OCaml Weekly News
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of August 23 to 30, 2022.
Table of Contents
- What’s your development workflow?
- Mirage retreat October 3rd - 9th
- Experience report: making a JavaScript library from an OCaml library with js_of_ocaml
- Will I ever understand Format? or How to print a list vertically with indentation
- GNU Guile 1.0.0 - Bindings to GNU Guile for OCaml
- Update on Eio (effects-based direct-style IO for OCaml 5)
- OCaml at First Glance
- GADTs for typed option getter/setter
- shuttle v0.3.1 released
- coinductive data types
- Old CWN
What’s your development workflow?
Bozhidar Batsov asked
I’ve started learning OCaml recently and one issue that I struggle with is finding a workflow that gives me quick feedback about changes I’ve made (I’m looking to reduce compile/run cycles). To give you some context - most of the time I’m programming in Lisps and Ruby, where it’s relatively easy to modify a running application. With all Lists my workflow is:
- I make some change (e.g. I update some function)
- I compile the changed bit of code (e.g. a function)
- I immediately run this with the help of the REPL
- Based on the results I got I go to the beginning or move on to the next things that needs doing
That’s known as interactive programming in some circles and I totally love it. With Ruby I can’t do the same, but at least with web apps there’s some degree of code reloading that allows you modify a running app.
With OCaml, however, I’m not sure how to get the quick feedback, as it seems I need to constantly compile and run stuff. I’m trying to work like with Lisps - I keep a toplevel open alongside my source code and occasionally send some code there, but the toplevel is limited in many way (you’re just dumping text there at the global level). `dune utop` helps to some extent, but it can’t reload changes. I’ve heard that some people were saying they didn’t even use a toplevel, so I’m wondering if I’m missing something. I’d be curious to hear any tips and tricks from your OCaml workflows.
Jack Feser suggested
Have a look at expectation testing with ppx_expect. That’s what I use to get this kind of quick feedback (and you can keep the results as a test).
Instead of sending code to a REPL, you write your test in an expect block and run dune runtest
. Anything you print
out in the expect gets captured, and dune shows you the output as a diff.
That said, I’ve never had good luck with REPLs, so I might be missing something about that workflow.
Later in the thread, Simon Cruanes said
Any test can be exploratory if they’re expect tests, imho :slightly_smiling_face: . The core requirement is to have
printers for your types (e.g. ppx_deriving.show
), so you can just create values and use
Format.printf "my thing is now %a@." pp_thing my_thing;;
and see the output in dune. There’s a few annoyances (e.g. when it crashes you need a bit of elbow grease to get the backtrace) but for the most part it’s a nice workflow. I don’t apply it to everything, though.
Kiran Gopinathan said
W.r.t to development cycle in OCaml, I find myself working in 3 distinct ways depending on at which point of a project I am at:
- small experiments - sometimes I need a particular function that isn’t provided by the stdlib, or some other bespoke well-defined function. In these cases, I write the function directly in the source code - using merlin’s typing information etc. to develop as usual. Once I’ve done that, just to check the behaviour is as I would expect, I copy over the definition to utop - if the function depends on any larger state from my project, I write a dummy module to mock these parts.
- exploring a stateful system - sometimes, I’m interacting with some kind of stateful existing system that can be hard to run in utop (for example, it might be a pain to get the library working in bytecode) - e.g. gtk. In these cases, I setup a small executable module that performs the minimum required to setup the initial state, and do my iterative experiments by recompiling after each change. Because the module is small, and the OCaml compiler/dune is fast, this leads to a quick iterative editing experience.
- working on a well-known codebase - in all other cases, I’m working on a codebase that I either know fairly well, or has sufficient documentation and typing-discipline to make it easy to understand what’s going on. In these cases, I can rely on the types and documentation to make changes/add new functions, and if needed, use tests to document expected behaviours.
As I’m speaking to an Emacs celebrity @bbatsov (thank you for your great packages!), I’d be remiss if I didn’t
mention my own little experiment in this direction - interactive-utop-mode
It’s not quite the same level of interactivity as lisp, granted, but with judicious use of forking, you can emulate a slightly more interactive repl experience.
Disclaimer: I don’t actually use this that much myself, it’s just more of a proof of concept to show how it works.
Yaron Minsky said
Big +1 to expect tests for interactive programming. I wrote a bit about this in an old blog post:
As to how to make things yet better:
On the ppx_expect, this could mean dropping dependencies.
At present, I think ppx_expect itself depends only on a couple other ppx’s, and Base and Stdio, so I think it’s already reasonably light, and the libraries in question are all portable.
From my perspective, a more important direction is to improve the editor integration. Our internal expect test workflow is delightful, and quite a bit better than what’s available publicly. When an error pops up from the build, you hit a key to see the diff, hit another key to accept the diff if you want to. It would be great if we could get something similar to that in vscode.
Indeed, I posted an issue about this here:
Mirage retreat October 3rd - 9th
Hannes Mehnert announced
Dear (aspiring) MirageOS hacker,
it is my please to announce that there will be the 11th MirageOS retreat in early October in Mirleft, southern Morocco – yes, this time at the seaside. Please find more details, including writeups of earlier retreats at http://retreat.mirage.io
Everyone is welcome, be kind to each other. There won’t be much Internet connectivity – but there’s plenty of beach, discussions, impromptu talks, and a local network mainly constructed by MirageOS unikernels.
If you have questions, don’t hesitate to ask them here in this thread, or contact me directly via eMail “my first name” at mehnert.org.
Experience report: making a JavaScript library from an OCaml library with js_of_ocaml
John Whitington announced
I have recently compiled our whole codebase with js_of_ocaml
, producing a PDF processing library with can be used
from JavaScript programs on the server, or within the browser.
I started with no knowledge of JavaScript or its ecosystem, and the js_of_ocaml
examples don’t touch on this
particular use case, so I thought it would be useful to write up a quick experience report. I’m still pretty naive
on the topic, so do take it with a pinch of salt. Corrections welcome.
Perhaps you could make your favourite OCaml library accessible from JavaScript?
Source code: Coherentpdf.js.
Existing Code
For this project, I used the OCaml source code from the PDF library CamlPDF, the command line PDF tools CPDF, and the C interface to CPDF, CPDFLIB. CPDFLIB is an API allowing access to the PDF library from C via the OCaml FFI (and, therefore, from .NET, Java, Python etc).
CamlPDF source | CPDF source | Cpdflib source
This code is almost all OCaml, with a small amount of C code for cryptography and compression.
We will be recompiling all this code with js_of_ocaml
, to yield a JavaScript library which can access all the
functions in CPDFLIB. Since CPDFLIB is a flat API with no direct access to OCaml data structures, this should be
easy to access from JavaScript. Building a JavaScript library which had to directly manipulate OCaml data structures
would be more difficult.
Compilation procedure
Our build procedure will be simple. Copy all the OCaml and C source files from the CamlPDF, CPDF and CPDFLIB into our build directory and then:
- compile and link a bytecode executable with ocamlc using a makefile
- call
to turn the resulting bytecode file into JavaScript
(dune can also be used for both these steps)
Why the C files? Because we need them to link the bytecode executable: the C code will be thrown away by
, but we must get the bytecode linked.
informs us that we have missing primitives: the C code we will need to replace with JavaScript later,
but the thing builds, and a couple of megabytes of JavaScript is produced. It doesn’t do anything yet, because we
have no way of calling into it. But we can load it as a module in node even at this stage.
If we miss out the cpdflib source files, though, and just include camlpdf and cpdf, we get the cpdf command line tools, which we can run in node as a command line tool, and they work just fine (if we don’t use compressed or encrypted files, of course):
$node cpdf.js -pages cpdfjsmanual.pdf 152
Magic! About five or six times slower than the native code version, but it works with minimal effort. Js_of_ocaml
has supplied an alternative set of primitives for input and ouput, and an alternative runtime, and they replaces
OCaml’s transparently.
Replacing C with JavaScript
Our C code will be thrown away by JavaScript, so we need to provide alternatives. js_of_ocaml
allows us to write
them in JavaScript with some special comments. It will then plug each in for its corresponding OCaml external (C
symbol in the linked OCaml bytecode). Here’s the replacement for one of CamlZip’s functions, using node’s own zlib
//Provides: camlpdf_caml_zlib_compress //Requires: caml_bytes_of_array //Requires: caml_array_of_bytes function camlpdf_caml_zlib_compress(s) { var s2 = caml_array_of_bytes(s); var buf = Buffer.from(s2); var output = zlib.deflateSync(buf); return caml_bytes_of_array(output); }
In this case, it was not a direct replacement - the API is different. So we must modify our OCaml code to be
compilable in both OCaml and js_of_ocaml
, like this:
(* js_of_ocaml only *) external camlpdf_caml_zlib_compress : string -> string = "camlpdf_caml_zlib_compress" external camlpdf_caml_zlib_decompress : string -> string = "camlpdf_caml_zlib_decompress" let is_js = Sys.backend_type = Sys.Other "js_of_ocaml" let encode_flate stream = if is_js then Pdfio.bytes_of_string (camlpdf_caml_zlib_compress (Pdfio.string_of_bytes stream)) else flate_process (Pdfflate.compress ~level:!flate_level) stream
We also need some fake stubs in our C code to make sure it still compiles in the non-JavaScript case with these new externals:
// So that the code links ok when using js_of_ocaml char* camlpdf_caml_zlib_decompress(char *s) { return s; } char* camlpdf_caml_zlib_compress(char *s) { return s; }
This code will never be called, of course: it is simply to make the symbol available.
Writing the JavaScript interface
Now, we use the provided PPX js_of_ocaml-ppx
to provide a JavaScript interface to each function, and export them
as functions in our JavaScript module:
Js.export_all (object%js method fromFile filename userpw = checkerror (Cpdflib.fromFile (Js.to_string filename) (Js.to_string userpw)) ...hundreds more functions... )
Notice Js.to_string
here. Conversions to and from JavaScript will be required for many data types, for example
strings, arrays, bigarrays and so on. In our case, Cpdflib.fromFile
returns a simple integer, so no conversion is
Trying it out
Now that we have the library working, we can try it out by running a JavaScript file with node, or by typing into the node REPL:
//Load coherentpdf.js const coherentpdf = require('./coherentpdf.js'); var pdf = coherentpdf.fromFile('hello.pdf', ''); var merged = coherentpdf.mergeSimple([pdf, pdf, pdf]); coherentpdf.toFile(merged, 'merged.pdf', false, false); coherentpdf.deletePdf(pdf); coherentpdf.deletePdf(merged);
Compiling for the browser
We can use the browserify tool to bundle up our code and its external libraries, including the parts of the node standard library we use, to make single JavaScript file for use within a web page. This nearly doubles the size:
2192588 coherentpdf.browser.js 1136687 coherentpdf.js
Here is an example of a web page which uses coherentpdf.js to process a PDF file entirely in the browser. You can choose a file, and it will be processed and a download initiated with the output:
Of course, we have a problem now: in the browser, there are no files to read to or write from - the browser is a sandboxed environment. So we must make sure our API also contains functions to read to and write from PDF files represented as byte arrays.
There is an additional issue: JavaScript in the browser does not cope well with large chunks of synchronous code
like ours: processing a big PDF file would lock up the browser (or at least the tab). We must use what is called a
“web worker” to run it in the background in another JavaScript environment, and communicate by message-passing only.
See the file cpdfworker.js
for this code.
The uglify-js tool can be used to minify the JavaScript for deployment on the web:
2192588 coherentpdf.browser.js 1324660 coherentpdf.browser.min.js 1136687 coherentpdf.js 849949 coherentpdf.min.js
We are now down to 1.3Mb. Many web servers can serve gzip’d content too, so that helps further, and we get down to 514Kb actually sent over the web.
Because we built our library from within OCaml, and had it generated for us by js_of_ocaml-ppx
, there is no place
to put the docstrings. So, unfortunately, we must write a separate JavaScript source file with empty functions like
/** Returns the number of pages in a given PDF, with given user password. It tries to do this as fast as possible, without loading the whole file. @arg {string} password user password @arg {Uint8Array} data PDF file as a byte array @return {number} number of pages */ function pagesFastMemory(password, data) {}
Now we can run any standard JavaScript documentation generator over this to produce the HTML documentation.
Publishing the package
Publishing the package on the npm package system is alarmingly easy - a package.json
file, mostly autogenerated,
is added, and then it is published from the command line. You can see it here:
Here is the source, including the package.json
Our command line PDF tools and C/.NET/Java/Python APIs are under a commercial license, or alternatively a non-standard “not for commercial use” license. This is tiresome, because this non-standard license prevents them being included in, for example, linux distributions.
For coherentpdf.js, the license is just for the JavaScript output of js_of_ocaml
, not the original OCaml source,
so it can be given a more standard AGPL license, whilst still being available for purchase, and without opening up
the commercial OCaml code. The AGPL isn’t everyone’s favourite license, of course, but we start there for now.
To do
What doesn’t work yet? Just two things:
- The default stack available in many browsers is small (and some have a smaller stack for web workers), so coherentpdf.js can choke on very large PDF files. This is not a problem in node on the server. This will have to be fixed by modifications to the OCaml code itself.
installs its own top-level error handler, with the unfortunate side-effect that any error in the node REPL after the module is loaded - even a syntax error - causes the REPL to exit. I plan to produce a patch to make this behaviour optional.
Final Remarks
is a remarkably solid piece of kit. To be able to recompile fifteen years of accumulated code with
just a few changes was very surprising to me.
Thanks to the js_of_ocaml
team and others for answering all my questions during this process, and correcting some
of my misconceptions.
I’m still very much a JavaScript newbie, and it’s not a language or platform I’ve grown to love, but if you want your OCaml code to run in the browser, or your OCaml library to be available to millions of JavaScript programmers, you might try giving it a go.
Will I ever understand Format? or How to print a list vertically with indentation
Deep in this thread, Gaga said
There is also a nice document called “Format Unraveled”, if you want to learn more about Format
. It can be found
GNU Guile 1.0.0 - Bindings to GNU Guile for OCaml
Kiran Gopinathan announced
Hi everyone! I am pleased to announce a brand new package for the OCaml ecosystem: Guile-ocaml
Guile-ocaml is a Free Software library that provides high-level OCaml bindings to the FFI interface for GNU Guile Scheme. The aim of these bindings are to provide an easy way for OCaml developers to extend their OCaml applications with GNU Guile scheme scripting capabilities, providing simple combinators to translate terms and send queries between the two languages.
You can find the documentation here - alongside a fairly comprehensive documentation of all the bindings, it provides a step by step guide on implementing the classical GNU Guile based turtle drawing program, except using OCaml’s graphics module.
Here’s a sneak preview from that guide of what passing an OCaml function to GNU Guile looks like using these bindings:
let move_by n = if not @@ Guile.Number.is_integer n then failwith "expected numeric arg"; let n = Guile.Number.int_from_raw n in let x, y = let cur_pos = Graphics.current_point () in move n cur_pos !direction in if !pen_down then Graphics.lineto x y; Graphics.moveto x y; Guile.eol let () = ignore @@ Guile.Functions.register_fun1 "move-by" move_by
Also, I’d like to give extra thanks to opam-repository’s tireless maintainers! The package was in limbo for a while because I couldn’t work out why conf-guile was failing to build on certain distributions, but thankfully @mseri and @kit-ty-kate were able to fix the issue!
Update on Eio (effects-based direct-style IO for OCaml 5)
Archive: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/update-on-eio-effects-based-direct-style-io-for-ocaml-5/10395/1
Thomas Leonard announced
Eio provides an effects-based direct-style IO stack for OCaml 5.0. It aims to be easy to use, secure, well documented, and fast. It consists of a generic cross-platform API, plus optimised backends for different platforms. It can be used instead of (or alongside) Lwt and Async.
Recent changes
There have been several releases since the last announcement here. The bigger changes include:
- Fiber-local storage (thanks to Jonathan Coates). This allows e.g. a web-server to attach a request ID to the fiber that is handling it, and then display this in all log messages generated by that request.
- Eio.Mutex and Eio.Condition (@Lortex). These are similar to the ones in the standard library, but they allow other fibers to run while waiting instead of blocking the whole domain.
- Eio.Buf_write is a port of Faraday to Eio, allowing efficient output buffering.
- Fiber.fork_daemon allows spawning a fiber that will be cancelled automatically when the non-daemon fibers have finished. This is useful for e.g. running a thread to collect entropy for a random number generator while a program is running, without it preventing the program from finishing.
- Fiber.{iter,map,filter,fiter_map} provide concurrent versions of the corresponding operations in
. - Eio.Path provides file-system access. New operations include
. - The networking APIs now include UDP (@patricoferris) and DNS (@bikalgurung), and IPv6 now works (@haesbaert).
- Eio_mock provides a framework for creating mocks for testing, along with pre-defined ones for flows and networks.
is a special backend for tests. It does no real IO, but can report if your tests deadlock. - The much-requested Eio_unix.sleep is now available as a direct replacement for
See the release notes for full details, and the tutorial for an introduction.
Integration with Lwt and Async
Lwt_eio allows running Lwt and Eio code together in a single domain. The 0.2 release adds support for integrating Lwt and Eio cancellation. The porting guide shows how to update an Lwt application to Eio incrementally.
Async_eio allows running Async and Eio code together in a single domain. This is experimental and requires some changes to Async itself.
async-eio-lwt-chimera shows how Async, Eio and Lwt code can all be used together in a single event loop. It runs an Async server that handles connections using an Lwt handler that reads a line from the request and then handles it by using Eio to read the named file from its data directory.
It’s useful for people to try porting applications and libraries to Eio so we can get feedback on the APIs and prioritise missing features. The Lwt and Async porting guides linked above may be helpful. Some examples so far include:
- ocaml-cohttp (@bikalgurung)
- ocaml-geojson (@patricoferris)
- capnp-rpc (@talex5)
- rawlink (@haesbaert)
- dream (@talex5)
- mirage (@Lortex)
- mirage-crypto (@BikalGurung)
The recent uring releases have brought improved
performance and several new features to the eio_linux
We are still hoping to persuade a Windows user to try using Eio. The Luv backend should mostly work, but there are
likely some problems with paths, etc. Even better would be if someone writes a dedicated eio_windows
To add a backend for a new platform, it is best to start by studying
Eio_mock.Backend, which is very simple
as it does no IO. To add IO, you can copy the pattern in either eio_linux
(which provides its own event loop that
asks the OS to sleep) or the one in eio_luv
(which delegates to an event loop provided by another library).
OCaml at First Glance
Bozhidar Batsov announced
This morning I spent a bit of time writing down some of my initial observations, experiences and thoughts about OCaml. Hopefully they’ll be useful to other newcomers to the language.
TLDR; I can’t say that my initial experience with OCaml was mind-blowing, but it was definitely pleasant and with
time the language grows on me. I miss the simplicity and uniformity of Clojure (still my favorite programming
language by far) and Lisps in general or some of Haskell’s goodies (e.g. typeclasses,
Hackage and ghci
), but I feel OCaml strikes a very good balance between functional
programming, pragmatism and performance. It’s a fun
language to work with!
I’d be really curious to hear your own thoughts on the subject and to receive feedback about any mistakes I might have made due to not being familiar enough with OCaml and its ecosystem.
Kiran Gopinathan replied
Nice blog post!
I’d say the development tooling for OCaml is pretty decent, although I wouldn’t go as far as saying it’s great.
Finally, a shameless plug, if you’re more familiar with lisp development tooling, have you tried gopcaml-mode? It provides paredit style structural editing support for OCaml:
GADTs for typed option getter/setter
Romain Beauxis announced
I’ve had a nice use-case of GADTs recently in ocaml-srt that I thought I would share.
On the C
side, the library implements an API a la syscall
with named options and polymorphic types:
SRT_API int srt_getsockopt (SRTSOCKET u, int level /*ignored*/, SRT_SOCKOPT optname, void* optval, int* optlen); SRT_API int srt_setsockopt (SRTSOCKET u, int level /*ignored*/, SRT_SOCKOPT optname, const void* optval, int optlen);
And the socket options are listed in an enum
typedef enum SRT_SOCKOPT { SRTO_MSS = 0, // the Maximum Transfer Unit SRTO_SNDSYN = 1, // if sending is blocking SRTO_RCVSYN = 2, // if receiving is blocking SRTO_ISN = 3, // Initial Sequence Number (valid only after srt_connect or srt_accept-ed sockets) SRTO_FC = 4, // Flight flag size (window size) SRTO_SNDBUF = 5, // maximum buffer in sending queue SRTO_RCVBUF = 6, // UDT receiving buffer size ...
On the OCaml side, it is then pretty natural to also want a polymorphic API;
type 'a socket_opt val messageapi : bool socket_opt val payloadsize : int socket_opt val rcvsyn : bool socket_opt val sndsyn : bool socket_opt val getsockflag : socket -> 'a socket_opt -> 'a val setsockflag : socket -> 'a socket_opt -> 'a -> unit
This can be achieved in a cool type-safe way and without writing any C by combining ctypes and GADTs!
First, we export the socket option enums as OCaml polymorphic variants using the ctypes
type socket_opt = [ `Messageapi | `Payloadsize | `Rcvsyn | `Sndsyn] let socket_opt : socket_opt typ = enum "SRT_SOCKOPT" [ (`Messageapi, constant "SRTO_MESSAGEAPI" int64_t); (`Payloadsize, constant "SRTO_PAYLOADSIZE" int64_t); (`Rcvsyn, constant "SRTO_RCVSYN" int64_t); (`Sndsyn, constant "SRTO_SNDSYN" int64_t) ]
Next, on our public OCaml API side, we use regular variant types with a type annotation to use for GADTs pattern
matching and match then with the polymorphic variants returned by ctypes
type _ socket_opt = | Messageapi : bool socket_opt | Payloadsize : int socket_opt | Rcvsyn : bool socket_opt | Sndsyn : bool socket_opt let messageapi = Messageapi let payloadsize = Payloadsize let rcvsyn = Rcvsyn let sndsyn = Sndsyn let srt_socket_opt_of_socket_opt (type a) : a socket_opt -> Srt.socket_opt = function | Messageapi -> `Messageapi | Payloadsize -> `Payloadsize | Rcvsyn -> `Rcvsyn | Sndsyn -> `Sndsyn
also. gives us bindings to the get~/~set
functions from the C
let setsockflag = foreign "srt_setsockflag" (int @-> socket_opt @-> ptr void @-> int @-> returning int) let getsockflag = foreign "srt_getsockflag" (int @-> socket_opt @-> ptr void @-> ptr int @-> returning int)
Now, we’re ready to implement our get~/~set
polymorphic functions:
let getsockflag : type a. socket -> a socket_opt -> a = fun sock opt -> let arg = allocate int 0 in let arglen = allocate int (sizeof int) in ignore (check_err (getsockflag sock (srt_socket_opt_of_socket_opt opt) (to_voidp arg) arglen)); let to_bool () = !@arg <> 0 in let to_int () = !@arg in match opt with | Rcvsyn -> to_bool () | Sndsyn -> to_bool () | Messageapi -> to_bool () | Payloadsize -> to_int () let setsockflag : type a. socket -> a socket_opt -> a -> unit = fun sock opt v -> let f t v = to_voidp (allocate t v) in let of_bool v = let v = if v then 1 else 0 in (f int v, sizeof int) in let of_int v = (f int v, sizeof int) in let arg, arglen = match opt with | Rcvsyn -> of_bool v | Sndsyn -> of_bool v | Messageapi -> of_bool v | Payloadsize -> of_int v
⚠️ Question ⚠️
I wasn’t able to join cases of the same type, for instance this:
match opt with | Rcvsyn | Sndsyn | Messageapi -> to_bool () | Payloadsize -> to_int ()
Is this a theoretical or implementation limitation?
yallop replied
It’s an implementation limitation. There are some details at https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml/issues/5736
Christian Lindig said
Slightly related to the problem of sharing constants between the C side and the OCaml side but much less sophisticated:
For my small epoll library polly I am creating a function in C using a macro that returns the constant:
/* Make all constants available to clients by exporting them via a * function. This avoids having to hard code them on the client side. * */ #define CONSTANT(name) \ CAMLprim value caml_polly_ ## name(value unit) { return Val_int(name); } CONSTANT(EPOLLIN); CONSTANT(EPOLLPRI); CONSTANT(EPOLLOUT);
In the bindings I have one function per constant and call it once to obtain the constant; the actual value of the constant is not part of the OCaml code.
type t = int external polly_IN : unit -> t = "caml_polly_EPOLLIN" external polly_PRI : unit -> t = "caml_polly_EPOLLPRI" external polly_OUT : unit -> t = "caml_polly_EPOLLOUT" let inp = polly_IN () let pri = polly_PRI () let out = polly_OUT ()
shuttle v0.3.1 released
Anurag Soni announced
There have been some significant changes since this last release (Versions 0.4.0 and 0.5.0 are available on opam):
- Buffered reader has a new utility method that allows reading lines
- Shuttle now supports file descriptors that don’t support nonblocking I/O. For blocking I/O Shuttle uses async’s support for running syscalls in its thread pool
- Buffered reader’s api has been simplified to remove
in favor of a more familiarread
operation is supported to perform a read syscall to fill a channel’s buffer, andInput_channel.view
can be used to get a view into the channel’s underlying buffer. - Supports v0.15 series of the janestreet libraries
- Buffered reader now uses an auto-growing buffer instead of a fixed size buffer than notified users that the internal buffer is full and no progress can be made unless some content is consumed. This should allow starting with a smaller buffer without needing to worry about implementing some client side buffering to hold unconsumed data. Channels allow configuring an upper bound on the internal buffer length, if a buffer grows beyond that an exception is raised.
- Buffered writer’s support a richer flush interface. Flush operations report errors encountered while attempting to write any pending bytes. This results in a flush operation that returns a deferred that will resolve at some point with either a success or an error, instead of the older flush operation that would return a deferred that never resolved if there was an error during a write syscall.
coinductive data types
Aaron Gray asked and François Pottier replied
Does either ML or OCaML have coinductive data types ? And if so could you please point me at the/some appropriate documentation on them.
ML and OCaml have algebraic data types, which are recursive (that is, more general than inductive and co-inductive types). Algebraic data type definitions are not subject to a positivity restriction, and algebraic data types can be constructed and deconstructed by recursive functions, which are not subject to a termination check.
If you want to see a typical example of a “co-inductive” data structure encoded in OCaml, I suggest to have a look at “sequences”, which can be described as potentially infinite lists:
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