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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 14 to 21 September, 2004.

  1. Passing printf format strings to functions
  2. WxWidgets?
  3. Ocaml automation update
  4. Regexp library supporting binding for * and +'s

Passing printf format strings to functions


Erik de Castro Lopo asked and Jean-Christophe Filliatre answered:
> I've got a little problem which I can't seem to get to the
> bottom of. The following code snippet won't compile:
>     let rec print_string_pairs (fmt:string) =
>         function
>             [] -> print_endline ""
>         |    a :: b ->
>                 Printf.printf fmt (fst a) (snd a) ;
>                 print_string_pairs fmt b
>         ;;

A format is not of type "string" but of type "('a,'b,'c) format". Here
is how you can write such a function:

let rec print_string_pairs (fmt:(string->string->'a,'b,'c) format) =

But the type of fmt can be inferred, thus you can simply write:

let rec print_string_pairs fmt =

Note that this second version is now polymorphic : it applies to any
format of type ('a -> 'b -> 'c, out_channel, unit) format and a list
of type ('a * 'b) list:

# print_string_pairs "%s->%s\n" [ ("a", "b") ; ("c", "d") ; ("e", "f") ];;

# print_string_pairs "%d->%d\n" [ 1,2; 3,4; 5,6 ];;

 >     let fmt = Printf.sprintf "      %%%ds  ==  %%s\n" 20 ;;
 >     print_endline fmt ;;
 >     let pairs = [ ("a", "b") ; ("c", "d") ; ("e", "f") ] ;;
 >     print_string_pairs fmt pairs ;;

There  is a additional  difficuly here,  because you  want to  build a
format string  dynamically. With the code  above, fmt will  be of type
string, and then cannot  be passed to print_string_pairs. As suggested
by Michael,  you can use format_of_string  to convert a  string into a

# let fmt = format_of_string "%20s == %s\n";;
val fmt : (string -> string -> '_a, '_b, '_c, '_a) format4 = <abstr>
# print_string_pairs fmt [ ("a", "b") ; ("c", "d") ; ("e", "f") ];;
                   a == b
                   c == d
                   e == f

But format_of_string  only applies  to a _constant_  string, not  to a
string built from an evaluation:

# let fmt = format_of_string (Printf.sprintf "      %%%ds  ==  %%s\n" 20) ;;
Characters 27-71:
  let fmt = format_of_string (Printf.sprintf "      %%%ds  ==  %%s\n" 20) ;;
This expression has type string but is here used with type
  ('a, 'b, 'c, 'd) format4

Indeed, there is  no static way to check that  the resulting format is
indeed of  type (string->string->'a,'b,'c) format.



Chris Danx asked and Richard Jones answered:
> Was looking on the web for an alternative to using GTK+ on Windows (no
> flames please) and found WxWidgets.  It looks like a quite nice GUI
> toolkit.  There seemed to be some interest in developing a OCaml binding
> via Swig according to the net, but I can't find any such binding.
> Has anyone made such a binding?  If not I was thinking about using swig
> and the wxpython interfaces as the starting point for a wxwidgets
> binding for ocaml.  Has anyone tried to do this in the past?  Any
> thoughts on the issue?

I've looked into this in the past, but we ended up using Gtk +
Gtk-Wimp on Windows, which worked quite well.  Here are my
observations on going the WxWindows route though:

(1) WxWindows is pretty good.  (Ah, looking at their website, I see
they've renamed it to WxWidgets!).  WxWIDGETS is pretty good.  It's a
very complete way to develop cross-platform applications.  In
particular, it has platform-specific file and print dialogs, which you
won't get if you use Gtk.  In fact if you use Gtk you won't get print
dialogs at all - I had to write my own print dialog for Windows which
was no fun at all.

(2) There seem to be three decent approaches to using WxWidgets under
OCaml: Python, Perl or native.  Native is going to be the best, but is
going to take a heck of a lot of effort.

(3) Python or Perl: it's easiest just to use PyCaml or Perl4Caml to
interface with the Wx* libraries under those languages.  I don't see
why you'd want to go through SWIG for this.

(4) Native: definitely the best performance and the cleanest approach,
however it's lots of work.  (Now of course if you wanted to *hire*
Merjis to do the work, contact me off-list ... :-)
Daan Leijen said:
I have created a binding from Haskell to wxWidgets, called wxHaskell.
You can find more information (and nice screenshots) at
There is also a paper about it at

I also know that there is a student in France that has made a lot of
on an O'Caml binding to wxWidgets (as he contacted me a few times
about technical issues). He also used the wxEiffel C wrapper (that wxHaskell

Personally, I am very impressed with wxWidgets: wxHaskell works
very well across the main platforms (MacosX, Windows, and GTK)
and is quite stable. It is also nice that wxWidgets uses native controls
on each platform, giving an application native look-and-feel.

A particularly pragmatic route to implementing a wxWidgets binding
to wxHaskell would adapt the wxDirect program of wxHaskell to generate
O'Caml bindings and just copy the wxHaskell model -- it would fit O'Caml
quite well, especially when OCaml objects are used to model the C++ classes.
Micha answered the OP:
> Has anyone made such a binding?  If not I was thinking about using swig
> and the wxpython interfaces as the starting point for a wxwidgets
> binding for ocaml.  Has anyone tried to do this in the past?  Any
> thoughts on the issue?

I have started some time ago with this and interfaced a few classes of
wxwidgets, just to see how it works. I implemented (parts of) the
application , window and menu classes and parts of the event system ( you can
use 'connect' to connect ocaml functions to menus events);  So the basic way
was ok. I just wanted to do something different ;-)

I don't like the swig way so I didn't use it, but it's a pain to go c++ -> c
-> ocaml, massive typing :-), maybe c++ -> c -> ocamlidl would be better...
Basile Starynkevitch also answered:
> Was looking on the web for an alternative to using GTK+ on Windows (no
> flames please) and found WxWidgets.  It looks like a quite nice GUI
> toolkit. ....

There is also the FOX toolkit which claims also to be
both on Unix & Windows. It is a nice (cross-platform) GUI toolkit (in C++)
also (but there is no Ocaml binding to it).

> Has anyone made such a binding?  If not I was thinking about using swig
> and the wxpython interfaces as the starting point for a wxwidgets
> binding for ocaml.  Has anyone tried to do this in the past?  Any
> thoughts on the issue?

If there is a Python binding to it already, you might also consider coding a
WXwidget "server" by coding (in C) the few hooks to make a program using
WxWidgets which listen on a pipe (or whatever the Windows equivalent is) for
Python instructions, and sending back (to your application) some textual
protocol. I already coded this in GUIS (see for more) for GTK2 (and you can
borrow some code if you like).

IMHO, the costly coding is to interface all the WXWidget API. If it has been
done once (for Python) you might try reusing it - either with Swig (for
Ocaml) or by pluggin a python interpreter. The GUI could even (as GUIS
suggest) run in a different process than your Ocaml application.

NB: I've got no knowledge on Windows, and no significant experience with
Swig or WxWidgets. So take all above with several grains of salt.
SooHyoung Oh answered as well:
I tried to implement Ocaml binding for wxWidgets
a few months ago which followed the same method as wxHaskell

Anyone who has interest in this job can find some comments and tar ball
at .

There is an example program which uses frame, menubar, menu, statusbar

Current Status:
I used "ocamlidl" to generat types and functions for ocaml
which was done without any problem.
And then I tried to implement "wxcaml" as object-oriented style like LablGtk
but it required too much time.
Any comments?

Ocaml automation update


Alex Baretta said:
skaller wrote:
> Alex Baretta wrote:
> > I wish to let you know that the first application of ocaml to realtime
> > industrial control has succeeded.
> Nice job! Now we all want to know -- how did the
> Ocaml GC stand up? How did you tweak it? :)

Sorry for not answering earlier. GC simply is not an issue. We allocate
a lot, but newly allocated blocks tend to have a very short life. The GC
is kept latent during PLC rounds and activated between rounds with
heap compaction disabled. The full_major collection is an order of
magnitude faster than the cycle time we require, and since we run it
sistematically between rounds it runs in constant and predictable time.

The only unpredictable latencies are due to heap compaction, but we only
run heap compaction when the system is known to be in quiescent state
until user input.

Regexp library supporting binding for * and +'s


Yutaka Oiwa announced:
From the computer room at ICFP2004 in Snowbird Resort,
I announce a beta version of my combinator-based
regular-expression match library which supports
list (Kleene-*) binding.

This library provide a set of typed "combinators" which can be
used to construct "regular expression matcher", which tests strings
against regexps and capture the matched substring in various ways.
Especially, powerful "repeat" combinator, which corresponds
to * and + operators in conventional regular expression notation,
returns all values captured inside as a list value.

For example, the small code below

  open Regexp_pp_ng
  let s = "1 2 3 4 5" in
  match_string s (repeat ~sep:spacesA int_decimal) (fun x -> x)

returns [1; 2; 3; 4; 5]: int list.

All combinators are given static types and any mismatch of
value types and matcher types are statically rejected.

The implementation is available from a subversion repository.
Using subversion, you can checkout the URL

to get the up-to-date implementation, or you can directly
access the above address by web browsers to see the latest revision.
There is also a ViewCVS interface at the following address.

See regexp_pp_ng.mli for interfaces, and for
some example of the use of this library.

It may work partially on some older OCaml, but for real use
it requires a newer version (3.07 or later) which supports
the relaxed value restriction.

I plan to construct a neat syntax sugar over this library
and build a next-generation version of Regexp/OCaml library.
Any comments are welcome.
Skaller asked and Yutaka Oiwa answered:
> Can you explain why/how Pcre is being used?

The reason is simply current implemenentation convenience.
It is stable, has enough features (e.g. unlimited number of captures,
non-capturing groups, much of helper functions and runtime features,
and is well-performing. My intension is not to implement automata engine
by myself, at least in near future.

However, as you can see in README in Regexp-OCaml (main version), my
future plan includes supporting backends other than PCRE/OCaml.
Having its own regexp parser and limiting regexp syntax to strict
regular language are the provision for possible future.
At the time of OCaml 3.07 released, I really considered to support
the standard Str module, but unfortunately current Str lacks some of
the features required by current Regexp/OCaml implementation.
Anyway, backend is backend. And also, frontend is frontend. Period.
It can be highly independent once it designed so, and my interests
are mainly in the frontend part. I highly appreciete supports from
people working on the backend part.

Multilingualization is one in current high-priority to-do list.
At least one of the users requested me to support EUC-JP patterns,
and you might be the second person :-)
I am considering how to support M17N feature: it may depends to
underlying backends (e.g. Camomile?), or it may be supported solely in the
frontend layer, by encoding multibyte handling into regexps.
This trick is used in the Japanese port of Perl interpreter on MS-DOS,
and (at least) one of Japanese handling module for Perl5.
# As you can imagine, just using M17N feature of underlying library is
# not sufficient: internal regexp parser must also modified to accept
# multibyte-encoded regular expression. This is one of the reason that
# curent Regexp/OCaml does not support UTF8 option of PCRE/OCaml.

For supporting list-binding of Kleene-stars, I am very interested in
richer backends which supports such features.  Alain Frisch's recent
posting has interested me.  There is also a talk with related title in
ICFP04, although I had not yet read the paper.
However, I feel at the same time that backend is not a current show-stopper:
it is truly better to have such backends, but it can be emulated without that,
As I had shown in the combinators.  I can wait for a while for
theretical/practical progresses. Current problem is mainly the frontend:
there are many language-design problems once we introduce nested bindings.
I already had a discussion with some people in ICFP04, and I hope more.

Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+

Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'&lt;1':1

If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

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Alan Schmitt