OCaml Weekly News
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of March 08 to 15, 2022.
Table of Contents
Robur Reproducible Builds
Continuing this thread, Hannes Mehnert announced
The background article by @rand is now online https://r7p5.earth/blog/2022-3-7/Builder-web%20visualizations%20at%20Robur
OCaml TeXmacs plugin
Nicolas Ratier announced
I made a basic OCaml plugin for TeXmacs (http://www.texmacs.org) I would like to keep it simple, but comments and improvements are welcome. http://forum.texmacs.cn/t/ocaml-a-basic-ocaml-plugin-for-texmacs/813
Release of ocaml-sf/learn-ocaml:0.14.0
Yurug announced
We are very pleased to announce the latest stable release of Learn-OCaml, version 0.14.0
Many thanks to all users and developers who reported bugs, contributed features, or patches! Special thanks to @erikmd who made many of the changes included in this release.
A (mostly) comprehensive list of the features, fixes, and enhancements offered by this release is available in the Release Notes .
A brief and incomplete summary of the changes:
- A long-standing bug has been fixed. This bug was triggered when the user opened several sessions: the auto-sync mechanism could lead to overwriting the student's code with an older version.
- The release assets now include a zip file containing the contents of the `www` directory. This eases the usage of the distributed binaries.
If need be, feel free to open issues in the Learn-OCaml bug tracker or the learn-ocaml.el bug tracker, or post in this thread to share thoughts or experience-feedback.
Happy OCaml learning and teaching!
Tutorial: Roguelike with effect handlers
Continuing this thread, stw said
Sorry about the late reply, I was busy actually verifying that my concept works out. Thankfully it does :smile:
The UI framework is inspired by Concur which means that every widget listens for some set of events and suspends computation until one of these events occurs. Once it does, it continues execution until it encounter the next await at which point it will suspend once more. Once a widget has fulfilled its purpose it terminates with some return value (e.g. text input is confirmed with enter -> return with a string). Complex UIs are then built by composing simpler widgets. A more detailed explanation can be found in the link above.
I've implemented this concept using an await function that takes a list of triggers and a handler for each possible event:
effect Await : Event.t list -> Event.t let rec await triggers handler = handler (EffectHandlers.perform (Await triggers)) let rec check_box checked = (* display check box *) ...; await [Mouse_press; Key_press] (function | Mouse_press -> print_endline "I've been (un-)checked!"; check_box (not checked) | Key_press -> (* Terminate if any key is pressed *) checked)
Every widget can then be implemented as a function which displays the widget and performs an Await triggers
is resumed by passing an event from triggers
, for example the check box above.
The most complex widget I've implemented so far is a single line text input. It can be clicked or selected with tab. Moving the mouse while holding the button down changes the selection. As an automaton:
Obviously, this is not a directed acyclic graph and therefore not a perfect fit for the implicit state stored in the
continuation. Specifically, Pressed
has an edge to one of its multiple parents. We can extract the Pressed
into its own function and therefore avoid this issue by 'duplicating' this state. Now Pressed
no longer has
multiple parents:
Some cycles remain and we can't remove them because they are essential to the functionality. Instead we throw an
exception Repeat
that returns us to a parent node (explicitly shown for Focused -> Pressed -> Released -> Focused).
To do that we modify await
let rec await triggers handler = try handler (EffectHandlers.perform (Await triggers)) with | Repeat -> await triggers handler
In the end this results in this main method for the text input, with only minor simplifications:
method execute = (* Represent the Pressed state. We await the Mouse_release and handle Mouse_motion while we wait. *) let pressed (x,_) = selection <- Point x; await [`Mouse_release; `Mouse_motion] @@ function | `Mouse_release (_, LMB) -> () | `Mouse_motion (x,_) -> self#select x; raise Repeat (* This restarts the await function *) | _ -> raise Repeat in (* We start in the Unfocused state *) begin await [`Mouse_press; `Key_press] @@ function | `Mouse_press (pos, LMB) -> (* We have registered the press, but only when it is released will we be focused. *) pressed pos | `Key_press Tab -> selection <- Area (0, List.length keys) | _ -> raise Repeat end; (* We move into the Focused state *) begin await [`Codepoint; `Key_press; `Mouse_press] @@ function | `Key_press Tab | `Key_press Return -> () (* The only path without raising Repeat. Therefore we only leave this await when a tab or return occurs *) | `Mouse_press (pos, LMB) -> pressed pos; raise Repeat | `Key_press c -> self#insert c; raise Repeat | _ -> raise Repeat end; (* We have reached the finished state. We can now return the entered text. *) self#text
I think that this method captures the automaton above quite nicely and can be relatively easily understood (hopefully even when one is unfamiliar with the framework and accepts that some magic is happening in the background (: ). Implementing automatons in terms of effect handlers seems to work quite well, at least for games and UIs. What these automatons have in common is that they can be thought of as flows, starting at some state and ending at one of multiple final states and only have few edges that don't fit this scheme, turning them into 'directed almost acyclic graphs'.
There is obviously a lot more necessary for a UI framework (e.g. resizing the window/widgets, delegating the events to the correct widget, composing widgets, drawing on the screen etc.) and I plan to write about it at some point in the future. But for that I will first need to actually solve these problems as right now their implementation is quite barebones. The code can be found here for those interested (still very early in development!): https://github.com/Willenbrink/bogue/
Awesome Multicore OCaml and Multicore Monorepo
Patrick Ferris announced
A short announcement of two repositories which some people may or may not have seen. Firstly, Awesome Multicore OCaml, a place for gathering all of the rapidly changing experiments, ideas, libraries and resources for Multicore OCaml (including some of the discuss threads). If you are working on something or feel anything is missing please open a PR!
Secondly, a Multicore Monorepo which aims to provide a
very quick and easy way to try out effects and parallelism with quite a few libraries (such as Eio, Dream etc.). The
breaking changes introduced by OCaml 5 can make it frustrating to get such a setup in place, although this is less
and less true thanks to the alpha repository. The idea is
that you should just be able to clone this repository, create a new 5.0.0+trunk
switch, install dune
and start
hacking. If that's not the case please do open an issue.
ppx_viewpattern initial release
Simmo Saan announced
I'm glad to announce the initial release of ppx_viewpattern – transformation for view patterns in OCaml.
It attempts to imitate Haskell view patterns. I wrote this ppx rewriter mostly out of curiosity, rather than need, but it turned out neat enough that others might find it interesting or even useful.
Use [%view? pat when exp]
as a pattern to apply exp
to whatever the pattern is matching and match the result of
the exp
application against pat
This is analogous to the Haskell view pattern exp -> pat
The above extension node payload syntax is the best I could come up with to combine an expression and a pattern.
Honestly, I was even surprised that when exp
is attached to a pattern in the AST (not a case), because normally it
isn't part of the pattern itself.
This allows one to write
(* These cases are exactly like reduction rules! *) let rec reduce = function | Add (Int n1, Int n2) -> Some (Int (n1 + n2)) | Add ([%view? Some p1' when reduce], p2) -> Some (Add (p1', p2)) | Add (p1, [%view? Some p2' when reduce]) -> Some (Add (p1, p2')) (* ... *) | _ -> None
instead of
(* These nested cases are so annoying! *) let rec reduce = function | Add (Int n1, Int n2) -> Some (Int (n1 + n2)) | Add (p1, p2) -> begin match reduce p1 with | Some p1' -> Some (Add (p1', p2)) | None -> begin match reduce p2 with | Some p2' -> Some (Add (p1, p2')) | None -> None end end (* ... *) | _ -> None
See examples/
on GitHub for more.
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