Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of November 05 to 12, 2013.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-11/msg00041.html
Amir Chaudhry announced:We're close to releasing the new design of ocaml.org but need help from the community to identify and fix bugs before we switch next week. Ashish, Christophe, Philippe and I have been discussing how we should go about this and below is the plan for migration. If you'd like to discuss any of this, then the infrastructure list is the best place to do so (cced). 1. We've made a new branch on the main ocaml.org repository [1] with the redesign. This branch is a fork of the main one and we've simply cleaned up and replayed our git commits there. 2. We've built a live version of the new site, which is visible at http://preview.ocaml.org - this is rebuilt every few minutes from the branch mentioned above. 3. Over the course of one week, we ask the community to review the new site and report any bugs or problems on the issue tracker [2]. We triage those bugs to identify any blockers and work on those first. This is the phase we'll be in from *today*. 4. After one week (7 days), and after blocking bugs have been fixed, we merge the site into the main branch. This would effectively present the new site to the world. During the above, we would not be able to accept any new pull requests on the old site but would be happy to accept them on the new branch. Hence, restricting the time frame to one week. Please note that the above is only intended to merge the *design* and *toolchain* for the new site. Specifically, we've created new landing pages, have new style sheets and have restructured the site's contents as well as made some new libraries [3, 4]. The new toolchain means people can write files in markdown, which makes contributing content a lot easier. Since the files are on GitHub, people don't even need to clone the site locally to make simple edits (or even add new pages). Just click the 'Edit this page' link in the footer to be taken to the right file in the repository and GitHub's editing and pull request features will allow you to make changes and submit updates, all from within your browser [5]. There is still work to be done on adding new features but the above changes are already a great improvement to the site and are ready to be reviewed and merged. [1] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/tree/redesign [2] https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml.org/issues [3] http://pw374.github.io/posts/2013-09-05-22-31-26-about-omd.html [4] http://pw374.github.io/posts/2013-10-03-20-39-07-OPAMaging-MPP.html [5] https://help.github.com/articles/creating-and-editing-files-in-your-repository
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-11/msg00029.html
Jean Krivine asked and Gerd Stolpmann replied:> I am developing a graph rewriting algorithm which operates on large > graphs. Because of the large data structure the GC becomes quite > inefficient for two reasons that I am inferring: > 1/ there is no correlation between the time of allocation of an object > and its likelihood to be garbage collected. > 2/ even when there is nothing to collect, I guess that the GC is still > inspecting the heap. > > > Point 1 is inducing some memory leak and point 2 is just inefficient. > I think I took care of point 1 by using my own allocation heap (so > there is nothing to collect for the GC). But to take care of point 2 I > guess I need to tell the GC that my heap (an extensible array) should > not be inspected. > > > As far as I understand there is a module Ancient which I can use to > tell the GC to ignore my array but, if I understand well, it would > only work if I use my array in a read only fashion. > I also thought I could use Bigarray, but it seems it can only be used > for basic array types. > > > To summarize my question: is there a (reasonable) way to implement an > 'a array out of the ocaml heap ? Yes, but it's cumbersome. I did that for the Netmulticore library of Ocamlnet. Here are the basics: You can have a pointer from the normal heap to other memory, and the GC will not follow it. You cannot have pointers the other way round, because the GC may move in-heap memory, and there is no mechanism to update such inverse pointers. In Ocamlnet you find the required support functions in http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/dl/ocamlnet-3.7.3/doc/html-main/Netsys_mem.html. This functionality shares the same basic ideas of Ancient, but is more complete, and especially supports read-write modifications of out-of-heap values in a reasonable way. Out-of-heap memory is here encapsulated as bigarrays. With Netsys_mem.init_array you can initialize bigarrays so their contents can be interpreted as Ocaml array. With Netsys_mem.init_value you can copy arbitrary values to bigarrays (i.e. for initializing/setting the elements of the array). Netsys_mem.as_value returns the pointer to the structure in the bigarray as "normal" OCaml value pointer. E.g. type elem = { n : int } type arr = elem array let mem_size = 100000 let arr_size = 10 let mem = Bigarray.Array1.create Bigarray.char Bigarray.c_layout mem_size let (offs,blen) = Netsys_mem.init_array mem 0 arr_size let arr_ooh = Netsys_mem.as_value mem offs Now arr_ooh contains invalid pointers (which doesn't matter for the moment because the GC will not inspect them). Here is how to set all elements to some contents: let next = ref blen for k = 0 to arr_size-1 do let v = { n = 5*k } in (* some random contents *) let (v_offs, v_blen) = Netsys_mem.init_value mem !next v [] in let v_ooh = Netsys_mem.as_value mem v_offs in arr_ooh.(k) <- v_ooh; (* out-of-heap assignment, see below *) next := !next + v_blen done Of course, you need to do your own memory-management here (there are higher-level functions in Ocamlnet for that, see the Netmulticore library). So finally you get an initialized out-of-heap array arr_ooh residing within the bigarray. The assignment arr_ooh.(k) <- v_ooh needs some further discussion. Until OCaml-4.00.1 this was fully supported by the OCaml runtime. OCaml-4.01.0 includes a change that disallows to modify out-of-heap memory with normal OCaml assignment operators. Ocamlnet contains a workaround (which works by overriding the changed caml_initialize and caml_modify functions with their old definitions), and it is automatically enabled if you add -package netmulticore at link time. The workaround is incompatible with non-custom bytecode links, though.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-11/msg00071.html
Thomas Gazagnaire announced:After a while staged as RC, we are proud to announce the final release of OPAM 1.1.0 ! Thanks again to those who have helped testing and fixing the last few issues. == Important note == The repository format has been improved with incompatible new features ; to account for this, the _new_ repository is now hosted at opam.ocaml.org, and the legacy repository at opam.ocamlpro.com is kept to support OPAM 1.0 installations, but is unlikely to benefit from many package updates. Migration to opam.ocaml.org will be done automatically as soon as you upgrade your OPAM version. You're still free, of course, to use any third-party repositories instead or in addition. == Installing == NOTE: When switching from 1.0, the internal state will need to be upgraded. THIS PROCESS CANNOT BE REVERTED. We have tried hard to make it fault- resistant, but failures might happen. In case you have precious data in your ~/.opam folder, it is advised to backup that folder before you upgrade to 1.1.0. Using the binary installer: - download and run http://www.ocamlpro.com/pub/opam_installer.sh Using the .deb packages from Anil's PPA (binaries are currently synching, see [1]): add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ppa apt-get update sudo apt-get install opam For OSX users, the homebrew package will be updated shortly. or build it from sources at : - http://www.ocamlpro.com/pub/opam-full-1.1.0.tar.gz - https://github.com/ocaml/opam/releases/tag/1.1.0 == For those who haven't been paying attention == OPAM is a source-based package manager for OCaml. It supports multiple simultaneous compiler installations, flexible package constraints, and a Git-friendly development workflow. OPAM is edited and maintained by OCamlPro, with continuous support from OCamlLabs and the community at large (including its main industrial users such as Jane-Street and Citrix). The "official" package repository is now hosted at https://opam.ocaml.org, synchronised with the Git repository at http://github.com/ocaml/opam-repository, where you can contribute new packages descriptions. Those are under a CC0 license, a.k.a. public domain, to ensure they will always belong to the community. Thanks to all of you who have helped build this repository and made OPAM such a success. == Changes == Too many to list here, see https://raw.github.com/OCamlPro/opam/1.1.0/CHANGES For packagers, some new fields have appeared in the OPAM description format: - `depexts` provides facilities for dealing with system (non ocaml) dependencies - `messages`, `post-messages` can be used to notify the user eg. of licensing information, or help her troobleshoot at package installation. - `available` supersedes `ocaml-version` and `os` constraints, and can contain more expressive formulas Also, we have integrated the main package repository with Travis, which will help us to improve the quality of contributions (see [2]). Enjoy ! Thomas, Louis and all the OPAM team [1] https://launchpad.net/~avsm/+archive/ppa/+builds?build_state=pending [2] http://anil.recoil.org/2013/09/30/travis-and-ocaml.htmlAnil Madhavapeddy then added:
> Using the .deb packages from Anil's PPA (binaries are currently synching, > see [1]): > add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ppa > apt-get update > sudo apt-get install opam A common question I'm getting about this PPA is from Debian users. Unfortunately, the Debs produced for Ubuntu aren't quite compatible with Debian Wheezy (I haven't tried later versions), and so I suspect the best bet is to wait for the Debian maintainers to propagate an update to the testing repository. For Ubuntu users who need fixed versions, there is a matrix of OCaml 3.12.1/4.00.1/4.01.0 + OPAM 1.0/1.1 PPAs available that are suitable for automated testing (such as via Travis). See the repo list at: https://launchpad.net/~avsm The avsm/ppa is intended to be a stable one that is suitable for day-to-day use with your Ubuntu install, and only updated with major revisions of OCaml or OPAM. > For OSX users, the homebrew package will be updated shortly. The upstream pull request at Homebrew HQ is: https://github.com/mxcl/homebrew/pull/24086
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-11/msg00087.html
Sylvain Le Gall announced:I am pleased to announce my latest program that allow to create easily snaphsot of OPAM and distribute it as a Debian binary package. You can read a longer description and HOWTO for the program here: http://le-gall.net/sylvain+violaine/blog/index.php?post/2013/11/08/opam2debian%2C-a-tool-to-create-Debian-binary-package-out-of-OPAM Side note: This tool uses github VCS and bug tracker but still use the OCaml Forge for file distribtuion. I am experimenting a little bit out of the OCaml Forge to be up to date.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-11/msg00090.html
Yaron Minsky announced:Real World OCaml is now done. You can access it a few different ways: - Online. Note that logging in vai Github is no longer required. http://realworldocaml.org - A hardcopy: http://amzn.to/1afkSIe - An ebook, which you can get without DRM straight from O'Reilly: http://oreil.ly/S2Vtdh And you can read the following if you're interested in the the story behind the book. https://ocaml.janestreet.com/?q=node/117
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-11/msg00091.html
Anil Madhavapeddy also announced:After the gestation period of a respectably sized whale, we are pleased to announce the immediate availability of Real World OCaml. It can be freely read online under a Creative Commons license: https://realworldocaml.org/ The book is also available from O'Reilly as a print/eBook edition: http://oreil.ly/realworldOCaml And also from Amazon, iBooks and the other usual book retailers. If you enjoy it (or indeed, have criticisms), we'd welcome comments and reviews on the various sites to help guide our efforts. Purchasing a copy will help drive future editions and language translations. Real World OCaml development doesn't end here. We've got exciting features in the pipeline such as collaborative exercises using js_of_ocaml to facilitate easier teaching, and various chapters that didn't make the final book that we're planning to place online after some editing work. For now though, it's time to raise a glass to the fantastic community effort that made this possible -- over 2400 (high quality) comments in the end, and significant textual contributions from Leo White, Jeremy Yallop, Stephen Weeks, tooling help around OPAM and UTop from Thomas Gazagnaire, Jeremie Diminio, Louis Gesbert and his colleagues at OCamlPro, and the constant advice from the entire core development team led by Xavier Leroy (special thanks to Jacques Garrigue for working hard to get the short-paths feature into OCaml 4.01).
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-11/msg00094.html
Didier Le Botlan announced:Let me introduce exenum, the "exhaustive enumeration"(1) library. <shameless teaser> You all probably wonder what "the" 42,000th lambda-term is. It happens to be (((fun x -> v) (v v)) ((x x) v)) (2) As for "the" 10^400th lambda-term, it is ((((((fun x -> (v v)) ((fun v -> y) (fun x -> x))) ((fun v -> (x x))[...and 20 more lines...] (1) where "exhaustive" means that every value (of the given datatype) is eventually enumerated. (2) where variables are restricted to "x", "y", "u", "v". </teaser> In short : - exenum makes it easy to build enumerations for any datatype. - Very handy to carry out intensive unit testing (Students' motto : "If you know your code is unsound, test it anyway, it might work by accident"). - exenum is inspired by FEAT for Haskell. - Impress coq's users with statements such as: "I have successfully checked my code up to index 17 !" - Quick overview and API on the homepage: http://exenum.forge.ocamlcore.org/ - Install with: opam install exenum * * * As a side dish, let me mention the oasis- and ocamlbuild-based packaging I used for this library. For quite a while, I had been looking for a neat way to pack an ocaml library, that is: - Only one main module is "exported" to users (or, say, just a couple of modules). - The library may define several internal modules, but they should remain hidden (that is, as hidden as possible). In particular, they should not pollute the global module namespace. I was not able to find satisfactory examples on the net (most likely, though, I have not searched enough). Finally, I wrote an _oasis file as follows (excerpt): ## Exported library Library "exenum" Path: src/ Modules: ExEnum BuildDepends: exenum.internals Install: true ## This library packs internal modules, so that they may not conflict with anything else. Library "exenum_internals" Path: src/ Modules: Convenience InternalModules: Exen, ExtArray, Parts, Shuffle FindlibParent: exenum FindlibName: internals Pack: true Thus, the internal modules are all packed in an ocaml module "Exenum_Internals" (the -pack option of ocamlc). Only the main module "ExEnum" and "Exenum_internals" are visible at top-level. See details at the bottom of: http://exenum.forge.ocamlcore.org/
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at http://planet.ocaml.org/. Why is virt-builder written in OCaml?: http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2013/11/11/why-is-virt-builder-written-in-ocaml/ The making of Real World OCaml: https://ocaml.janestreet.com/?q=node/117 opam2debian, a tool to create Debian binary package out of OPAM: http://le-gall.net/sylvain+violaine/blog/index.php?post/2013/11/08/opam2debian%2C-a-tool-to-create-Debian-binary-package-out-of-OPAM Overriding submodules: http://gallium.inria.fr/blog/overriding-submodules Migration plan for the OCaml.org redesign: http://amirchaudhry.com/migration-plan-ocaml-org
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