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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of June 13 to 20, 2006.

  1. Resumable exceptions in plain OCaml

Resumable exceptions in plain OCaml


Oleg announced:
Resumable exceptions are the strict generalization of regular exceptions, 
which lets the exception raising form return a value and so the 
computation may continue. It's the exception handler that decides 
either to abort the exceptional computation or to resume it with a 
particular value. Resumable exceptions are made popular by Common 
Lisp, where they are widely used: 

We show a conservative and elementary implementation of resumable 
exceptions in OCaml: the implementation is a self-contained 100% pure 
OCaml library; makes no changes to the OCaml system; supports the 
existing style of defining exceptions; is compatible with the ordinary 
exceptions; works in byte- or natively-compiled code; uses the most 
basic facilities of ML and so can easily be translated to SML. 

We impose no extra restrictions on the resumable exception raising and 
handling forms. Like with ordinary exceptions, resumable ones may 
encapsulate values of arbitrary types; the same exception handler may 
process exceptions of many types -- and send resumption replies of 
many types. The raise form may appear within the guarded code at many 
places; different raise forms may resume with values of different 
types. Furthermore, resumable exceptions are declared just like the 
ordinary ones, with the `exception' keyword. If the resumable 
exception handler never resumes, resumable exceptions act and feel 
precisely as the regular ones. 

The control aspect of resumable exceptions is quite trivial: as first 
pointed out by Luc Moreau (HOSC1998), invoking a resumable expression 
is sort of a regular function call, where the name of the function, 
the handler, is obtained via dynamic binding. It is the typing aspect 
of resumable exceptions -- imposing no restrictions on how and when 
exceptions can be raised and resumed -- that took most of the 
work. The resulting implementation involves less than common ways of 
invoking functions and passing their results. 

The implementation and illustration code is available at 

The following is an excerpt from the above file, illustrating 
resumable exceptions. As regular exceptions, resumable exceptions must 
be declared, with the ordinary keyword 'exception'. A resumable 
exception amounts to two (or more) ordinary exceptions. The first is 
what used to raise the (resumable) exception.  The second is to 
encapsulate the returned result. The function [rhandle] is equivalent to 
the [try] form; it receives the exception handler and the thunk. The 
function [rraise : exn -> (exn -> 'a) -> 'a] raises the resumable 
exception. Its second argument receives the resumable exception, 
should unpack it and return the resumption result, with which to 
continue the computation. 

(* Declare the first resumable exception. It has resumptions of two types *) 
exception Foo of int 
exception Foo_r1 of bool 
exception Foo_r2 of string 

(* Declare the second resumable exception *) 
exception Bar of char 
exception Bar_r of int 

let handler v = try raise v with 
  | Foo x -> Printf.printf "Got Foo of %d\n" x; 
      if x < 100 then resume (Foo_r1 (x < 4)) else resume (Foo_r2 "xxx") 
  | Bar c -> Printf.printf "Got Bar of %c\n" c; 
      if c < 'E' then resume (Bar_r (int_of_char c + 1)) 
      else 42.0                                          (* aborting *) 

let () = 
  let r = rhandle handler 
   (fun () -> 
     for i = 1 to 5 do 
       let v = rraise (Foo i) (fun e -> try raise e with Foo_r1 x -> x) in 
       let () = Printf.printf "Resumed Foo1 with %b\n" v in 
       let v = rraise (Foo (100 +i)) (fun e -> try raise e with Foo_r2 x -> x) 
       in Printf.printf "Resumed Foo2 with %s\n" v 
     for i = 65 to 100 do 
       let v = rraise (Bar (char_of_int i)) 
               (fun e -> try raise e with Bar_r x -> x) 
       in Printf.printf "Resumed Bar with %d\n" v 
     assert false 
   ) in 
  Printf.printf "\nFinal result %g\n" r 
Christophe Raffalli said and Oleg answered:
Christophe Raffalli observed that 

> rraise (Foo i) (function Foo_r1 x -> ... | e -> raise e) 

"seems shorter, equivalent and more efficient" than 
>   rraise (Foo i) (fun e -> try raise e with Foo_r1 x -> ...) 

that appeared in the posted code. 
I agree. In fact, to the best of my knowledge of the OCaml interpreter, 
the former is the semantics of the latter -- or, to be even more 
precise, the latter reduces to the former in the interpreter. The 
reason I chose the latter is: (i) to avoid writing the default clause 
"| e -> raise e", but mainly, (ii) to emphasize the similarity between 
pattern matching on the value (when invoking a function, for example) and 
pattern matching on the exception in the 'try' clause. The duality 
seemed irresistible to pass. 

> In fact exceptions in OCaml are one big polymorphic variant type that 
> existed before polymorphic variant where introduced ;-) 

So true. One of the motivations for the code was to 
(ab)use this fact. 
Christophe Raffalli also suggested 

>    rraise Foo i with Foo_r1 x -> ... 
> is much clearer and certainly possible to define in camlp4 ? 

I agree again. I specifically wanted to avoid camlp4 in the original 
post, for the sake of naked details. Defining the right syntax, and 
implementing it with camlp4, was to be the next step. 
Dmitry Bely asked and Oleg answered:
> Is your implementation thread-safe? My impression is it doesn't seems 
> to be. 

Interaction of dynamic binding and threading is quite an interesting 
topic, which has been the subject of several papers (including ours, 
which has been just accepted for ICFP). The implementation in used so-called shallow-binding -- this is the common 
technique of implementing dynamic binding in Lisp and Scheme 
systems. Alas, it doesn't well generalize to a multi-threading 
environment. For multi-threading, a better approach is dealing with 
the stack of handlers explicitly, keeping it in the thread-local 
storage. Incidentally, this is the approach adopted in Scheme48, which 
has a quite an advanced multi-threading system with user-defined 
schedulers, channels and software transactional memory. 
The best approach, in my opinion, is to `bind' exceptions handlers to 
the stack (because the stack is the best `representation' of the 
dynamic context). It is very simple (albeit requiring a small bit of C 
code in the library of resumable exceptions) to get hold of OCaml's 
own exception handlers. Also, we can use delimited continuations to 
implement dynamic binding. That too solves all the problems. Alas, 
currently delimited continuations are available only for byte code. 

In any event, these performance improvement and generalizations will 
not change the published interface of resumable exceptions. 

Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+

Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'&lt;1':1

If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

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Alan Schmitt