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Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of November 08 to 15, 2016.

  1. The fastest stream library
  2. RISC-V native backend, no longer cross-compiling
  3. Bucklescript 1.3.0 - A blazing fast build tool on all platforms
  4. Other OCaml News

The fastest stream library


Continuing this thread, Gabriel Scherer said:
I think we are on the same wavelength, but given that you are an expert on
streaming library I'm going to expand on Enum as you might be interested. There
are many feature axes for streaming libraries and Enum tries to cover a bit too
much of them. It was designed, by the Extlib project, as a go-between library to
translate from one data structure to the other, and to be as flexible as

- It supports a wide variety of combinators common to stream libraries, on both
finite and infinite stream; there is also a notion of whether it's easy/fast,
for a given stream, to compute its size (without consuming the stream), to eg.
preallocate arrays when converting from enum to array, and combinators try to
preserve that information when they can
- In the style of the venerable Stream module, Enum is a "destructive streaming"
library, in that it mutates its internal state when you access the next element.
I think the idea is that in general this is more memory-efficient (you cannot
keep a reference to the start of the stream that leaks memory), but it's also a
bit error-prone in non-linear usage scenarios.
- To still support non-linear usage scenarios, Enum streams have a "clone"
operation that duplicates a stream into two copies. The useful, interesting and
difficult thing about clone is that getting the same element on both the
original and the clone stream should not duplicate any side-effects involved in
computing the value: clone should duplicate the stream of values, but keep
threading the computation effect.

In my experience most of the complexity (and fragility) of the current Enum
implementation comes from the destructive aspects and cloning. The
implementation is in a fairly imperative style (enumerations are defined as
object-style record of *mutable* methods that close over the enumeration state)
and there is a fair amount of bookkeeping involved on each update/next to
support this feature set. This is not a big issue for the original use-case,
which is to convert between data structures (have 2*N conversion functions,
Foo.{to,of}_enum, instead of N^2 conversion functions), where performance
bottlenecks are usually on the data-structure-processing side, but this means
that using Enum for heavy stream processing is known to be slow. Again, I would
expect BatSeq (which is neither destructive nor memoizing) to do much better on
these workflows.

It is perfectly reasonable to question whether we need this complex feature set
for a central streaming library. I have mixed thoughts on this question:

- as a library developer, my experience is that the current implementation is
too fragile and too slow for its own good, and I think that users would be
better served by a simpler abstraction that does less in a more robust way. The
pragmatic choice is thus to use simpler stream libraries. Another interesting
point is that, if you develop those simpler, more robust stream libraries, it is
sometimes possible to reuse them to build more complex streams on top of them
(for example, a solid purely-functional stream implementation can be turned into
a destructive stream implementation by passing references to functional streams
around), so this decomposition of concern would also help rebuilding a more
robust Enum. Simon Cruanes did good work in that direction in preliminary
versions of his Containers/Sequence libraries (I can't find specific references
right now, to the various streaming types with different feature support).

- as a language designer, I think that our inability to implement Enum robustly
on the first attempt is the sign of an interesting problem to be solved. The
feature set, from a user point of view, is *not* unreasonable, and justifiably
useful in some scenarios. As language designers, we know that the cloning /
non-duplication of effects is like playing with fire, but that is still a
problem that we should be able to solve. (We have people properly design
lock-free data structures, which are also unreasonably complex; we should be
demanding of our standard libraries!) If I had a good way to *specify* the
behaviour of a streaming library respecting all these constraints, I think that
would also clarify how to give an simpler, more efficient, more robust
implementation of it. (Another concern that it could be interesting to throw in
the mix is batching.) I regret not being informed enough about the myriad of
Haskell-side solutions to the problem of effectful streaming, as there may also
be interesting inspiration to be taken. I tried to get François Pottier
interested in the problem of formalizing a specification for Enum, but he ran
away screaming before I finished enumerating the design points above.
Oleg then said:
        Thank you for the detailed and thoughtful message and the
motivations behind Enum choices. The library and language design was
the central issue in our paper. We do have a different overall
approach, which you haven't yet touched. The approach is

        It is high-performance community who discovered for themselves
that the most promising way to increase or maintain performance is by
meta-programming. It was late Ken Kennedy (of High-Performance Fortran
fame) who came with telescoping languages and popularized the idea of
active libraries. It was again Ken Kennedy who coined the phrase
``abstraction without guilt''. The references (in old, by now) paper
make the case that become even clearer by now

Thus we can have a very general interface and still very efficient
implementation. We can have a pure functional, a fully compositional
interface and a very tangled, imperative implementation with
reference cells all over. The strymonas library is an example of that.
Simon Cruanes then said and Gabriel Scherer replied:
>  Using meta-programming is very nice indeed, but until meta-OCaml is
>  merged into OCaml itself, it will be no use for most OCaml programmers
>  (at least, those I know of). So it still makes sense to write
>  alternative stream libraries that do not rely on metaprogramming nor on
>  features yet to come (effects…). For pure OCaml libraries, there is no
>  clear winner yet (depends on what API is exposed), Sequence is faster in
>  most cases but cannot implement zip/merge, BatSeq/Core.Sequence are good
>  in average and probably the best tradeoff overall, Enum is a bit
>  complicated but quite comprehensive…

In case anyone on the list wonders about MetaOCaml ( ), an excellent resource to learn about
it is Jeremy Yallop's course on staging (as part of an Advanced Functional
Programming course at Cambridge, ), presented as an
IOCamlJS notebook:

The last discussion about whether MetaOCaml could eventually be merged into
OCaml that I'm aware of happened in May 2015: . At the time, Oleg replied that there
are still design aspects of (BER) MetaOCaml that he was not fully satisfied
with, and wanted to wait before proposing it for upstreaming.

(There is a virtuous interaction between MetaOCaml and modular implicits; in
particular, one pain point of MetaOCaml's design is cross-stage persistence
(should it be a language construct or a derived operation?), and implicits make
it much more convenient to define and use persistence operators.)

RISC-V native backend, no longer cross-compiling


Continuing this thread, Richard Jones announced:
I have added your backend to the Fedora Rawhide OCaml 4.04.0 package.

It's not yet built in the publicly available Fedora/RISC-V packages,
since those are based on Fedora 25 [currently Rawhide is the future
Fedora 26].  However you can still look at the sources here:

A couple of things which would help us (a little, although they are
not a big deal):

- Squash your patches down to a single commit ...

- ... but separate out the config.guess/config.sub change in
  a separate commit, since we would usually copy those in
  from our own copies.

Thanks for your great work on OCaml & RISC-V,
Richard Jones later added:
> It's not yet built in the publicly available Fedora/RISC-V packages,
> since those are based on Fedora 25 [currently Rawhide is the future
> Fedora 26].

Actually I changed my mind on this bit and I'm going to build the
OCaml packages into the RISC-V tree.  They'll be available in the next
day or two at

Bucklescript 1.3.0 - A blazing fast build tool on all platforms


Hongbo Zhang announced:
We are glad to announce BuckleScript 1.3.0 release

This release comes with a truly blazing fast build tool working on all
platforms(native Windows experience!) for BuckleScript.

Documentation is available here:

Here are some tests for a project which contains 56 modules on a 2013 Mac Book

bucklescript-testing> /usr/local/lib/node_modules/bs-platform/bin/bsb.exe -t clean
Cleaning... 392 files.
bucklescript-testing>time /usr/local/lib/node_modules/bs-platform/bin/bsb.exe
ninja: Entering directory `lib/bs'
[112/112] Building src/web.mlast.d
[168/168] Building /Users/hongbozhang/git/bucklescript-testing/lib/ocaml/main_todo_optimizedmap.cmi
real 0m0.557s
user 0m1.475s
sys 0m0.924s
bucklescript-testing>touch src/ && time /usr/local/lib/node_modules/bs-platform/bin/bsb.exe
ninja: Entering directory `lib/bs'
[2/2] Building src/counter.mlast.d
[6/6] Building /Users/hongbozhang/git/bucklescript-testing/lib/ocaml/main_embeddedCounters.cmj
real 0m0.055s
user 0m0.033s
sys 0m0.026s
bucklescript-testing>time /usr/local/lib/node_modules/bs-platform/bin/bsb.exe
ninja: Entering directory `lib/bs'
ninja: no work to do.
real 0m0.012s
user 0m0.006s
sys 0m0.005s

Thanks -- Hongbo

Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog:
Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at OCaml Planet,

Visiting Researchers

OCaml Hack Event: Activity Summaries

A solution to the ppx versioning problem

Old cwn

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Alan Schmitt