Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of April 27 to May 04, 2010.
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/3e432f00597c15b8#
Dmitry Grebeniuk and Roman Sokolov announced:I've finally resolved the 'license' question that was worrying me for a long time because of my stupidity, and now we are ready to present windows binary installer of OCaml/MinGW + libraries. Moreover, there are _two_ installers. They share in common the following features: - OCaml+libraries for win32 mingw - Fresh versions of OCaml, fresh versions of libraries. New libraries are added too, if they are cool _and_ portable, _or_ if you want to share the library or the way to compile it under mingw and you have tested the library somehow. - Set the environment variables (either "source /path/set-vars.sh" for bash or "call c:\path\set-vars.bat" for windows shell) and use OCaml, misc OCaml libraries, MinGW, MSYS, Mercurial, ActiveState Tcl/Tk, GTK, 7zip. Things that are specific to binary builds: - You don't need to compile anything to use OCaml+libraries. - You can install it only to fixed path, due to hardcoded paths in OCaml, findlib and maybe some other libraries. Things that are specific for source builds: - You can get new sources instantly, before the compilation process that installer runs, and you can update sources anytime you need (that's a direct way to contribute (very welcome!). If you have installed the sources, you can add new library or fix something in old libraries quickly, and share the results, and so on -- the opensource works!). - Mercurial repository for sources, MercurialQueues for testing new features (for example, you can apply mq patches to test new unreleased OCaml 3.12 from SVN trunk or to see my miserable attempts to port JoCaml under MinGW). Here is the list of libraries in overbld: batteries camlidl camltemplate camlzip camomile cryptokit deriving extlib findlib json-static json-wheel lablgtk2 lwt menhir objsize ocaml-bitstring ocaml-sqlite3 ocaml-ssl ocamlgraph ocamlnet omake ounit pa_do pa_safeuse pcre-ocaml react sexplib type-conv ulex xmlm The installers are distributed via BitTorrent (due to large size). The .torrent files are available at http://sourceforge.net/projects/overbld/files/ The project is hosted at http://sf.net/projects/overbld/ , since sourceforge allows the read-only access to repository for anonymous users, but there is a mirror on http://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/overbld/ (updated manually). Due to the nature of DVCS, there is an exact copy of the repository in the source installer. Please, use our bugtracker ( http://sourceforge.net/tracker/?group_id=280863&atid=1191746 ) for feedback and bug reports, new [possible] features, suggestions and so on. We really appreciate your feedback!
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/65dcb1f56fb268e5#
Anthony Tavener asked:I have this: type kinematic = { lin: Vec.t; ang: Vec.t } Which I've been using to represent a medley of physical attributes (force, momentum, velocity, etc.). As the physics code becomes increasingly substantial I'm running into possible human-error, like passing a momentum where a force is expected, or a mass instead of inverse-mass (mass is also a record though different, but inv-mass has the same structure as mass). So I'd like to make distinct types, such as: type position = { r: Vec.t; theta: Vec.t } type acceleration = { a: Vec.t; alpha: Vec.t } type force = { f: Vec.t; tau: Vec.t } They are structurally equivalent, and ideally I'd like to be able to treat these as 'kinematic' too, since that is how I would express the arithmetic and common functions on these types (add, mul, etc). I'm sure I've seen posts on this before but I can't find them now (though what I remember are questions about having distinct 'float' types, such as for degrees vs radians, rather than records). I know OCaml doesn't have subtypes for records, which is effectively what I'm looking for. Though this case is a bit more specialized that that... all the subtypes and base type are structurally equivalent. Code for one of these types would technically work on any... but is there a way to inform the type system of my intentions? I hope someone has a better option than those I've considered, or that I have a grave misunderstanding somewhere and one of these options is actually good: 1. Objects. Subtyping makes these a natural fit, but in this case I don't need anything else which objects provide, and a certainly don't need the poor performance or method-calling mixed in with my computational code (aesthetically... yucky, to me). Again, each type is structurally equivalent. Just some functions want certain types. 2. Using distinct records for each type, but no 'kinematic' base type, so all common operations are duplicated for each new type. No performance hit. But the redundant code is horrible -- makes extensions a pain, and a potential bug-source. 2b. Same as above, but putting the common code in a functor which we apply on all the different types. I think this will add some overhead, since the signature of the types (below) would demand accessor functions for the record fields, in order to uniformly get the fields from the different types (again, even though they are structurally equivalent) -- these calls probably wouldn't get optimized out. But maybe there is a better way to do this? module type KINEMATIC = sig type t val lin : t -> Vec.t val ang : t -> Vec.t end 3. Making all the other types different aliases of 'kinematic'; then using explicit type declarations in function parameters and coercion to 'kinematic' when needed. This makes some ugly code, and the added-typesafety is almost illusory. This is kind-of like 'typesafe' C code doing typecasting gymnastics. 4. Adapter functions: 'kinematic_of_force: force -> kinematic', etc. as a way to use the common set of 'kinematic' functions. This is clunky and comes with a big performance hit unless these functions became like type-coercions. If there is a way this can be done with zero runtime cost, I'd accept the clunkiness. :) Any thoughts?Stéphane Lescuyer suggested:
I think that maybe using phantom types could do the trick : consider defining empty types for all the different "kinds" of similar constructs that you have, and then define the kinematic record with a phantom parameter type. type position type acceleration type force type 'a kinematic = {lin : Vec.t; ang: Vec.t} By adding some extra typing annotations, you can then constraint your functions to accept (or produce) only a given kind of construct, say for example a position kinematic : let pos_0 : position kinematic = {lin = Vec.origin; ang = Vec.origin } let double_force (v : force kinematic) : force kinematic = {lin = Vec.mult 2. v.lin; ang = v.ang } double_force pos_0 -> does not type check You can write generic functions as add, norm, products, etc : they are just polymorphic with respect to the phantom type parameter. By the way you ensure that you are not multiplying apples and carrots : let plus (v : 'a kinematic) (v' : 'a kinematic) : 'a kinematic = ... Of course, the overhead is that you have to explicitely write some type annotations, especially for constructors, but the runtime overhead is exactly 0. And also, one limitation is that you can't use different projection names for the different cosntructs, since it is really always the same record type that you are using.Dario Teixeira added:
I second Stéphane's suggestion of using phantom types; moreover, I recommend you read an article that discusses them to some detail and covers their use for precisely this sort of problem: http://camltastic.blogspot.com/2008/05/phantom-types.htmlSylvain Le Gall also added:
I really like the use of private type abbreviation for phantom type: http://ocaml.janestreet.com/?q=node/77
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/37211b1875eb45b2#
Benjamin Pierce asked, Sylvain Le Gall suggested, and John Whitington added:> > Is anybody out there developing code in the common subset of OCaml and > > F# so that it works with both compilers / libraries? I'd be very > > interested in hearing about the feasibility of this arrangement... > > There was a series of blog posts by CoherentPDF on > http://planet.ocamlcore.org 1 year ago. > > Here is one of them: > http://coherentpdf.com/blog/?p=10 > > Browse their archives to have more: > http://www.coherentpdf.com/news-archive.html The current release of CamlPDF does this, and it's about 15000 lines of Ocaml / F#. http://www.coherentpdf.com/ocaml-libraries.html You just have the occasional thing like this: let digest = (*IF-OCAML*) Digest.string (*ENDIF-OCAML*) (*i*)(*F# function s -> let hasher = System.Security.Cryptography.MD5.Create () in string_of_int_array (intarray_of_bytearray (hasher.ComputeHash (bytearray_of_string s))) F#*)(*i*) to account for the difference in standard libraries. And a little bit of messing around with the different syntax, for example writing (!x).y instead of !x.y And you can't use labeled arguments or polymorphic variants. But it's perfectly feasible. I converted said 15000 lines of code in a few days.
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at http://planet.ocamlcore.org/. cowboy: https://forge.ocamlcore.org/projects/cowboy/ Properly Bound: http://alaska-kamtchatka.blogspot.com/2010/04/properly-bound.html FP-Syd #23.: http://www.mega-nerd.com/erikd/Blog/FP-Syd/fp-syd-23.html CIA bot for forge.ocamlcore.org (Git): http://forge.ocamlcore.org/forum/forum.php?forum_id=594 Another use for private type abbreviations: http://ocaml.janestcapital.com/?q=node/77 32 year old: http://le-gall.net/sylvain+violaine/blog/index.php?2010/04/27/58-32-year-old
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