Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of December 14 to 21, 2010.
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/43f587e4732e33d2#
Martin Jambon announced:Atdgen is a tool that produces OCaml serializers and deserializers from type definitions in the ATD syntax. Two serialization formats are supported: JSON and Biniou. For more information on the project, see http://martin.jambon.free.fr/atd-biniou-intro.html The main highlight of this release (1.1.0) is support for sharing, which allows the serialization of cyclic values such as graphs. Sharing is currently supported for the Biniou format only and requires extra wrapping using type ref for non-record types. The other new features are listed here: http://oss.wink.com/atdgen/atdgen-1.1.0/Changes.txt Example: $ cat cycle.atd type shared_node = node shared (* sharing point *) type node = { label : string; self : shared_node; } $ cat test_cycle.ml open Cycle let () = let rec a = { label = "A"; self = a } in let s = string_of_shared_node a in Printf.printf "%i %S\n" (String.length s) s; let a' = shared_node_of_string s in assert (a != a'); assert (a == a.self); assert (a' == a'.self); print_endline "Success" $ atdgen cycle.atd $ ocamlfind opt -o test_cycle \ graph.mli graph.ml test_cycle.ml \ -package atdgen -linkpkg $ ./test_cycle 17 "\026\000\021\002\239\175\r\244\018\001A\204P\139\140\026\015" Success Dissection of the serialized value: \026 shared_tag \000 0 indicates that the value follows \021 record_tag \002 field count \239\175\r\244 hash("label") \018 string_tag \001 string length A string contents \204P\139\140 hash("self") \026 shared_tag \015 find value 15 bytes backward The Biniou format is fully described here: http://martin.jambon.free.fr/biniou-format.txt Home of each project: http://martin.jambon.free.fr/biniou.html http://martin.jambon.free.fr/yojson.html http://oss.wink.com/atd/ http://oss.wink.com/atdgen/ Non-interactive installation with Godi: $ godi_console update $ godi_console perform -build godi-atdgen Each of these four projects are distributed under a BSD license. Biniou (c) 2010 Martin Jambon Yojson (c) 2010 Martin Jambon Atd (c) 2010 MyLife Atdgen (c) 2010 MyLife
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at http://planet.ocamlcore.org/. optimising texsearch : memory usage: http://scattered-thoughts.net/one/1292/752863/348678 Tip: libguestfs API: Get the mounted device from a path: http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2010/12/17/tip-libguestfs-api-get-the-mounted-device-from-a-path/ Guest filesystem browser update 5: http://rwmj.wordpress.com/2010/12/16/guest-filesystem-browser-update-5/ efuns: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/efuns/ Ruby is my work language: http://www.sairyx.org/2010/12/ruby-is-my-work-language/ OCurl cache manager: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/ocurl-cache/
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