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Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of November 22 to 29, 2016.

  1. Uucd 4.0.0, Uucp 2.0.0, Uunf 2.0.0, Uuseg 1.0.0, Uutf 1.0.0
  2. Empty polymorphic variant set
  3. Compressing stream in Async.Tcp.Server
  4. OCaml version 4.04.0 is released.
  5. Camlp5 6.17 released (and moved to github)
  6. Other OCaml News

Uucd 4.0.0, Uucp 2.0.0, Uunf 2.0.0, Uuseg 1.0.0, Uutf 1.0.0


Daniel Bünzli announced:
Unicode 9.0.0 was released on the 21rst of june 2016. It adds 7'500 new
characters to the standard.

Cantabrigians will be delighted to substitute their frenetic use of MAN IN
BUSINESS SUIT LEVITATING (U+1F574, Unicode 7.0.0) by the new MAN IN TUXEDO
character (U+1F935, Unicode 9.0.0). See [0] for more details about all the

Accordingly the libraries mentioned at the end of this email had to be updated.
These are all incompatible releases as they now all support the new Uchar.t type
that is part of the standard library since 4.03 (usable before by using the
uchar OPAM/ocamlfind compatibility package). They also all compile with
-safe-string. See the individual release notes for more details about upgrading
--- a few functions were dropped to avoid duplicate functionality with those of
the new Uchar module.

If Unicode still puzzles you, remember that Uucp's documentation has an absolute
minimal Unicode introduction [1] and a few biased tips [2] to handle Unicode in




# Uucd 4.0.0
Unicode character database decoder for OCaml.

# Uucp 2.0.0
Unicode character properties for OCaml.

# Uunf 2.0.0
Unicode text normalization for OCaml.

# Uuseg 1.0.0
Unicode text segmentation for OCaml.

# Uutf 1.0.0
Non-blocking streaming Unicode codec for OCaml.

Empty polymorphic variant set


Julien Blond asked:
Let's try something :

$ ocaml
OCaml version 4.03.0

# let _ : [] list = [];;
Characters 9-10:
let _ : [] list = [];;

Error: Syntax error
# type empty = [];;
type empty = []
# let _ : empty list = [];;
- : empty list = []

Does anyone know if there is a reason to forbid the empty polymorphic variant
set in type expressions or if it's a bug ?
David Allsopp then replied:
As you've observed, [] is a variant constructor since 4.03.0 - see GPR#234
( The GPR contains references and
comments as to the motivation for this.

What's your desired use for the type of the non-extensible empty polymorphic variant?

Possibly related, you can define a general type for a list of polymorphic variants:

let (empty : [> ] list) = []


let (length : [> ] list -> int) = List.length;;
length [`Foo; `Bar];;
length [42];;

if that's what you were after?
Julien Blond then asked and Gabriel Scherer replied:
> Yes, i knew the variant constructor but, somehow i didn't realize i was
> precisely using it for my mind was focused on the polymorphic variant list
> :)
> In fact, i wondered if a generic result type like this
> type ('a, 'b) result = Ok of 'a | Error of 'b
> that we can see in several library could be used to specify a "safe" result
> which could have type something like ('a, []) result. One could encode 'b as
> some error list at type level but it needs some complicated type management
> and i'm targeting OCaml beginners for which i just want them to be careful
> about non nominal results.

I would agree that OCaml lacks a convenient way to define the empty
type. (It used to be possible using the revised syntax, which uses
braces to delimit (non-polymorphic) variant definitions, but this was
ruled out by sanity checks introduced in OCaml 4.02).

One way is to use GADTs to create an impossible type:

  type 'a onlybool = Bool : bool onlybool
  type empty = int onlybool

  let extract : ('a, empty) result -> 'a = function Ok x -> x

Since 4.03 (April 2016), it is possible to explicitly write a
so-called "refutation case", of the form "<pattern> -> .", to say that
a given case cannot happen -- it is an error if the type-checker
cannot verify it:

  let extract : ('a, empty) result -> 'a = function
    | Ok x -> x
    | Error _ -> .

I would support the idea of having a built-in "empty" type to
represent a variant type with no constructor -- but then I am probably
biased in favor of the empty type.
Markus Mottl also suggested:
My preferred way of representing the empty type is as follows:

  type void = { void : 'a. 'a }

This allows you to do:

  type t = A | B of void

  let f = function
    | A -> "A"
    | B { void } -> void

This can come in handy for e.g. partially implementing type
definitions.  Instead of raising exceptions in branches you cannot
implement yet, you just simply return "void", which unifies with
anything.  Since there is provably no way to create a value that would
end up in that branch, this is safe.  Once you complete the argument
definition for tag B, the compiler will detect all code locations that
depend on that branch.
Andreas Rossberg asked and Gabriel Scherer replied:
> Isn’t [an abstract type definition] a sufficiently convenient way to define an
> empty type?

It is not, because this is treated as a type whose definition is
unknown, rather that as a type that is known to have no inhabitant.
This is of course the only possible interpretation when (type empty)
occurs in a signature/declaration; but I think that having abstract
definitions be interpreted essentially as abstract declarations is
good design -- although I'm not completely sure how close exactly the
type-checker considers them today.

I also believe that this kind of declarations is used to define types
populated by the FFI -- with values coming from C -- which justifies
this stricter interpretation.

I forgot to point out, in my message above, that the (Error _ -> .)
case expresses intent, but is not necessary as the type-checker (in
recent OCaml versions) understands that the pattern-matching without
this case is exhaustive. One way to notice the difference is to try
with Andreas' definition, which the type-checker complains about:

 # type empty;;
 # let extract : ('a, empty) result -> 'a = function Ok x -> x;;
 Warning 8: this pattern-matching is not exhaustive.
 Here is an example of a case that is not matched:
 Error _
 val extract : ('a, empty) result -> 'a = <fun>
Yaron Minsky then said:
For what it's worth, Core_kernel's Nothing.t type is an impossible
type in Gabriel's sense. It effectively uses this pattern:

module Equal = struct
  type (_,_) t = Equal : ('a,'a) t

type nothing = (unit,int) Equal.t

let f (x:(unit,nothing) result) =
  match x with
  | Ok () -> ()
Markus Mottl then said and Gabriel Scherer replied:
> Interesting, somehow it had escaped my attention that match case
> elimination also applies to ordinary sum types if they have GADT
> arguments.  I thought that this was only supported for GADTs.  In that
> case the "nothing" approach, though requiring an explicit type
> annotation, might be an even neater solution.

It used to be the case that the only way to get the type-checker to
reason on which constructors of a GADT can or cannot happen from type
information was to have one of the constructors of this GADT to occur
explicitly in the pattern-matching. The code above would thus have
beeen warned as non-exhaustive as the type-checker could not "see"
that the missing case, namely _, was in fact equivalent to (Error _),
and that there was no possible constructor to fill that last wildcard.
(Doing a case-analysis on the possible patterns a "_" could be
decomposed into is called "exploding" the wildcard.)

Jacques Garrigue gave at talk at the 2015 ML workshop on the question
of: how much wildcard should we explode when analyzing

  GADTs and exhaustiveness: looking for the impossible
  Jacques Garrigue and Jacques Le Normand

If we explode wildcards as long as the type says we can, we can
non-terminate on recursive types. If we explode wildcard too much, the
performance of type-checking can suffer a lot. If we don't explode
enough, we are unable to check exhaustiveness effectively.

Jacques and Jacques' idea was to let people write pattern to say "this
case cannot happen", and that would serve two roles at once: indicate
author's intent in tricky case (an aspect of language design whose
importance cannot be understated), and also serve as "exploding hints"
for the type-checker, who would explode as deeply as those refutation
patterns directed it to -- plus one more, if I remember correctly.
This is highly similar to Agda's "absurd patterns".

The rest of the discussion, including a lengthy but ultimately fairly
satisfying syntax bike-shedding session, can be found on Mantis:

> I wonder whether the type checker could be made to identify such match
> case elimination opportunities with the previously mentioned "empty"
> and "void" type definitions, too, which are obviously unpopulated.

I think we don't want to be in the business of arbitrary proof search
for emptyness or inhabitation. For GADTs there are well-understood
notion of equations, (in)compatible types that naturally lead to the
type-checker detecting some cases as impossible -- so these
"elimination opportunities" are intrisic to GADTs as a feature. Adding
heuristics to detect other notions of non-inhabitation sounds risky.
Do we have strong use-cases for this?

Compressing stream in Async.Tcp.Server


Paolo Donadeo asked and Francois Beranger answered:
> Hi all, I'm writing a simple client/server application using Async.Rpc.
> The skeletons of the client and server is essentially derived from the
> examples available on line.
> Since the messages are highly compressible, I would like to use ZLib
> (e.g. Cryptokit) but I can't figure out how.

I have some using-cryptokit compression example in there (function zlib):
Yaron Minsky also replied:
This is a good question. I think there isn't an especially nice
solution for this, but one can write an alternate transport satisfying
this interface:

that does the compression, which should be enough. But this is not
nicely pre-packaged functionality. It would be nice to have that, and
PRs are certainly welcome...

OCaml version 4.04.0 is released.


Continuing this old thread, Gabriel Scherer said:
Another less good news: 4.04.0 has a regression in Unix.create_process
on some Windows machines, when using 64bits builds of OCaml.

For 64bits Windows users, it is probably best to wait for a bugfix
release before upgrading to OCaml 4.04.

Camlp5 6.17 released (and moved to github)


Daniel de Rauglaudre announced:
Camlp5 6.17 compabible with latest version of OCaml has been released.
Access for download at

Note: Camlp5 is now accomodated by github. Please submit your bugs
and feature requests as issues

Pull requests are welcome.

Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog:
Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at OCaml Planet,

Unicode 9.0.0 refresh

OCaml EFL 1.18.0 released

Old cwn

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Alan Schmitt