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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of March 02 to 09, 2010.

  1. gc overhead
  2. MetaOCaml lives!
  3. Encoding an extensible parse tree and subtyping within OCaml
  4. NaCl/OCaml (OCaml as a client-side web programming language)
  5. Commercial Users of Functional Programming - call for participation
  6. Other Caml News

gc overhead


Warren Harris asked and Sylvain Le Gall replied:
> I would like to determine what percentage of my application's cpu time
> is spent in the garbage collector (for tuning purposes, but also just
> to monitor the overhead). Is there any way to obtain this information
> short of using gprof? Additional information provided by Gc.stat would
> be ideal, or perhaps a Gc.alarm that was called at the beginning of
> the gc cycle, but neither of these seem to exist.

You can have a look at:

This allow to instrument your code and watch GC activity. I think that
with a little a little help on program side, you can be quite precise
about GC without using gprof at all. This should also be more
lightweight than gprof.
Edgar Friendly then said:
I'd like to add my personal experience with ocamlviz - it's a great program,
and has helped me a ton find unexpected performance. It has very good
functions for starting and stopping timers that the gui can monitor in
realtime, and associating these with counts of how many times your program
reached a certain point can give good understanding of function call cost.
It's memory profiler makes a very pretty graph of how much memory is in use by
your program. I've also gotten started using its ability to watch the live
value of ref values to monitor the state of the program easier than
[eprintf]s, especially monitoring the state of many variables at once. It's
very fast and the ability to debug over the network has come in handy more
than once.

This said, I've wanted to measure GC overhead with it, and found it lacking in
that regard. If anyone finds a way to do this, I'm interested.

I've not done much with its tree viewer, and the hashtbl monitor only
indicated that the Hashtbl.t I was using had an amazingly horrible hash, and
was filling only 3% of its buckets, and had thousands of entries in a few
buckets. I tried to fix the hash, but ended up switching to a Map.

Lastly, the ability to mark in memory certain values and have it count the
total usage and/or count of those values seems interesting, but gets quite
slow. I've not had much luck with it.

Overall, good job.  But is it going to die or stay maintained?
Sylvain Le Gall replied:
Well, I hope it will stay maintained. At least source code, bugs and
release on the forge will stay there for a long time (I can make promise
on this part). And whenever current developpers become inactive, administrators can move ownership to other (with notice to
current owner, of course): (point 4)

But anyway, this kind of tool is targeted at debugging on the first
place. It is not a mandatory piece of a software/library. You can lie
without it, when you have finished your job debugging/profiling your

So I would say that long term maintainance should not bother user for
now. It is actually something that is lightweight and that works. To my
mind this is enough to consider using it.

If a lot of people start using it, it is highly probable that it will
stay maintained.
Peter Hawkins suggested and Warren Harris replied:
> I would have recommended using oprofile on linux, which I greatly
> prefer to GCC's built-in profiling support for profiling C programs.
> It has a low and tunable overhead, and because it's a sampling
> profiler it doesn't perturb the results anywhere near as much as
> standard profiling instrumentation.
> Unfortunately last time I checked it had poor OCaml support (no
> support for unwinding the OCaml call stack, so no context-sensitivity
> in the profiles). That said, you probably don't need
> context-sensitivity to determine the fraction of execution time spent
> in the GC.

Peter - gprof with ocaml works quite well:
Peter Hawkins then replied:
I'm fully aware of gprof and ocaml's support of profiling.

OCaml's profiling support works by adding calls to the _mcount library
function at the entry point to every compiled function, which takes
approximately 10 instructions on x86 (pushes and pops to save
registers, and a call instruction). The _mcount function records
function call counts, and is also responsible for producing the call
graph. Separately, the profile library samples the program counter at
some frequency, which lets us work out in which functions the program
is spending its time.

Using OCaml's profiling support has three problems:
1) programs compiled with profiling are slower, and
2) the profiling instrumentation itself distorts the resulting profile, and
3) the call graph accounting is inaccurate.

Let's discuss each of these in turn:

Problem (1) is simply that your program has extra overhead from all of
those _mcount calls, which occur on every function invocation. You
can't turn them off, and you can't make them happen less frequently.
It's an all-or-nothing proposition. It would be unusual to include
profiling instrumentation in a production system.

Problem (2) is a little more subtle. Recall that the profiling
instrumentation adds ~10 instructions to the start of each function,
regardless of its size. For a large function, this may be a negligible
overhead. For a small function, say one that was only 5 or 10
instructions in size to begin with, that is a substantial overhead.
Since we determine how much time is spent in each function by sampling
the program counter, small and frequently called functions will appear
to take relatively longer than larger functions in the resulting
profile. Small functions are common in OCaml code so we should see an
appreciable amount of distortion.

Problem (3) is a criticism of the _mcount mechanism in general. For
each function f(), the profiler knows (a) how long we spent executing
f() in total, and (b) how many times each of f()'s callers invoked
f(). We do not know how much time f() spent executing on behalf of any
given caller. If we assume that all of f()'s invocations took
approximately the same amount of time, then we can use the caller
counts to approximate the time spent executing f() on behalf of each
caller. However, the assumption that f() always takes approximately
the same amount of time is not necessarily a good one. I think it's an
especially bad assumption in a functional program.

These problems are avoided by using a sampling profiler like oprofile
or shark, which samples an _uninstrumented_ binary at  a particular
frequency. Because the binary is unmodified, we can turn profiling on
and off on a running system, avoiding point (1); furthermore we can
adjust the sampling rate so profiling overhead is low enough to be
tolerable. Since there is no instrumentation added to the program, the
resulting profile does not suffer from the distortion of point (2).
Some profilers (e.g. shark on Mac OS X) can deal with point (3) as
well --- all we need to do is record a complete stack trace at
sampling time.

My point was that oprofile or one of its cousins (e.g. shark) is
probably adequate for your needs. You can set the sampling rate low
enough that your service can run more or less as normal. To determine
GC overhead, you simply need to look at the total amount of time spent
in the various GC functions of the runtime.
Warren Harris then replied and David MENTRE said:
> Thanks, this is excellent info. I've been using both gprof and shark and
> understand the tradeoffs. I really was looking for a way to just provide a
> simple live "gc overhead" number that we could graph along with a bunch of
> other server health stats for our zenoss monitors.

So simply enable gprof on OCaml binaries and look at the total
fraction of time spent in OCaml GC functions!
Olivier Andrieu replied to the original post:
Here's what I use to measure GC overhead in my programs.
There's a small modification to the runtime, so as to track the time
spent in caml_minor_collection, and a helper ml module. It tracks and
prints the time spent between calls to the start() and stop() function
of the helper module, as well the number of collections, number of
bytes allocated, etc.

It is rather coarse-grained of course. I use it to profile the
different parts of a compiler: parsing, typing, optimizations, code
generation, etc.

(Please see the archive link to download the attached files.)

MetaOCaml lives!


Oleg announced:
This is to announce BER MetaOCaml, a streamlined version of
MetaOCaml. BER MetaOCaml is a conservative extension of OCaml with
the primitive type of code values, and three basic multi-stage
expression forms: Brackets, Escape, and Run. BER MetaOCaml implements
the type system based on environment classifiers to type-check
expressions that produce and run code values. BER MetaOCaml makes no
other changes to the OCaml language, remaining fully compatible with
the underlying OCaml system. BER MetaOCaml is current with the
byte-code OCaml release 3.11.2.

BER MetaOCaml is based on an earlier version of MetaOCaml developed by
Walid Taha, Cristiano Calcagno, and Edward Pizzi, with the help and
advice of Xavier Leroy.

The goal of the BER MetaOCaml project is to reduce as much as possible
the differences between MetaOCaml and the mainline OCaml, to make it
easier to keep MetaOCaml up-to-date and ensure its long-term
viability. We aim to find the most harmonious way of integrating
staging with OCaml, with the remote hope that some of the changes
would make it to the main OCaml branch. Therefore BER MetaOCaml is
distributed as a set of patches to OCaml plus a separate library
ber-metaocaml. The patched OCaml is responsible for producing and
type-checking code values. Processing code values -- printing,
executing, compiling to byte-code, to native code, to C, etc. are to
be done in the `user-level,' library code. Programmers may write new
ways of processing code values -- for example, to compile them to LLVM
or JavaScript -- without modifying OCaml or BER MetaOCaml.

This message announces the first stable version of byte-code
BER MetaOCaml.  Light testing confirms that BER MetaOCaml is
backwards-compatible with MetaOCaml, handling previously written
MetaOCaml code exactly as it was.

Currently BER MetaOCaml is restricted to byte-code. Support for the
native code compilation is of high priority. However, better ways of
handling cross-stage persistent values have to be investigated first.
Camlp4 is not yet extended to support MetaOCaml's special forms,
bracket and escape. Offshoring is temporarily disabled; it is meant to
be separated into a dedicated `user-level' library.

The BER MetaOCaml distribution can be downloaded from

To install BER MetaOCaml, one needs a configured version of OCaml
3.11.2. The installation involves patching the OCaml distribution,
bootstrapping the system, and compiling the ber-metaocaml library and the
BER MetaOCaml toplevel. The patched OCaml compiler is fully
source-compatible with OCaml and can process OCaml code, with staging
constructs or without. The patched OCaml compiler can compile into
native code (although such sources may not contain any staging
constructs at the moment). Please see the INSTALL and README files in
the BER MetaOCaml distribution for more details.

The number of patched OCaml files may appear high. First of all, BER
MetaOCaml modifies 23 fewer files compared to the original
MetaOCaml. There are plans and hunches to reduce the number of the
patched files further. Many of the modifications are quite
trivial. For example, since BER MetaOCaml extends the AST data type
with staging constructs, any code that processes AST has to be
modified (at least, to ignore the extra AST variants). One would
imagine that quite a lot of code in a compiler deals with AST.

I am indeed interested in problem reports, questions and
suggestions. Please follow-up to,
or mail me privately.

I am very grateful to Walid Taha, Jacques Carette, and Chung-chieh
Shan for many helpful discussions, suggestions and advice.

Encoding an extensible parse tree and subtyping within OCaml


Joe asked:
    Is there a good way to encode a parse tree in OCaml where the terms
    in the parse tree can be extended later?  Essentially, it would be
    nice not to represent the trees for different grammars separately
    so that code for type checking, evaluation, or pretty printing can
    be reused.  I'm including one possible solution below that seems to
    work reasonably well, but I'm interested in whether this can be
    done better.  The two things that would be nice to improve upon the
    example are preventing statements such as "bad" where improper
    trees are created.  It would also be nice to have the OCaml type
    system flag an error on the line with "`Junk". Though, it does give
    a warning now.


type base = [`Int of int];;
type 'a basic= [base | `Add of 'a*'a | `Sub of 'a*'a ];;
type 'a ext= ['a basic | `Mul of 'a*'a];;

type basic'=('a basic as 'a) basic;;
type ext'=('a ext as 'a) ext;;

let (x:'a basic)=`Add (`Int 1,`Int 2);;
let (y:'a ext)=`Mul (x,`Int 3);;
let (z:'a basic)=`Add (`Int 3,x);;
let w=`Add (`Mul (`Int 1,`Int 2),`Int 3);;
let (bad:'a basic)=`Add (1,2);;

let pp x=
   let rec pp (x:ext') =
       match x with
       | `Int x-> Printf.printf "%d" x
       | `Add (x,y) ->
           pp x; Printf.printf "+"; pp y
       | `Sub (x,y) ->
           pp x; Printf.printf "-"; pp y
       | `Mul (x,y) ->
           pp x; Printf.printf "*"; pp y
       | `Junk -> Printf.printf "BAD!"
   pp (x :> ext');Printf.printf "\n"

let eval x=
   let rec eval (x:basic')=
       match x with
       | `Int x -> x
       | `Add (x,y) -> (eval x) + (eval y)
       | `Sub (x,y) -> (eval x) - (eval y)
   eval (x:>basic')
Markus Mottl suggested:
> type basic'=('a basic as 'a) basic;;
> type ext'=('a ext as 'a) ext;;

This could also be written as:

 type basic' = basic' basic
 type ext' = ext' ext

Cyclic types are acceptable to the compiler if the cycle is on
polymorphic variants.

> let (x:'a basic)=`Add (`Int 1,`Int 2);;
> let (y:'a ext)=`Mul (x,`Int 3);;
> let (z:'a basic)=`Add (`Int 3,x);;
> let w=`Add (`Mul (`Int 1,`Int 2),`Int 3);;
> let (bad:'a basic)=`Add (1,2);;

When solving the problem with "bad", type constraints are your friend.
 Just define type 'basic" as e.g.:

 type 'a basic= [base | `Add of 'a*'a | `Sub of 'a*'a ] constraint 'a
= [> base];;

To fix the "Junk" problem, you may need to specify the type for one of
the patterns, e.g.:

      match x with
      | (`Int x : ext')-> Printf.printf "%d" x

But the function itself is not extensible.  To achieve this, you'll
have to define it in a similar way as we did for the type by
introducing another parameter to "tie the recursive knot".  E.g.
(ignore incorrect printing of arithmetic expressions):

 let pp_base (`Int n) = Printf.printf "%d" n

 let pp_basic pp = function
   | #base as base -> pp_base base
   | `Add (l, r) -> pp l; Printf.printf "+"; pp r
   | `Sub (l, r) -> pp l; Printf.printf "-"; pp r

 let pp_ext pp = function
   | #basic as basic -> pp_basic pp basic
   | `Mul (l, r) -> pp l; Printf.printf "*"; pp r

 let rec pp_basic' basic' = pp_basic pp_basic' basic'
 let rec pp_ext' ext' = pp_ext pp_ext' ext'

You will need to constrain a pattern with a type again if you want to
make sure that the pattern match fails in the right place (match case)
if unsupported tags are added.  You could also turn warnings into
errors, which should also fail on the "unused match case" then.

IMHO, these features of polymorphic variants are the best thing since
sliced bread, since they allow for elegant extensibility of e.g.
recursive DSLs.

NaCl/OCaml (OCaml as a client-side web programming language)


Jeremy Bem announced:
I'm pleased to announce the initial release of NaCl/OCaml, a version
of the native-code OCaml compiler whose output can be validated as
safe to run over the web.  Together with the "Native Client" plug-in
under development at Google, this means that OCaml can now be used for
client-side web programming!

For more about Native Client, see

For NaCl/OCaml, including a ray tracer demo, see

Feedback is welcome and appreciated.  Please feel free to email me,
report bugs at the project website, or email .
Daniel Bünzli asked and Jeremy Bem replied:
> Interesting contribution.
> Maybe this is more a question about native client but could you
> elaborate on the kind of constraints nacl puts on the client code.
> Which libraries can be used ? The standard library ? str.cmxa ?
> unix.cmxa ? Third party pure caml modules ? C bindings ? etc.

I hope to post more documentation, but in a nutshell:

standard library: Yes, but file operations are typically unavailable
at the NaCl level and will fail.

Str (and Num): I haven't included these yet, but I intend to.

Unix: Similar capabilities are provided by the "Service" library
instead.  This seemed slightly more in keeping with the NaCl
underpinnings than hacking Unix into submission.

Third party OCaml modules should be compilable and usable, just use
"nacl-ocamlopt" in place of "ocamlopt".  Of course complex libraries
may present complications in practice (e.g. if they try to access the

C bindings: it should be possible to interface with C code as per the
OCaml manual, again substituting "nacl-ocamlopt" for "ocamlopt".  The
NaCl-specific libraries that are included (such as "Multimedia")
provide a template that can be emulated.
Vincent Balat said:
Very interesting! We will try to make Eliom Client (the client side
programming framework for Ocsigen) work on it.

A summary of solutions to use Ocaml for client side programming:
 - OcamlJs (by Jake Donham): compiler OCaml -> JS
 - O'Browser (by Benjamin Canou): Ocaml virtual machine written in JS
 - NaCl/Ocaml: native code! (but requires Native client to be installed and
only x86 for now)
 - and there may also be a compiler Ocaml bytecode -> JS soon ;-)

Commercial Users of Functional Programming - call for participation


Yaron Minsky announced:
The following is the call for participation for CUFP, the Commerical Users of
Functional Programming workshop that is co-located with ICFP. If you have
experience using OCaml (or another functional language) in a practical
application, consider submitting a proposal to give a talk about it at CUFP!

Also, check out the new CUFP website:

Without further ado:

CUFP 2010 Call For Participation

Functional programming languages have been a hot topic of academic
research for over 35 years, and have seen an ever larger practical
impact in settings ranging from tech startups to financial firms to
biomedical research labs.  At the same time, a vigorous community of
practically-minding functional programmers has come into existence.

CUFP is designed to serve this community.  The annual CUFP workshop is
a place where people can see how others are using functional
programming to solve real world problems; where practitioners meet and
collaborate; where language designers and users can share ideas about
the future of their favorite language; and where one can learn
practical techniques and approaches for putting functional programming
to work.
Giving a CUFP Talk
If you have experience using functional languages in a practical
setting, we invite you to submit a proposal to give a talk at the
workshop.  We're looking for two kinds of talks:

**Experience reports** are typically 25 minutes long, and aim to inform
participants about how functional programming plays out in real-world
applications, focusing especially on lessons learned and insights
gained. Experience reports don't need to be highly technical;
reflections on the commercial, management, or software engineering
aspects are, if anything, more important. You do not need to submit a

**Technical talks** are expected to be 30-45 minutes long, and should
focus on teaching the audience something about a technical technique
or methodology, from the point of view of someone who has seen it play
out in practice.  These talks could cover anything from techniques for
building functional concurrent applications, to managing dynamic
reconfigurations, to design recipes for using types effectively in
large-scale applications.  While these talks will often be based on a
particular language, they should be accessible to a broad range of
functional programmers.

If you are interested in offering a talk, or nominating someone to do
so, send an e-mail to francesco(at)erlang-consulting(dot)com or
yminsky(at)janestreet(dot)com by 15 May 2010 with a short description
of what you'd like to talk about or what you think your nominee should
give a talk about. Such descriptions should be about one page long.
There will be no published proceedings, as the meeting is intended to
be more a discussion forum than a technical interchange.

Program Committee

* Francesco Cesarini, Erlang Training and Consulting (Co-Chair)
* Tim Dysinger, Sonian Networks
* Alain Frisch, LexiFi
* Nick Gerakines, Chegg
* Adam Granicz, IntelliFactory
* Amanda Laucher
* Romain Lenglet, Google Japan
* Yaron Misky, Jane Street (Co-Chair)
* Mary Sheeran, Chalmers
* Don Stewart, Galois
* Dean Wampler, DRW Trading

More information

For more information on CUFP, including videos of presentations from
previous years, take a look at the CUFP website at

Other Caml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog:
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at

Liquidsoap-full 0.9.2-2 and ocaml-cry 0.1.2:

OCaml CSV 1.2:

OCamlEditor 1.2 released:


ocaml batteries included 1.1.0 is in debian now:

Reading Camlp4, part 5: filters:

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at the archive or the RSS feed of the archives.

If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online.

Alan Schmitt