OCaml Weekly News
Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of November 17 to 24, 2020.
Table of Contents
- OCaml User Survey 2020
- Suggestions from the OCaml Survey result
- OCaml for ARM MacOS
- TechEmpower benchmark: httpaf + lwt + unix on par with Haskell's warp
- Dropbox v2 API, and JSoO bindings for GridJS and IndexedDB
- OCaml in Jupyter-based Environments
- Ocurrent/opam Docker images have moved to ocaml/opam
- ocaml-lsp-server 1.2.0
- ca-certs and ca-certs-nss
- Compatibility packages for 4.12 (either, semaphore-compat)
- Jupyter with pyml
- OCaml needs an arbitrary-precision decimal type
- Type-at-point ocaml-lsp/merlin in vim/neovim
- ocamlearlybird now an OCaml Software Foundation supported project
- release of mc2 0.1, a SMT solver
- Wednesday, 25th November 2020 is MirageOS Bug Cleaning Day!
- Other OCaml News
- Old CWN
OCaml User Survey 2020
Continuing this thread, Xavier Leroy announced
I extracted the replies to the free-form questions and made them available as a Gist. There are so many replies that I have no idea how to exploit and summarize them! https://gist.github.com/xavierleroy/88a22b2b8e609c46bf9d23f36521a483
Patrick Ferris then said
Thanks for putting together this great resource!
I think it's quite important to take the results from this survey and find actionable items (or
highlight ongoing efforts) which aim to improve different problems for different users. As a result I
have put together some graphs trying to categorise the answers based on proficiency (beginner
, advanced
and expert
). These groupings are quite subjective but I thought it might
offer a slightly more nuanced look into what problems users had, where they come from, what they are
doing and what commonalities they share. The code is here and the
HTML version of the notebook here (I'm no
data-scientist nor python developer :snake: if you see glaring mistakes do raise an issue!).
Here are some possible inferences (warning: opinions ahead) that can be made from the data along with possible actionable steps (or links to ongoing projects):
- Everybody wants better documentation for user libraries. I think people want more long-form style documentation. However, excellent work is currently taking place with odoc (see also OCaml workshop video) and perhaps these concerns can be wrapped into this ongoing work.
- Everybody wants multicore but "experts" want implicits a little more – multicore is coming along amazingly and implicits are in an earlier but active state AFAICT.
- A wide variety of application domains
- less proficient OCaml users tend to be doing more web-related tasks or data processing. Advanced/expert users are implementing programming languages, building developer tools, systems and formal methods. This is reflected in other breakdowns for example in "other fluent languages" we see JS more popular with beginners and C with experts. But also track the progress of Coq and friends moving up as proficiency increases. This is quite interesting and I think it could point to an actionable item of working more on the web and formal methods components of the OCaml ecosystem i.e. working with Coq devs and JS devs to help them.
- From a Javascript point-of-view, looking at the implementations section it's interesting to note across the four proficiency levels
is more popular thanReason
except for beginners. Both projects are actively worked on, but perhaps morejs_of_ocaml
documentation would be good with many tools already existing like gen_js_api, Jane Street's bonsai etc. In my opinion, this survey motivates working on unifying the JS world of OCaml as (at least to me) right now it feels a little fragmented and hard for someone new to know where to go. - Opam with the public repository across all users is consistently the most used installation method – this justifies the large amount of work that tasks place on opam that I'm sure most are very grateful for. Tying this back to the previous point of "cross community" work, opam have community meetings which seem to be v. useful.
- Pain points – the top two (although they interchange) is "lack of critical libraries" and "too hard to find and hire OCaml developers". Some effort has been made to find these libraries including in the survey. I'm not sure what else can be done. As for hiring, looking at the different communication channels there is quite a spread with different users using different channels. This is great, but may also cause some fragmentation and make the "hiring" process worse.
These are just some thoughts from a relatively new OCaml community member, I would love to know what other actionable steps people think we can take from this data and hopefully we can produce a more concise and specific set of steps to put this survey to great use :))
After many replies, Patrick Ferris said
Thanks for the great suggestions so quickly! I'll also set aside some time to summarise everything once some more ideas are posted and there is general consensus.
I believe a common theme among the comments in the survey is a lack of structure found in documentation, libraries, and critical build tools
Completely agree – documentation is fundamental as it is felt by most I feel. The limitations of build-tools are perhaps more felt by more advanced or complicated workflows.
curated Opam repos
This sound really interesting – from experience I think quite a few beginners are unfamiliar with the ability of having multiple repos. I certainly was until I started cross-compiling to RISC-V :)) I think a good example curated repo would help drive this home more, do you know if one exists beyond the cross-compiling ones which aren't exactly what we're looking for?
Use sourcegraph and other code search mechanisms to surface all the work in progress (WIP) libraries that people have put together on github/gitlab/etc
This sounds good. I do wonder if more documentation/tutorials/awareness of dune-release and opam-publish might also help. I, for one, am sitting on a few libraries I should really publish but the process can be a little intimidating, so I still agree a search would be great but ultimately it would be good for libraries to make it upstream.
Thanks for this great analysis
Thanks for the kind words :))
Is GSoC still a thing?
Not in a position to start making GSoC proposals but they are definitely still a thing! For example two projects I think are great, still do them. Even outside of GSoC perhaps a curated list of OCaml Community approved projects/internships that would benefit the whole community would be good that different businesses/organisations/foundations could use when making their own internships would be useful? At least everyone would be united on that front.
gasche then said
Note: I "split" the excellent discussion by @patrickoferris as a separate topic, as it was going in the (very useful) direction of discussing broadly the ecosystem, rather than specifically the survey result. I would encourage people to post here for specific details on the survey process and results, and create new topics for discussions inspired by the survey.
Let me quote below the part of @patricoferris' post that would be most useful to anyone interested in processing the results:
I think it's quite important to take the results from this survey and find actionable items (or highlight ongoing efforts) which aim to improve different problems for different users. As a result I have put together some graphs trying to categorise the answers based on proficiency (
). These groupings are quite subjective but I thought it might offer a slightly more nuanced look into what problems users had, where they come from, what they are doing and what commonalities they share. The code is here and the HTML version of the notebook here (I'm no data-scientist nor python developer :snake: if you see glaring mistakes do raise an issue!).
The new topic has excellent discussion on Patrick's findings from the survey data.
Suggestions from the OCaml Survey result
Anil Madhavapeddy said in this new thread
Thanks Patrick for the fantastic distillation of results. It's extremely useful to see our user responses segmented by their experience. (in particular, our self-identified expert userbase runs Coq a lot more than our self-identified newcomer codebase who tend to use JavaScript – we want to make sure we continue to help all of these segments!).
At a high level, this survey has already influenced the Platform tool developers. Documentation has been identified as a priority item for next year, and so a couple of next steps are happening this week already among the various groups:
- The regular odoc developer meeting this week will also feature the opam team as part of our community dev meetings, and we are getting together to put the final plan together to put a docs.ocaml.org site together. The results of this will be on the dev wiki as usual, so anyone interested can track progress and suggest ideas (the video meetings are not exactly closed, but fully open participation isn't practical given the constraints of current technology – please ping the odoc maintainer @jonludlam directly if interested in attending)
- the second part of a docs site is to ensure we have really reliable and solid workflows for opam-repo contributions (including bulk builds, health checks and having a more automated contribution process, ideally without having to run a CLI tool). The next opam dev meeting later this week will feature us planning a switch to a cluster-based nextgen CI for opam-respository. We've also invited the maintainers of the Coq opam repository as well as Tezos and Jane Street (who contribute large package sets regularly) so we can ensure we work well with those ecosystems as well. Our intention here is to really reduce the burden on contributions to opam repository by mechanising as much of the grunt work as possible, thereby helping both beginners and expert users. Our new CI will also feature macOS and Windows testing as we bring those cluster workers online, and be much more easily extensible to custom workflows.
- Having all the fancy package cluster builds in the world don't help if noone is actually writing any documentation in their libraries. We're hoping that new tools (such as mdx from Real World OCaml) will reduce the friction of entry to writing ocamldoc tutorials and sites. The mdx tool usage is easy but the implementation is quite complex (due to the interlock with the internal compiler-libs), so there is a mdx team working away on it, including hopefully speeding it up with native code compilation and continuing to improve the integration with dune and other build tools. @yminsky and I use mdx to write the whole of Real World OCaml (v2 of which is coming out soon in print), and we are most eager for other people to fork our tools and write their own books (like the Owl scientific computing book).
- Finally, @ashish @gemmag and I have been putting our heads together to get funding sorted to reboot the ocaml.org site and make it easier to maintain, in recognition of the fact that the "old guard" (Christophe, Ashish, Phillippe, myself) just don't have the day-to-day time anymore to keep things up. @patricoferris, @kanishka @sanette Bella and @JohnWhitington have all been contributing content to ocaml.org, and we are doing both incremental changes and also overhauling the internals of how it is built to use the latest and greatest innovations. I'm excited to see what all these new contributors will come up with.
This is of course not a closed list of action items – simply what I am tracking as the coordinator of the OCaml Platform efforts – so please keep suggestions and analysis flowing.
I would suggest one good way to "wrap up" the survey is to:
- transfer @patricoferris' notebook over to the
GitHub org. - once the discussions and next steps here settle (both from individual comments, and also the aggregated decisions of the various Platform teams like the opam, odoc and dune maintainers), some combination of @patricoferris @xavierleroy @gasche and myself summarise them in that notebook as priority items we would like to accomplish next year.
- we publicise the survey results notebook and conclusions on ocaml.org and this forum prominently.
- we figure out a way to get more people involved and contributing in concrete projects around documentation (in particular) next year, perhaps via schemes such as Outreachy or direct funding from organisations such as the OCSF.
Thanks to everyone for the input and comments so far. If anyone has a burning desire to be in any of the dev meetings, please get in touch with me directly (anil@recoil.org) or the maintainers of the individual tool. I've never seen this much activity happening in all my time working on OCaml, so it warms my heart on this crisp winters day to see all the constructive positivity and effort going on. Keep it up and keep the suggestions coming :slight_smile:
OCaml for ARM MacOS
Continuing this thread, John Whitington said
OCaml 4.12 from trunk builds fine on ARM macOS for me, and I can build all my software, including mixed C/OCaml DLLs and other exotic things.
For those interested in timings, "make -j9 world.opt" for OCaml runs in 1m6s.
TechEmpower benchmark: httpaf + lwt + unix on par with Haskell's warp
Archive: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/techempower-benchmark-httpaf-lwt-unix-on-par-with-haskells-warp/6788/1
blandinw announced
The recent talks around this benchmark (started by @rbjorklin) and the OCaml results piqued my curiosity. After all, one of OCaml's strengths is its performance! It should smoke node.js and be in the same ballpark as Haskell, Go, etc., right? Well, only one way to find out!
To start simple, I wanted to establish a baseline using a pre-forking approach with a listening socket shared by all children and go from there. It turns out I didn't need to go far at all. This simple architecture was enough to leave node.js in the dust and get results similar to Haskell and Go. This says a lot about the current quality of OCaml and the ecosystem we have today! Handshakes all around! 🍺🐫
You can find the results for the JSON benchmark here. Be sure to check the Latency tab. Note that a lot of the top performers optimize aggressively by precomputing responses, using object pools, etc.
From my limited testing, the big difference with the previous OCaml attempts might be that they had to
use (the otherwise amazing) haproxy
to load-balance between all cores. Pre-forking and sharing a
socket removes that need, so that all cores can do useful work. I also had some fun using SIGALRM
render the date only once per second.
As a side note, it was my first time using these UNIX APIs from OCaml and it was an eye-opening experience to be able to leverage all that power outside of C and without giving up any of OCaml's strengths.
I'm happy with the results, but it should be possible to improve even further by:
- profiling with
to know where time is spent, e.g. in JSON encoding, allocations, GC, context switches, etc. - using
instead oflibev
, maybe via this PR to Lwt - using Multicore domains to use a pre-threaded architecture as opposed to a pre-forked architecture and hopefully reduce context switch costs, see Linux Applications Performance
Contributing is pretty easy, just clone this repo
and run ./tfb --test httpaf --type json --concurrency-levels 512
Dropbox v2 API, and JSoO bindings for GridJS and IndexedDB
Archive: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-dropbox-v2-api-and-jsoo-bindings-for-gridjs-and-indexeddb/6793/1
Xavier R. Guérin announced
I am releasing on GitHub today a set of libraries under ISC:
: Dropbox v2 API.auth
, andfiles
operations are available, the rest is WIP.xguerin/ocaml-dropbox
: JSoO bindings for gridjs.io.xguerin/ocaml-indexeddb
: JSoO bindings forIndexedDB
. Based on Thomas Leonard's work withIrmin
Each of them is OPAM-enabled although not currently available in the official repo.
OCaml in Jupyter-based Environments
Patrick Ferris announced
As @CraigFe said, this conversation might be useful for other people looking to run OCaml for teaching or data-science in a Jupyter-based environments. Continuing the discussion from Suggestions from the OCaml Survey result where binder was mentioned, this looks like a neat way to lower the barrier to entry for programming in OCaml.
To add to what @mseri asked:
Do you know if and how one can use ocaml on colab? In principle there is support for the jupyter protocol…
You can but it is a bit hacky. You first need to generate a blank ocaml.ipynb
locally and upload this
to colabs, this will enable you to select Runtime > Change Runtime Type > Runtime Selection
to OCaml.
Then you need to install OCaml, jupyter and add the kernel. This code block did the trick for me:
!add-apt-repository ppa:avsm/ppa && apt-get update && apt-get install opam m4 libgmp-dev !opam init --disable-sandboxing -y !opam install jupyter !opam exec -- ocaml-jupyter-opam-genspec !jupyter kernelspec install --user --name ocaml-jupyter "$(opam var share)/jupyter"
It takes quite a while and I'm not really going to recommend it, but it does work.
I also put together a few [dockerfiles]() with the purpose of being used in jupyter environments for teaching. Also with an example of using nbgrader although I think this still needs some work (it's based on @kayceesrk's blog post). Are people using other setups for teaching OCaml in a classroom/university setting?
As a small aside, I started doing the survey analysis in OCaml, but found two issues:
- CSV loading with OWL was struggling (I think it struggled with the extra
in questions and also didn't like multiple headers with the same name – other libraries I think just add the column number to make it unique), I ended up using the csv library and then making the dataframe by hand. - The plotting library is good, but lacks the customisability that something like Matplotlib offers. I did start using the very good ocaml-matplotlib bindings but it all became a little too much effort… :snake:
Anton Kochkov suggested
Another project that is probably a better inspiration for OCaml-based workflow - Pluto.jl that is written in Julia itself.
Anil Madhavapeddy replied to Patrick Ferris
Are people using other setups for teaching OCaml in a classroom/university setting?
We use Jupyter and nbgrader in Cambridge for the first year Foundations of Programming course: https://www.cl.cam.ac.uk/teaching/1920/FoundsCS/materials.html (the pdf is generated from the Jupyter export, and the content is written in Markdown and converted to notebook format using a modified mdx).
It's on my todo list to resurrect https://github.com/andrewray/iocamljs so that we can do this with a pure-client-side experience. We have internal hosted servers so that each student has their own container running their Jupyter/OCaml kernel, but I think it would be more robust to switch entirely client side for everything except exercise grading.
Philippe asked and Anil Madhavapeddy replied
This tool shows the interpreter outputs but can also render graphics in the page. Do you have plans to include a similar feature in mdx? (I’m asking because if this is the case, I’d be happy to lend a hand).
Doesn't support it, and that sounds awesome. @jonludlam did something involving registering OCaml
toplevel printers that can output HTML that renders in a notebook (so you can pipe a type tree = ...
through dot to render it graphically). Never upstreamed that work I think. Feel free to create an
issue on the mdx repo – I think the utility of it will increase dramatically if it can create
I have to say though, writing ocaml code in a markdown document is not very convenient since you don’t have merlin+syntax highlighting helping you. Ideally we’d need an environment that knows both markdown and ocaml very well…
Yes indeed, mdx supports this mode too. In Real World OCaml, we have all our examples as separate files
that can have dune build
run on them, and then mdx
supports external references as well. See for
example the JSON chapter in
RWO: you just add a file=
block into the Markdown, and the dune promotion rules will either run the toplevel or include the
external ML file and update the Markdown content automatically.
Jon Ludlam said
Registering 'rich' printers with Jupyter is a standard feature of the wonderful ocaml-jupyter (thanks, @akabe!) - you just register a printer as normal that ends up calling Jupyter_notebook.display. I have a couple of examples here for displaying trees – the one you mentioned – and ppm files. It would be very neat to be able to do something similar for mdx, and probably not too tricky too. Perhaps a good starter project?
Ocurrent/opam Docker images have moved to ocaml/opam
Thomas Leonard announced
The docker base image builder has been reconfigured
to push the images to the ocaml/opam
repository on Docker Hub.
If you were previously using the ocurrent/opam
repository, you should update to the new location. The
repository will not get any further updates.
The images provide many combinations of distribution, OCaml version, architecture and flags. e.g. to get an environment with OCaml 4.11 installed on Debian 10:
docker run --rm -it ocaml/opam:debian-10-ocaml-4.11
Or to try the 4.12 pre-release, compiled with AFL fuzzing support, you'd use
(the full set of builds can be seen at the service's page at https://base-images.ocamllabs.io/)
Christian Lindig then said
I recently looked at ocaml/opam:debian-10-ocaml-4.09
and noticed that in the root of the image the
Dockerfiles were included that generated the image. I'm not sure that was always the case but found
that helpful.
ocaml-lsp-server 1.2.0
Rudi Grinberg announced
On behalf of the ocaml-lsp team, I'd like to announce version 1.2.0.
This version contains many bug fixes and some performance improvements A couple of interesting features made it in as well:
- Auto-completion of OCaml keywords (not available for reaso)
- The ability to jump to the declaration of a value in the .mli.
Yawar Amin added
Release page: https://github.com/ocaml/ocaml-lsp/releases/tag/1.2.0
ca-certs and ca-certs-nss
Hannes Mehnert announced
I'm pleased to announce the release two opam packages, ca-certs and ca-certs-nss, which use the trust anchors from the system / embed trust anchors from Netscape Security Services (these days used by the Mozilla Firefox browser).
For some context: when establishing a TLS connection you likely want to verify that the server provides a valid certificate – on the open world wide web this boils down to "is valid at the current time" and "is signed by a trustworthy entity" (such as https://letsencrypt.org/ - which validates that you have access to the domain before signing a certificate). If you do not verify the server certificate, a person may be in the middle of the connection and read and modify arbitrary communication content. Read more about this topic on Wikipedia. NB in private setups you can use your own CA setup and won't need ca-certs / ca-certs-nss.
Now, different operating systems store this information in different places and formats – for Unix
(and Linux) there is unfortunately no common API or file location. To abstract over this, the package
ca-certs provides the API val authenticator : [...] -> unit -> (X509.Authenticator.t, [> `Msg of
string ]) result
– which composes well with OCaml-TLS API for TLS clients (that receive such an
The ca-certs package has initially been implemented by @emillon in 2019, and only recently been pushed
to opam-repository. If you're using a not-so-mainstream Linux distribution (or other Unix), we're
interested in your feedback: does a dune runtest
work on your system? – it has been tested apart
from debian, ubuntu, SuSE, CentOS, also on FreeBSD, OpenBSD, and macOS. The macOS support uses the
command, and could be improved by using appropriate API calls – there is no support for
Windows at the moment (if you're interested in contributing support for windows, it should be pretty
The ca-certs-nss package uses the same versioning scheme as NSS, and embeds the trust anchors that your Firefox browser has as well. This is meant as alternative to ca-certs (e.g. if you're on a system which is not (yet) supported by ca-certs), or in a MirageOS unikernel (where there's no access to the host trust anchors).
We're interested in your feedback, and hope by releasing those libraries to improve the security of network clients across the OCaml ecosystem by providing a simple API to authenticate server certificates. If you're running into issues, please don't hesitate to reach out.
To install, opam install ca-certs
/ opam install ca-certs-nss
is all you need.
Compatibility packages for 4.12 (either, semaphore-compat)
Archive: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-compatibility-packages-for-4-12-either-semaphore-compat/6806/1
Craig Ferguson announced
I'm pleased to announce the release of two small compatibility libraries for modules added in OCaml 4.12.0:
– compatibility shims for theEither
module, which provides a canonical sum type in the standard library + various utility functions for it. To use it: simply addeither
as a library dependency and refer to theEither
module, which will either alias theEither
provided by the standard library or re-implement it as appropriate.semaphore-compat
– compatibility shims for theSemaphore
module insysthreads
, which provides binary and counting semaphores for use in multi-threaded programs. To use it: addsemaphore-compat
as a library dependency andopen Semaphore_compat
in any module that requires semaphores.
Note on OCaml concurrency primitives. Users of OCaml's Mutex
module should beware that
OCaml 4.12 features a changes to mutex semantics on certain platforms, since the mutexes are now "error
checking" (as noted in the changelog). One
consequence of this is that unlocking a mutex from a non-owning thread will now always fail,
whereas previously this might succeed depending on the platform's mutex implementation – notably,
's mutexes allow this. If your code relies on this property of pre-4.12 mutexes, you may wish to
add a dependency on semaphore-compat
and switch to using binary semaphores instead (as these provide
the right flavour of concurrency primitive in a POSIX-compatible manner).
Opam library authors making use of these compatibility libraries in their public API are encouraged to conditionally depend on them in order to ensure that downstream users of your library don't pull in unnecessary compatibility shims. This can be done as follows:
depends: [ ("ocaml" {>= "4.12.0"} | "either") ]
I hope you find these libraries useful!
Hannes Mehnert then asked
Thanks for your work on this.
are encouraged to conditionally depend
While I understand at the opam level how this could work, what about _tags
or dune
– there's need
to repeat that condition (since in OCaml < 4.12 you'll need (libraries either)
in your dune file /
*: package(either)
in your _tags
file (+in your META
file) – or is there something obvious I
I'm asking since I'd be interested in a general strategy / howto of such compatibility libraries. I'm also curious why there are different approaches in respect to package name and strategy:
- stdlib-shims (seems to (attempt to) cover all stdlib changes?)
- bigarray-compat (there's a
suffix) - seq (there's a
for ocaml >= 4.07.0)
Are there plans to unify the approaches? I'm in favour of a "conditional dependency if the OCaml distribution does not yet provide the module" and "no dependency if the OCaml distribution provides that module" – but as expressed above, I think this is needed both at the opam and the ocamlfind / library level.
Craig Ferguson replied
To begin, I'll fill out my reasons for recommending conditional dependencies somewhat.
Compatibility libraries and unconditional dependencies
The issue with unconditionally depending on compatibility libraries is that it forces users to take on
that implicit dependency – even if they don't need it – and ties that decision to the current minimal
version supported by one of their dependencies. This prevents use of (implicit_transitive_deps false)
in those downstream libraries, since the authors cannot know whether they actually depend on the alias
transitively. For instance:
currently depends onresult
unconditionally (to retain support for4.02.0
);- as an author of
– which goes back to4.08.0
and so always has access toStdlib.Result
– I must be able to resolve theLwt_result.t
type, but I don't in general know which dependencies are necessary to do that since it's a property ofLwt
's code and not mine. - I must either add an explicit dependency on
– because that's what's currently necessary givenLwt
's own dependencies – or give up on using(implicit_transitive_deps false)
entirely. Either way, if I myself expose aresult
type in the API of Irmin, this problem cascades to users of Irmin too.
For Lwt specifically, I need to find the time to upstream a patch to fix the issue: https://github.com/ocsigen/lwt/issues/794.
Conditional dependencies and Dune
It's possible to conditionally depend on a library on the Dune side via either a (select ... from
dependency or by
generating Dune files programatically (either w/ (include dune.inc)
). None of
these solutions are particularly compelling to me, but I've been bitten by this problem enough to be
willing to consider ugly solutions – at least for very widely-used libraries such as Alcotest.
It's possible that conditional dependencies are the wrong approach altogether and we should be using
something like (re_exports)
instead. I'm not familiar with
that feature, but it looks like it might work to avoid the above issues. Perhaps a Dune maintainer
could weigh in here, and I'll happily remove my suggestion re. conditional dependencies for something
better :slightly_smiling_face:
Different approaches to compatibility libraries
I’m asking since I’d be interested in a general strategy / howto of such compatibility libraries. I’m also curious why there are different approaches in respect to package name and strategy:
- stdlib-shims (seems to (attempt to) cover all stdlib changes?)
- bigarray-compat (there’s a
suffix)- seq (there’s a
for ocaml >= 4.07.0)
Indeed, there are quite a few different mechanisms used for this. Even just for this release, either
and semaphore-compat
use different techniques! Partly this is because it's easier to shim modules in
since it is the default-opened library. In particular, Either
can exist without a namespace
collision, and the implementation of either
can refer to Stdlib.Either
to avoid Dune getting
confused about a self-referential module. This is the approach that was taken with the result
compatability package too.
Unfortunately, the above factors don't apply to Semaphore
, which is why I grudgingly settled on
instead. I'm not sure why the Bigarray
compat module didn't take the more "direct"
approach, but I was happy to be consistent with it.
One final point: the stdlib-shims
library exists solely to provide the alias Stdlib
in order to compensate for the name change. It doesn't ever provide re-implementations of
the modules and functions that were added since (and so really is a -shim
and not a -compat
). A
user of stdlib-shims
is still restricted to the set of stdlib functions provided by their minimal
supported OCaml version.
Jupyter with pyml
n4323 asked
Hi, I would like to achieve something similar to, but different from what is discussed in
https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ocaml-in-jupyter-based-environments/6797 . tl; dr: How can I get python
REPL access to OCaml values exported via pyml
The use case is this: I have an OCaml library that does machine-learning type computation. I would like to generate, plot and analyze the results interactively, with the best possible ease of use and flexibility. For the plotting and analysis I want to use Python.
I have tried ocaml-jupyter
, which provides a nice notebook environment but no python kernel and the
very useful ocaml-matplotlib
which offers a matplotlib binding but cannot cover all my python library
A possible solution would be to use pyml
and its numpy array memmapping support to export OCaml
values to a python process. The problem here is that I can't find a way to interact with the python
process spawned from pyml
in an interactive python console. I am thinking there should be some way to
spawn a Jupyter python kernel from pyml
and then access that from a separate jupyter console. I have
not been able to find one by googling though.
Another solution might be to wrap my OCaml library as an external python module. I'm afraid that this may be painful – please convince me otherwise ;)
Craig Ferguson
You may be interested in this post on the Jane Street tech blog:
Using Python and OCaml in the same Jupyter notebook, by Laurent Mazare (@laurent).
which offers some general tips and some bespoke tooling (showcased in https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1MDuZc0v60lzBg0_xeiPR-bB6dCIWxvzT). I have found this very useful in the past when trying to do Python + OCaml interop in Jupyter notebooks.
OCaml needs an arbitrary-precision decimal type
Yaron Minsky announced
Our Bigdecimal library is now live:
It won't be in the ordinary Opam repo until our next stable release, which is scheduled for early 2021.
Type-at-point ocaml-lsp/merlin in vim/neovim
Nicolas Gimenez discussed
I'd like to know whether ocaml-lsp supports type-at-point feature? The point is to display to the user the type at point inferred by the compiler. I think this functionality already exists in Merlin for a while: merlin-show-type-at-point, and I've read articles talking about people's corresponding lsp-mode/merlin Emacs config. How about VIM? Is it integrated in ocaml-lsp already? From looking on GitHub, it seems it's not, but then how come people manage to integrate it in Emacs' lsp-mode?
mudrz replied
I am using neovim
and the following config:
in .vimrc
Plug 'sheerun/vim-polyglot' Plug 'neoclide/coc.nvim', {'branch': 'release'} nnoremap <silent> gh :call <SID>show_documentation()<CR> function! s:show_documentation() if (index(['vim','help'], &filetype) >= 0) execute 'h '.expand('<cword>') else call CocAction('doHover') endif endfunction
and in :CocConfig
"languageserver":{ "ocaml": { "command": "ocamllsp", "rootPatterns": ["dune-project"], "filetypes": ["ocaml"], "initializationOptions": {}, "settings": {} } }
which allows to show a type tooltip like this when you press `gh`
Raphaël Proust also replied
In my .config/nvim/init.vim
I have the default things setup by opam and then (amongst other things):
autocmd FileType ocaml nnoremap <LocalLeader>t :MerlinTypeOf<CR>
ocamlearlybird now an OCaml Software Foundation supported project
文宇祥 announced
I’m happy to announce ocamlearlybird now an OCaml Software Foundation supported project.
We will continue to develop/maintain ocamlearlybird, and may contribute to ocamlrun/ocaml to improve/achieve OCaml bytecode/native debugging support.
Please expect that OCaml debugging experience will be as good as Javascript in the future.
Louis Roché then said
I suppose that you are referring to https://github.com/hackwaly/ocamlearlybird
That's a great news. Thanks for your work.
release of mc2 0.1, a SMT solver
Simon Cruanes announced
I'm happy to announce the initial release 0.1 of mc2, a SMT solver in pure OCaml based on the mcSAT framework. It can handle the QF_UFLRA fragment (functions and linear rational arithmetic). It is more of a research project than a production ready solver, but has pretty acceptable performance (see for examples benchmarks on QF_UFLRA and QF_LRA with timeout=10s).
The solver is Apache licensed and weights around 7kloc (+ a few basic dependencies). Questions or comments welcome :slight_smile:
Wednesday, 25th November 2020 is MirageOS Bug Cleaning Day!
Archive: https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/ann-wednesday-25th-november-2020-is-mirageos-bug-cleaning-day/6836/1
Hannes Mehnert announced
We have many repositories that have lots of old and no-longer-relevant issues in them (some have even been fixed!) as well as issues that haven't gotten a reply yet from a maintainer. In preparation for the next release, I think it would be nice to take a day and do some housecleaning.
Our last bug cleaning day was on 17th November 2017, and pretty successful.
On Wednesday, 25th November (in two days) most people of the mirage-core team will be going through old issues and coordinating our efforts on the #mirage channel over on irc.freenode.net. I expect there to be the most activity during 10:00-18:00 UTC and maybe a bit later, but don't feel limited to that timeslot – if you're familiar with a repository and have a bit of time, we'd love your help any time at all. Please do join us if you're free! We'll as well be watching the OCaml discord #mirage channel https://discord.com/channels/436568060288172042/519199441769594911
If you're not sure where to start, here's a link to a GitHub search for all issues in repositories owned by the Mirage organization which are open and not archived, sorted with the least recently updated first, for your editing and browsing pleasure:
If you've a specific issue at your heart that you want to be solved, please show up and tell us about it.
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