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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, week 05 to 12 march, 2002. 

1) Profiling
2) PXP-1.1.4 released
3) lablgtk-mozembed: lablgtk interface for Gecko layout engine
4) caml-info-look
5) Text Mode Kit

1) Profiling
Andrew Birkett asked and Georges Mariano answered:

> > Is there a technical reason why you can't profile a bytecode
> > ocaml program, or is it just something which has never been
> > written?
> But of course you can: just compile your programs with the
> profiling flag, run them and use ocamlprof to get source codes
> with annotations telling you the number of times some
> expression was evaluated.

May I add that this functionality is available while
using the (excellent !!) OCamlMakefile "utility" designed by ...

...Markus Mottl  ;-)

make profiling-byte-code

2) PXP-1.1.4 released
Gerd Stolpmann announced:

Hi list,

there is a new bugfix release of PXP, the Polymorphic XML Parser:

- The parser does no longer show very bad performance when large data
  nodes without linefeeds are parsed.
- Another performance problem with bigger DTDs has been solved, too.
  Especially, the XHTML DTD can now be parsed quite quickly.
- The interface Pxp_dtd.Entity has been extended, it is now possible to
  access more properties of entities than before.
- Pxp_marshal has been revised. It is now possible to recode the input
  or output stream on the fly in order to change the character encoding.
- Furthermore, the functions relocate_subtree and relocate_document
  allows one to marshal an XML tree or a document, and to read the
  marshaled data immediately to create a copy of the original structure.
- Some errors have been fixed in from_file. Especially, this function
  will no longer raise the exception Malformed_URL if the current
  working directory happens to be "/".
- Pxp_document.strip_whitespace implements xml:space now correctly. In
  previous versions, xml:space='default' was ignored when it occurred
  inside  an element with xml:space='preserve'. Now the inner
  xml:space='default' overrides the outer xml:space='preserve' as
  defined in the XML standard.

I hope this release makes some people happier, especially concerning the
performance improvements.

More information about the parser is available under

The new release can be downloaded from

3) lablgtk-mozembed: lablgtk interface for Gecko layout engine
Jun P.FURUSE announced:

Hello all,

I wrote a small lablgtk interface for the mozilla's layout engine `Gecko'
( I wasted my last weekend for it.
I distribute it to you so that it can also waste your weekend(s).

The source and a screen shot is under the following url:


You require the latest version of lablgtk and mozilla version 0.9.9


The rpm users will require the following rpms:


4) caml-info-look
Olivier Andrieu announced:


I wrote a small Emacs-lisp library for automatically looking up
documentation in OCaml Info files. It's to be used with Info files   
generated by OCamldoc (using the texinfo generator).

Calling `caml-info-lookup-id' in a caml-mode buffer on an identifier
(say, String.length) will open an Info window and display the relevant
Info node, with the type and commentary that goes with the identifier.

I don't write much elisp so the code looks a bit hideous but it seems
to work (at least for my Emacs 20.7, I don't know for XEmacs).

and Didier Rémy added:

There is already module caml-help.el (since 3.04) in the emacs distrib part
of caml.el that could already do that. Have you tried it?

It can be parameterized to look for documentation in either standard or
ocamldoc info stylles, or just in the stdlib, which is often the most
convenient. It does completion on (toplevel) Module names and identifiers
bound in these modules.

5) Text Mode Kit
Nicolas George annouced:

Some weeks ago (who said "months"?), someone asked for a text mode
widget system, and I said that I had started such a project, and that I
would publish it in a few days. For a correct meaning of "few", this is

I have tested it under Linux/i586 and Solaris/sparc, and the part that
is done works.

The roadmap is now:

- fix a strange bug with dynamic loading (see this list soon)

- write a configuration ad build system

- implement more widgets

Remarks (and help) are welcome.


Alan Schmitt