Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 14 to 21 December, 2004.
Archive: http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200412/msg00185.html
Joe Polanik asked and Richard Jones answered:> Is there a version of mod_ocaml for Apache 2? If so, where might this be > found? mod_caml or mod_ocaml? The two are different things. My summary of the situation is here: http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200410/msg00026.html You need to patch Apache 2 to run mod_caml. See these instructions: http://merjis.com/developers/mod_caml/apache_2.0 http://issues.apache.org/bugzilla/show_bug.cgi?id=27550 The process of getting the required patch into Apache 2.x is glacial, but at least the developers are now showing some small amount of interest.Peter Busser asked and Gerd Stolpmann answered:
> Has anyone looked at getting mod_lisp to work with OCaml? It's > different from mod_caml in that it doesn't execute OCaml code in > Apache itself, but connects to a separate process, which handles the > request. Much like the way in which Java servlet support for Apache > works. It doesn't transfer any LISP specific stuff according to the > docs. There is support for AJP (the Java connector you mention) and FastCGI in Ocamlnet (http://ocamlnet.sourceforge.net). The O'Caml code runs in a separate process, with all advantages, e.g. native code support, increased stability etc.Alex Baretta said, Richard Jones answered, and Alex Baretta replied:
> > The trouble is that FastCGI seems to be no longer actively developed, > > and it hardly supports Apache2. > > > Oacmlnet supports JServ too, IIRC. Gerd has managed to write in Ocaml every possible computable function, so, yes, he does support Jserv. Again, the problem is elsewhere. The Jakarta project no longer supports the Jserv protocol version implemented by Gerd. Gerd is not updating the Jserv support, if I recall correctly, because the new protocol version lacks support for some of the CGI features Ocamlnet needs.Gerd Stolpmann answered:
> Gerd is not updating the Jserv support, if I > recall correctly, because the new protocol version lacks support for > some of the CGI features Ocamlnet needs. No, there is not such a problem. Currently, ocamlnet implements version 1.2 of the protocol, which is widely available, even in the newest releases of Jakarta. Although this is not the recommended protocol version. I would really like to upgrade to version 1.3, because it fixes some problems of 1.2 for SSL connections. Newer versions of the protocol (than 1.3) are experimental and not yet stable, and it is the question what one really gains from them.Peter Busser said, Richard Jones answered, and Alex Baretta said:
> > According to the documentation, mod_lisp uses a simpler protocol than JServ. > > It consists of attributename/value pairs. > > http://www.fractalconcept.com/asp/1pY2/sdataQIjjZGSY-q5ODM==/2pY2sdataQoBh-N3qe0jUC1B= > > I never really understood why people don't just use HTTP. It is, > after all, a perfectly suitable protocol for transfering web requests > and web pages between entities :-) This is what we are doing with the xcamld. Xcamld is a light-weigh http server working behind the scenes of a full-fledged server like Apache, which has support for proxying a request to another server. The client connects to Apache via HTTP; Apache is configured to act as a transparent proxy for this request and relays it to the xcamld. We already have a complete implementation of the HTTP 1.1 protocol and are currently working on the Ocamlnet bindings.Christoph Bauer said:
BTW, there is another binding of FastCGI for OCaml. It uses the C-Library, works under windows and could be used with threads. In fact, it is only tested on windows. A binary version is included in OCaml-Mingw-Maxi. If somebody really need it, I could release the source.
Archive: http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200412/msg00195.html
Jørgen Hermanrud Fjeld:I just read about the work by Nystrom, Chong and Myers on nested inheritance, specifically the article "Scalable Extensibility via Nested Inheritance". The article does demonstrate fascinating, to me, use of inheritance, and I wonder if it is possible to do something similar and object-oriented in OCaml. To do something similar would, according to my understanding, require both inner classes and super-class polymorphism. In understand inner classes as implicitly polymorphic with respect to the enclosing class, and polymorphism on the super class as the practical ability to extend the type hierarchy upwards. Do you know of any work that relate nested inheritance to OCaml, or that address the similar issuesof inner classes and super-class polymorphism? I have tried to search the mailing list history, but I have not found relevant threads for these issues. It seems to me that inner classes can always be written as parametric classes, which means that OCaml could easily support inner classes. Is this correct? Are there other intrinsic reasons why OCaml does not have inner classes, except of course that it would take an effort to implement, which I understand. Super-class polymorphism seems like a different beast, and I would very much appreciate any ideas, especially theoretical ideas, on how that would interact with the OCaml type system. I imagine the following OCaml'ish example: class a = class b = object ... end class c = object inherit b ... end object ... end class d = class b' = object inherit b ... end (* The following is implicit class c' = object inherit b inherit b' inherit c ... end *) object inherit a ... end The inner classes are parametrised by the outer class, thus for the class a this could be written instead: class a = object ... end class ['a] b = object ... end class ['a] c = object inherit ['a] b ... end Here i use 'a because the examples is from a nominal type system, as the name 'a suggests, although this is just coincidental for O'Caml. The class d is not such a clear case to write out, here is a try: class d = object inherit a ... end class ['d] b' = object inherit ['d] b ... end (* The following is implicit class ['d] c' = object inherit ['d] b' inherit ['d] c ... end *) It is this implicit part that I suspect could use super-class polymorphism, because then the class c could be rewritten as: class ['a,'b] c = object inherit ['a] 'b ... end and then the class c' would be the same as c, except that c' is parametrised by [d,b'], while c is parametrised by [a,b]. With name shadowing of classes and explicit polymorphism code could be written as: class a = class ['a] b = object ... end class ['a,'b] c = object inherit 'b ... end object ... end class d = class ['a] b = object inherit b ... end (* The following is implicit because b is connected to 'b by magic ;-) class ['a,'b] = object inherit b' ... end *) object inherit a ... end I hope this demonstrates the idea. The following code is from the paper by Nystrom, Chong and Myers, to give a sample of their intuition: class A { class B { int x; } class C extends B {...} int m(B b) { return b.x } C n() { return new C(); } } class A2 extends A { class B {int y; } int m(B b) {return b.x + b.y } }John Prevost answered:
One typical feature of inner classes that you will never see in O'Caml is access to the private state of the surrounding class. On the other hand: class a (xa : int) = object val mutable xb = xa method get_x = xb method set_x x = xb <- x method new_b () = object method get_x = xb method set_x x = xb <- x end end;; Here you see that you can create an object in which the fields of the containing object are in scope. But this inner object is not a class, so it cannot be inherited from. Anyway, I will look at the rest of your email and look up the papers your mention some time later.Jacques Garrigue also answered:
Answer 1: there are no inner classes in ocaml. Answer 2: there are plenty of other ways to obtain similar effects. I don't know exactly what fascinated you in the paper, so it is hard to answer precisely, but there are already a few techniques in ocaml to solve the problems they describe. (Of course they wouldn't cite them, as ocaml doesn't look like a relevant language to them.) Their compiler example seems to be a variant of the expression problem. There are several solutions to the expression problem in ocaml, using either polymorphic variants http://wwwfun.kurims.kyoto-u.ac.jp/~garrigue/papers/fose2000.html or objects http://pauillac.inria.fr/~remy/work/expr/ On the more general question of virtual types, Didier Rémy and Jérôme Vouillon gave a detailed "refutation". http://pauillac.inria.fr/~remy/work/virtual/ So you can see if you can do all what you need with the above methods. If you find some unexpected limitation, please let us now.
Archive: http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200412/msg00198.html
Alex Baretta asked and Jacques Garrigue answered:> Currently ocaml does not support empty polymorphic variant sum types. > Say, I cannot write the following. > > type empty = [ ] > > This fails due to a syntax error rather than a typing error, which is a > sensible, given that the type expression I have written is actually > perfectly meaningful. > > Is there a design decision behind this, or have the Caml breeders simply > overlooked the potential need for empty types? This is completely intentional. Maybe this should be a typing error rather than a syntactic one, to make the intention clearer. Empty sum types are not allowed, because, while they are not really dangerous, they may delay type errors. For instance, consider the following code: let f = function `A -> 1 | `B -> 2 let g = function `C -> 3 | `D -> 4 let h x = f x + g x ^ This expression has type [< `A | `B ] but is here used with type [< `C | `D ] These two variant types have no intersection If we allowed empty sums, h would be accepted with the type [] -> int But it's clear that this function can never be called. Note that you can still write unusable functions, as checking for non-emptyness of types is not always worth the pain, but this is a bit less trivial than the above code, and the type contains more information on what happened. let f = function `A x -> x | `B x -> x+1 let g = function `A f -> truncate f | `B x -> truncate (x +. 0.5) let h x = f x + g x val h : [< `A of float & int | `B of float & int ] -> int = <fun> Another result of excluding the empty sum is that sums with only one case can be made monomorphic. let f (`A x) = x val f : [ `A of 'a ] -> 'a = <fun>John Prevost asked and Alex Baretta answered:
> I'm somewhat confused as to why this is different from simply > declaring a new opaque type: > > type empty Ah, this is interesting! > Since there is no way to construct a value of the type, nor any way to > deconstruct such a value, how is it different? Not much, actually. I thought opaque types could only be *declared*. module M : sig type t end = struct type t = *** end I never realized that a type could be *defined* as opaque. module M = struct type t end
Archive: http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200412/msg00231.html
Jonathan Roewen asked:When passing an anonymous ocaml function to a C function, is it safe to store that value in an array, and then call it later at an abitrary time, or will the GC reclaim it? And if so, what should be done to stop the GC from doing so? Basically, we're trying to do interrupt handling from OCaml, and need to store the anonymous functions somewhere for the IDT to jump into, to provide a little context for the problem.Richard Jones answered:
The GC might reclaim the value (function, or whatever) unless you register it as a global root. To do this you need to call caml_register_global_root on each value which you put in the array. Furthermore you ought to call caml_remove_global_root when you remove the value from the array and no longer need it.David Brown also answered:
You'll need to register the value as a global root, using register_global_root. Please see the Interfacing C with Objective Caml, where there is brief mention of this function. It is also important to dereference the value each time you use it. static value hook = Val_int (0); ... hook = passed_argument; register_global_root (&hook); ... callback (hook, arg); You can also use remove_global_root() later to remove the reference.Damien Doligez also answered:
> Basically, we're trying to do interrupt handling from OCaml, and need > to store the anonymous functions somewhere for the IDT to jump into, > to provide a little context for the problem. This is going to be extremely tricky, if it ever works, because OCaml code can allocate memory by calling malloc. And malloc is not reentrant, so calling it from a signal handler cannot be correct unless your main program never calls malloc, which rules out a large number of functions of the C stdlib. And you don't even know which ones exactly...
Archive: http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200412/msg00238.html
Nathaniel Gray announced (please find the patch at the above url):I've attached a patch that allows OCaml 3.08.2 to build using the TclTkAqua frameworks from http://tcltkaqua.sourceforge.net instead of an X11 version of Tcl/Tk. To use it, apply the patch and configure ocaml with "-tklibs '-framework Tcl -framework Tk'". The changes are very simple: #include <tcl.h> --> #include <Tcl/tcl.h> #include <tk.h> --> #include <Tk/tk.h> This is enought to allow ocaml to build, but the labltk examples won't work as expected. The OS X window manager requires graphical apps to be launched from within an application bundle, so you'll need to use something like Platypus http://sveinbjorn.vefsyn.is/platypus to package your program.William D. Neumann answered:
I'm not too familiar with platypus, I'll have to take a look at it. But for basic operation, it's very easy to create a bundle structure manually (or add a resource fork to the app) to enable labltk apps. See the bottom of http://wiki.cocan.org/getting_started_with_ocaml_on_mac_os_x for more details.
Archive: http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200412/msg00253.html
Samuel Mimram announced:I'm pleased to annonce the 0.2.0 release of ocaml-ssl library which consists in bindings to the SSL library (to encrypt communications over sockets). This release corrects a few bugs, parametrizes the context creation functions by the protocol to use, and adds a few functions (to handle certificates verification, ciphers, etc). It is licenced under the GPL and can be found here : http://savonet.sourceforge.net/ As usual comments, suggestions, bug reports and of course patches are welcome.
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