where after executing a statement that doesn't return rows (i.e. SELECT, INSERT, UPDATE), it was impossible to access the execution result, so there was no way to call functions like `affected_rows`. This release fixes that by changing `Stmt.execute` to always return a `Res.t`.
Archive: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-farfadet-0-2/1211/1
Calascibetta Romain announced:I'm happy to announce a new release of [farfadet.0.2](https://github.com/oklm-wsh/Farfadet), available for installation via OPAM. Farfadet is a little library on top of [faraday](https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday) to provide a better API to describe how to serialize an OCaml value with the faradet back-end (used for example in [httpaf](https://github.com/inhabitedtype/httpaf)). This release does not have a big change, it's just a compatibility change from the last version of [faraday.0.5.0](https://github.com/inhabitedtype/faraday/releases/tag/0.5.0). However, like [furl](https://github.com/Drup/furl) or `printf`, this library could be a good introduction and real use case of GADT. Indeed, this library use GADT to construct what `eval` expects as arguments. Thus, this library provide a type-safe way to encode an OCaml value. A good start to understand how to construct a GADT in this use-case, I can advise to read [this good article](https://drup.github.io/2016/08/02/difflists/) from @Drup.
Archive: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-new-release-of-minicli-2-0-0/1218/1
UnixJunkie announced:minicli is a minimalist OCaml library for command line parsing. To get it: opam update && opam install minicli The code: https://github.com/UnixJunkie/minicli A usage example: https://github.com/UnixJunkie/minicli/blob/master/test.ml Competing libraries are the Arg module from the stdlib (but client programs are a little painful to maintain) or Daniel Bunzli's cmdliner library (which is overkill for many applications). If you use the Arg module, I suggest you give a try at minicli.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2017-12/msg00000.html
Louis Gesbert announced:After a few more months brewing, we are pleased to announce a new beta release of opam. With this new milestone, opam is reaching feature-freeze, with an expected 2.0.0 by the beginning of next year. See all details at http://opam.ocaml.org/blog/opam-2-0-beta5/ Thanks for testing!
Archive: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-sslconf-0-8-3-new/1228/1
Tony Wuersch announced:Hi. sslconf, 0.8.3, is an OCaml rewrite of the NCONF library in Openssl, available for installation via OPAM. As a pure OCaml rewrite, sslconf is unikernel-ready. sslconf parses and exposes Openssl config files as OCaml hash tables. Currently, the OPAM async_ssl library (built on Ctypes) accepts Openssl config files only from /etc/ssl/openssl.conf, and its API calls draw on data from these config files. An important use of config files is to hide passwords and secret data from the surfaces of command lines and environment variables. Command lines and environment variables may be read in real time by process status commands. They can also be copied to logs by auditing tools. Config files prevent these leaks. Openssl config files are given as examples in many support posts and books, such as for X509 extensions, certificate authority specification, and Kerberos PKINIT certificates. This rewrite should be able to read all Openssl config files, including features of the Openssl parser which are peculiar. The main peculiar feature is the possibility of line continuation characters at 512-byte offsets of very long lines, due to the parser reading lines in up to 512 byte chunks. A feature not present in Openssl NCONF is s-expression serialization and de-serialization of result hash tables. Another is a test suite with 100% coverage, i.e., every line of the implementation, thanks to bisect_ppx reporting. Ideally, sslconf should be used in sync with other OPAM packages, such as ocaml-certifiy for certificate creation and async_ssl for discovery of ASN.1 OIDs for names in config files. A github is at [https://github.com/awuersch/sslconf](https://github.com/awuersch/sslconf) . Please submit issues and pull requests to the github location.
Archive: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-ppxfind-use-legacy-ppx-rewriters-with-jbuilder/1240/1
Jérémie Dimino announced:I've just released a new [ppxfind](https://github.com/diml/ppxfind) tool in opam. This tool allows to use non-driverised ppx rewriters with jbuilder. It is it not the recommended way to use ppx rewriters with jbuilder, in particular you'll still have to specify runtime dependencies manually and preprocessing will be slower, however if you don't have a choice this tool can help. To use legacy ppx rewriters with jbuilder, simply write this in your jbuild file: ```scheme (preprocess (action (run ppxfind -legacy ppx1,ppx2,... --as-pp ${<}))) ```
Here is a sneak peek at some potential future features of the Ocaml compiler, discussed by their implementers in these Github Pull Requests. - Add specific explanation for unification errors involving functions of type unit -> _ https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/1505 - Extending `open` to accept arbitrary module expression https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/1506 - Add explanation for errors caused by a type constraint propagated from a keyword https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/1510 - Allow the user to shadow sub-modules of Pervasives https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/pull/1513
Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at OCaml Planet, http://ocaml.org/community/planet/. Frama-C 16 - Sulfur is out. Download ithere. http://frama-c.com/index.html
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