Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of March 20 to 27, 2012.
Archive: https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2012-03/msg00254.html
Philippe Veber asked and Jacques Garrigue replied:> I found myself defining a type that would both contain a module type and a > type constraint: > > module type Screen = sig > type state > type message > val init : state > [...] > val emit : state -> message option > end > type 'a screen = (module Screen with type message = 'a) constraint 'a = > [> `quit] > > That is supposed to express that screens emit messages, and that one of the > messages can be "quit". Now I've got some trouble when using the 'a screen > type in a function that unpack the module it contains: > > let f (screen : 'a screen) = > let module Screen = (val screen : Screen) in > match Screen.(emit init) with > | Some `quit -> 1 > | _ -> 0 > > ;; > Error: This expression has type > ([> `quit ] as 'a) screen = (module Screen with type message = 'a) > but an expression was expected of type (module Screen) Indeed, this is clearly wrong: these two module types are not equivalent. > New attempt: > > # let f (screen : 'a screen) = > let module Screen = (val screen : Screen with type message = 'a) in > match Screen.(emit init) with > | Some `quit -> 1 > | _ -> 0 > > ;; > Error: Unbound type parameter 'a Wrong again, as subtyping between module signatures does not allow free type variables. > Though here I'm not sure the error is right. New attempt: > > > # let f (type s) (screen : s screen) = > let module Screen = (val screen : Screen with type message = s) in > match Screen.(emit init) with > | Some `quit -> 1 > | _ -> 0 > > ;; > Error: This type s should be an instance of type [> `quit ] > > Which makes sense. So here is my question: is there a way to impose a > constraint on the "newtype" introduced in argument? Let me say that I'm > aware I should write this more simply. For instance in the module type > Screen, emit could have type state -> [`quit | `message of message]. So my > question is only a matter of curiosity. Still, I'd be happy to know :o). No, currently there is no way to do that. One can only create locally abstract types, not locally private types. In theory I see no problem doing that, but with the current approach this would require new syntax, and be rather heavy. let f (type s = private [> `quit]) (screen : s screen) = ... And to be fully general, recursion between those types should be allowed too... As a side note, writing type message = private [> unit] makes the problem clearer. And solves it in some cases: module type Screen = sig type state type message = private [> `quit ] val init : state val emit : state -> message option end # let f (module Screen : Screen) = match Screen.(emit init) with | Some `quit -> 1 | _ -> 0 ;; val f : (module Screen) -> int = <fun> (using 4.00, but you can also write with (val ...))
Archive: https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2012-03/msg00267.html
Jeffrey Scofield announced:As more proof that you can write real-world iOS apps in OCaml, our little outfit Psellos has just released a second OCaml app through the App Store. It plays the classic card games Schnapsen and Sixty-Six. You can find info about the app at our website: http://psellos.com/ We think using OCaml was a real advantage in building the game-playing engine. It also seemed a great fit for the animation subsystem that I wrote to make the cards move (immutably). Also, these are great card games. One of our friends was inspired by the app to start up a blog about Schnapsen (also on the website). In addition to the two apps that we sell (for cheap), I've written 5 apps that show how to code for iOS in OCaml. The sources for all 5 are available at our website in the OCaml section (http://psellos.com/ocaml/). A few people have used these examples as the basis for their own apps. There's also info on how to cross compile to iOS and to the iOS Simulator, how to build the cross compilers we're using, and how to use OpenGL ES from OCaml. Recently there was a question about updating our tools to work with Apple's latest Xcode. Now that the app is released, I'll be doing that as soon as I can. I'm trying my best to start a worldwide OCaml-on-iOS craze :-), and would be very happy to hear from anyone interested.
Archive: https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2012-03/msg00150.html
Goswin von Brederlow asked (please find the example at the archive link):yesterday I compiled ocaml 3.13 and played around a bit with the GDAT syntax but wasn't overly successfull. Or at least I had higher hopes for it. So it is time to invoke the internet to come up with a better example. :) 1) How do I write a GADT that encodes the length of a string or array? How do I use that to create a string or array? How do I specify a function that takes a string or array of a fixed length? Bonus: How do I specify a function that takes a string or array of a certain length or longer? 2) How do I write a GADT that counts an int module x? Say for an offset into a byte stream to safeguard when access is aligned and when unaligned. Again with an example that creates a value and a function that uses it. Bonus: Have one function that only allows aligned access and one that picks the right aligned/unaligned function to use depending on the type. Below I've included an example for checking aligned access (1/2/4/8 byte aligned). First using GADT and second using old style phantom types. The second looks much longer because it includes the signature needed to make the type (...) off private. The t1/t2/t4/t8 types are just aliases to make the type of the other functions shorter. One thing I couldn't manage is to write a "bind" function with GADTs or bind takeX to a string unless I specify the full type. "takeX s" always switches to '_a types and then gets bound to a specific type on the first use and fail on the second use. On the plus side of GADTs is that you do not need a private type (and therefore the module signature) to make them work. MfG Goswin PS: Other simple examples that show the power of GADTs are welcome too.Gabriel Scherer replied:
I suspect you're seeing too much into the GADT as they're being added in OCaml. Your examples are not basically about GADTs, but about dependent types: you want to encode values (and operations on them) at the type level to get more expressivity. This is a well-known and extremely powerful trend in programming languages design, but it also results in complex systems with sophisticated rules. GADTs are not as expressive as full dependent types and, I would argue, their "intended use" is elsewhere. GADTs are plain old algebraic datatypes that come with equality constraints between types. By manipulating GADTs you can reason, in a convenient way, about some types being equal to some other in specific case. The cornerstone example of GADT is the (a) type of well-typed expressions (a expr), where the shape of the expression gives you more information about the type (a) : type _ expr = | Int : int -> int expr | Prod : 'a expr -> 'b expr -> ('a * 'b) expr | IfThenElse : bool expr -> 'a expr -> 'a expr -> 'a expr ... With a GADT type, you can write an evaluation function of type ('a expr -> 'a), for instance, which would not be possible in a type-safe way with the usual algebraic datatype with a phantom type parameter -- it was already possible to use encodings of GADT into first-class modules [1], or finally tagless representations [2] to achieve the same effect, but with more boilerplate and less efficient runtime representations. [1] http://okmij.org/ftp/ML/first-class-modules/ [2] http://okmij.org/ftp/tagless-final/index.html (Remark: a lot of algorithms can be understood as the transformation of data into code, that is evaluating a specific language of commands. It is therefore easy to see "a type of well-typed expressions" in almost every real-life use case.) On the contrary, your intended applications are not directly about equality between types, but about value and computations at the type level. While this can be done with GADTs when extended with enough machinery (in particular higher-kinded type variables and possibly higher-kinded datatypes; see the work on Omega [3] for example), in OCaml that is expected to be heavy, painful to write and read, and hard on the tooling (type inference, error messages, etc.). At some point the benefit of finer static checking does not compensate the overall pain and complexity of the whole process, and I think we enter the realm of unnecessarily complicated programs. [3] http://web.cecs.pdx.edu/~sheard/ I'm no expert on the subject, but I doubt GADT will provide you much more expressivity at the level of which computation you can embed in types. I suspect you'll mostly use the same techniques as you used before with phantom types (the question of signature redundancy being more a technical detail than an indication of expressivity, or lack thereof, of one or another technique). Unary natural numbers will keep being easy to express at the type-level (see draft implementation at the end of this email), and modulo, difference or what not will probably stay tricky and horrible to define if you want the *inference* engine to do all computation. There is also this technique of using term witnesses to do the heavy type lifting and use a logic-programming style at the type level, but that's probably not what you're looking for. A small draft of unary natural numbers mirrored at the type level through GADT. https://gitorious.org/gasche-snippets/ocaml-typed-units/blobs/master/gadts_and_type_level_numbers.ml They quickly get painful and impractical. Implementing addition is already non-trivial -- see Mandelbaum and Stump's 2009 article "GADTs for the OCaml masses" [4] for a more featureful, but no simpler, presentation: [4] https://www.cs.uiowa.edu/~astump/papers/icfp09.pdf I consider using GADT to emulate dependent types to be an advanced, and often counter-productive, level of "type hackery". We should rather seek examples that fit the GADT features well, instead of trying to stretch it to such unreasonable places. For example, François Pottier and Nadji Gauthier's "Polymorphic typed defunctionalization and concretization" article [5] (2004, 2006) uses GADT to represent functions by (well-typed) data tags, and Alain Frisch's use of GADTs for dynamic type witnesses [6]. But with such advanced features, it is of course not easy to draw a line between "reasonable" and "less reasonable" uses. [5] http://gallium.inria.fr/~fpottier/publis/fpottier-gauthier-hosc.pdf [6] http://www.lexifi.com/blog/dynamic-typesoleg also said:
Somehow typed tagless interpreters (embeddings of a typed language) and length-parameterized lists with the append function are the most popular examples of GADTs. Neither of them seem to be particularly good or compelling examples. One can write typed interpreters in the final-tagless style, with no GADTs. Writing append function whose type says the length of the resulting list is the sum of the lengths of the argument lists is cute. However, this example does not go too far, as one discovers when trying to write List.filter for length-parameterized lists. The ML2010 talk on GADT emulation specifically used a different illustrating example: a sort of generic programming, or implementing N-morphic functions: http://okmij.org/ftp/ML/first-class-modules/first-class-modules-talk-notes.pdf Polymorphic functions must operate uniformly on their arguments, which means they can't use a specific efficient operation if the argument happens to be of a convenient type (like int of float array). N-morphic functions can take such an advantage. The running example of the talk combined value and the shape information in the same data type: type 'a sif = Int of (int,'a) eq * int | Flo of (float,'a) eq * float val add_sif : 'a sif -> 'a sif -> 'a sif Shape may well be separated from the value: type 'a shape = Int of (int,'a) eq | Flo of (float,'a) eq val add_sif : 'a shape -> 'a -> 'a -> 'a and so we pass values to add_sif without `boxing' and wrapping.To which Gabriel Scherer replied:
In this example, you use GADTs to safely provide runtime type information on untagged data. This can also be seen as a specific case of the "runtime type information" promoted by Alain Frisch [1] or equivalently as a dual (in the sum-of-data vs. product-of-functions sense) of type-classes, where you have a predicate over a subset of the types ("sif" being read as an "is_a_number" type constraint) whose instances are closed / fixed at class definition time, to which operations can be added modularly: `add` now, `mult` later. This can then be related to Pottier and Gauthier's "concretization" of type-classes mentioned in my previous message. [1] http://www.lexifi.com/blog/dynamic-types [2] http://gallium.inria.fr/~fpottier/publis/fpottier-gauthier-hosc.pdf > One can write typed interpreters in the > final-tagless style, with no GADTs. Isn't this true of all GADTs examples? You have already shown that GADTs can be relatively-practically expressible with equality types. I suspect the justification for GADTs is not increased expressivity, but a simpler/more familiar way to implement those type-information-passing techniques -- just as ordinary algebraic datatypes could be expressed with functional encodings, but are more practical and convenient to use in the usual case. Besides, there is the down-to-earth efficiency benefit of directly using first-order data instead of functional encodings.Goswin von Brederlow later said:
I played some more with GADTs, this time with an universal list. Well, not truely universal as you can't store arbitrary types. Only Int and Float are allowed here: type _ kind = (* used for searching in the list *) | Int_kind : int kind | Float_kind : float kind type value = (* box the values so we have runtime type information *) | Int of int | Float of float type list = (* the universal list *) | Nil : list | Cons : value * list -> list (* find the first value in the list of a given kind *) let rec get : type a . list -> a kind -> a = fun l k -> match (k, l) with | (_, Nil) -> raise Not_found | (Int_kind, Cons (Int x, xs)) -> x | (Float_kind, Cons (Float x, xs)) -> x | (_, Cons (_, xs)) -> get xs k (* print out list *) let rec print = function | Nil -> print_newline () | Cons ((Int x), xs) -> Printf.printf "%d " x; print xs | Cons ((Float x), xs) -> Printf.printf "%f " x; print xs (* testing *) let empty = Nil let l1 = Cons ((Int 1), empty) let l2 = Cons ((Float 2.), l1) let () = print l2 let i = get l2 Int_kind let f = get l2 Float_kind;; (* 2.000000 1 type _ kind = Int_kind : int kind | Float_kind : float kind type value = Int of int | Float of float type list = Nil : list | Cons : value * list -> list val get : list -> 'a kind -> 'a = <fun> val print : list -> unit = <fun> val empty : list = Nil val l1 : list = Cons (Int 1, Nil) val l2 : list = Cons (Float 2., Cons (Int 1, Nil)) val i : int = 1 val f : float = 2. *) At first glance you might think: Why does that need GADTs? Why not simply use type value = Int of int | Float of float for this? Take a close look at the get funktion: val get : list -> 'a kind -> 'a = <fun> It does not return a value but directly the unboxed type. Because the value is unboxed you can directly use it and ocaml will detect if you screw up the type like in: let () = Printf.printf "%d\n" (get l2 Float_kind);; Error: This expression has type float but an expression was expected of type int
Archive: https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2012-03/msg00271.html
Roberto Di Cosmo said:GADT come in really handy is when you have data structures that need existential type variables. A nice example is the case of lists of composable functions: say you want to build a list containing functions f_i : A_i -> A_{i+1} Without GADT ------------ One can get away cheating the type system and declaring the type type ('a,'b) cfl = ('a -> 'b) list;; which is really incorrect: 'a is the first input type, 'b is the last output type, and that's ok, but it is really not true that the list will contain functions of type 'a -> 'b ... This shows up as soon as one tries to do something useful with this list, like adding one element at the bebinning: to keep the type checker happy, we call Obj.magic in for help let add (f: 'a -> 'b) (fl : ('b,'c) cfl) : ('a,'c) cfl = (Obj.magic f):: (Obj.magic fl);; And you will need Obj.magic's help in writing map, fold, compute, whatever... You may argue that if all the hectic primitives are well hidden behind a module signature, and the module programmer is very smart, all will be well, but that's ugly, isn't it? Here is the elegant way of doing it using GADT ---------------------------------------------- Declare the type cfl of a composable function list as follows type ('a,'b) cfl = Nilf: ('a,'a) cfl |Consf: ('a -> 'b) * ('b,'c) cfl -> ('a,'c) cfl;; Now you can write useful functions which are well typed let rec compute : type a b. a -> (a,b) cfl -> b = fun x -> function | Nilf -> x (* here 'a = 'b *) | Consf (f,rl) -> compute (f x) rl;; Try it... it works! let cl = Consf ((fun x -> Printf.sprintf "%d" x), Nilf);; let cl' = Consf ((fun x -> truncate x), cl);; compute 3.5 cl';; Notice that the type of Consf contains a variable 'b which is not used in the result type: one can check that ('a -> 'b) * ('b,'c) cfl -> ('a,'c) cfl can be seen as \forall 'a 'c. (\exists 'b.('a -> 'b) * ('b,'c) cfl) -> ('a,'c) cfl so, when deconstructing a cfl, one gets of course a function and the rest of the list, but now we know that their type is \exists 'b.('a -> 'b) * ('b,'c) cfl Well, isn't this a contrived example? ------------------------------------- Actually, not at all... back in 1999, when developing a parallel programming library named ocamlp3l, we implemented high-level parallelism combinators that allowed to write expressions like this (hey, isn't this map/reduce? well, yes... indeed that was an ooold idea) (seq(intervals 10) ||| mapvector(seq(seq_integr f),5) ||| reducevector(seq(sum),2)) These combinators could be interpreted sequentially or graphically quite easily, but turning them into a distributed program required a lot of work, and the first step was to build an AST from these expressions: here is a snippet of the actual type declaration from the old code in parp3l.ml (* the type of the p3l cap *) type ('a,'b) p3ltree = Farm of (('a,'b) p3ltree * int) | Pipe of ('a,'b) p3ltree list | Map of (('a,'b) p3ltree * int) | Reduce of (('a,'b) p3ltree * int) | Seq of ('a -> 'b) ;; And here is one of the simplification steps we had to perform on the AST let (|||) (t1 : ('a,'b) p3ltree) (t2 : ('b,'c) p3ltree) = match ((Obj.magic t1 : ('a,'c) p3ltree), (Obj.magic t2 : ('a,'c) p3ltree)) with (Pipe l1, Pipe l2) -> Pipe(l1 @ l2) | (s1, Pipe l2) -> Pipe(s1 :: l2) | (Pipe l1, s2) -> Pipe(l1 @ [s2]) | (s1, s2) -> Pipe [s1; s2];; I am sure you see the analogy with the composable function list: a series of functions in a paralle pipeline have exactly the same type structure. With GADTs, onw can can finally write this 1999 code in a clean way in OCaml, so many thanks to the OCaml team, and keep up the good work!
Archive: https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2012-03/msg00302.html
Jerome Vouillon announced:I'm happy to announce a new release of Js_of_ocaml, a compiler from OCaml bytecode to Javascript. This tool lets you write OCaml programs that run on Web browsers. You can use it to deploy your OCaml applications everywhere (smartphones, tablets, desktop computers, ...), or to take advantage of the graphical capabilies of modern browsers: text layout, 2D canvas, WebGL... This release adds WebGL bindings, provides more complete bindings to the other browser APIs, and fixes a number of bugs. Js_of_ocaml is easy to install, and use thereafter, as it works with an existing installation of OCaml, with no need to recompile any library. It comes with bindings for a large part of the browser APIs. The project page is: http://ocsigen.org/js_of_ocaml/ EXAMPLES The compiler has been used to implement the "Try Ocaml" site, which runs the OCaml toplevel in you browser. http://try.ocamlpro.org/ Another noteworthy example is an interactive tree viewer, which let you browse a large phylogenetic tree of animals, layed out on the hyperbolic plane. http://ocsigen.org/js_of_ocaml/files/hyperbolic/ Further examples can be found on the project page. PERFORMANCES According to our benchmarks, with state of the art Javascript engines, the generated programs runs typically faster than with the OCaml bytecode interpreter ( http://ocsigen.org/js_of_ocaml/performances ;). Js_of_ocaml performs dead code elimination in order to generate compact code: the Javascript file produced is usually smaller than the input bytecode file, and often much smaller. LINKS Project home page http://ocsigen.org/js_of_ocaml/ Download http://ocsigen.org/download/js_of_ocaml-1.1.1.tar.gz Get source code darcs get http://ocsigen.org/darcs/js_of_ocaml/ Documentation https://ocsigen.org/js_of_ocaml/manual/
Archive: https://sympa-roc.inria.fr/wws/arc/caml-list/2012-03/msg00304.html
Martin Jambon announced:We are looking for a software engineer to join our team at MyLife. Our work falls broadly into the "Big Data" category. The successful candidate will be a programmer with an understanding of OCaml's properties and why it makes a good choice for the problems we have to solve. The job will require: - familiarity with OCaml - familiarity with Unix systems - interest in data analysis - continuous learning - good communication The position is in our Mountain View office, which benefits from the exceptional work and life environment of the Silicon Valley. Please contact me for more information: Martin Jambon <martin AT mylife-inc.com>
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at http://planet.ocamlcore.org/. PROMELA: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/promela/ Zarith 1.1 released: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=829 OCamlTopWin: simple Windows toplevel UI: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/ocamltopwin/ ML workshop: https://ocaml.janestreet.com/?q=node/107
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