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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of April 28 to May 05, 2009.

  1. OCaml on iPhone
  2. EPTCS launch
  3. Other Caml News

OCaml on iPhone


Continuing a related thread, Nathaniel Gray asked and Jeff Scofield said:
> Speaking of which, has anybody built an ocaml cross compiler for the
> iphone that can work with native cocoa touch apps built with the
> official SDK?  It's probably too late for my current project but in
> the future I'd love to use ocaml for my iPhone projects.  I tried
> following the instructions here[1] with some necessary
> modifications[2] to get the assembler to work but my test app crashed
> as soon as it entered ocaml code.  I don't know enough about the ARM
> platform to say why.

Yes, we have OCaml 3.10.2 cross compiling for iPhone OS 2.2.

We started from the instructions you mention:

> [1]

We made the same change to the .global pseudo-ops:

> [2] I had to change all '.global' to '.globl' in arm.s and
> arm/emit.mlp.  I have no idea what that signifies.

(These are just variant spellings of the same pseudo-op
for declaring a global symbol.  For whatever reason, the
Apple assembler seems to insist on .globl.  Other
incarnations of gas seem to allow either spelling.)

There are at least two more problems, however.  Presumably
this is due to differences between the iPhone ABI and the one that
the ARM port (the old one I guess you could say) is targeted for.

1.  arm.S uses r10 as a scratch register, but it is not a scratch
   register on iPhone.  It has to be saved/restored when passing
   between OCaml and the native iPhone code (I think of it as
   ObjC code).  Note, by the way, that gdb shows r10 by the
  alternate name of sl.  This is confusing at first.

2. arm.S assumes r9 can be used as a general purpose register,
   but it is used on the iPhone to hold a global thread context.
  Again, it has to be saved/restored (or at least that's what we
  decided to do).

We saw crashes caused by both of these problems.

I'm appending a new version of arm.S that works for us with
one OCaml thread.  (Multiple threads will almost certainly
require more careful handling of r9.)  It has the patches
from Toshiyuki Maeda mentioned above and a few of our
own to fix these two problems.

We have an application that has been working well for
a couple months, so there's some evidence that these
changes are sufficient.

We also made a small fix to the ARM code generator
(beyond the patches from Toshiyuki Maeda).  In essence,
it fixes up the handling of unboxed floating return
values of external functions.  Things mostly work without
this change; I'll save a description for a later post (if
anybody is interested).

(Editor note: see the archive link for the arm.S code.)
Nathaniel Gray then asked and Jeff Scofield replied:
> Awesome, but now I'm confused because the arm.S you included
> has lots of .global pseudo-ops.  Do you not compile it with
> Apple's as?

At around line 36, you'll see:

 #define global globl

As I said in private mail, you could call this a hack, but it's a
way to avoid making lots of small changes everywhere in the file.

> What's your app?

We're working on a collection of card games for casual play.

> How are you managing the interface between Cocoa and OCaml?

This is a big topic.  The summary is that we model Cocoa objects
as OCaml objects.  We have a layer that wraps OCaml objects in
smallish ObjC objects for use on the ObjC side, and wraps ObjC
objects in smallish OCaml objects for use on the OCaml side.  The
layer then translates between these representations as required
for calls into iPhoneOS and Cocoa Touch from OCaml (asking for
iPhone OS services) and into OCaml from iPhoneOS (for event

> > We also made a small fix to the ARM code generator
> I am very interested in any and all information needed to get a
> correct OCaml port suitable for use in App Store applications.
> Please share!

OK, I'll gather up our patch and send it to the list.  I want to
separate out our changes from those of Toshiyuki Maeda [1].

As I said, our patch fixes calls to external C float functions
such as floor(), sin(), and so on.  There is special handling in
ocamlopt to allow them to be unboxed, but the ABI of the existing
ARM code generator doesn't match the iPhone ABI.


Jeff Scofield


EPTCS launch


Rob van Glabbeek announced:
With this email, we are launching

   Electronic Proceedings in Theoretic Computer Science (EPTCS)

a new international refereed open access venue for the rapid
electronic publication of the proceedings of workshops and
conferences, and of festschrifts, etc, in the general area of
theoretical computer science, broadly construed.

We do not charge authors or event organisers for electronic
publication in EPTCS in any way. If hard-copies of proceedings are
desired, event organisers have the choice of organising the printing
themselves or taking advantage of a standard contract we will make
with a printing house. Copyright on all papers is retained by the
author, and full-text electronic access to all papers is freely
available, without any need for registration or subscription.

Permanent archival of EPTCS publications is ensured by organising
EPTCS as an overlay of the Computing Research Repository (CoRR): see The content of EPTCS will be indexed by DBLP.

Only original papers will be considered for publication in EPTCS:
manuscripts are accepted for review by an EPTCS conference or workshop
with the understanding that the same work has not been published, nor
is presently submitted, elsewhere. However, full versions of extended
abstracts published in EPTCS, or substantial revisions, may later be
published elsewhere.

The submission and refereeing process is handled entirely by the
organisation of the conference, workshop or festschrift to which the
paper is submitted. Our editorial board carefully selects which
workshops and conferences can be trusted to select scientific papers
of quality only, and only those events will be granted a contract to
fill a volume of EPTCS.

Our editorial board consists of:

Luca Aceto		Rob van Glabbeek	Gordon Plotkin
Rajeev Alur		Lane A. Hemaspaandra	Vladimiro Sassone
Krzysztof R. Apt	Matthew Hennessy	Robert H. Sloan
Lars Arge		Bartek Klin		Wolfgang Thomas
Ran Canetti 		Evangelos Kranakis	Irek Ulidowski
Luca Cardelli		Shay Kutten		Dorothea Wagner
Rocco De Nicola		Nancy Lynch		Martin Wirsing
Jose' Luiz Fiadeiro	Aart Middeldorp		Moti Yung
Wan Fokkink		Benjamin Pierce

Further information can be found on our website:

In the hope this initiative will benefit the theoretical computer
science community,

Other Caml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog:
Thanks to Alp Mestan, we now include in the Caml Weekly News the links to the
recent posts from the ocamlcore planet blog at


0.1.3 sources now in subversion:

Sudoku in ocamljs, part 2: RPC over HTTP:

Bouncing Ball in OCaml with OCamlSDL:

Sudoku in ocamljs, part 1: DOM programming:

Using OCaml’s module functors to provide monadic contexts for Batteries:

Lastfm no longer free as in free beer (and some bits about xml in OCaml):

Last lecture:

Liquidsoap now supports AAC+ encoding.:

Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+

Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'<1':1

If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at the archive or the RSS feed of the archives.

If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online.

Alan Schmitt