Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of August 28 to September 04, 2012.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-08/msg00154.html
Maxence Guesdon announced:I'm happy to announce Xtmpl 0.2 is available from http://zoggy.github.com/xtmpl Xtmpl is a rewrite engine / templating library for Xml trees. This release includes only minor changes. I'm even happier to announce Stog 0.2, available from http://zoggy.github.com/stog/install.html Stog is a static multi-lingual web site and blog generator. A lot of changes in this release, including: Processed files are now only XML (no ad hoc format any more). The system is more flexible, more convenient also. Documentation was updated accordingly.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-08/msg00157.html
Xavier Clerc announced:This post announces the 1.0 release of the Mascot project, whose goal is to provide a style-checker for OCaml sources. Home page: http://mascot.x9c.fr Main changes since 1.0-beta: - support for checks based on binary annotations - support for binary output mode, and report-only mode - new code check: 'catch_all' to detect patterns catching all exceptions - new code check: 'code.ignore_unit' check to detect application of 'ignore' to expression whose type is 'unit' - bug #72: allow punctuation after closing a block - bug #74: handle the '::' operator - bug #75: do not require whitespace after '?' used for optional label - bug #76: do not require whitespace around '..' used for character range - bug #77: allow absence of whitespace before unary minus if previous token is an opening one - bug #79: treat '[< ... >]' and '[| ... |]' blocks like '{ ... }' blocks - bug #80: allow whitespace after '.' when used to introduce polymorphic type - bug #81: allow opening token after a label - bug #84: use 'center' rather than 'p' tag with 'align' attribute, and correct handling of icons - bug #87: install shouldn't build anything - bug #89: do not activate warnings by default - bug #90: output available checks as a ready-to-use config - bug #93: 'interface.duplicate' to detect duplicate entries in signatures - bug #94: do not require whitespace after colon - bug #96: 'typography.trailing_white_space' now has a 'tolerance' parameter in order to indicate how many whitespace characters may be tolerated - update for OCaml 4.00.0
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-08/msg00156.html
Xavier Clerc announced:This post announces the 1.2 release of the Kaputt project, whose goal is to provide a comprehensive testing framework for the OCaml language. Home page: http://kaputt.x9c.fr Main changes since 1.1: - new 'Mock' module providing means of recording calls made to a function - support for specification of partial functions (i. e. raising exceptions) - preprocessor allowing to store tests in separated '.mlt' files - removed deprecated functions - update for OCaml 4.00.0 - bug#85: cmi file is not installed - bugfixes to bigarray and nums support
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-08/msg00163.html
Luc Maranget announced:It is my pleasure to announce the new release (4.00.0) of JoCaml. JoCaml is the concurrrent and distributed extension of OCaml based upon the join-caculus. The new release follows OCaml evolution, it may be that the integration of OCaml new features such as GADT and binary annotations is far from perfect... The new release is available from JoCaml web site: http://jocaml.inria.fr/
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-09/msg00000.html
Paolo Donadeo announced:I'm happy to announce the first release of ocaml-lua, the OCaml binding of the Lua library. With ocaml-lua you can embed a Lua interpreter in an OCaml program in a few lines of code, and use Lua for configuration or customization purposes. Here are some references: The homepage of the project is hosted on OCaml Forge: http://ocaml-lua.forge.ocamlcore.org/ The complete library reference (ocamldoc generated) is here: http://ocaml-lua.forge.ocamlcore.org/api-lua/ Source tarballs are on the download page on OCaml Forge: http://forge.ocamlcore.org/frs/?group_id=167 The official GIT repository is here: http://forge.ocamlcore.org/scm/browser.php?group_id=167 Bug reports and feature requests are on my page on GitHub: https://github.com/pdonadeo/ocaml-lua/issues
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-09/msg00001.html
Markus Weissmann announced:I'd like to announce version 0.4 of the PROMELA library. It provides types and functions to create, analyze and modify PROMELA programs as used by the Spin model checker. The source code is available on ocamlforge under the new bsd license: http://promela.forge.ocamlcore.org/ The purpose of the library is to make automated generation, rewriting and verification of PROMELA models easy. Think of it as something like "LLVM for model checking". It comes with an example generator that can create a model of an arbitrary-sized dining philosophers problem.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-09/msg00003.html
Jacques-Pascal Deplaix asked and Jacques Garrigue explained:> I have met some compilation problem when I tried to compile ocsimore > with ocaml-4.00.0: > > Error: This expression has type > ?href_action:Wiki_syntax_types.link_action -> > ?link_action:Wiki_syntax_types.link_action -> > Wiki_syntax_types.desugar_param -> string -> string Lwt.t > but an expression was expected of type > Wiki_syntax_types.desugar_param -> string -> string Lwt.t > > It's really a weird error. I tried to reproduce it in a small test-case > but I didn't succeed. > > I made a patch for it in ocsimore, but it's really dirty/useless: > http://ocsigen.org/darcsweb/?r=ocsimore;a=commitdiff;h=20120903152205-a85e5-00b22d6e2abc7c666a7700d70e3190e6aefbfd7e.gz > > If someone can tell me if it's an ocaml bug or something else. OCaml 4.00 is much more agressive in propagating expected types when typing expressions. Unfortunately, there was a conflict between this upward propagation, and the somehow adhoc behaviour which removes optional arguments from a function passed as argument to a function or record/variant constructor not expecting optional arguments. Specifically, this is this behavior: val f : (unit -> unit) -> unit val g : ?x:int -> ?y:bool -> unit -> unit let () = f g This code triggers automatic discarding of the optional arguments of g, so that the type matches the expected one. But for this we need to first infer the type of the argument, to see that it doesn't match the expected one. I was not aware that this feature was widely used, and the behavior in 4.00.0 is to restrict this feature to expressions where upward propagation doesn't make sense anyway: * identifiers * function applications * message sending * record field extraction * wrapping of "let open" around any of those Since "let module" is not included, this breaks the code in ocsimore... This is actually the same problem as reported in http://caml.inria.fr/mantis/view.php?id=5748 The clean fix in your case is to move the "let module" outside of the application: let module Plugin = (val p: WikiPlugin) in desugar_content (desugar_string Plugin.wikiparser) If you don't care about compatibility with 3.12, you can even write: | WikiPlugin (module Plugin) -> desugar_content (desugar_string Plugin.wikiparser) I'm pondering what to do about this. Since this feature is described in the tutorial part of the reference manual, I suppose this qualifies as a bug. However, combining this behavior with upward propagation is difficult. Not propagating types to function arguments seems fine, but for variant and record constructors this is less clear-cut. Another option is to extend the syntactic cases where the behavior is triggered, including "let" and "let module", but the above PR#5748 is about inlined functions, which could benefit from propagation.
Archive: https://sympa.inria.fr/sympa/arc/caml-list/2012-09/msg00010.html
Luc Maranget announced:It is my pleasure to announce the new, 2.00 release of HEVEA. HEVEA is a LaTeX to HTML translator. The input language is a fairly complete subset of LaTeX2e and the output language is HTML that is (hopefully) correct with respect to version 5. HEVEA web page is http://hevea.inria.fr/ This release is a major one as hevea output has changed from HTML 4.00 (transitional) to HTML version 5.
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at http://planet.ocamlcore.org/. A safe but strange way of modifying OCaml compiler: http://camlspotter.blogspot.com/2012/09/a-safe-but-strange-way-of-modifying.html First release of OCaml binding of Lua library: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=855 First release of OCaml binding of Lua library: http://www.donadeo.net/post/2012/first-release-of-ocaml-lua OCaml-R: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/ocaml-r/ Kaputt 1.2: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=854 JoCaml 4.00: http://caml.inria.fr/cgi-bin/hump.cgi?contrib=247 Mascot 1.0: http://caml.inria.fr/cgi-bin/hump.cgi?contrib=755
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