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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 18 to 25 May, 2004.

  1. Ocaml irc channel, open invite
  2. LocalCaml 0.2.0
  3. Format4 query
  4. Large projects in OCaml
  5. A problem with nan
  6. OCaml fileutils v0.2.1
  7. Camomile 0.5.2
  8. Common IO classes
  9. MLpcap 0.8
  10. Extlib Redux
  11. ExtLib 1.1

Ocaml irc channel, open invite

Eric Stokes said:
Hello, I would like to invite you all into our Ocaml irc channel. We
have a very small network
mostly for work communication, however we've recently set aside a
channel called #ocaml,
just for Ocaml discussion. I was thinking this morning that it is a bit
lonely with only 3 or 4 people in it,
so I thought I'd extend an invite.

We run services, so you may register your nick if you please.
John Goerzen replied:
Not to be critical, but I don't really see the point in encouraging
fragmentation.  There is already #ocaml on, and while
it has around 40 people on at many times, still I don't think that
fragmentation serves anybody's interests.

LocalCaml 0.2.0

Benjamin Geer announced:
Since no one complained about LocalCaml, the i18n message catalog
library I tentatively announced a few days ago, I've released version
0.2.0; I've cleaned it up a bit, added a few features and given it a web

Future releases will be announced on the OCaml-i18n list:

Format4 query

David Trombley asked and Olivier Andrieu answered:
> Suppose I have
> type listener = string -> unit
> which is intended to receive a string type as a value.
> Could someone demonstrate a function that takes a listener
> and a format as arguments, and uses sprintf to obtain a
> string, and then calls the listener with the string
> argument?

That is precisely what kprintf does.

# type listener = string -> unit;;
type listener = string -> unit
# let f (l : listener) fmt = Printf.kprintf l fmt ;;
val f : listener -> ('a, unit, string, unit) format4 -> 'a = <fun>
# f print_endline "%s %d" "abc" 23 ;;
abc 23
- : unit = ()
David Trombley then said:
Right, as I said I can get simple examples to work.   But I
can't get syntax such as

 # let g (l : listener) (k : int) fmt =
    match k with
      0 -> 0
    | x -> Printf.kprintf l fmt; k;;

val g : listener -> int -> ('a, unit, string, unit)
format4 -> int = <fun>

to function, as you can see the format type has been
inferred to a type that is not useful at all.

I'd like to use kprintf as a side effect to a function which
evaluates to some type, but I would not like that type or
the unit type of a ; evaluation to affect the format type.
Damien Doligez answered:
Here is the trick: the call to kprintf must always be the last
thing that your function does.  You get control back when kprintf
calls your continuation function:

  let g (l : listener) (k : int) fmt =
    let cont s =
      match k with
      | 0 -> 0
      | _ -> l s; k
    Printf.kprintf cont fmt

Note that kprintf will be called in all cases, but that's
unavoidable because it has to consume the arguments that will
be passed to g after the fmt argument.

Large projects in OCaml

Ramu Ramamurthy asked:
We are a small group starting a project
developing language tools.
It appears to us that Ocaml is ideally suited
for this purpose although none of us have
good experience with functional languages
(but we think we can learn fast and in the longer run
choice of Ocaml will payoff -- as opposed to
using C,C++).

We would really appreciate feedback from folks who
have worked on large projects with OCaml. If this
has been answered earlier, we appreciate pointers
to the thread(s).


a) Are there examples of
commercial s/w developed in OCaml?
b) Is the native compiler/runtime/tools mature for
large commercial projects?
c) Is OCaml support (for bugs etc) good?
Jon Harrop answered:
I have been using ocaml to write a vector graphics library over the past four
months. I intend to commercialise it. However, I am not yet sure exactly how
I can do that...

From my experiences, I would say that you are likely to find programming in
ocaml to be vastly more productive than programming in C++. In the case of my
project, for example, I would say that development in ocaml is about 10 times
faster than in C++ and code density is about 4 times greater. I would also
say that your programming style (if you are used to imperative style) is
likely to change significantly over the first month of using ocaml. It may be
worth noting that I had already dabbled in functional programming as an

I think it is important to emphasise that the efficiency of developing in
ocaml goes a long way to offsetting the (relatively minor) drop in
performance. This is because a given project has a finite lifetime and, in
that lifetime, you can try a much wider variety of approaches and algorithms
using ocaml than you could in C++.

If you want to see examples of good ocaml code to learn from then I'd
recommend looking at the core library (in the ocaml distribution) and a
select few third party libraries. However, you are unlikely to appreciate the
way in which the code is written without some more intricate knowledge of the
language itself.

> a) Are there examples of
> commercial s/w developed in OCaml?

I am not aware of any existing commercial software written in ocaml.

> b) Is the native compiler/runtime/tools mature for
> large commercial projects?

Primarily due to the clean design of the language itself (I believe) the tools
are already of extremely high quality. I have found several bugs in gcc but
none in the ocaml compilers, for example. Having said that, I pushed gcc to
its limits (e.g. gratuitous template partial specialisation) but I have never
used the more risque features in ocaml.

However, if you are planning on using external libraries in other languages
then, I think, it is highly likely that you will need to develop your own
interfaces to them (which you could then productively distribute for free!).
This is mildly tricky as (I would say) there is relatively little
documentation and it involves the use of several magic C macros. You could
also try some of the automated tools (SOAP, camlidl).

> We would really appreciate feedback from folks who
> have worked on large projects with OCaml. If this
> has been answered earlier, we appreciate pointers
> to the thread(s).

There are some other, important aspects which you haven't covered:

The type-safe linking offered by ocaml makes for a very brittle interface
between objects (see Xavier Leroy's post to this list on 17 May 2004 entitled
"Ocaml shared libraries"). Therefore, I don't believe it is feasible to
distribute commercial code in object form. If you intend to sell your code to
programmers and you don't want them to have your source (like me!) then
you're a bit stuck. I suspect that selling executables for the end-user would
be comparatively trouble-free.

There are some issues with libraries too. The compiler comes with a "core"
library which the compiler itself uses. Although these are extremely well
written, they can be a little quirky and their functionality is quite limited
(e.g. data structures). Although there are other libraries, such as Extlib
and "the library formerly known as Extlib":

for example, there is no "Standard library". Part of this problem stems from
the fact that, the INRIA team is intended for research and not for the
development of such (mundane) code and although they may recieve great code
snippets for contribution to the "core" library, they cannot accept them due
to copyright issues:

Additionally, people who know about external libraries often aren't very good
at designing/writing ocaml code and vice-versa.

Finally, I am not sure how well ocaml runs under Windows.
David Trombley added:
Check for
"significant" projects reported to the OCaml website.
Richard Jones answered the OP:
> a) Are there examples of
> commercial s/w developed in OCaml?

I'll leave that to others to answer fully.  Last summer we developed
some large commercial software in OCaml, but it was a private

> b) Is the native compiler/runtime/tools mature for
> large commercial projects?

Yes, very much so.

> c) Is OCaml support (for bugs etc) good?

There are very few bugs in the core compiler, so I can't comment on
support!  We encountered a few bugs in the Gtk bindings, which were
fixed rapidly, either by ourselves or with help from people on the
lablgtk list.

The main bugs we found were with the lamentable Microsoft development
tools that we had to use, eg. we found a massive (and quite scary) bug
in the MS assembler/linker.  I would avoid Windows as much as possible
if I were you.
David Monniaux answered as well:
> We would really appreciate feedback from folks who
> have worked on large projects with OCaml.

It depends on what you call "large project". OCaml code tends to be
quite terse compared to C (the difference may be significantly smaller
compared to highly templated C++ using the STL). For instance, typically
a C programmer would write a loop over linked lists manually, while a
Caml programmer would simply use a combinator.

Our group currently develop and maintains a 40000-line Caml program,
half-commercial (i.e. the industry funds the development but it's not
really a full-fledged commercial product):

> b) Is the native compiler/runtime/tools mature for
> large commercial projects?

My experience is that the native compiler and runtime system are
remarkably reliable. I don't think we ever had a serious compiler bug,
and for the runtime system we only had some obscure garbage collection
issue when serializing large data structures.

The quality of generated code seems quite good, it seems, and I have the
impression that it is excellent on the AMD64 architecture. Of course,
you'd often lose by a constant factor compared to optimized C code, but
you have to factor in the development hassles of C, and also the fact
that the difficulties of using advanced data structures in C often
results in C programmers using poor, but simpler ones. Where a Caml
programmer or a good C programmer would use balanced trees with log(n)
access, an average C programmer would use a linked list with n access.

> c) Is OCaml support (for bugs etc) good?

OCaml is free software developed by a half-academic institution with
limited resources. As such, you cannot expect the same kind of support
as you would expect of software packages costing several thousand
dollars. Nevertheless, my perception is that support is quite good.
There is a bug reporting system, and if you file in a precise
description of the bug, INRIA responds in a timely manner and fixes the

The exception is support for rare systems and configurations:
understandably, given its limited resources, INRIA cannot support all
architectures/C compilers/target submodels. This is not an issue if
you're working with a major kind of system (x86 / AMD64 / PowerPC under
Linux / Windows / MacOS X); my only problem in that respect was with
64-bit support on the UltraSparc (a dying architecture).

A problem with nan

Jon Harrop asked and Damien Doligez answered:
> # 2.=nan;;
> - : bool = false
> # [2.]=[nan];;
> - : bool = true
> when "=" compares structures recursively so you'd expect it to give
> the same answer in both cases?

We have contradictory requirements here:
1. We want "=" on floats to be IEEE754 equality.
2. We want "=" on structures to be compatible with "=" on their
3. We want "=" on structures to be based on "compare".
4. We want "compare" to be a total ordering.

Since IEEE754 equality is not a reflexive relation, there is no way
to get all four properties.

In the current version of O'Caml, we have 1, 3, and 4.  In the next
version we will have 1, 2, and 4: "compare" and "=" will have slightly
different behaviour, but "=" will be compatible with itself.  This
will make "compare" a valid comparison function for List.sort, for
all types of data (currently it doesn't work for floats).

But "compare nan nan" will return 0, while "nan = nan" will
return false (as mandated by IEEE754).\

OCaml fileutils v0.2.1

Sylvain Le Gall announced:
I have been working for some times on a collection of utils to
manipulate files following some UNIX convention. I provide for now those
function :
- cp : copy
- mv : move/rename
- ls : list ( pretty dummy )
- find : find a set of file according to a predicate ( is directory, is
  readable... )
- rm : delete file/directory ( can prompt, can delete children )
- mkdir : create a directory ( and optionnaly it's parent )
- test : do some test regarding a file ( is directory... )
- touch : update the mtime of a file
- which : find an exec in a path

This module is FileUtil

All those function are based for now on the Unix module or the core
ocaml ( mostly Sys ). There is no C stub at all.

I provide by the same way a library for manipulating filename. It allows
to compute some intersting things :
- make_relative : make a path relative to a root path
- make_absolute : make an absolute path out of a relative path and a
- compare : hierachical + lexicographic order
- reduce : remove any a/../b, a/./b ...

This module is FilePath

FilePath is abstract and doesn't need to have a real filesystem*.
FileUtil rely on the existence of a filesystem.

Theorically it should be platform independent ( FilePath comes with four
parser/lexer for each platform supported by ocaml : MacOS, Win32,
Cygwin, Unix ). This should also imply that FileUtil is platform
independent ( but it needs to be tested ).

You can find the source and documentation here :

( webpages are in french, but documentation is in english -- sorry )

Camomile 0.5.2

Yamagata Yoriyuki announced:
Camomile 0.5.2 is released.  This is a bug fix release.

Camomile is a comprehensive Unicode library for OCaml.  Camomile
provides Unicode character type, UTF-8, UTF-16, UTF-32 strings,
conversion to/from about 200 encodings, collation and locale-sensitive
case mappings, and more.  The library is currently designed for
Unicode Standard 3.2.




Common IO classes

Gerd Stolpmann announced:
Maybe you remember the discussion about common I/O classes. We (Nicolas
Cannasse, Yamagata Yoriyuki and I) continued the thread privately, and
agreed upon the following draft:

Maybe other library implementors are interested in a common standard,
and follow this draft (our hope).
Nicolas Cannasse added:
The ExtLib support for this draft is now available into ExtLib (watch the
IOO module).

MLpcap 0.8

Jonathan Heusser announced:
MLpcap 0.8 released.

MLpcap provides libpcap 0.7.x bindings for ocaml.
This release includes autoconf support, various bugfixes, example codes
and debian packages.

Project page:


Extlib Redux

Shawn Wagner announced:
Neither myself nor the people who work on the other library named extlib are
terribly interested in changing the name of our respective packages.
However, conflicts keep coming up when people want to use both libraries in
a project. Arguments start, but nothing gets settled. Then a few months
later, it repeats. I'm sure I'm not the only one sick of it. I have better
things to waste my time with. So, I've decided to be the responsible one and
rename my extlib. It's now An Extensions Library, not the Extensions Library.
aka annexlib. It, and new releases of my other public projects that use
extlib that updated to reflect the name change, are available at

ExtLib 1.1

Nicolas Cannasse announced:
I'm please to announce the 1.1 Release of ExtLib, now available :
- on Sourceforge :
- as a debian package
- as a GODI package

"ExtLib is a project aiming at providing a complete - yet small - standard
library for the OCaml programming langage. The purpose of this library is to
add new functions to OCaml Standard Library modules, to modify some
functions in order to get better performances or more safety
(tail-recursive) but also to provide new modules which should be useful for
the average OCaml programmer."

This new release contains :
- a Base64 codec
- a BitSet module, for efficient bitsets
- the OcamlDBI common wrappers
- DynArray, a dynamic auto-resizable array
- Enum , a concept similar to STL iterators, in a lazy fashion
- IO , an abstract io module that can handle polymorphic streams (as well as
CommonIO objects wrappers)
- UChar and UTF8 for unicode characters and strings
- PMap : a polymorphic, defunctorized Map
- an implementation of the List module were all functions are
- ... and many other enhancements to the OCaml Stdlib

Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+

Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'&lt;1':1

If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at the archive or the RSS feed of the archives.

If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online.

Alan Schmitt