Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of May 13 to 20, 2014.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-05/msg00081.html
Török Edwin announced:LibreS3 0.2 was just released. Source Download: http://cdn.skylable.com/source/libres3-0.2.tar.gz Binary packages(RedHat/CentOS 6/Fedora 19/Debian Wheezy/Ubuntu Precise): http://www.skylable.com/download/#LibreS3 The package is also available on opam: $ opam update $ opam install libres3 To configure[*]: $ `opam config var sbin`/libres3_setup To start the daemon: $ `opam config var sbin`/libres3 start To test it: $ s3cmd -c `opam config var etc`/libres3/libres3.sample.s3cfg mb s3://foo Changes in this release include: * Fix daemonization at startup, and exit code on shutdown * Portability/packaging fixes for FreeBSD/Debian/CentOS * Fix pre-signed URL expiration handling * Reduce resource usage (number of threads) * Other bugfixes and improvements * Uses latest upstream version of all packages, should build much faster as it doesn't need to rebuild ocsigenserver/ocamlnet Homepage: http://www.skylable.com/products/libres3 License: GPL-2.0 with OpenSSL exception Status: Beta Author: "Török Edwin" <edwin@skylable.com> Bugreports: https://bugzilla.skylable.com Mailing list: http://lists.skylable.com/ Documentation: http://www.skylable.com/products/libres3/quickstart [*]: note: it is in sbin for consistency with binary package, so unfortunately a simple 'opam config exec libres3' doesn't work
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-05/msg00087.html
Yaron Minsky announced:Jane Street is looking to hire an experienced compiler engineer to work on improving the OCaml compiler. The focus would be on performance-related improvements to the compiler and runtime system. The job would also include working on other aspects of the compiler and the supporting toolchain including our internal development tools. We're particularly interested in people with experience in areas like optimization, GC and language runtimes, and are happy to consider candidates who are not (yet) OCaml experts. The position would be full-time, and could be based in either London or New York. If you're interested (or know someone I should reach out to), please email me directly, at yminsky@janestreet.com.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-05/msg00090.html
Martin Jambon announced:Esper is hiring generalist software engineers. Based in Palo Alto, California (Silicon Valley) we're one of the only US startups that uses OCaml in the backend. In the frontend, we use JavaScript, Java (Android), and soon Objective-C (iOS). We're currently looking for engineers who can work in all those areas, can contribute on day one, and be product owners in our startup. We also like to have fun -- our team almost escaped a Japanese puzzle room, and we won the Yosemite Half Dome lottery, so we'll also be on top of a mountain too! You can find out more about our company here: http://esper.com/jobs.html This SO answer will give you an idea of how we use OCaml: http://stackoverflow.com/a/19355173/597517 Let me know if you or anyone you know might be interested. It's alright if the people you recommend aren't actively looking. We'd also like to get to know people who are interested in OCaml and can give us their feedback on our startup. I've cc'd our CEO Andrew, who would be happy to answer any additional questions.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-05/msg00092.html
Ben Millwood announced:I am delighted to announce the 111.13.00 release of the Core suite. The following packages were upgraded: - async - async_extra - async_unix - bignum - core - core_extended - core_kernel - patdiff - sexplib - type_conv With this release, we are also including a new package, patience_diff. There's no new code here, but it's been extracted from core_extended since it only really requires core_kernel, and can now be compiled to JavaScript, cf. https://github.com/samoht/irminsule/issues/39 Files and documentation for this release are available on our website and all packages are in opam: https://ocaml.janestreet.com/ocaml-core/111.13.00/individual/ https://ocaml.janestreet.com/ocaml-core/111.13.00/doc/ Here is the list of changes for this version: ## async_extra - For `Typed_tcp.create`, added a `Client_id.t` argument to the `auth` callback. ## async_unix - Added `Scheduler.yield_every`, which returns a function that calls `Scheduler.yield` every n-th call. This is useful in circumstances where you don't have strict control over where a deferred is examined, as in a `Deferred.List.iter`. ## bignum - Eliminated the dependence of `Bignum` on `Re2`, and reduced dependence from `Core` to `Core_kernel`. - Extended the rounding interface to bring it in line with int and float rounding. - Improved the performance of `Bignum`'s binprot. `Bignum`'s binprot had been to just binprot the decimal string representation. This is both slow to do and unnecessarily big in the majority of cases. Did something better in the majority of cases and fell back to this representation in the exceptional case. $ ./inline_benchmarks_runner Estimated testing time 20s (2 benchmarks x 10s). Change using -quota SECS. | Name | Time/Run | mWd/Run | Percentage | |----------------------------------------------------+----------+-----------+------------| | bignum0.ml:Stable:Bignum binprot roundtrip compact | 7.87us | 490.00w | 32.88% | | bignum0.ml:Stable:Bignum binprot roundtrip classic | 23.94us | 1_079.00w | 100.00% | ## core_extended - Moved `Patience_diff` out of `Core_extended` into its own library. ## core_kernel - Added a `Sequence` module that implements polymorphic, on-demand sequences. Also implemented conversion to `Sequence.t` from various containers. - Improved the explicitness and expressiveness of `Binary_searchable.binary_search`. `binary_search` now takes an additional (polymorphic variant) argument describing the relationship of the returned position to the element being searched for. val binary_search : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> t -> compare:(elt -> elt -> int) -> [ `Last_strictly_less_than (** {v | < elt X | v} *) | `Last_less_than_or_equal_to (** {v | <= elt X | v} *) | `Last_equal_to (** {v | = elt X | v} *) | `First_equal_to (** {v | X = elt | v} *) | `First_greater_than_or_equal_to (** {v | X >= elt | v} *) | `First_strictly_greater_than (** {v | X > elt | v} *) ] -> elt -> int option - Added a new function, `Binary_searchable.binary_search_segmented`, that can search an array consisting of two segments, rather than ordered by `compare`. (** [binary_search_segmented ?pos ?len t ~segment_of which] takes an [segment_of] function that divides [t] into two (possibly empty) segments: {v | segment_of elt = `Left | segment_of elt = `Right | v} [binary_search_segmented] returns the index of the element on the boundary of the segments as specified by [which]: [`Last_on_left] yields the index of the last element of the left segment, while [`First_on_right] yields the index of the first element of the right segment. It returns [None] if the segment is empty. By default, [binary_search] searches the entire [t]. One can supply [?pos] or [?len] to search a slice of [t]. [binary_search_segmented] does not check that [segment_of] segments [t] as in the diagram, and behavior is unspecified if [segment_of] doesn't segment [t]. Behavior is also unspecified if [segment_of] mutates [t]. *) val binary_search_segmented : ?pos:int -> ?len:int -> t -> segment_of:(elt -> [ `Left | `Right ]) -> [ `Last_on_left | `First_on_right ] -> int option - Made `Queue` match `Binary_searchable.S1`. - Made `Gc.Stat` and `Gc.Control` match `Comparable`. - Fixed some unit tests in `Type_immediacy` that were fragile due to GC. ## sexplib - In `Sexplib.Std`, renamed `Macro` as `Sexp_macro`. ## type_conv - Removed some unused-value warnings when `with` is used in signatures. Removed warnings in cases like: include (module_expr : sig type t with bin_io end)
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-05/msg00094.html
Thomas Braibant announced:A short message in french to give the program of the next OCaml-Paris meetup, on Thursday, May 22, at 19:00 at IRILL : J'ai le plaisir de vous annoncer que la prochaine rencontre du Meetup OCaml-Paris (OUPS) aura lieu le jeudi 22 mai à l'IRILL, selon la formule habituelle (exposés + discussion + pot). Au programme, à partir de 19h00 : - Gabriel Scherer, "Some new features of 4.02" - François Bobot, "Forgetful Memoization in Ocaml: Ephemerons" - Benoit Vaugon, "A new implementation of OCaml formats based on GADTs" - Jonathan Protzenko, "Building a FIP box. War stories about OCaml, a Raspberry Pi, ctypes, i2c, an adafruit LCF, lwt, cohttp, and a soldering iron". Lexifi a accepté d'être sponsor pour le pot, et nous les en remercions. Toutes les infos sont disponibles ici: http://www.meetup.com/ocaml-paris/events/181647232/ Inscrivez-vous nombreux !
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-05/msg00095.html
David Van Horn announced:====================================================================== CALL FOR SUBMISSION SRC@ICFP 2014 Gothenburg, Sweden 1-3 September 2014 http://www.icfpconference.org/icfp2014/src.html Co-located with the International Conference on Functional Programming (ICFP 2014) ====================================================================== Student Research Competition ------------------------ This year ICFP will host a Student Research Competition where undergraduate and postgraduate students can present posters. The SRC at the ICFP 2014 consists of three rounds: Extended abstract round: All students are encouraged to submit an extended abstract outlining their research (800 words). Poster session at ICFP 2014: Based on the abstracts, a panel of judges will select the most promising entrants to participate in the poster session which will take place at ICFP. Students who make it to this round will be eligible for some travel support to attend the conference. In the poster session, students will have the opportunity to present their work to the judges, who will select three finalists in each category* (graduate/undergraduate) to advance to the next round. ICFP presentation: The last round will consist of an oral presentation at the ICFP to compete for the final awards in each category. Prizes ----- * Both the top three graduate and the top three undergraduate winners will receive prizes of $500, $300, and $200, respectively. * All six winners will receive award medals and a two-year complimentary ACM student membership, including a subscription to ACM's Digital Library. * The names of the winners will be posted on the SRC web site. * The overall first place winner of the SRC will be invited to participate in the ACM SRC Grand Finals, an on-line round of competitions among the winners of other conference-hosted SRCs. * Grand Finalists and their advisors will be invited to the Annual ACM Awards Banquet for an all-expenses-paid trip, where they will be recognized for their accomplishments along with other prestigious ACM award winners, including the winner of the Turing Award (also known as the Nobel Prize of Computing). * The top three graduate Grand Finalists will receive an additional $500, $300, and $200. Likewise, the top three undergraduate Grand Finalists will receive an additional $500, $300, and $200. All six Grand Finalists will receive Grand Finalist certificates. * The ACM, Microsoft Research, and our industrial partners provide financial support for students attending the SRC. You can find more information about this on the ACM website. Eligibility -------- The SRC is open to both undergraduate (not in a PhD programme) and graduate students (in a PhD programme). Upon submission, entrants must be enrolled as a student at their universities, and are ACM student members. Furthermore, there are some constraints on what kind of work may be submitted. Previously published work: Submissions should consist of original work (not yet accepted for publication). If the work is a continuation of previously published work, the submission should focus on the contribution over what has already been published. We encourage students to see this as an opportunity to get early feedback and exposure for the work they plan to submit to the next ICFP or POPL. Collaborative work: Students are encouraged to submit work they have been conducting in collaboration with others, including advisors, internship mentors, or other students. However, submissions are individual, so they must focus on the contributions of the student. Submission Details --------------- Each submission should include the student author's name, institutional affiliation, e-mail address, and postal address; research advisor's name; ACM student member number; category (undergraduate or graduate); research title; and an extended abstract addressing the following: * Problem and Motivation: Clearly state the problem being addressed and explain the reasons for seeking a solution to this problem. * Background and Related Work: Describe the specialized (but pertinent) background necessary to appreciate the work. Include references to the literature where appropriate, and briefly explain where your work departs from that done by others. * Approach and Uniqueness: Describe your approach in attacking the problem and clearly state how your approach is novel. * Results and Contributions: Clearly show how the results of your work contribute to computer science and explain the significance of those results. The abstract must describe the student's individual research and must be authored solely by the student. If the work is collaborative with others and/or part of a larger group project, the abstract should make clear what the student's role was and should focus on that portion of the work. The extended abstract must not exceed 800 words and must not be longer than 2 pages. The reference list does not count towards these limits. To submit an abstract, please register through the submission page and follow the instructions. Abstracts submitted after the deadline may be considered at the committee's discretion, but only after decisions have been made on all abstracts submitted before the deadline. If you have any problems, don't hesitate to contact the competition chair. Important Dates ------------- * Deadline for submission: 29 June * Notification of acceptance: 14 July Selection Committee ---------------- Jeremy Gibbons, University of Oxford Andrew Kennedy, Microsoft Research Cambridge Matthieu Sozeau, INRIA Paris Sam Tobin-Hochstadt, Indiana University Meng Wang, Chalmers University of Technology (Chair) Stephanie Weirich, University of Pennsylvania Transport of your poster ------------------- You can either bring your poster on your own to the conference or mail it to the local organizers: Attn.: Meng Wang Chalmers University of Technology Department of Computer Science and Engineering SE-412 96 Göteborg, Sweden If you choose to mail, please make sure that the poster will arrive at the latest on 30th August 2014.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-05/msg00099.html
Daniel Bünzli announced:I’d like to announce the first release of Tgls: Tgls is a set of independent OCaml libraries providing thin bindings to OpenGL libraries. It has support for core OpenGL 3.{2,3} and 4.{0,1,2,3,4} and OpenGL ES {2,3}. Tgls depends on ocaml-ctypes and the C OpenGL library of your platform. It is distributed under the BSD3 license. Home page: http://erratique.ch/software/tgls API Documentation: http://erratique.ch/software/tgls/doc Information about OpenGL version coverage: https://github.com/dbuenzli/tgls#supported-opengl-versions It should soon be available in opam. Best, Daniel P.S. Some background information about the library can be found in this message: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-01/msg00008.html
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-05/msg00100.html
Daniel Bünzli announced:I’d like to announce the first release of Tsdl: Tsdl is an OCaml library providing thin bindings to the cross-platform SDL C library. Tsdl depends on the SDL 2.0.1 C library (or later) and ocaml-ctypes. Tsdl is distributed under the BSD3 license. Home page: http://erratique.ch/software/tsdl API documentation: http://erratique.ch/software/tsdl/doc/Tsdl It should be available in opam shortly. Part of this work was made undercover while I was visiting OCaml Labs last summer, many thanks to them for their support. Best, Daniel P.S. On macosx we still have some kind of unresolved spinning bug [1] that seem to be due to an interaction with libffi. It can be circumvented by using a compiler switch with this patch [2] (basically remove the -no_compact_unwind option and add -w to silence the huge pile of warnings that ensue). [1] http://lists.ocaml.org/pipermail/ctypes/2014-February/000066.html [2] https://gist.github.com/dbuenzli/9050340
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-05/msg00105.html
Deep in this thread, Jonathan Protzenko said:Shameless plug: there's a blog post at gagallium's which recaps the various versions of OCaml on windows http://gallium.inria.fr/~scherer/gagallium/the-ocaml-installer-for-windows/. tl;dr : - the "ocaml" package from the cygwin distribution is a cygwin program which generates cygwin executables -- these depend on cygwin1.dll to run - the installer from http://protz.github.com/ocaml-installer/ is a native windows program, which generates native windows program -- these do not need anything specific to execute. The second option does also require cygwin, however, as most of the ecosystem (e.g. ocamlbuild) assumes a unix-like environment.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-05/msg00108.html
Jacques Garrigue announced:You have 4 more days to submit a talk proposal. We are particularly interested in hearing from developers and hackers. ============================================================================== OCAML 2014 The OCaml Users and Developers Workshop http://ocaml.org/meetings/ocaml/2014/ Gothenburg, Sweden September 5, 2014 CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS Co-located with ICFP 2014 Sponsored by SIGPLAN Talk Proposal Submission Deadline: May 23, 2014 (Extended) ============================================================================== The OCaml Users and Developers Workshop brings together industrial users of OCaml with academics and hackers who are working on extending the language, type system and tools. Previous editions have been colocated with ICFP 2012 in Copenhagen, and ICFP 2013 in Boston, following the OCaml Meetings in Paris in 2010 and 2011. OCaml 2014 will be held on September 5, 2014, in Gothenburg, colocated with ICFP 2014. Scope ===== Discussions will focus on the practical aspects of OCaml programming and the nitty gritty of the tool-chain and upcoming improvements and changes. Thus, we aim to solicit talks on all aspects related to improving the use or development of the language and of its programming environment, including, for example: - compiler developments, new backends, runtime and architectures - practical type system improvements, such as (but not limited to) GADTs, first-class modules, generic programming, or dependent types - new library or application releases, and their design rationales - tools and infrastructure services, and their enhancements - prominent industrial uses of OCaml, or deployments in unusual situations. Submission ========== It will be an informal meeting, with an online scribe report of the meeting, but no formal proceedings. Slides of presentations will be available online from the workshop homepage. The presentations will likely be recorded, and made available at a later time. To submit a talk, please register a description of the talk (about 2 pages long) at https://www.easychair.org/conferences/?conf=ocaml2014, providing a clear statement of what will be brought by the talk: the problems that are addressed, the technical solutions or methods that are proposed. If you wish to perform a demo or require any special setup, we will do our best to accommodate you. Schedule ======== Abstract Submission Deadline: Friday, May 23, 2014 23:59 UTC-11 Notification to Speakers: Monday, June 30, 2014 Workshop: Friday, September 5, 2014 ML family workshop and post-proceedings ======================================= The ML family workshop, held on the previous day, deals with general issues of the ML-style programming and type systems, and is seen as more research oriented. Yet there is an overlap with the OCaml workshop, which we are keen to explore, for instance by having a common session. The authors who feel their submission fits both workshops are encouraged to mention it at submission time and/or contact the Program Chairs. As another form of cooperation, we are considering combined post-conference proceedings of selected papers from the two workshops. The Program Committees shall invite interested authors of selected presentations to expand their abstract for inclusion in the proceedings. The submissions would be reviewed according to the standards of the publication. Program Committee ================= * Esther Baruk, LexiFi, France * Jacques Garrigue, Nagoya University, Japan (chair) * Oleg Kiselyov, Monterey, CA, USA * Pierre Letouzey, Universite Paris 7, France * Luc Maranget, INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France * Keisuke Nakano, University of Electro-Communications, Japan * Yoann Padioleau, Facebook, USA * Andreas Rossberg, Google, Germany * Julien Signoles, CEA LIST, France * Leo White, University of Cambridge, UK If you have any questions, please e-mail: Jacques Garrigue <ocaml2014 AT easychair DOT org>
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2014-05/msg00109.html
oleg announced:Extended submission deadline: May 23 (Friday), any time zone Four more days to write a 2-page abstract Submissions of demos, case studies and informed opinions are particularly encouraged! Higher-order, Typed, Inferred, Strict: ACM SIGPLAN ML Family Workshop Thursday September 4, 2014, Gothenburg, Sweden (immediately following ICFP and preceding OCaml Users and Developers Workshop) Call For Papers http://okmij.org/ftp/ML/ML14.html ML is a very large family of programming languages that includes Standard ML, OCaml, F#, SML#, Manticore, MetaOCaml, JoCaml, Alice ML, Dependent ML, Flow Caml, and many others. All ML languages, beside the great deal of syntax, share several fundamental traits. They are all higher-order, strict, mostly pure, and typed, with algebraic and other data types. Their type systems inherit from Hindley-Milner. The development of these languages has inspired a significant amount of computer science research and influenced a number of programming languages, including Haskell, Scala and Clojure, as well as Rust, ATS and many others. ML workshops have been held in affiliation with ICFP continuously since 2005. This workshop specifically aims to recognize the entire extended ML family and to provide the forum to present and discuss common issues, both practical (compilation techniques, implementations of concurrency and parallelism, programming for the Web) and theoretical (fancy types, module systems, metaprogramming). The scope of the workshop includes all aspects of the design, semantics, theory, application, implementation, and teaching of the members of the ML family. We also encourage presentations from related languages (such as Scala, Rust, Nemerle, ATS, etc.), to exchange experience of further developing ML ideas. The ML family workshop will be held in close coordination with the OCaml Users and Developers Workshop. Format Since 2010, the ML workshop has adopted an informal model. Presentations are selected from submitted abstracts. There are no published proceedings, so any contributions may be submitted for publication elsewhere. We hope that this format encourages the presentation of exciting (if unpolished) research and deliver a lively workshop atmosphere. Each presentation should take 20-25 minutes, except demos, which should take 10-15 minutes. The exact time will be decided based on the number of accepted submissions. The presentations will likely be recorded. Post-conference proceedings The post-proceedings of selected papers from the ML Family and the OCaml Users and Developers workshops will be published in the Electronic Proceedings in Theoretical Computer Science (EPTCS). The Program Committee shall invite interested authors of selected presentations to expand their abstract for inclusion in the proceedings. The submissions are to be reviewed according to the EPTCS standards. Coordination with the OCaml Users and Developers Workshop The OCaml workshop is seen as more practical and is dedicated in significant part to the OCaml community building and the evolution of the OCaml system. In contrast, the ML family workshop is not focused on any language in particular, is more research oriented, and deals with general issues of the ML-style programming and type systems. Yet there is an overlap, which we are keen to explore in various ways. The authors who feel their submission fits both workshops are encouraged to mention it at submission time or contact the Program Chairs. Scope We acknowledge the whole breadth of the ML family and aim to include languages that are closely related (although not by blood), such as Rust, ATS, Scala, Typed Clojure. Those languages have implemented and investigated run-time and type system choices that may be worth considering for OCaml, F# and other ML languages. We also hope that the exposure to the state of the art ML might favorably influence those related languages. Specifically, we seek research presentations on topics including but not limited to * Design: concurrency, distribution and mobility, programming for the web and embedded systems, handling semi-structured data, facilitating interactive programming, higher forms of polymorphism, generic programming, objects * Implementation: compilation techniques, interpreters, type checkers, partial evaluators, runtime systems, garbage collectors, etc. * Type systems: fancy types, inference, effects, overloading, modules, contracts, specifications and assertions, dynamic typing, error reporting, etc. * Applications: case studies, experience reports, pearls, etc. * Environments: libraries, tools, editors, debuggers, cross-language interoperability, functional data structures, etc. * Education: ML and ML-like languages in college or high-school, in general or computer science curriculum. Four kinds of submissions will be accepted: Informed Positions, Research Presentations, Experience Reports and Demos. * Informed Positions: A justified argument for or against a language feature. The argument must be substantiated, either theoretically (e.g., by a demonstration of (un)soundness, an inference algorithm, a complexity analysis), empirically or by a substantial experience. Personal experience is accepted as justification so long as it is extensive and illustrated with concrete examples. * Research Presentations: Research presentations should describe new ideas, experimental results, or significant advances in ML-related projects. We especially encourage presentations that describe work in progress, that outline a future research agenda, or that encourage lively discussion. These presentations should be structured in a way which can be, at least in part, of interest to (advanced) users. * Experience Reports: Users are invited to submit Experience Reports about their use of ML and related languages. These presentations do not need to contain original research but they should tell an interesting story to researchers or other advanced users, such as an innovative or unexpected use of advanced features or a description of the challenges they are facing or attempting to solve. * Demos: Live demonstrations or short tutorials should show new developments, interesting prototypes, or work in progress, in the form of tools, libraries, or applications built on or related to ML. (You will need to provide all the hardware and software required for your demo; the workshop organizers are only able to provide a projector.) Important dates Friday May 23 (any time zone): Abstract submission Monday June 30: Author notification Thursday September 4, 2014: ML Family Workshop Submission Submissions should be at most two pages, in PDF format, and printable on US Letter or A4 sized paper. A submission should have a synopsis (2-3 lines) and a body between 1 and 2 pages, in one- or two-column layout. The synopsis should be suitable for inclusion in the workshop program. Submissions must be uploaded to the workshop submission website before the submission deadline (Monday May 19, 2014). For any question concerning the scope of the workshop or the submission process, please contact the program chair. Program Committee Kenichi Asai Ochanomizu University, Japan Matthew Fluet Rochester Institute of Technology, USA Jacques Garrigue Nagoya University, Japan Dave Herman Mozilla, USA Stefan Holdermans Vector Fabrics, Netherlands Oleg Kiselyov (Chair) Monterey, CA, USA Keiko Nakata Tallinn University of Technology, Estonia Didier Remy INRIA Paris-Rocquencourt, France Zhong Shao Yale University, USA Hongwei Xi Boston University, USA
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the OCaml Weekly News the links to the recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at http://planet.ocaml.org/. Full Time: Software Engineer (Technology R&D) at National ICT Australia Pty Ltd in Sydney, Australia: http://jobs.github.com/positions/1ec2afae-df1f-11e3-95a0-f97d78da150a Tsdl 0.8.0: http://erratique.ch/software/tsdl OCaml 4.02: everything else: https://blogs.janestreet.com/ocaml-4-02-everything-else/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=ocaml-4-02-everything-else Tgls 0.8.0: http://erratique.ch/software/tgls Current (and future?) state of OCamlbuild parallelization: http://gallium.inria.fr/blog/ocamlbuild-parallelization Core_bench: better micro-benchmarks through linear regression: https://blogs.janestreet.com/core_bench-micro-benchmarking-for-ocaml/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=core_bench-micro-benchmarking-for-ocaml Depth first search: http://shayne-fletcher.blogspot.com/2014/05/depth-first-search.html
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