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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 03 to 10 February, 2004.

  1. Aqua ocamlbrowser on Mac OS X
  2. ocamldelaunay 1.0
  3. MLpcap-0.7 released
  4. How to read a password without displaying it?
  5. Announce: schoca-0.2.0
  6. ocaml-related job openings in Manhattan

Aqua ocamlbrowser on Mac OS X

Shivkumar Chandrasekaran described:
Following Trevor's suggestions (see I am now able to
get *my* labltk programs to run in native Mac OS X Aqua mode (using
TclTkAquaBI- from Thanks, Trevor!!

What follows is what I did to get ocamlbrowser to run as a native Aqua
app. First I followed Trevor's suggestions. That did not work if I
double-clicked on I then tried from the command line

open -a Ocamlbrowser

That at least let ocamlbrowser display its error message that the
options to the command line were at fault. All the Console showed in
the log was a dreaded "RegisterProcess failed (error -50)" message.

So I edited the source file ..../otherlibs/labltk/browser/ and
essentially commented out the command line argument parsing step. I did
"make" and moved the new binary into
and everything works pretty nicely now. The only problem I have noticed
is that clicking in the scroll bar does not work. You have to catch the
scroll-button and move it with the mouse. Everything else seems to work

If somebody needs the modified source I can email it. I hope some
similar hack can make labltk work too.

To make this complete we must find some way of passing the command line
options, but that is for somebody else to do.
Trevor Jim added:
I debugged the following when getting a version of Unison running in

    /* When you click-start or use the open command, the program is
invoked with
       a command-line arg of the form -psn_XXXXXXXXX.  The XXXXXXXX is
a "process
       serial number" and it seems to be important for Carbon programs.
 We need
       to get rid of it if it's there so the ocaml code won't exit.
Note, the
       extra arg is not added if the binary is invoked directly from
the command
       line without using the open command. */
    if (argc == 2 && strncmp(argv[1],"-psn_",5) == 0) {
        argv[1] = NULL;

I just put that in main before calling caml.  (I am calling caml from

ocamldelaunay 1.0

Issac Trotts announced:
A simple-minded, O(N^2), floating-point, 2D Delaunay triangulator
without constraints is now available at

The license is BSD-style, to encourage including the code in other

MLpcap-0.7 released

Jonathan Heusser announced:
MLpcap-0.7 has been released and can be downloaded from:

MLpcap provides access to all libpcap functions from Ocaml.

This release includes following changes:
       o added function pcap_findalldevs
       o changed pcap_datalink so that it returns
         directly a value of type datalink (e.g. DLT_EN10MB)
       o IDL file is now included to generate the stub code
       o changed Makefiles
       o fixed example bugs

How to read a password without displaying it?

David Mentré asked:
In my textual OCaml program, I would like to read a password. Currently,
I'm using read_line which is not very satisfying as the password is
display on screen.

  let passwd = read_line () in

Any idea how I might read the password without displaying it?

I tried the following function, using input_char, but the password is
still displayed on screen:

let read_password () =
  let password_chars = ref [] in
  let loop = ref true in
  while !loop do
    let c = input_char stdin in
    if c <> '\n' then (
      password_chars := c :: !password_chars
     ) else (
      loop := false
  let password = String.create (List.length !password_chars) in
  let _, res = List.fold_right (fun c (i, s) -> s.[i] <- c; (i+1, s))
      !password_chars (0, password) in

Many thanks in advance for any help
Maxence Guesdon suggested:
In Cash (, you can turn the echo
of the tty on and off. It may be what you need.
Alain Frisch also suggested and David Mentré replied:
> The field c_echo in the record type Unix.terminal_io might be the
> solution.

Thanks a lot Alain, you found the right solution.

Here is the working code:

open Unix
let read_password () =
  let term_init = tcgetattr stdin in
  let term_no_echo = { term_init with c_echo = false; } in
  tcsetattr stdin TCSANOW term_no_echo;
  let password = read_line () in
  tcsetattr stdin TCSAFLUSH term_init;
David Brown added:
The only suggestion would be to put the read_line in a try clause, and
restore the terminal settings if an exception is raised.  Otherwise,
pressing ^C leaves the terminal with echo off.

Announce: schoca-0.2.0

Christoph Bauer announced:
There is a new release of schoca at

Schoca --- Scheme for OCaml

Schoca is an implementation of the Scheme language. The primary
purpose of Schoca is the use as an embedded extension language in
OCaml applications (e.g. the ibgsclient).

Changes for 0.2.0

   o Fix for call/cc. The implementation in schoca 0.1.0
     made use of a simple try/catch-block.

     Franklin Chen wrote this demo to show a general problem
     with this approach:

     (define retry #f)

     (define factorial
       (lambda (x)
          (if (= x 0)
            (call/cc (lambda (k) (set! retry k) 1))
            (* x (factorial (- x 1))))))

     (factorial 4)
     (display (retry 2))

   o apply Philippe Audebaud's patch (typos/make clean)
   o Fix typos in (reported by Benjamin Geer)
   o you can now write schoca-Scripts like


      (display "Hello World!\n")

     This was suggested by Benjamin Geer.

ocaml-related job openings in Manhattan

Yaron Minsky said:
I hate to spam the list, but I thought that an ocaml-related job
posting might be welcomed.  I run the (small) quantiative
research department at a trading company in New York City, called
Jane St. Capital.  We do some technically very challenging work
in analyzing and improving trading strategies used by the firm.
It's an open and informal environment, and one that I've
personally felt very comfortable moving to from academia.

We're looking to fill one or two assistant researcher positions.
All of our research code is written in ocaml, and so experience
in ocaml is a plus.  Here's the kind of skills I'm looking for:

   - Strong unix/linux skills --- I'm looking for someone who
     knows their way around the standard unix tools, can write a
     makefile, is comfortable with shell scripts, etc.  We've got
     a small beowulf cluster for doing more compute-intensive
     work, and administering that would be part of the job's

   - A well-rounded computer science background.  Familiarity
     with ideas from optimization, learning theory, NLP, and
     algorithms, is something we're looking for.

   - As part of the well-rounded CS background, we want someone
     with a strong background in programming languages other than
     ocaml, in particular C and Java/C#.

   - One of the positions we're looking to fill will involve
     taking a big role in testing some of the (non-ocaml)
     in-house software that is developed here.  We're not talking
     about bang-on-the-GUI-type testing.  We want someone with
     good judgment and the ability to write and think carefully
     about code.  The testing work will involve building testing
     systems including testing harnesses, simulators and
     validation code.  Some of this coding will be done in ocaml,
     some in other languages such as C#.

We are mostly thinking about these as entry-level positions, but
we are also considering more experienced candidates.  If you're
interested (or have any students you think might be a good match),
please send a cover-letter and resume to:

Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+

Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'&lt;1':1

If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

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Alan Schmitt