Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of March 05 to 12, 2013.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-03/msg00019.html
Thomas Gazagnaire announced:This year, CUFP 2013 will be in Boston (and it is still co-located with ICFP 2013). If you use OCaml (or any other functional language) for practical applications, then you should consider applying! http://cufp.org/2013cfp COMMERCIAL USERS OF FUNCTIONAL PROGRAMMING 2013 CUFP 2013 http://cufp.org/conference CALL FOR PRESENTATIONS Boston, MA, United States Sep 22-24 Talk Proposal Submission Deadline 29 June 2013 Co-located with ICFP 2013 Sponsored by SIGPLAN The annual CUFP workshop is a place where people can see how others are using functional programming to solve real world problems; where practitioners meet and collaborate; where language designers and users can share ideas about the future of their favorite language; and where one can learn practical techniques and approaches for putting functional programming to work. Giving a CUFP Talk ================== If you have experience using functional languages in a practical setting, we invite you to submit a proposal to give a talk at the workshop. We are looking for both experience reports and in-depth technical talks. Experience reports are typically 25 minutes long (but negotiable), and aim to inform participants about how functional programming plays out in real-world applications, focusing especially on lessons learned and insights gained. Experience reports don't need to be highly technical; reflections on the commercial, management, or software engineering aspects are, if anything, more important. Technical talks are also 25 minutes long (also negotiable), and should focus on teaching the audience something about a particular technique or methodology, from the point of view of someone who has seen it play out in practice. These talks could cover anything from techniques for building functional concurrent applications, to managing dynamic reconfigurations, to design recipes for using types effectively in large-scale applications. While these talks will often be based on a particular language, they should be accessible to a broad range of programmers. If you are interested in offering a talk, or nominating someone to do so, send an e-mail to marius(at)twitter(dot)com or sperber(at)deinprogramm(dot)de or by 29 June 2013 with a short description of what you'd like to talk about or what you think your nominee should give a talk about. Such descriptions should be about one page long. There will be a short scribes report of the presentations and discussions but not of the details of individual talks, as the meeting is intended to be more a discussion forum than a technical interchange. You do not need to submit a paper, just a proposal for your talk! Note that we will need all presenters to register for the CUFP workshop and travel to Boston at their own expense. Program Committee ================= Marius Eriksen (Twitter, Inc.), co-chair Mike Sperber (Active Group), co-chair Mary Sheeran (Chalmers) Andres Löh (Well-Typed) Thomas Gazagnaire (OCamlPro) Steve Vinoski (Basho) Jorge Ortiz (Foursquare, Inc.) Blake Matheny (Tumblr, Inc.) Simon Marlow (Facebook, Inc.) More information ================ For more information on CUFP, including videos of presentations from previous years, take a look at the CUFP website at http://cufp.org. Note that presenters, like other attendees, will need to register for the event. Presentations will be video taped and presenters will be expected to sign an ACM copyright release form. Acceptance and rejection letters will be sent out by July 16th. Guidance on giving a great CUFP talk ==================================== Focus on the interesting bits: Think about what will distinguish your talk, and what will engage the audience, and focus there. There are a number of places to look for those interesting bits. Setting: FP is pretty well established in some areas, including formal verification, financial processing and server-side web-services. An unusual setting can be a source of interest. If you're deploying FP-based mobile UIs or building servers on oil rigs, then the challenges of that scenario are worth focusing on. Did FP help or hinder in adapting to the setting? Technology: The CUFP audience is hungry to learn about how FP techniques work in practice. What design patterns have you applied, and to what areas? Did you use functional reactive programming for user interfaces, or DSLs for playing chess, or fault-tolerant actors for large scale geological data processing? Teach us something about the techniques you used, and why we should consider using them ourselves. Getting things done: How did you deal with large software development in the absence of a myriad of pre-existing support that are often expected in larger commercial environments (IDEs, coverage tools, debuggers, profilers) and without larger, proven bodies of libraries? Did you hit any brick walls that required support from the community? Don't just be a cheerleader: It's easy to write a rah-rah talk about how well FP worked for you, but CUFP is more interesting when the talks also spend time on what doesn't work. Even when the results were all great, you should spend more time on the challenges along the way than on the parts that went smoothly.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-03/msg00023.html
Fabrice Le Fessant announced:Finally, there will be only one mailing-list devoted to OPAM (for both users and developers discussions), it is now opam-devel AT lists.ocaml.org, and you can subscribe on this page: http://lists.ocaml.org/listinfo/opam-devel
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-03/msg00027.html
Xavier Clerc announced:This post announces the 2.0-beta release of the Barista project, whose goal is to provide a library for Java class file construction and a Java [dis]assembler, released under the LGPLv3. Since, the previous version is almost one-year old, this version brings a lot of changes. Home page: http://barista.x9c.fr Forge page: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/barista/ Main changes since 2.0-alpha3: - update for Objective Caml 4.00.1 - update for Camlzip 1.05 - new 'graph' command, allowing to generate the graph of classes references from a list of archives (supported file formats: Dot, GEXF, and GraphML) - new 'Lookup' module allowing to search for Java elements (classes, constructors, fields, and methods) from string queries - new 'Manifest' module providing support for archive manifest files - new 'ArchiveBuilder' module allowing to construct archives from classes, and handling manifest, services, and copy from other archives - the 'flow' command can now generate output to either GEXF, or GraphML, in addition to Dot - improved handling of classpaths - improved performance for class encoding (about 50% speed-up) - improved performance for stack state computations (about 30% speed-up) - optimization of switches (turning lookup switches into table switches if it saves some place) - new peephole optimizations, in order to avoid simple conversions of constants - API CHANGE: class types for 'traversal' objects enhanced with new methods - API CHANGE: 'Traversal' module renamed to 'ClassTraversal' - new 'traversal' class type allowing to fold over class elements - new 'ArchiveTraversal' module allowing to traverse archives - bug: incorrect handling of some 'package-info' class files - bug #86: '-ocaml-prefix' doesn't really work - bug #87: install shouldn't build anything - bug #89: do not activate warnings by default - bug #104: configure script should be executable - bug #110: error in annotation encoding of string value - bug #111: invalid stack frame when locals are changed in a protected block - bug #116: invalid stack frame after "invokespecial" instruction
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-03/msg00031.html
oleg announced:When studying the OCaml type checker I have come across an elegant but seemingly little known type generalization algorithm based on type levels. Interestingly, the same levels also help type check local modules, existentials, and polymorphic records. I am thankful to Didier Rémy, the discoverer of the algorithm, for describing the bigger picture, sharing intuitions and history, and pointing out more applications of the type levels (e.g., MLF). The following web page http://okmij.org/ftp/ML/generalization.html attempts to popularize the algorithm, explain it on toy type checkers and describe its implementation in the OCaml type checker. Hopefully one might get a better idea what the OCaml type checker is really doing.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-03/msg00053.html
malc announced:New version of llpp (tagged v15) is now available at http://repo.or.cz/w/llpp.git Blurb: llpp a graphical PDF viewer which aims to superficially resemble less(1) Changes: * Proper subject line in the announcement message * Bugfixes * Synced with post 1.2 MuPDF (a lot of security holes plugged) * Workaround for bug (stippling) in Intel's HD graphics drivers * buildall.sh now fetches thirdparty modules directly instead of relying on mupdf-thirdparty archive
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-03/msg00055.html
Johannes Schauer announced:it appears that ocamlgraph doesnt have a mailinglist and while I could've just bothered the three developers is person I thought I might get more input by writing to this list. :) Johnson's Algorithm ------------------- I fixed an implementation by Pietro Abate of Johnson's algorithm for enumerating elementary circuits in a directed graph. He first demonstrated his solution here: http://mancoosi.org/~abate/finding-all-elementary-circuits-directed-graph The fixed version can be found in this git repository: https://github.com/josch/cycles_johnson_abate I tested that implementation against several other implementations for cycle enumeration - An extended version of Johnson's algo by K.A. Hawick and H.A. James in D https://github.com/josch/cycles_hawick_james - Johnson's algo by F. Meyer in Java https://github.com/josch/cycles_johnson_meyer - Johnson's algo as part of networkx in Python https://github.com/josch/cycles_johnson_networkx - My own implementation of Tarjan's algorithm in Python https://github.com/josch/cycles_tarjan The whole testing framework sits at https://github.com/josch/cycle_test We use the implementation of Johnson's algorithm in Ocaml by P. Abate and myself with the additional feature to (optionally) only enumerate cycles up to a given length. The (still generic) version of the Ocaml implementation can be found at: https://gitorious.org/debian-bootstrap/bootstrap/blobs/9922b429/graphUtils.ml#line128 So maybe it would be useful to integrate this into ocamlgraph? Using Ocamlgraph from C ----------------------- My ocaml code heavily uses ocamlgraph. I was asked to write a Python binding for my code but I thought that it would make more sense to allow my code to be used from C because every other language has some way to make use of C libraries. For example it would then be straight forward to use Python ctypes for a Python binding. So is there some existing code that allows ocamlgraph based code to be used from C where I could get some inspiration from how to best do the implementation and build system? GraphML reader -------------- Pietro Abate recently contributed a GraphML writer to ocamlgraph. I'm tempted to write a GraphML reader but should I accomplish to do this, it would make most sense if the result could also be integrated into ocamlgraph. GraphML is XML based, so what XML reader library would the ocamlgraph authors prefer I use for that task? Edge dominators --------------- The current implementation of dominators in ocamlgraph only computes vertex dominators. I also need edge dominators. When I implemented to also calculate those, how would the ocamlgraph maintainers like my contribution? Just an email to all three developers listed on the website? I'm a bit puzzled because I'm not used to sending code to individuals instead of mailing lists or bug trackers and also because the link to on the front page Julien Signoles gives a 404.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-03/msg00056.html
Gabriel Scherer explained:The number of packages available through OPAM that list "oasis" as a dependency (see list below) is too high -- oasis being designed to let developers pre-generate setup.ml to avoid any actual dependency on it. The reason for this is a glitch in old versions of Oasis (< 0.3.0) that makes the generated setup.ml break with OCaml >= 4.00.0; OPAM packagers list oasis as a dependency to regenerate a fixed setup.ml at compilation time. This is the case in particular for the latest versions of the following packages: - ANSITerminal* - bench* - ocaml-expect - ocaml-posix-resource - ocaml-radixtree - ocaml-sqlexpr - optimization1d* - root1d* (*): oasis is the only dependency besides the ubiquitous ocamlfind If you distribute setup.ml in your source releases, please make sure that it is generated with a recent version of Oasis (>= 0.3.0). This allows to remove oasis (and its four own dependencies) from the dependencies of your package. You can check which version of Oasis a given setup.ml comes from with the command: ocaml setup.ml -version If your package provides a setup.ml with version >= 0.3.0, and "oasis setup" is still present in the "build" field of OPAM metadata description (or "oasis" marked as a dependency for no other reason), this is a packaging bug that you should report to the relevant package maintainer or on the opam repository bugtracker ( https://github.com/OCamlPro/opam-repository/issues/ ). PS: I learned about the bad interaction between Oasis < 0.3.0 and OCaml >= 4.00.0 from Anil Madhavapeddy in the following bugtracker item: https://github.com/OCamlPro/opam-repository/issues/496Christophe Troestler replied:
Note that, for now, you must include let () = try Topdirs.dir_directory (Sys.getenv "OCAML_TOPLEVEL_PATH") with Not_found -> ();; at the beginning of setup.ml (before (* OASIS_START *)) in order for setup.ml to run with the dynamic mode during development. This will be automatically done by later versions of oasis. I usually ship the self-contained setup.ml only in tarballs.Wojciech Meyer also replied and Gabriel Scherer said:
> One of the reasons why people don't regenerate setup.ml but rely on > Oasis is very prosaic: some of the projects (if not most) are source > hosted on github, but github does not host files, however git tags can be > used to download the tarball using single URL. > > I'd add to Gabriel's suggestion to host these files somewhere, ocamlcore > seems to be like a natural choice. Indeed. The recommendation is rather orthogonal to the choice of maintainers to distribute setup.ml with they released tarball or not. If they don't, fine, if they do, please distribute the setup.ml generated from a recent OASIS. As a downstream user, I would have a preference for people to generate the setup.ml statically on their side (some less work and dependencies for us users), but I understand that just tarballing the development repository is a quick&easy way to push a release, made even easier by github, so it's a reasonable choice -- and I understand that people don't want to clutter their versioned repo with auto-generated files. (The initial reason for my e-mail was benchmarking considerations: we're considering using the OPAM compiler variant system to test in-development branches of the OCaml compiler, which mean possibly tight (edit, compile, opam install, benchmark) cycles. OPAM would be used to install just what's needed for the benchmarks, so maybe one library or two but mostly only the benchmarking library. In this context, it's important to have as few dependencies as possible, and I'm eager to remove the "oasis" dependency of "bench" and "benchmark".)Maxence Guesdon then said:
Github can host a website for each project, using a gh-pages branch, see http://pages.github.com/ and https://help.github.com/articles/creating-project-pages-manually The website is then hosted on <yourlogin>.github.com/<yourproject>. For example: http://zoggy.github.com/ocamlrss/ Then, using "git archive" command you can easily create an archive of your sources, copy it into the gh-pages branch and upload it (add+commit+push), making it available from your project website.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2013-03/msg00068.html
Anil Madhavapeddy announced:I've created: http://lists.ocaml.org/listinfo/opengl as requested. Enjoy!
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at http://planet.ocaml.org/. Adding namespaces to OCaml: http://lpw25.net/2013/03/10/ocaml-namespaces.html Barista: 2.0-beta: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=871 Barista 2.0-beta: http://caml.inria.fr/cgi-bin/hump.cgi?contrib=593 Jane Street's core library 109.11.00: http://caml.inria.fr/cgi-bin/hump.cgi?contrib=641 Sekred: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/sekred/ A library to record OCaml backtraces: http://gallium.inria.fr/blog/a-library-to-record-ocaml-backtraces Opa 1.1.1 is coming soon. The book is here.: http://blog.opalang.org/2013/03/opa-111-is-coming-soon-book-is-here.html ocaml hash function and complex data structures: https://mancoosi.org/~abate/ocaml-hash-function-and-complex-data-structures-0
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