Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of September 14 to 21, 2010.
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/172ab0d7ea227bd8#
Sylvain Le Gall asked:I would like to somehow enforce that a variant type is associated with an entry in a data list. For example, I would like to define: type license = GPL | LGPL and let data = [ GPL, "GNU Public license"; LGPL, "GNU Lesser General Public license" ] I would like to enforce that all variants of license are in the association list. I have tried to use polymorphic variants, but don't see how to enforce this constraint. The point, is that if I add a new variant to license (e.g. BSD3), the compiler output an error because this new variant is not in data list. Any ideas ? If you need to use another type expression rather than variant, please do so, as long as I am able to link the license type and data list.bluestorm suggested:
I do not have a direct solution to your problem. If you want to associate a data with each case, you can use a pattern matching, wich will do the exhaustiveness check : let to_string : license -> _ = function | `GPL -> "GPL" | `LGPL -> "LGPL" You will be warned if you add (or remove) some licenses and forget to change the function. You may, however, want to have a list of all licenses values, instead of a case-handling on each value. I don't know how you could have the compiler check completeness for you, but if you really want that check, there is an extra-linguistic method : declare your value without giving it a type annotation, so that the compiler will infer the covered case, then use a script outside the program, calling "ocamlc -i" to check the inferred signature, and comparing it to you datatype declaration. Finally, I have a third solution based on code generation : given my first solution (turning the association list into a function), what you need is only a list of all the constructors (and you can build your assoc list with List.map (fun x -> x, assoc_function x)). This can easily be generated from the datatype declaration using direct camlp4, or Markus Mottl's type-conv ( http://www.ocaml.info/home/ocaml_sources.html#toc11 ).Oleg suggested:
In other words, you would like a set of values of a distinct type, each of which is associated with a printable string. One should be able to add to the set in some `authorized way'; one should not be able to make a value of that distinct type in an unauthorized way (that is, by accident). Right? It seems the following solution then would satisfy the specification: module LICENSE : sig type t val print_lic : t -> string val gpl : t val lgpl : t (* more can be added *) end = struct type t = string let print_lic x = x let gpl = "GNU Public license" let lgpl = "GNU Lesser General Public license" end;; (* Usage example *) type package = {pkg_name : string; pkg_lic : LICENSE.t};; let packages = [{pkg_name = "gcc"; pkg_lic = LICENSE.gpl}; {pkg_name = "lgpled"; pkg_lic = LICENSE.lgpl}] ;; let rec pr_lics = function [] -> () | {pkg_lic = l}::t -> Printf.printf "%s\n" (LICENSE.print_lic l); pr_lics t ;; let rec all_of_lic l = function [] -> [] | {pkg_name = name; pkg_lic = l'}::t when l' == l -> name :: all_of_lic l t | _::t -> all_of_lic l t ;; all_of_lic LICENSE.lgpl packages;; One can't overlook specifying the description string. One can't create new values of the type LICENSE.t `by accident' (the only possible values of the type are the ones exported by the module).Maxence Guesdon suggested:
Here is another solution, based on oug[1]. The idea is to: 1. make oug analyse your source files and dump the result, 2. write a program loading the dump and performing the checks you want. Here is an example, which performs 1. and 2., with only one source file "foo.ml". === myoug.ml let (data, _) = Ouglib.Analyze.analyze ["foo.ml"];; let number_variants = Ouglib.Lang.filter_elements data (Ouglib.Lang.Name { Ouglib.Lang.sel_name = "Foo.number.*" ; sel_kind = [ Ouglib.Data.Type_field ] ; } ) ;; let numbers_list_id = match Ouglib.Lang.filter_elements data (Ouglib.Lang.Name { Ouglib.Lang.sel_name = "Foo.numbers" ; sel_kind = [ Ouglib.Data.Value ] ; } ) with [id] -> id | _ -> assert false ;; let graph = data.Ouglib.Data.graph ;; let created_by_numbers_list = let l = Ouglib.Graph.succ graph numbers_list_id in let f acc (id, k) = match k with Ouglib.Data.Create -> id :: acc | _ -> acc in List.fold_left f [] l ;; let (_,missing) = List.partition (fun id -> List.mem id created_by_numbers_list) number_variants ;; match missing with [] -> exit 0 | _ -> let b = Buffer.create 256 in Ouglib.Dump.print_element_list data b missing; prerr_endline (Printf.sprintf "The following constructors are not present in Foo.numbers:\n%s" (Buffer.contents b) ); exit 1 ;; === /myoug.ml == === foo.ml === type number = One | Two | Three | Four;; let numbers = [ One, 1 ; Two, 2 ];; === /foo.ml == Compilation of myoug.ml to myoug.x: # ocamlc -I +oug str.cma toplevellib.cma oug.cma -o myoug.x myoug.ml Launching myoug.x gives the following: The following constructors are not present in Foo.numbers: f Foo.number.Three f Foo.number.Four Of course, you can adapt the program to fit your needs: have a makefile target to create the oug dump and use this dump in various checking programs, or in one program performing various checks. Hope this helps, Maxence [1] http://home.gna.org/oug/index.fr.htmlFinally, Sylvain Le Gall said:
Thank you for all your answer. I pick the one from oleg@okmij.org, I hide the license with a type and the creation of license is done in the module. The to_string/from_string is done by registering extra data in an Hashtable. See the implementation here. http://darcs.ocamlcore.org/cgi-bin/darcsweb.cgi?r=oasis;a=headblob;f=/src/oasis/OASISLicense.mli http://darcs.ocamlcore.org/cgi-bin/darcsweb.cgi?r=oasis;a=headblob;f=/src/oasis/OASISLicense.ml
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/e56d92a25216b3e7#
Jacques Garrigue announced:Following a number of bug fixes, and particularly a serious incompatibility in ocaml 3.12 (due to the fixing of an old typing bug), here is a new release of LablGtk2, the ocaml interface to the Gtk+ GUI library and friends (glade, rsvg, gnomecanvas, gnomedruid, panel, gtkspell, gtksourceview2.) You can find it at: http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/soft/olabl/lablgtk.html The windows release will have to wait for a windows version of ocaml 3.12... $Id: CHANGES 1528 2010-09-17 08:38:54Z garrigue $ In Lablgtk-2.14.2: 2010.09.09 [Jacques] * add GtkCurve (but it is deprecated since 2.20) 2010.08.16 [Jacques] * rename g_value_{get,set}_variant, as the name is used by recent versions of glib (reported by Florent Monnier) 2010.07.25 [Jacques] * add changed signal to cell_renderer_combo (reported by Dmitry Bely) 2010.07.23 [Jacques] * copy GtkTreePath arguments in callbacks, as reported by Benjamin. 2010.06.25 [Jacques] * remove gtkInit.cmo from gdk_pixbuf_mlsource, no need to initialize Gtk as Gobject is sufficient * protect GtkThread callbacks against exceptions, and provide a function to process messages inside a different main loop. * add -nothinit option to lablgtk2, since Quartz cannot run the main loop in a different thread (one should just call GtkThread.main). See dialog-thread.ml for an example. 2010.06.08 [Jacques] * correct interfaces due to the fixing of an unsoundness bug in ocaml 3.12 (cf. http://caml.inria.fr/mantis/view.php?id=4824)
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/6b19493f7d449b91#
Yoann Padioleau asked, Richard Jones replied, and Gerd Stolpmann said:> > I am trying to use your Ancient module to avoid having the garbage > > collector spends lots of time iterating over huge data in memory. It > > works quite well for arrays but for hashtbl I have some problems > > where I am not able to find back keys that were clearly in the > > original hashtbl (before Ancient.mark it). > > > > In the doc it says: > > > > (1) Ad-hoc polymorphic primitives (structural equality, marshalling > > and hashing) do not work on ancient data structures, meaning that you > > will need to provide your own comparison and hashing functions. > > The issue is described by Xavier Leroy: > http://caml.inria.fr/pub/ml-archives/caml-list/2006/09/977818689f4ceb2178c592453df7a343.en.html > > As far as my understanding goes, what happens is that the OCaml > compare function (or some C equivalent in the runtime) looks at the > two string pointers and decides that since both are out of the normal > heap they are just opaque objects. Thus it won't compare the content > of the strings, but will just do pointer equality. This massively > breaks assumptions in some ordinary OCaml code, in this instance in > Hashtbl. There is now a way to change this. You can call caml_page_table_add (since 3.11) to explicitly declare a memory region as containing Ocaml values. The polymorphic comparison, the hash primitive, and marshalling work then. There is support for this in Ocamlnet-3: http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/dl/ocamlnet-3.0.3/doc/html-main/Netsys_mem.html#VALvalue_area
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at http://planet.ocamlcore.org/. Compiler tip: http://gaiustech.wordpress.com/2010/09/20/ocaml-compiler-errors/ Code folding in Emacs: http://gaiustech.wordpress.com/2010/09/20/code-folding-in-emacs/ Onotify: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/onotify/ Parametric Modular Programming: http://alaska-kamtchatka.blogspot.com/2010/09/parametric-modular-programming.html
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