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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of November 26 to December 03, 2013.

  1. pfff 0.25, tools and APIs for program analysis of PHP/Java/JS/C/ML/PHP/...
  2. improved BER MetaOCaml N101, for OCaml 4.01
  3. how to create (format) directives that do not take any arguments?
  4. Confusing behaviour of type inference for polymorphic classes
  5. Main program in C - a script
  6. Js_of_ocaml 1.4
  7. Other Caml News

pfff 0.25, tools and APIs for program analysis of PHP/Java/JS/C/ML/PHP/...


Yoann Padioleau announced:
pfff is a set of tools and APIs to perform some static analysis,
dynamic analysis, code visualizations, code navigations, or
style-preserving source-to-source transformations such as refactorings
on source code. For now the effort has focused mainly on PHP but there
is also good support for C, C++, Java, HTML, JavaScript, and CSS.
There is also very good support for OCaml and noweb (literate
programming) so that pfff can be used on the code of pfff itself.

For more information see the pfff wiki at:

The current release source code is accessible from:

There is now also an OPAM package for pfff. It contains though just
the parsers, visitors, and AST dumpers (for C, Java, Javascript, PHP,
ML, HTML and CSS). To install it just do:

   $ opam install pfff

Once installed you should have access to the different libraries
in ~/.opam/.../lib/pfff-lang_yyy. 

The AST dumpers are useful to get familiar with the constructors.
Here is an example:

   $ cd pfff
   $ cat demos/foo.js
    function foo() {
      return 1;
   $ ./pfff -dump_js demos/foo.js
       {f_tok=Some(()); f_name=Some(("foo", ())); f_params=[]; 
        f_body=[St(Return((), Some(L(Num(("1", ())))), Some(())))]; });

In the next few weeks I'll make OPAM packages for the other components
of pfff: sgrep, spatch, stags, codemap, codegraph, the treemap
library, etc.

Thanks to:
 - Eric Cooper for the initial version of the java parser
 - Patrick Doane and Gerd Stolpmann for their html parser
 - Dario Teixeira for his css parser
 - Facebook

improved BER MetaOCaml N101, for OCaml 4.01


oleg announced:
BER MetaOCaml N101 is now available. It is a strict superset of OCaml
4.01, extending it with staging annotations to construct and run typed
code values. Besides being compatible with the current version of
OCaml, BER N101 has a number of improvements and significant changes
compared to BER N100. The new API for running code will hopefully
encourage the development of new ways to execute code values.

The new BER N101 is not only source-compatible with OCaml 4.01 -- it
is also binary compatible. Any 4.01-built OCaml library and plugin
(including findlib) can be used with BER N101 in their binary form as
they are.  The building of BER N101 no longer involves bootstrapping
and is hence much faster.

The staging annotations are: 
    bracket: .< e >.  to delay computation (to the future stage)
    escape:  .~ e     to perform a computation e and splice-in the result
    run:     !. e     to run a future-stage computation, or code, now

A special type constructor, called 'code' builds the type of
future-stage computations, or code expressions:
    # .< 2 + 4 >.;;
    - : int code = .<2 + 4>. 
The type constructor 'code' takes as its argument the type of the
future-stage expression. Future-stage expressions are executed later,
but are type-checked now. Therefore, the generated code is assuredly
well-typed. Code fragments can be spliced into larger code contexts by 
using the escape construct: 
    # let x = .< 2 + 4 >. in .< .~ x + .~ x >. ;;
    - : int code = .<(2 + 4) + (2 + 4)>. 
The run construct takes a code value, executes it and returns its result. 
It is actually an ordinary function, which is also bound 
to the prefix operation (!.). These operations are in the module
Runcode (which is not opened by default). For example: 
    # .< 2 + 3 >.;;
    - : int = 5
    # open Runcode;;
    # !. .<fun x y -> x + y >. 2 3;;
    - : int = 5
The run construct only works on closed code values. Attempting to run
open code leads to an exception in the generator (which can be traced
as any other exception).

To the user, the two major differences of BER N101 from the previous
version are:

   -- the absence of environment classifiers (see below for more detail).

   -- The operation to run code is no longer a special form. It is an ordinary
   function [run : 'a code -> 'a] in the module Runcode.
   For historical reasons, is also defined to be a prefix
   operation (!.) (note the placement of the dot -- different from before).

These two changes do require updating old MetaOCaml code. From experience,
the updates are very light: essentially put "open Runcode"
at the top of the file and globally replace all ".!" with "!.".

The scope extrusion check first introduced in BER N100 made it
possible to remove environment classifiers while still preserving the
static guarantee: if the generator finishes successfully, the
generated code is well-typed and well-scoped. Environment classifiers
ensured well-scopedness when type-checking the generator -- but only
for pure generators. The scope extrusion check is executed when the
generator is run; however the check is comprehensive. Scope extrusion
is always caught, and caught early, whether the generator is effectful
or not.

Another notable change is a new API for running code, with the special
type closed_code and the operations
   val close_code : 'a code -> 'a closed_code
   val open_code  : 'a closed_code -> 'a code
The latter is total, the former does a scope extrusion check. 
There may be many way to 'run' closed_code. Currently, MetaOCaml provides
   val run_bytecode : 'a closed_code -> 'a
to run closed code by bytecode compiling it and then executing. More such
functions are possible. The function  : 'a code -> 'a
and its alias, the prefix operation (!.), are the composition of
close_code and run_bytecode.

BER N101 added a test for the well-formedness of recursive let:
.<let rec f = f in f>.  and .<let rec [] = [] in []>. are now prohibited.
They were allowed in all previous versions of MetaOCaml, which caused
a problem: a well-typed generator will produce well-typed code which
will nevertheless fail to compile.

The new version builds code values faster, especially for functions
and nonbinding functions. The speed of the generation has not been a
problem.  Now it got even faster.

BER MetaOCaml N101 is available:

-- as a set of patches to the OCaml 4.01 distribution.
See the INSTALL document in that archive. You need the source
distribution of OCaml 4.01, see the following URL for details.

-- as a GIT bundle containing the changes relative to OCaml 4.01
First, you have to obtain the base
       git clone -b 4.01 ometa4
and then apply the bundle.

The older, N100 version, is available via OPAM. The new version will
come to OPAM, hopefully soon.

For more explanation, please see
as well as NOTES.txt in the BER MetaOCaml distribution.  Hopefully the
release of BER MetaOCaml N101 would further stimulate using and
researching typed meta-programming.
Gabriel Kerneis then asked and oleg replied:
> I'm not sure I understand correctly the difference between 
> open and close code,
> and what is the challenge with effects.  Could you please give examples of:
> (1) a pure generator for well-typed, well-scoped open code,
> (2) a pure generator for well-typed, ill-scoped open code,
> (3) an effectful generator for well-typed, ill-scoped open code.

Let's consider the following function, often called 'the trick' in 
partial evaluation community:

        let eta f = .<fun x -> .~(f .<x>.)>.;;
          val eta : ('a code -> 'b code) -> ('a -> 'b) code = <fun>

The function 'f' is a generator transformer: it takes the _open_ code .<x>.
(which is the `name' of a free variable, bound in context) and makes
code, which typically contains that 'x' plus maybe more free
variables. Here is an example:

        let testeta = .<fun x y -> .~(eta (fun u -> .<.~u + x + y>.))>.;;
          val testeta : (int -> int -> int -> int) code = .<
             fun x_1  y_2  x_3  -> (x_3 + x_1) + y_2>. 

The argument to eta is (fun u -> .<.~u + x + y>.) that took an open
code (bound to 'u') and incorporated it in the code with two other
free variables. One of those free variables was also called
'x'. However, it was bound differently and so MetaOCaml distinguished 
them. These examples hopefully showed how we can program with
well-typed open code, such as .<x> or .<x + y>. I think this is an
example of (1) in your list.

Although we can program with open code, we can run only closed
code. For example,
        !. testeta 1 2 3;;
        - : int = 6

If we attempt to run open code, we get an error:
        .<fun x -> .~(!. .<x>.; .<0>.)>.;;
 "The code built at Characters 14-15:
          .<fun x -> .~(!. .<x>.; .<0>.)>.;;
 is not closed: identifier x_4 bound at Characters 14-15:
          .<fun x -> .~(!. .<x>.; .<0>.)>.;;
 is free".

In earlier versions of MetaOCaml (prior to N101), this was a type
error. Now it is a run-time error in the generator. This is the
example of (2) in your list.

Here is how we can generate ill-scoped code, using a well-typed
generator with effects, (3) on your list.

        let r = ref .<0>. in
        let _ = .<fun x -> .~(r := .<x+1>.; .<x>.)>. in
        .<fun y -> .~(!r)>.;;

 "Scope extrusion detected at Characters 96-111:
          .<fun y -> .~(!r)>.;;
 for code built at Characters 67-70:
          let _ = .<fun x -> .~(r := .<x+1>.; .<x>.)>. in
 for the identifier x_5 bound at Characters 52-53:
          let _ = .<fun x -> .~(r := .<x+1>.; .<x>.)>. in

Versions of MetaOCaml prior to N100 had no problems with the above
expression and happily generated .<fun y -> x + 1>. with the unbound
variable x. Thus in the presence of effects, a well-typed generator may
generate ill-scoped code -- code with unbound variables. The
problem could be worse: the generated code can be closed but the
variables are bound in unexpected ways. For an example, see

Now, the generator stops before generating the bad code. It throws an
exception with a fairly detailed and helpful error message, pointing
out the variable that got away. Incidentally, since the error is an
exception, we can obtain the exception stack backtrace and figure out
exactly which generator caused that variable leak. Previously, you
will discover the problem, in the best case, only when you compile the
generated code and see that it fails to compile. It could be quite a
challenge in figuring out which part of the generator caused the

Although it may seem that BER N101 is worse deal since it made the
type error (emitted for the case (2) on your list) a run-time error, I
should point out that such errors (attempting to run open code) are
very rare. I haven't encountered them at all. Part of the reason is
that previously the run operator had a really special type and was inconvenient
to use. Essentially you would use it only at top level (and applied to
a top-level bound identifier). Any code value produced by a pure
generator and bound to a top-value identifier is closed by
construction, so there is nothing to check. And in case of effects,
the environment classifiers are of no help anyway. Therefore, N101 removed
environment classifiers since they give good protection (a
type error) against only an exceedingly rare error, while making life
cumbersome in all other circumstances.

how to create (format) directives that do not take any arguments?


Matej Kosik asked:
I would like to define custom directives, that would enable me to write
code like e.g. this:

Print.printf "regular %bold_on bold %bold_off regular %italic_on italic

This might expand to (in HTML codes)

              regular <B>bold</B> regular <I>italic</I>

or in ANSI codes to something analogous.

I am currently looking at:

It refers to:

Those things work, although there is no example for:


which might be (?) what I need to employ.

Can somebody give me some advice how to create simple "parameterless
format directives" (like those above)?


Basically, I just want to refactor some weird markup out of the literal
string while I do not want to reinsert the refactored stuff via %s
because it is not maintainable.
Gabriel Scherer then said and Matej Kosik replied:
> Adding custom printing directives requires a syntax extension to
> rewrite those directives into OCaml code. The built-in support for
> magicly-typed formats in the OCaml language is not extensible (it is
> complex enough as it is).
> Batteries 1 used to provide such a syntax extension, but we
> (re)discovered that users don't like syntax extensions: they make code
> harder to compile/deploy, are controversial, and in the long run often
> make our life harder instead of easier. Batteries 2 does not come with
> any syntax extension, and I think we're better off as is (of course
> you're free to add your own in your code).
> Of course, such a natural idea is bound to be reused, and one of the
> first libraries released by Jérémie Dimino at Jane Street was
> precisely such a custom-printf camlp4 extension:
> Feel free to reuse it or extend it for any project where it makes
> sense. In particular, I don't think that using it implies any
> dependency of your preprocessed code on Core, though of course you'll
> need Sexplib to use the format-to-sexplib feature. My purely personal
> advice would be to seriously explore non-syntax-extension approaches
> (combinator library?) before making such a step.

I may, unfortunatelly, need some more pointers to understand this suggestion.

The problematic code looks somehow like this:

        (* The following string is much longer than what is inlined here. *)

        bold_on ^ "mdx" ^ bold_off ^ " " ^ underline_on ^ "command" ^ underline_off ^ "
        Perform a given " ^ underline_on ^ "command" ^ underline_off ^ ".
        Section COMMANDS describes all the supported commands."



are some strings.

It works, but it is ugly.

That is why I asked about possibilities to make it more decent.

Since Print module is available, I thought that that may be one of the
ways how to achieve that. If only I were able to define (non-parametric
control strings) that I could use in the following way:

	"%Bmdx%B %Icommand%I

	 Perform a given %Icommand%I.

         Section COMMANDS describes all the supported commands."

This looks, sort of, OK.

I believe that the Print module in batteries 1.4 might enable me to do
just that although I need some examples. I do not care too much that
given feature disappeared in Batteries 2.0 (Batteries 2.0 is not yet
available in Debian stable/testing/unstable and when in descends there,
that time might be beyond the lifecycle of the program I am writing. If
not, I will bother about it at right time. There might even be more
solutions than there are now.).

If you mean that it is not technically possible to do what I thought was
possible, then I am not against "combinator library", although I am not
sure, what do you mean.

I would be grateful if you (or somebody) sent a few links to things that
might be regarded as combinator libraries and perhaps, if given
combinator library existed, that would solve my problem, how it would
make my_life_easier & my_code_more_compact than the (somewhat verbose)
approach I am currently using (string concatenation).
oleg then suggested:
Enclosed is one example of a combinator library for formatting, in
plain OCaml (even Caml-lite, probably), with no extensions, GADTs,
type classes, etc. Here is a simple demo

let ex1 = let open PrintComp in 
  pr s"1" s"2" printf

(* prints: 12 *)

(* Look!  No string concatenation operations! We separate operations
  with mere white space (and often even it is not needed

let ex2 = let open PrintComp in 
  pr s"1" s"2" b"3" i 4 
    val ex2 : string = "12<bold>3</bold>4"

(* The format is really typed *)
let ex3 = let open PrintComp in 
  pr s"1" s"2" i "x" b"3" i 4 
    Characters 50-53:
    pr s"1" s"2" i "x" b"3" i 4 
Error: This expression has type string but an expression was expected of type

(* It is possible to avoid s" " below, so to insert interworld space

let ex4 = let open PrintComp in pr
  b"mdx" s" " it "command" br
  s"Perform a given " it "command" br
  s"Section COMMANDS describes all the supported commands."

val ex4 : string =
  "<bold>mdx</bold> <i>command</i>\n\nPerform a given <i>command</i>\n\nSection COMMANDS describes all the supported commands."

(* The formatting sequence can be interrupted, e.g.,
   to bind some common subexpressions or to perform some computations

let ra = fun x f -> f x

let ex5 = let open PrintComp in pr
  b"mdx" s" " 
  (* interrupt the flow *)
  begin let cmd st = ra st it "command" in 
  fun st -> ra st (* continue with the flow *)
  cmd br
  s"Perform a given " cmd br
  s"Section COMMANDS describes all the supported commands." end

val ex5 : string =
  "<bold>mdx</bold> <i>command</i>\n\nPerform a given <i>command</i>\n\nSection COMMANDS describes all the supported commands."

Here is the implementation, of a FORTH like language for formatting.
Polyvariadic functions are possible even in plain OCaml. 

module PrintComp = struct
  (* Put this at the beginning *)
  let pr k = k []

  (* to format a string *)
  let s = fun st (str:string) k -> k (str :: st)

  (* to format a string in bold *)
  let b = fun st (str:string) k -> k ("</bold>" :: str :: "<bold>" :: st)

  (* to format a string in italics *)
  let it = fun st (str:string) k -> k ("</i>" :: str :: "<i>" :: st)

  (* to format an integer *)
  let i = fun st n k -> k (string_of_int n :: st)

  (* generate a line break *)
  let br = fun st k -> k ("\n\n" :: st)

  (* To finally print as a string *)
  let sprintf st = String.concat "" (List.rev st)

  (* To finally print on stdout *)
  let printf st = List.iter print_string (List.rev st)

  (* To finally print on channel *)
  (* similarly *)
Matej Kosik then asked and oleg replied:
> > (* It is possible to avoid s" " below, so to insert interworld space
> > automatically
> > *)
> I do not understand what do you have in mind (above). (Sometimes
> spaces are desired, sometimes they are undesired. I do not see a
> general rule that could be embedded to `b' so that it could reliably
> decide in either way.)
> >
> > let ex4 = let open PrintComp in pr
> > b"mdx" s" " it "command" br
> > s"Perform a given " it "command" br
> > s"Section COMMANDS describes all the supported commands."
> > sprintf

I think there is a rule, but it depends on the context. For example,
br b"xxx"
the 'b' command should not insert the leading white space, but in
s"yyy" b"xxx"
it has to. It is not that difficult to implement such a
context-sensitive rule since a formatting instruction like 'b' and
's' has access its the context: that's the 'st' parameter being passed
around. So, a formatting command could check what has occurred before
and insert a whitespace as needed. If we do mean that two strings
should be typeset without an intervening space, we should define a
special formatting instruction 'nosp'.

I forgot to mention that the FORTH-like formatter in the previous
message looks quite similar to the one used in BibTeX.
Jeremie Dimino also replied to the original question, and Matej Kosik then asked:
> IIRC, this should work:
>    let printer_bold_on k = k (fun oc -> output_string oc "blah")
> to define the format directive %bold_on.

Thank you. This was what I was looking for.
Now I can define something like this:

        let bold_is_open = ref false
        let printer_B k = k (fun oc -> if !bold_is_open then
                                           output_string oc ANSI.bold_off;
                                           bold_is_open := false
                                           output_string oc ANSI.bold_on;
                                           bold_is_open := true

and then:

	Print.printf p"foo %B%!bar%B baz"

instead of

	print_string ("foo " ^ bold_on ^ "bar" ^ bold_off ^ "baz")

So this is a progress.
The only thing that adds friction is that I cannot leave out


because if I did it, I would get
a complain about unbound "print_Bbar" variable.

Thus, where I non-identifier-character follows %B, I must put extra %! instruction.
This is not too bad although still one step from ideal.
Jeremie Dimino finally replied:
> Thus, where I non-identifier-character follows %B, I must put extra %!
> instruction.
> This is not too bad although still one step from ideal.

You can also write %(B).

Confusing behaviour of type inference for polymorphic classes


Dmitri Boulytchev asked:
I stumbled on the following confusing behaviour of the type 
checker: given the definitions

type ('a, 'b) t =
   A of 'a * ('b, 'a) t
 | B of 'a

class ['a, 'b, 'ta, 'tb] m =
   method t : ('a -> 'ta) -> ('b -> 'tb) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('ta, 'tb) t =
     fun fa fb s ->
       match s with
       | A (a, bat) -> A (fa a, (new m)#t fb fa bat)
       | B  a       -> B (fa a)

the following type is inferred for the class m:

class ['a, 'b, 'ta, 'c] m :
    constraint 'b = 'a  <--- why?
    constraint 'c = 'ta <--- why?
    method t : ('a -> 'ta) -> ('a -> 'ta) -> ('a, 'a) t -> ('ta, 'ta) t

Perhaps some explicit annotation is needed here (like that for the
polymorphic recursion for functions).
I found the following workaround: first we abstract the instance 
creation ("new m") away:

class ['a, 'b, 'ta, 'tb] m' f =
   method t : ('a -> 'ta) -> ('b -> 'tb) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('ta, 'tb) t =
     fun fa fb s ->
       match s with
       | A (a, bat) -> A (fa a, (f ())#t fb fa bat)
       | B  a       -> B (fa a)

which gives us the unconstrained type

class ['a, 'b, 'ta, 'tb] m' :
(unit ->
 < t : ('b -> 'tb) -> ('a -> 'ta) -> ('b, 'a) t -> ('tb, 'ta) t; .. >) ->
   method t : ('a -> 'ta) -> ('b -> 'tb) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('ta, 'tb) t

Then we construct the instance creation explicitly polymorphic function:

let rec f : 'a 'b 'ta 'tb . unit -> <t : ('a -> 'ta) -> ('b -> 'tb) 
-> ('a, 'b) t -> ('ta, 'tb) t> =
 fun () -> new m' f

and finally the class we're looking for:

class ['a, 'b, 'ta, 'tb] m = ['a, 'b, 'ta, 'tb] m' f

The complete annotated source file is attached.
This workaround however does not solve everything: we cannot actually
inherit from the m since it calls hardcoded "new m"; we should inherit
from m' (with additional parameter) instead and "tie the knot" on the
Are there better solutions? Please help :)
Jeremy Yallop replied:
There's good news and bad news.  The good news is that the problem can
be solved for your particular example.  The bad news is that the
approach doesn't work in the general case.  On to the details...

First, let's get some definitions out of the way.  A parameterised
type definition "('a1, 'a2, ... 'an) t" is *regular* if all
occurrences of "t" within its definition are instantiated with the
parameters from the lhs of the '=' (i.e. it occurs exactly as "('a1,
'a2, ... 'an) t").  Here are some regular data types definitions:

   type 'a list = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'a listapproach

   type ('a, 'b) altlist = Nil | Cons of 'a * 'b * ('a, 'b) altlist

In each of these the type constructor being defined is only
instantiated with the exact parameter list from the lhs of the '='.

In contrast, here are some non-regular data type definitions:

   type 'a nested = Empty | Branch of 'a * ('a * 'a) nested

   type ('a, 'len) vec =
     Nil : ('a, zero) vec
   | Cons : 'a * ('a, 'n) vec -> ('a, 'n succ) vec

In each of these the type constructor being defined is instantiated
with parameter lists that are different from the lhs of the
definition: "('a * 'a) nested" is different from "'a nested" in the
first case, and "('a, zero) vec" and "('a, 'n succ)" vec are different
from "('a, 'len) vec" in the second case.

The analogue of non-regular types for functions is polymorphic
recursion.  A function is *polymorphic-recursive* if some calls to the
function in its own definition instantiate the type variables
differently from the definition itself.  Here's a polymorphic
recursive function

   let rec depth : 'a. 'a nested -> int = function
     | Empty -> 0
     | Branch (_, n) -> 1 + depth n

The call to "depth" on the last line uses it at type "('a * 'a) nested
-> int", which is different from the defined type "'a nested -> int".
If you call "depth" on a value of type "int nested" of depth 3 then
the recursive calls will have the following types:

   int nested -> int
   (int * int) nested -> int
   ((int * int) * (int * int)) nested -> int
   (((int * int) * (int * int)) * ((int * int) * (int * int))) nested -> int

It's also worth noting that the type annotation can't be omitted,
since polymorphic-recursive types can't be inferred, although they can
be checked.

In contrast, here's a function that's polymorphic and recursive but
not polymorphic-recursive:

  let rec length : 'a. 'a list -> int = function
    | Nil -> 0
    | Cons (_, l) -> 1 + length l

In this case the call to "length" uses it at type "'a list -> int" --
just the same type as the definition.  If you call "length" on a value
of type "int list" of length 3 then the recursive calls will have the
following types:

  int list -> int
  int list -> int
  int list -> int
  int list -> int

In this case the type annotation is unnecessary, and if you omit it
then OCaml will infer the same type, "'a list -> int".

It'll probably come as no surprise that non-regular types and
polymorphic recursion are closely related: traversals over non-regular
types generally involve polymorphic recursion.

In your example the type 't' is non-regular: it's defined to take
parameters "('a, 'b)", but used in its definition as "('b, 'a) t":

>   type ('a, 'b) t =
>      A of 'a * ('b, 'a) t
>    | B of 'a

Traversals over values of type "t" therefore need to be
polymorphic-recursive.  Since you've exposed the type parameters as
class parameters you need the class type to be non-regular as well:
you've defining "m" with parameters "['a, 'b, 'ta, 'tb]", but trying
to instantiate it with parameters "['b, 'a, 'tb, 'ta]".  This isn't
possible in OCaml: class and object types (like other structural types
such as polymorphic variants) can only be regular.  The approach
you're trying therefore won't work in general for defining traversals
over non-regular types.  As you've noted, you can work around the
problem using open recursion and typing the knot yourself, but you
lose the ability to subtype in the process.

On to the good news.  Unlike "nested" and "vec", your type "t" is only
a little bit non-regular.  The non-regularity is a simple flip of the
type parameters, so a recursive traversal of a value of "t" involves
calling the traversal function at the following types

   ('a, 'b) t -> 'result
   ('b, 'a) t -> 'result
   ('a, 'b) t -> 'result
   ('b, 'a) t -> 'result

This gives us a clue as to how we might attack the typing problem.
Unfolding the traversal methods one level gives us a pair of
mutually-recursive methods, neither of which is polymorphic-recursive,
and neither of which instantiates the class with different parameters:

   class ['a, 'b, 'ta, 'tb] m =
       method t : ('a -> 'ta) -> ('b -> 'tb) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('ta, 'tb) t =
         fun fa fb s ->
           match s with
           | A (a, bat) ->
             A (fa a, (new m)#t' fb fa bat)
           | B  a       -> B (fa a)
       method t' :  ('b -> 'tb) -> ('a -> 'ta) -> ('b, 'a) t -> ('tb, 'ta) t =
         fun fa fb s ->
           match s with
           | A (a, bat) ->
             A (fa a, (new m)#t fb fa bat)
           | B  a       -> B (fa a)

In fact, instead of repeatedly creating new instances you can now use
a "self" binding, which will give you more scope for overriding
behaviour with subtyping:

   class ['a, 'b, 'ta, 'tb] m =
     object (self)
       method t : ('a -> 'ta) -> ('b -> 'tb) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('ta, 'tb) t =
         fun fa fb s ->
           match s with
           | A (a, bat) ->
             A (fa a, self#t' fb fa bat)
           | B  a       -> B (fa a)
       method t' :  ('b -> 'tb) -> ('a -> 'ta) -> ('b, 'a) t -> ('tb, 'ta) t =
         fun fa fb s ->
           match s with
           | A (a, bat) ->
             A (fa a, self#t fb fa bat)
           | B  a       -> B (fa a)

Of course, unfolding in this way doesn't work for general non-regular
types, since unfolding "nested" or "vec" would go on forever.

You might also consider unfolding the type "t" itself, at which point
traversals become more straightforward.  If you can expand the
definition of "t" to a pair of mutually recursive (and regular!)

    type ('a, 'b) t =
       A of 'a * ('a, 'b) s
     | B of 'a
    and ('a, 'b) s =
       C of 'b * ('a, 'b) t
     | D of 'b

then you can use your current approach without any changes.
Alain Frisch then suggested:
A more general solution is based on recursive modules:

type ('a, 'b) t =
     A of 'a * ('b, 'a) t
   | B of 'a

module rec X : sig
   class ['a, 'b, 'ta, 'tb] m : object
     method t : ('a -> 'ta) -> ('b -> 'tb) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('ta, 'tb) t
end = struct
   class ['a, 'b, 'ta, 'tb] m =
       method t : ('a -> 'ta) -> ('b -> 'tb) -> ('a, 'b) t -> ('ta, 'tb) t =
         fun fa fb s ->
           match s with
           | A (a, bat) -> A (fa a, (new X.m)#t fb fa bat)
           | B  a       -> B (fa a)

This technique also works e.g. for defining mutually recursive classes 
and nominal types.
Jeremy and Alain then had the following conversation:
> Jeremy Yallop wrote:
>> Using recursive modules certainly makes it possible to write a class
>> with the correct type, but unless I'm mistaken you lose the ability to
>> override the behaviour on recursive calls -- i.e. the call to (new
>> X.m)#t can no longer be replaced with a call through a self variable.
> The instance on which the method is called cannot be "self", since it
> corresponds to different type parameters for the class.

That's true for the approach based on recursive modules, but not for
the unfolding approach outlined in my earlier message, which does
support recursive calls through self.

> I don't know what Dmitri is exactly looking for, but maybe a polymorphic
> method (instead of a parametrized class) would do the job as well.

Agreed. For straightforward polymorphic recursion either your
recursive module approach or a simple recursive method or function is
sufficient. Classes are better for open recursion, but only work
either for regular types or for types with finite irregularity (i.e.
where a finite number of unfoldings bring you back to the original
parameter list).

Main program in C - a script


John Whitington announced:
There has been some confusion on this topic over the years, since plenty 
of OCaml programmers aren't au fait with archive managers and linkers 
and so on. Certainly I wasn't.

Anyway, here's a script which might help:

On Linux / OS X it builds a static library from C and OCaml sources, 
ocamlfind packages, and ocaml libraries like unix and bigarray and then 
tests it by linking an example.

On Windows, it does the same, linking the example with flexlink. 
Additionally, it builds a DLL, and test links that with the system C linker.

Here's an example config, for building the libcpdf.(a|dll) version of my 
CPDF tools:

mllibs=(unix bigarray)
ocamlfind_packs=(camlpdf cpdf)

Unfortunately, I've been unable to work out a way to roll ocaml 
libraries like unix and bigarray into the .a so that only a single 
linker flag -lcpdf would be needed when the .a is shipped to a customer. 
If anyone does know, do tell.

In addition, it's native code only for now. But this stuff should all be 
possible with bytecode too.

The original idea for this script was from Gerd's article here:

This is not an area of my expertise, and has only been tested on the 
sample project and libcpdf, so pull requests and bug reports are most 
Mykola then added:
JFYI: there is absolutely amazing page about using C and OCaml together. 

Js_of_ocaml 1.4


Jérôme Vouillon announced:
I'm happy to announce release 1.4 of Js_of_ocaml, a compiler from
OCaml bytecode to Javascript. This release brings compatibility with 
OCaml 4.01, provides improved Dom bindings and fixes a number of bugs.


Project home page
Get source code    git clone


* Features/Changes
** Add missing primitives for OCaml 4.01
** Improved Dom bindings (Hugo Heuzard and many other contributors)
** Add -linkall option to keep all provided primitives (Pierre Chambard)
** Improved tail-call optimization (Hugo Heuzard)
** Added optimization levels: -o {1,2,3} (Hugo Heuzard)

* Bugfixes
** Fixed some incorrect Dom bindings
** Fixed hypot primitive (Pierre Chambard)
** Fixed tail call optimization bug (some incorrect code was
    generated when the number of arguments did not match the number of
    function parameters)
** Fixed a bug with empty strings
** Fixed weak.js (primitives for Weak module)

Other Caml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog:
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at

dblib, a de Bruijn index library:

RWO tidbits: Benign effects:

Asynchronous Python vs OCaml:

Switching from Bootstrap to Zurb Foundation:

Old cwn

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Alan Schmitt