Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 04 to 11 November, 2003.
> Should I expect Hashtbl to be more efficient than Map with the same > key type? I'm taking a small performance hit in a log processing app > after turning a Hashtbl into a Map. Hashtbl.add runs in O(1) and Hashtbl.find can be so (or almost) when the hash function is good enough. Map.add and Map.find are always in O(ln n) where n is the total number of keys. The main interest of maps wrt hash tables is to be persistent (in the sense of Okasaki's book, not of the PERSIL library). > Also, is there a particular reason Map is so, um, inaccessible to > beginners? Hashtbl's generic interface is much more inviting than > Map's functorial-only interface, especially to those not terribly > familiar with the module system. Just copy the body of Map.Make and replace Ord.compare by Pervasives.compare and you'll get a polymorphic version of Map, as easy to use as Hashtbl's generic interface. But I agree: it's a shame ocaml does not provide it.Issac Trotts added:
Thanks for the idea. Here is the modified code: http://redwood.ucdavis.edu/~issac/map2.tar.gz # #load "map2.cmo";; # let map = ref Map2.empty;; val map : ('_a, '_b) Map2.t ref = {contents = <abstr>} # map := Map2.add "foo" 23 !map;; - : unit = () # map := Map2.add "bar" 42 !map;; - : unit = () # Map2.iter (fun key v -> Printf.printf "%s : %i\n" key v) !map;; bar : 42 foo : 23 - : unit = ()On the subject of Map's functorial interface, Christian Lindig said:
Map depends on keys to be ordered. This in turn requires to allow for a user-defined order: assume sets as keys that are implemented by unordered lists. Different lists can represent the same set. Hence, it must be possible to provide a user-defined order that would treat those lists as equal. The functor argument of Map contains the compare() which does just that.Alex Baretta answered and Nicolas Cannasse added:
> The order function could just as easily be passed as a parameter to all > functions working on the map. There is no reason not to have a > polymorphic version of the Map module in the standard library. Am I > wrong in believing that someone out there wrote such a module already? > > Alex There is one : module PMap , which is part of the ExtLib CVS : http://sourceforge.net/projects/ocaml-lib Since it's been added recently, there is no mli yet.
> [ Some discussion of methods for building maps without functors ] > > (But the functorial interface is definitely the best, of course.) I don't understand this perspective at all. Functors seem like a fairly problematic corner of the language. In this case, except for some possible efficiency issues, it seems clear that a non-functorial map is preferable, for simplicity and ease-of-use issues, and performance aside, I can't see much to recommend the current functorial approach. Functors would be a lot more useful if they could be used as a large-scale structural tool. Sadly, the current implementation makes this quite difficult, since there's no good way of parameterizing multiple modules at once (as noted in a previous thread. See http://caml.inria.fr/archives/200203/msg00106.html (editor note: link changed to refer to the OCaml mailing list archive) for details.) For most situations where you'd really need them, they're not powerful enough. And for the situations where they're powerful enough, they're usually overkill. Map and Set are examples where they almost strictly get in the way.Michael Hicks added:
Benjamin Pierce did a nice talk at ICFP a couple of years ago about sophisticated module systems, examining where (or if) they are really needed. The slides are at http://www.cis.upenn.edu/~bcpierce/papers/modules-icfp.ps This is not exactly on target for your point about ease-of-use, but it's related.
GODI, the O'Caml source distribution, has been updated with the following packages: - O'Caml 3.07pl2 (godi-ocaml,godi-ocaml-graphics,godi-ocaml-labltk) - PXP (godi-pxp) This package is new: - Wdialog 2.0.1 (godi-wdialog,godi-wdialog-manual) To update the installation, just go into the godi_console, get the new list of available packages, and select the mentioned packages for (re)build. GODI will install the new packages, and will recompile all dependent packages. Gerd GODI homepage: http://ocaml-programming.de/godi/
Does anyone know a representation of finite sets over an orderable polymorphic type that's (1) efficient and (2) canonical? Even better would be a CAML or OCaml implementation. More precisely I'm looking for: 1. Log-time lookup and insertion, and linear-time union, intersection etc. 2. Equal sets are represented by the same object. For example, ordered lists satisfy (2) but only part of (1), while all the variants of balanced trees I can remember that satisfy (1) --- AVL trees etc. --- fail (2).Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons proposed and Julien Signoles added:
> Patricia sets seem to be what you are looking for. > (1). Efficient usual operations (lookup, insertion, union) > (2). Structural equality > > Their only problem is that they cannot handle polymorphic orderable > types but only integers... > > Hash the data, use this key to insert it in a patricia map and solve > the collisions by chaining in an ordered list (with the polymorphic > [compare] function). (1) and (2) still hold under usual hypothesis on > the rate of collisions. > > A few changes to JCF's implementation should be enough. I think JCF's Hmap module is what you want. A hmap is a map over hash-consed values implemented as Patricia Trees. See http://www.lri.fr/~filliatr/software.en.html for more details.
> Is it possible from a caml program, to give an internet adress, to get the > result in a file or in a set of character to analyse it. Actually there are two (at least) ways of doing this: http://sourceforge.net/projects/ocurl/ which is an OCaml wrapper around the Curl library. Or, you could use some Perl-fu with: http://www.merjis.com/developers/perl4caml/ which includes a wrapper around the Perl LWP and HTML::TreeBuilder libraries, so you could not only download the page, but also parse it into an HTML tree (the HTML::TreeBuilder parser is about the best parser ever written for parsing fuzzy, incorrect HTML, and there's really no way you would want reinvent this in OCaml).Artem Prisyznuk added:
I prefer the netclient library. http://www.ocaml-programming.de/programming/netclient.html
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