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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 20 to 27 January, 2004.

  1. CamlFloat
  2. The Scala programming language
  3. Marshalling unknown types


Shivkumar Chandrasekaran announced:
We are glad to announce the first release of CamlFloat. CamlFloat is a
highly stylized OCaml interface to Lapack and Blas. This interface
tries to make numerical linear algebra programs look like they were
written in the conventional linear algebra mathematics notation,
without sacrificing speed or memory efficiency. It also tries to
insulate the user from the convoluted and bug-prone interface provided
by Lapack.

The design borrows a lot from Matlab, but tries to stick to the OCaml
way of doing things. Some parts might take some getting used to. The
library has been used extensively to code, test and time our own
research algorithms. So it is battle-hardened to some extent. User
feedback is welcome.

The package can be obtained from

The Scala programming language

Martin Odersky announced:
We'd like to announce availability of the first implementation of the
Scala programming language.  Scala smoothly integrates object-oriented
and functional programming. It is designed to express common
programming patterns in a concise, elegant, and type-safe way.  Scala 
introduces several innovative language constructs. For instance:

- Abstract types and mixin composition unify ideas from object and   
  module systems.

- Pattern matching over class hierarchies unifies functional and  
  object-oriented data access. It greatly simplifies the processing of
  XML trees.

- A flexible syntax and type system enables the construction of
  advanced libraries and new domain specific languages.

At the same time, Scala is compatible with Java.  Java libraries and
frameworks can be used without glue code or additional declarations.

The current implementation of Scala runs on Java VM. It requires JDK
1.4 and can run on Windows, MacOS, Linux, Solaris, and most other
operating systems. A .net version of Scala is currently under

For further information and downloads, please visit:

Marshalling unknown types

Alex Baretta asked:
I would like Caml breeders and Caml riders to comment on the following
issue: the need to type-safe unmarshalling of datastructures and the way
to achieve it.

The Marshal module appropriately provides polymorphic functions as
> val from_string : string -> 'a (* Offset parameter omitted *)

Such polymorphism is unable to provide static type safety. I would be
happy with runtime type safety: in other words, I'd be happy with an
exception being thrown at runtime if a datastructure is unmarshalled to
the wrong runtime type. The obvious way to do this is the following.

module Type_safe_marshal = struct
  let to_string (ex:exn) = Marshal.to_string ex []
  let from_string s = raise (Marshal.from_string s 0)

module Foobar_marshal = struct
  open Type_safe_marshal
  type foobar = Foo of int | Bar of string
  exception Foobar of foobar

  let to_string (x:foobar) = to_string (Foobar x)
  let from_string s = try raise (from_string s) with
    | Foobar x -> x

open Foobar_marshal
let foo1 = foo 1 
let what = from_string (to_string foo1)

Obviously this does not work. For some reason, as someone already
pointed out, pattern matching does not work on unmarshalled exceptions.
When the above code is sent to the toplevel interpreter I get the
following output.

module Type_safe_marshal :
  sig val to_string : exn -> string val from_string : string -> 'a end

module Foobar_marshal :
    type foobar = Foo of int | Bar of string
    exception Foobar of foobar
    val to_string : foobar -> string
    val from_string : string -> foobar
val foo1 : Foobar_marshal.foobar = Foo 1
Exception: Foobar_marshal.Foobar _.

I'm sure that there are excellent reasons why this should occur. So, I
tried a less obvious means of achieving runtime type safety for
unmarshalled objects.

module Type_safe_marshal_2 = struct
  let to_string (f:unit -> 'a) = Marshal.to_string f [Marshal.Closures]
  (* f is a function which builds and throws an appropriate exception *)
  let from_string s () = Marshal.from_string s 0 ()

module Foobar_marshal_2 = struct
  open Type_safe_marshal_2
  type foobar = Foo of int | Bar of string
  exception Foobar of foobar

  let raise_foobar x () = raise (Foobar x)
  let to_string x = to_string (raise_foobar x)
  let from_string s = try from_string s () with
    | Foobar x -> x

open Foobar_marshal_2
let foo1 = Foo 1
let what = from_string (to_string foo1)
let _ = Printf.eprintf "Hey, I managed to build \"what\" alright!\n"

Here I try to build and raise the exceptions at unmarshalling time by
actually marshalling closures of functions know how to throw an
exception containing the datastructure I wish to marshal. However, this
code cannot be run in the toplevel. This is what it says:

Exception: Invalid_argument "output_value: abstract value".

Apparently, closures built by the toplevel compiler cannot be
marshalled. So let's try with ocamlc. I placed the above code in and compiled it with ocamlc.

$ ocamlc -o foobar_marshal
$ ./foobar_marshal
Fatal error: exception Foobar_marshal.Foobar_marshal_2.Foobar(1)

I can find no reasonable explanation for this behavior. I realize that
exceptions are nasty beasts and that the marshalling functions were not
meant for them, but in this case, the exception is only built and raised
*after* unmarshalling occurs, so I don't see why pattern matching should


All this said, O great Camlers, what is your verdict? If my approach is
sound, how can I fix my code to make it work? If my approach is
misguided, how should type-safe unmarshalling be achieved?
James Leifer suggested:
We (Gilles Peskine, Peter Sewell, Keith Wansbrough, and I) have been
working on type safety and related questions concerned with

However, we're far from a patch to the actual Ocaml compiler right
now.  We've rather concentrated on building a prototype ML interpreter 
which we can use for exploring the design space (type safety,
abstraction safety, versioning, dynamic rebinding to local resources,

If you don't need abstraction safety, then Jun Furuse's work on safe  
marshalling might interest you.  Michel Mauny might be reimplementing
this for 3.07?

Richard Jones said:
> What's needed is for someone to rewrite the marshal code to work
> safely.  However there's not enough type information available at
> runtime for this to work.  eg. [1; 2; 3] looks the same as (1, 2, 3)
> at runtime.

Well... Peter, Xavier, and I were scratching our heads at POPL two
weeks ago and said: For a really polymorphic marshal then you need to 
pass some type information around at run-time or introduce user type

Of course, if you know *at compile time* that you're marshalling or
unmarshalling to an int list or an int triple, there's no problem
distinguishing between those cases (and including the right data for
doing the dynamic type check).

Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+

Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'<1':1

If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

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Alan Schmitt