Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of April 22 to 29, 2008.
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/ee0139c2c610af9d#
Richard Jones announced:I'm pleased to announce the (experimental) version 0.5 of pa_bitmatch, the syntax extension that adds Erlang-style bit strings and bit string matching to OCaml. http://et.redhat.com/~rjones/bitmatch/ In this release: - The "bitmatch" operator has been rewritten to use patterns properly (before it was using a hack involving expressions). One consequence of this is that you can now use all the features of OCaml patterns, eg: bitmatch packet with | { ((4|6) as ip_version) : 4 } -> printf "I understand IPv4 or v6, this is version %d\n" ip_version - You can now match and construct using plain strings: bitmatch file with | { "MAGIC" : 40 : string } -> ... - Error messages are now localized all the way down to individual fields in the pattern, which makes it a lot easier to chase errors. - You need to put { ... } around all fields. Sorry, this breaks the syntax, but (a) it makes it much easier to use the extension with common editors, and (b) it's a very simple mechanical change to existing code. I'll try not to change the syntax again if I can avoid it.
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/948dfe5f2e89ad63#
Gerd Stolpmann announced:I've again enhanced the service on camlcity.org. This time I've added a browser for all GODI libraries. Look here, it's impressive how many libraries are available: http://docs.camlcity.org/docs/godilib/3.10 So the next time somebody doubts that ocaml has enough support, just point to this list. The package browser is also available: http://docs.camlcity.org/docs/godipkg/3.10 These pages are also reachable over docs.camlcity.org. Comments are very welcome. Gerd P.S. I've also fixed today about 10 GODI packages that did not build. If you've also run into this problem, you should try again now. Only 2 packages are not installable right now due to missing ports.
Archive: http://groups.google.com/group/fa.caml/browse_frm/thread/cac8628ae8ef191d#
Oleg announced:The new version of the delimcc library of first-class delimited continuations for byte-code OCaml now supports serializing and storing captured continuations. The stored continuation can be invoked in the same or a different process running the same executable. The persistence feature supports process checkpointing, migration -- and specifically CGI programming. We can write CGI scripts using the *unmodified* OCaml system as if they were interactive ordinary _console_ applications. We can then execute these scripts on *any*, *unmodified* web server (e.g., Apache). The serialized continuations are twice delimited -- both in `control' and in `data'; the latter makes them compact and possible. The delimcc library is a pure library and makes _no_ changes to the OCaml system -- neither to the compiler nor to the bytecode VM. Therefore the library is perfectly compatible with any OCaml program and any (compiled) OCaml library. The delimcc library has no effect on the code that does not capture delimited continuations. The library has been tested on OCaml systems 3.09.x and 3.10.2 on Linux and FreeBSD. One may think that making captured continuations persistent is trivial: after all, OCaml already supports marshaling values including closures. If one actually tries to marshal a captured delimited continuation, one quickly discovers that the naive marshaling fails with the error on attempting to serialize an abstract data type. One may even discover that the troublesome abstract data type is _chan. The captured delimited continuation (a piece of stack along with administrative data) refers to heap data structures created by delimcc and other OCaml libraries; some of these data structures are closures, which contain module's environment and may refer to standard OCaml functions like prerr. This function is a closure over stderr, which is non-serializable. This points out the first problem: if we serialize all the data reachable from the captured continuation, we may end up serializing the (large) part of the heap and the global environment. Aside from inefficiency, that may preclude serialization as we are liable to encounter channels and other non-serializable data structures. There is a more serious problem however. If we serialize all data reachable from the captured delimited continuation, we also serialize two pieces of global state used by the delimcc library itself. When the stored continuation is deserialized, a fresh copy of these global data is created, referenced from within the restored continuation. Thus the whole program will have two copies of delimcc global data: one for use in the main program and one for use by the deserialized continuation. Although such an isolation may be desirable in many cases, it is precisely wrong in our case: the captured and the host continuations do not have the common view of the system and cannot work together. It may be instructive to contemplate process checkpointing offered by some operating systems (see also `undump' typically used by Emacs and TeX). When checkpointing a process, we wish to save the continuation of the process only (rather than the continuation of the scheduler that created the process, and the rest of the OS continuation). We also wish to save data associated with the process, for example, the process control block and the description of allocated memory and other resources. Control blocks of all processes are typically linked in; when saving the control block of one process, we definitely do not wish to save everything that is reachable from it. When saving the state of a process in a checkpoint, we do not usually save the state of the file system -- or even of all files used by the process. First of all, that is impractical. Mainly, it is sometimes wrong. For example, a process might write records to a log file, e.g., syslog. We specifically do not wish to save the contents of the syslog along with the process image. We want the restored process append to the system log rather than replace it! Of course restoring a suspended process after modifying its input files may also be wrong. It is a hard question of what should be saved by value and what should be saved by reference only. It is clear however that both mechanisms are needed. The serialization code of the delimcc library does offer both mechanisms. The inspiration comes from the fact that OCaml's own serialization function serializes OCaml code pointed to from within closures by reference. The delimcc library extends this approach to data. The library supports registration of data (which currently must be closures in the old heap) in a global array. When serializing the continuation, the library traverses it and replaces all references to registered closures with indices in the global array; we then invoke OCaml's own serialization routine to marshal the result. After that, we undo the replacement of closures with indices. Such value mangling is not without precedent: to detect sharing, OCaml's own marshaling routine too mangles the value being serialized. The use of the global array is akin to the implementation of cross-staged persistence in MetaOCaml. The new version of the delimcc library is available at http://okmij.org/ftp/packages/caml-shift.tar.gz The salient application is letting us write CGI scripts as if they were interactive console applications using read and printf. We write the scripts in the natural question-answer, storytelling style, with the full use of lexical scope, exceptions, mutable data and other imperative features (if necessary). The scripts can even be compiled and run as interactive console applications. With a different implementation of basic primitives for reading and writing, the console programs become CGI scripts. All that has been demonstrated at the Continuation Fest 2008 two weeks ago: http://okmij.org/ftp/Computation/Fest2008-talk.pdf http://okmij.org/ftp/Computation/Fest2008-talk-notes.pdf (the second file has notes of what I might say during the presentation). The corresponding code is available at http://okmij.org/ftp/ML/caml-web.tar.gz The code contains the minimal library for writing CGI applications with form validation. The code supports nested transactions. The captured continuations are relatively compact: the essentially empty captured continuation takes 491 bytes when serialized. The serialized continuations of the unoptimized blog application have the typical size of 10K or so (depending on the size of the posts); bzip can compress them to one third of the original size. The new version of the delimcc library implements abort as a primitive, which makes it essentially as efficient as raise. The library offers shift and control for convenience, and a useful debugging primitive show_val, to display the structure of any OCaml value.
Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using vim (version 6 or greater).
:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'<1':1
If you know of a better way, please let me know.
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