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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of December 15 to 22, 2009.

  1. New 3.0.2 release of the Caml Images library
  2. Bisect / Bolt / Kaputt: 1.0 release
  3. Other Caml News

New 3.0.2 release of the Caml Images library


Mehdi Dogguy continued this old thread:
There is still a security issue not fixed in this release which concerns
TIFF images. A CVE has been announced a while ago:

I tried to contact the authors (one month ago) but received no answer
yet. That's why I'm sending this message on the list: to let users and
packagers know about the bug.

The vulenarable file is “src/tiffread.c”. The patch is available at:

and the source code of “oversized.h” is available at:

These changes are applied in the Debian packages and were backported to
the stable and oldstable releases.

Bisect / Bolt / Kaputt: 1.0 release


Xavier Clerc announced:
This post announces the 1.0 release of the following projects:
 - Bisect: coverage tool;
 - Bolt: logging tool;
 - Kaputt: testing tool.

=== Bisect ===
Home page:
Main changes since 1.0-beta:
 - '-enable' / '-disable' command-line switches to control instrumentation
 - support for multithread applications
 - new output mode: EMMA-compatible XML (*)
 - support for ocamlfind installation
 - major code refactoring and improvement
 - bug #41: '-I' command-line switch to specify search path

=== Bolt ===
Home page:
Main changes since 1.0-beta:
 - support for multithread applications
 - support for plugins
 - support for printf-like notation in "LOG" statements
 - support for ocamlfind installation
 - various minor fixes

=== Kaputt ===
Home page:
Main changes since 1.0-beta:
 - support for enumeration-based tests
 - new output mode: JUnit-compatible XML (*)
 - more tests
 - support for ocamlfind installation
 - minor code refactoring and improvement
 - bug #45: better handling of dependencies to 'bigarray' and 'num'

(*) these output modes are especially useful for combination with tools
like Hudson (continuous integration server -

Other Caml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog:
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at


Kapput 1.0:

Bolt 1.0:

Old cwn

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Alan Schmitt