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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, week 13 to 20 May, 2003.

1) POSIX Threads: kill
2) Printf question
3) Generating dynamically libraries with OCaml
4) Reading a file
5) Ocaml and large development projects
6) Ocaml-Sqlite 0.3.4

1) POSIX Threads: kill
Christoph Bauer asked and Xavier Leroy explained:

> in file ocam-3.06/otherlibs/systhreads/thread_posix is this comment:
> (* Thread.kill is currently not implemented due to problems with
>    cleanup handlers on several platforms *)
> Is anybody working on it?

The problem is as follows.

POSIX threads have a notion of cleanup handlers, which are functions
that are called when the thread dies, either voluntarily (via
pthread_exit) or by being cancelled by another thread (via

On some platforms (Tru64 Unix for sure, perhaps Solaris as well),
cleanup handlers are implemented via C++ exceptions.  (It is true that
POSIX threads is a C interface, however the Tru64 C compiler
understands C++ exceptions even when compiling pure C sources.)
Namely, a cleanup handler is mapped to a try... finally construct that
just does the right thing.

The problem is that C++ exception handling is based on unwinding stack
frames one by one till a matching exception handler is found.  This
requires stack frames to adhere strictly to a particular format, and
be equipped with stack descriptors that the C++ stack unwind mechanism
understands.  But of course the stack frames used ocamlopt-generated
code do not adhere to this format, and do not come with C++ stack
descriptors.  Hence, if the "systhreads" library was using
pthread_exit and pthread_cancel, the C/C++ runtime system would try to
unwind Caml stack frames, and just crash the whole program.

> Is there a solution for linux-i386?

LinuxThreads on Linux doesn't rely on C++ exceptions, so it doesn't
suffer from the problem above.  However, LinuxThreads is being
replaced by NPTL, another, better threading library for Linux, and I
don't know how NPTL implements cleanup handlers.

The general solution is to avoid using Thread.kill.  Terminating another
thread at arbitrary times is an inherently unsafe operation: the
killed thread may be holding mutexes, for instance.  There's a good
explanation of the problems in the Java documentation:

explaining why they "deprecated" their equivalent of Thread.kill.

2) Printf question
Brian Hurt asked:

I want to define a wrapper function for printf, basically for debug.  I'd
like it to work so I can do things like:

    debug "some message"; (* outputs "FOO: some messagen" *)
    debug "answer: %d" 42 ; (* outputs "FOO: answer: 42n" *)

basically to prepend "FOO: " and append "n".  Is this possible in any
sane manner?  I tried:

let debug s = Printf.printf ("FOO: " ^ s ^ "n")


let debug s = let t = "FOO: " ^ s ^ "n" in Printf.printf s

and neither works.

Manos Renieris suggested:

You need to concatenate formats, not strings. In the CVS version,
(^^) is defined, and does exactly that.

and William Lovas proposed:

This is due to the funny type magic that makes printf work in the first

I think the right solution (or at least, *a* right solution) in this case
is to use kprintf, which takes a continuation to pass the resulting string
to.  For an sprintf-like solution:

    let debug s = Printf.kprintf (fun t -> "FOO: " ^ t ^ "n") s

Or, for something more side-effectual:

    let debug s = Printf.kprintf
                    (fun t -> print_string ("FOO: " ^ t ^ "n"); "") s

(But you might have to use `ignore' to ignore the useless empty string
result value.)

3) Generating dynamically libraries with OCaml
Wolfgang Müller asked:

I would like to rephrase the question: is it possible to use OCaml code (plus
possibly some C code) for generating dynamically linked libraries that are
used as easily as c(++) from c(++)? I've got the impression that this is the
case. At least page 218 of the docs (chapter 17.7. at the end) suggests so.

As I am currently deciding if I want to start a project in OCaml that possibly
could become a library that would have to be used from C or JAVA, I would be
very interested in the OCaml-Gurus' comment on that.

Nicolas Cannasse suggested:

One of the best way to do what you want right now is to use ODLL ( ). This will give you a good idea of how
you can handle it.

Wolfgang Müller then asked:

Looks great! Thanks! But this is for Windows, right? Do you think there are
any obstacles in porting it to Linux (i.e. I would not be able to spend much
time on it soon)?

Nicolas Cannasse answered:

Yes, right now only windows DLL can be produced, but I think with some minor
changes you can extend ODLL to make it works with GCC, since this is only a
matter of "calling the good command with the good arguments". If you're
interested in modifying it , I'll be happy to answer your questions and to
include the diffs in the distribution.

4) Reading a file
Siegfried Gonzi asked:

Is there a better way in Ocaml to read a file line by line than via the
read_line function?

I use read_line on a file, perform some tasks on this line and store the
results in a list and after having red the file I use List.rev. The
problem actually is on big files the function is awfully slow. As
similar Clean function takes 15 seconds, my Bigloo program takes 25
second and my C++ programs (via templates) takes 25 secondes but my
Ocaml program takes 8 minutes.

I am not sure how quick List.rev actually is? In Bigloo reversing a list
has more or less no overhead. My Bigloo function is similar to my OCaml
function. Could it be that OCaml is that slow because I use "try and
with" constructs in order to check for the end of a file?

Why my Clean function is that fast is incomprehensible for me. Does one
know whether there exists a function in OCaml which converts a String to
a character-list? I use this construct in Clean then in order to extract
floating point numbers from that character list: ['1','.','2',...] and
store this floating point numbers via pattern matching in my result-list.

Mattias Waldau suggested:

If the files are not of megabyte size, I just read
them into a string. Very fast.

(** return the contents of filename as a string *)
let read_as_string filename =
  (* read at most len chars into string s, return the number of chars   
read *)
  let rec my_input ic s ofs len =
    if len <= 0 then ofs else begin
      let r = input ic s ofs len in
      if r = 0
      then ofs
      else my_input ic s (ofs+r) (len-r)
    end in
  let ic = open_in_bin filename in
  let max_size = in_channel_length ic in
  let buf = String.create max_size in
  let read_chars = my_input ic buf 0 max_size in
  close_in ic;
  String.sub buf 0 read_chars ;;

Nicolas Cannasse said:

You might want to use the ExtLib for this.
You can look at the CVS here :

The code you need :
open ExtLib   

let e = input_enum my_file in
let e = my_conversion_function e in
List.of_enum e (* will return you the mapped list without any rev done *)
(You'll need the ExtList and the Enum modules for it)

You can use ExtString.enum to get a char Enumeration on your string.
It is more efficient then to use it as an Enum, since you don't create any
data structure to store the chars , but you still can get a list from it by
doing List.of_enum.

Markus Mottl also answered:
> Is there a better way in Ocaml to read a file line by line than via the 
> read_line function?

Yes: use "input_line"! "read_line" flushes stdout, which you'll probably
not need.

> I am not sure how quick List.rev actually is?

As quick as it can be...

This problem is most likely not related to List.rev.

> In Bigloo reversing a list 
> has more or less no overhead. My Bigloo function is similar to my OCaml 
> function. Could it be that OCaml is that slow because I use "try and 
> with" constructs in order to check for the end of a file?

If you create the exception handler within a loop, this will also be a bit
costly. The loop should be within the exception handler, not vice versa.

5) Ocaml and large development projects
Following a discussion on managing large development projects with OCaml, and
questions about Makefiles, Markus Mottl said:

OCamlMakefile does that for you:

A "make bc" (or simply: "make") will build byte code, a "make nc" will
build native code for the sources you specify. In each case "make"
will only build what is still missing.

OCamlMakefile should scale up fairly well for medium-sized
OCaml-projects. The limitations / problems that appear with larger
projects are mostly related to general issues concerning "make", which
isn't a particularly well-suited tool for this purpose, but the only
one which is reliably installed on most development platforms.

Nicolas Cannasse added:

You can also use Ocamake : which is more
like a "make for ocaml" , entirely written in OCaml, and does not rely on 
external tools such as bash , make, and so on... ( in particular, one
doesn't need to install cygwin gnu make on Windows platform to compile ) .
OCamake can then be called as "fully portable" since it works exactly the
same on all platforms OCaml is working on ( and who would like to compile
ocaml code on a platform where ocaml doesn't work ?? )

6) Ocaml-Sqlite 0.3.4
Mikhail Fedotov announced:

Bindings for accessing Sqlite databases from ocaml
programs, version 0.3.4

Not all functionality of Sqlite is exposed, the binding is   
a rough equvalent of bindings by David Brown with a bit
more features.

Available at

Plans for 0.4.x versions: tidy up error codes & exceptions
(i.e raising Invalid_argument exception in place of
Sqlite_error where it is appropriate, and so on);

Plans for 0.5.x versions: provide richer API to match the
API of Sqlite more closely. User sql functions and
aggregates, busy calbacks, authorization etc.

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Alan Schmitt