Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of August 31 to September 07, 2010.
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/7aa4a307e49a0f50#
Gerd Stolpmann announced:I'm very proud to announce Ocamlnet 3.0.0, a completely overhauled version of Ocamlnet. List of major changes: * Port to Win32 (as outlined in the blog article http://blog.camlcity.org/blog/ocamlnet3_win32.html) * The new Rpc_proxy layer (as described in http://blog.camlcity.org/blog/ocamlnet3_ha.html) * Extensions of Netplex (Netplex_sharedvar etc.) * New implementation of the Shell library for starting subprocesses * Uniform debugging with Netlog.Debug * Exception printers (Netexn) * Coordination of signal handling in Netsys_signal * New foundation for Unixqueue via pollsets * Extended Unixqueue engines (e.g. Uq_io) * More system calls in netsys * Camlboxes as an efficient way of message passing between processes * The netcgi1 library has been dropped in favor of netcgi2 There are also a lot of minor changes. Some of the changes are incompatible with code written for Ocamlnet 2, but experience shows that this rarely creates problems. Download: http://download.camlcity.org/download/ocamlnet-3.0.0.tar.gz Manual: http://projects.camlcity.org/projects/dl/ocamlnet-3.0.0/doc/html-main/index.html Please report problems to gerd@gerd-stolpmann.de GODI users: For the still inofficial 3.12 release of GODI ocamlnet-3.0.0 will be the regular version of Ocamlnet. For the 3.11 release it is planned to stick to ocamlnet-2.2.9, and to offer an optional upgrade to ocamlnet-3.0.0. (See separate message in godi-list.)Later on, Gerd Stolpmann announced:
unfortunately there were two bugs in this version (one build bug, one serious race condition), both fixed in 3.0.1 (available from the same place). Also, I wrote an/another article about the changes in Ocamlnet 3: http://blog.camlcity.org/blog/ocamlnet3_release.html
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/d665d234271e17db#
Jake Donham announced:If you are interested in using deriving on OCaml 3.12.0, I have fixed it up here: http://github.com/jaked/deriving I haven't tried anything serious with it but the tests pass.
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/10ef734d6863bced#
Sylvain Le Gall announced:We have released a new version of cryptokit. The changes are the following: - Added Blowfish block cipher. - Added MAC functions based on HMAC construction applied to SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160. - Added OASIS and findlib support You can download it from: http://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/cryptokit/ or for testing oasis-db: http://oasis.ocamlcore.org/dev/browse?pkg=cryptokit
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_thread/thread/6f501e0f42ae5a28#
Alexandre Pilkiewicz asked:I am looking for any project (written in ocaml or any other language !) compiled with ocamlbuild with the source publicly available (under any license, it is not for modification nor publication). If you know any of them, could you please drop me a line with the name of the project and the link to it? (please reply only to me to not pollute the caml list!)Later on, he added:
Thanks to all who already replied to this mail! I updated the list on the ocamlbuil wiki [1]. I think I only put publicly available projects, so I believe it should not be a problem. But if I'm mistaken, please drop me a line and I'll remove your project from the list immediately. And if you know other projects, my email is still open ;) Thanks again Alexandre Pilkiewicz [1] http://brion.inria.fr/gallium/index.php/Projects_using_ocamlbuild
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at http://planet.ocamlcore.org/. New release: Cryptokit 1.4: http://forge.ocamlcore.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=669 ocaml-sfml: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/ocaml-sfml/ Ocamlnet 3 finally released: http://blog.camlcity.org/blog/ocamlnet3_release.html Rewriting the Rules: http://alaska-kamtchatka.blogspot.com/2010/09/rewriting-rules.html OCaml 3.12 with Debian Sid right now!: http://le-gall.net/sylvain+violaine/blog/index.php?2010/09/01/64-ocaml-312-with-debian-sid-right-now ocamljs 0.3: http://ambassadortothecomputers.blogspot.com/2010/08/ocamljs-03.html CentOS 5 chroot with schroot: http://le-gall.net/sylvain+violaine/blog/index.php?2010/08/26/63-centos-5-chroot-with-schroot BOFs, Tutorials and Talks, oh my!: http://ocaml.janestcapital.com/?q=node/83 Frama-C Boron-20100401: http://caml.inria.fr/cgi-bin/hump.cgi?contrib=643 Otags 3.11.1: http://caml.inria.fr/cgi-bin/hump.cgi?contrib=294
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