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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of February 02 to 09, 2010.

  1. Thread safe heterogenous property lists (dictionaries)
  2. Inside the mind of the inliner
  3. New releases of Ocsigen server, Eliom and O'Browser
  4. Blahcaml 2.0 and Camlhighlight 1.0
  5. OCaml-Java project: 1.4 release
  6. Other Caml News

Thread safe heterogenous property lists (dictionaries)


Daniel Bünzli announced:
I needed an implementation of heterogenous property lists [1] ---
hereafter dictionaries. There's some code floating around on the www
(e.g. here [2]) but it uses a thread unsafe implementation of
universal types. This makes it unacceptably ugly as thread safety is
not even guaranteed among independent dictionaries, locking is needed
per key.

Below I give two implementations of immutable heterogenous
dictionaries. Both use exceptions to implement a thread safe universal
type. This is based on code by Andrej Bauer and refined by Stephen
Weeks here [3]. A functor application is needed to create a function
that create new keys for a given type but in practice that
inconvenience is rather small (see the test code). This means you
don't have to wait on OCaml 3.12 to get thread safe heterogenous
dictionaries (see Alain Frish's "perfect" solution for universal types
with first class modules there [3]).

The first implementation uses association lists, it's suitable for
small dictionaries as lookup time is linear in the number of entries.
This implementation is completely thread-safe.

The second one uses Maps for logarithmic time lookups. Operations on
dictionaries are thread safe. However key creation is not because
unique ids need to be generated for them. While not perfect this is
acceptable to me as keys are likely to be created in module
initialization code and thus will be executed by a single thread. This
implementation can be easily modified to implement mutable
dictionaries using Hashtbl as the underlying map for constant lookup




(* The signature we are interested in. *)

(** Heterogenous dictionaries. *)
module type Dict = sig

 type t
 (** The type for dictionaries. *)

 type 'a key
 (** The type for keys whose lookup value is of type ['a]. *)

 val empty : t
 (** The empty dictionary. *)

 val is_empty : t -> bool
 (** [is_empty d] is [true] iff [d] is empty. *)

 val add : 'a key -> 'a -> t -> t
 (** [add k v d] is [d] with [k] mapping to [v]. *)

 val find : 'a key -> t -> 'a option
 (** [find k d] is the value of [k] in [d], if any. *)

 module Key : sig
 (** Creating keys. *)

   val bool : unit -> bool key
   (** [bool ()] is a new key for a boolean value. *)

   val int : unit -> int key
   (** [int ()] is a new key for an integer value. *)

   val float : unit -> float key
   (** [float ()] is a new key for a float value. *)

   val string : unit -> string key
   (** [string ()] is a new key for string value. *)

   module ForType (T : sig type t end) : sig
     val create : unit -> T.t key
     (** [create ()] is a new key for the type [T.t]. *)

(* Implementation. *)

module type Id = sig                              (* A signature for key ids. *)
 type t
 val create : unit -> t

module Key (Id : Id) = struct         (* Given key ids, implements dict keys. *)
 type 'a t = Id.t * ('a -> exn) * (exn -> 'a option)

 module ForType (T : sig type t end) = struct
   exception E of T.t
   let inject v = E v
   let project = function E v -> Some v | _ -> None
   let create () = Id.create (), inject, project

 module BoolKey = ForType (struct type t = bool end)
 module IntKey = ForType (struct type t = int end)
 module FloatKey = ForType (struct type t = float end)
 module StringKey = ForType (struct type t = string end)

 let bool = BoolKey.create
 let int = IntKey.create
 let float = FloatKey.create
 let string = StringKey.create

module DList : Dict = struct    (* Dictionaries as assoc lists, thread-safe. *)

 module Id = struct
   type t = unit ref
   let create () = ref ()

 module Key = Key (Id)

 type t = (Id.t * exn) list
 type 'a key = 'a Key.t

 let empty = []
 let is_empty = function [] -> true | _ -> false
 let add k v l =
   let rec aux ((id, inject, _) as k) v left right = match right with
   | [] -> (id, inject v) :: left
   | ((id', _) as b) :: right' ->
       if id' == id then List.rev_append left ((id, inject v) :: right') else
       aux k v (b :: left) right'
   aux k v [] l

 let rec find ((id, _, project) as k) = function
   | (id', exn) :: l' -> if id' == id then project exn else find k l'
   | [] -> None


module DMap : Dict = struct (* Dicts as maps, thread-safe except for key gen. *)

 module Id = struct
   type t = int
   let compare : int -> int -> int = compare
   let create =                                          (* NOT thread safe. *)
     let c = ref min_int in
     fun () ->
       let id = !c in
       incr c; if id > !c then assert false (* too many ids *) else id

 module Key = Key (Id)
 module Map = Map.Make(Id)

 type t = exn Map.t
 type 'a key = 'a Key.t

 let empty = Map.empty
 let is_empty = Map.is_empty
 let add (id, inject, _) v m = Map.add id (inject v) m
 let find  (id, _, proj) m = try proj (Map.find id m) with Not_found -> None

(* Testing *)

module Test (Dict : Dict) = struct
 let b1 = Dict.Key.bool ()
 let b2 = Dict.Key.bool ()
 let i1 = ()
 let i2 = ()
 let s1 = Dict.Key.string ()
 let s2 = Dict.Key.string ()

 module IntPairKey = Dict.Key.ForType (struct type t = int * int end)

 let p1 = IntPairKey.create ()
 let p2 = IntPairKey.create ()

 let d0 = Dict.empty
 let d1 = Dict.add b1 true d0
 let d2 = Dict.add i1 84 d1
 let d3 = Dict.add s1 "dip" d2
 let d4 = Dict.add p1 (4,2) d3
 let d5 = Dict.add i1 85 d4

 let () =
   let all_dicts = [d0; d1; d2; d3; d4; d5] in
   let assert_bind k some d = assert (Dict.find k d = some) in
   List.iter (assert_bind b2 None) all_dicts;
   List.iter (assert_bind i2 None) all_dicts;
   List.iter (assert_bind s2 None) all_dicts;
   List.iter (assert_bind p2 None) all_dicts;
   List.iter (assert_bind b1 None) [d0];
   List.iter (assert_bind b1 (Some true)) [d1; d2; d3; d4; d5];
   List.iter (assert_bind i1 None) [d0; d1];
   List.iter (assert_bind i1 (Some 84)) [d2; d3; d4];
   assert_bind i1 (Some 85) d5;
   List.iter (assert_bind s1 None) [d0; d1; d2];
   List.iter (assert_bind s1 (Some "dip")) [d3; d4; d5];
   List.iter (assert_bind p1 None) [d0; d1; d2; d3];
   List.iter (assert_bind p1 (Some (4,2))) [d4; d5];

module Test_DList = Test (DList)
module Test_DMap = Test (DMap)
Alain Frisch later added:
> The second one uses Maps for logarithmic time lookups. Operations on
> dictionaries are thread safe. However key creation is not because
> unique ids need to be generated for them.

FWIW, a thread-safe way to generate fresh ids is:

let fresh_id () = (object end)

Also, the "perfect" solution you are referring to becomes in the syntax of
OCaml's trunk:

let embed () (type s) =
 let module M = struct exception E of s end in
 (fun x -> M.E x), (function M.E x -> Some x | _ -> None)

Inside the mind of the inliner


Yaron Minsky asked and Xavier Leroy replied:
> I've been doing some experiments with the OCaml inliner, and have
> walked away from the process very confused.  It seems like inlining
> can be prevented by very simple changes to the code of a function.
> The main surprise for me is that adding a quite trivial allocation of
> a list or a string literal defeats the inliner.
> Does anyone have a better understanding of what's going on here?  I
> feel like my intuition for this stuff is terrible.

The algorithm is very simple: a function is inlinable if

1- its code size (approximate) is below a certain threshold
  (governed by the -inline option)
2- and its body doesn't contain a function definition
  (fun x -> ..., let rec f x = ..., etc) nor a structured constant
  (string literal, [1;2;3], etc).

The reason for 2- is that the inliner is too stupid to inline a
function without duplicating the function definitions/structured
constants contained within.  Such a duplication can be very wasteful
in code and static data size.  (Cue the replies "but not if small
enough!" in

For your specific examples:

> I checked inlining using the following command line:
>   ocamlopt -S -inline 10000 ; egrep 'call.*camlZ__f' z.s
> And here are the different variants of I tried.
> (* Simple arithmetic.  f is inlined *)
> let f x = x + x
> let g x = f x + f x
> (* Add in allocation of a list, not inlined *)
> let f x = ignore [1]; x + x
> let g x = f x + f x

"[1]" is not a run-time allocation: its a structured constant, built
at compile-time.  Hence you run into case 2 above.
> (* allocate a string, not inlined *)
> let f x = ignore "foo"; x + x
> let g x = f x + f x

Likewise (no allocation, but case 2).

> (* reference to the empty list, inlined *)
> let f x = ignore []; x + x
> let g x = f x + f x
> (* call a function that iterates over a list, inlined *)
> let list = [1;2;3]
> let plus x y = x + y
> let f x = x * List.fold_left plus 0 list
> let g x = f x + f x
> (* Call a function that includes an infix operator in prefix form, 
>    not inlined. *) 
> let list = [1;2;3]
> let f x = x * List.fold_left (+) 0 list
> let g x = f x + f x

Because (+) is really fun x y -> x + y, therefore case 2 again.

> (* Allocate the list in the function, not inlined *)
> let plus x y = x + y
> let f x = x * List.fold_left plus 0 [1;2;3]
> let g x = f x + f x
> (* call a function to allocate your list, inlined *)
> let plus x y = x + y
> let create_list x = x :: x + 1 :: x + 2 :: []
> let f x = x * List.fold_left plus 0 (create_list 1)
> let g x = f x + f x
> I've tried these experiments with ocaml 3.10.1 and 3.11.1, with similar
> results.

New releases of Ocsigen server, Eliom and O'Browser


Vincent Balat announced:
New releases are available for some of our software:
 - Ocsigen server version 1.3.0
 - Eliom version 1.3.0
 - O'Browser version 1.1

You can download them from .
Packages should be available soon in distributions.

 * Ocsigen server is a full featured Web server written in OCaml with the Lwt
cooperative threads library. It is easy to write your own extensions to the
server in OCaml if you need some extra features or if you want to develop your
own Web programming module.

 * Eliom is a Web application programming framework in OCaml. It uses high
level concepts to program complex Web applications easily. Eliom allows to
check the validity of html pages statically, and proposes high level
management of sessions and Web interaction. It also solves lots of security
problems for you.

 * O'Browser is a virtual machine for OCaml written in Javascript. This allows
to run OCaml programs, compiled with the usual bytecode compiler, inside a Web
browser, without any plugin. It implements most of OCaml's standard library
(even Thread and Graphics!) and allows to interact with the Web page and the
browser. You can use it without Eliom and Ocsigen server.

With version 1.3.0, Ocsigen server and Eliom reached a good maturity level. We
are now working on very exciting features for version 2.0, that will mainly
concern client side programming using Eliom.

All our software is open source.

Blahcaml 2.0 and Camlhighlight 1.0


Dario Teixeira announced:
Blahcaml and Camlhighlight are both libraries aimed at applications developed
within the Ocsigen framework.

Blahcaml offers partial bindings to the C++ library Blahtex [1].  To be
precise, only the portions of Blahtex that convert between equations in TeX
format into their MathML counterparts are supported.  Furthermore, Blahcaml
indulges the paranoid by adding an extra layer of security that ensures the
result produced by Blahtex is safe for inclusion in web pages.  This is done
by validating the result against the official MathML2 DTD.  Version 2.0 of
Blahcaml brings slight changes to the API, a migration to the latest version
of Blahtex, and a new module offering direct access to the MathML2 DTD.

Camlhighlight offers facilities for syntax-highlighting source-code in most
popular languages.  The resulting highlight can be output as an XHTML.M value,
ready for inclusion in web applications that use the Ocsigen framework.
Presently, Camlhighlight does its work by interfacing with the C++ library
Highlight [2].  Version 1.0 is the first public stable release.

Both projects are licensed under the GPL v2.  Their homepages at the Ocaml
Forge include downloading and building instructions, and allow you to browse
the APIs online:

Best regards,
Dario Teixeira


 - The Ocsigen team, obviously, for all their work on Ocsigen.
 - Gerd Stolpmann for his assistance with some of the tricky aspects of PXP.
  (PXP being the only Ocaml XML-handling library I found that could handle
  the entire MathML2 DTD).
 - Gilles Van Assche and André Simon for Blahtex and Highlight, respectively.
 - Ocamlcore for hosting the projects.



OCaml-Java project: 1.4 release


Xavier Clerc announced:
This post announces the 1.4 release of the OCaml-Java project.
The goal of the OCaml-Java project is to allow seamless integration of OCaml and Java.

Home page:
Download page:
Toplevel applet:

Main changes since 1.3:
 - upgrade from OCaml version 3.11.1 to 3.11.2
 - improved (and simplified) code generator, with correct stack maps
 - various code and documentation fixes
 - improved build scripts
 - bug #28 (Barista): support for ocamlfind
 - bug #46 (Barista): invalid padding size for switch instructions
 - bug #47 (Barista): invalid handling of '@LineNumber'
 - bug #48 (Cadmium): error in 'mod_float' primitive implementation
 - bug #50 (Nickel): GUI version ignores parameters

Other Caml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog:
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at

Quel effet ça fait:

FOSDEM 2010:

OCaml Unix course, the threads chapter is translated:

On the awesomeness of ocaml-bitstring:

ExtLib OptParse (part 2):


Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at the archive or the RSS feed of the archives.

If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online.

Alan Schmitt