OCaml Weekly News

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Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of December 29, 2020 to January 05, 2021.

Table of Contents

First release of Feat

François Pottier announced

A brief note to announce the first release of Feat:

opam update
opam install feat

Feat is a library that offers support for counting, enumerating, and sampling objects of a certain kind, such as (say) the inhabitants of an algebraic data type.

Feat was inspired by the paper "Feat: Functional Enumeration of Algebraic Types" by Jonas Duregård, Patrik Jansson and Meng Wang (2012).

More details can be found here:


OCluster and OBuilder

Thomas Leonard announced

I'm pleased to announce the first release of OCluster. A user can submit a build job (either a Dockerfile or an OBuilder spec) to the scheduler, which then runs the build on a worker machine, streaming the logs back to the client.

This is the build scheduler / cluster manager that we use for e.g. opam-repo-ci (which you may have seen in action if you submitted a package to opam-repository recently).

See ocurrent/overview for a quick overview of the various other CI services using it too.

To install and run the scheduler use e.g.

opam depext -i ocluster
mkdir capnp-secrets
ocluster-scheduler \
  --capnp-secret-key-file=./capnp-secrets/key.pem \
  --capnp-listen-address=tcp: \
  --capnp-public-address=tcp: \
  --state-dir=/var/lib/ocluster-scheduler \

It will generate key.pem on the first run, as well as various capability files granting access for workers and clients. You then copy each generated pool capability (e.g. pool-linux-x86_64.cap) to each machine you want in that pool, and run ocluster-worker pool-linux-x86_64.cap to start the worker agent. See the README for full details.

OBuilder is an alternative to docker build. The main differences are that it takes a spec in S-expression format, which is easier to generate than a Dockerfile, handles concurrent builds reliably, and keeps copies of the logs so that you still see the output even if someone else performed the same build step earlier and the result is therefore taken from the cache.

It currently supports ZFS and Btrfs for storage (it needs cheap snapshots) and runc for sandboxing builds. macos support is under development, but not yet upstreamed. It should be fairly easy to add support for any platform that has some form of secure chroot.

OCluster supports monitoring with Prometheus, so you can see what the cluster is doing:


Plotting 3D vectors

Andreas Poisel asked

I'm doing linear algebra with Owl. Owl-plplot works great for visualizing 2D vectors, but it doesn't seem to capable of plotting 3D vectors.

I took a (fast) look at vanilla Plplot, Oplot, and the GNUplot bindings, but I didn't find a simple way to plot 3D vectors.

I don't need high quality plots, 3D surfaces, a lot of control or fancy features, just a coordinate system and some function to draw geometric primitives (points, lines, circles, etc.).

Did I miss anything or do I have to build this myself with the good old Graphics module?

Marshall Abrams replied

What kind of vector representation do you want? Just lines/arrows in 3D? That's just a curve in 3D, so it should be possible with Owl and plplot, at least. Looks like it should be easy with oplot, too (but I haven't used oplot). There are some 3D Owl plplot examples, with source code, on these pages:




I don't know whether it will be easy to adapt them to your needs. I wrote the last example on the last page above. It's a plot of a series 2D curves in 3D. Maybe some of the techniques can be adapted to your needs. (The code is a few years old. I'm not sure whether it works with the current version of Owl.)

(If you end up having to use low-level bindings to plplot, oplot, etc. from Owl, you might consider contributing a wrapper module that makes it easy to do the kind of plot you want.)

Andreas Poisel then said

Thank you for your answer.

I'd just like to draw 3D vectors in a cartesian coordinate system. A plot should look similar to this:


I wouldn't even need arrows, simple lines would be ok.

Maybe there is a way to use one of the 3D functions (Plot.surf, Plot.mesh, Plot.contour), but I can't figure it out.

Hezekiah Carty replied

It's been a while since I worked with plplot but what you showed should be possible. The plline3 function allows you to plot line segments in 3d space. The function is setup to take multiple segments in a single call. For a single segment each array would hold a single value. Colors can be set between draw calls.

sanette also replied

in oplot, there is the Curve3d object that should do it, https://sanette.github.io/oplot/oplot/Oplot/Plt/index.html#type-plot_object.Curve3d although it is quite rudimentary

Marshal determinism and stability

Deep in this thread, Bikal Lem mentioned and Raphaël Proust described

Binary module of data-encoding

Quick notes about this approach:

  • It is used extensively in the Tezos codebase. For data exchange (in the p2p layer), for data at rest (configuration files), and for a mix of the two (serialisation of economic protocol data which is both exchanged by peers and stored on disk).
  • It is flexible in that you have great control over the representation of data and the serialisation/deserialisation procedure. There is a medium-term plan to allow even more control. For now you can decide, say, if 8 booleans are represented as one byte, 8 bytes, or 8 words (or something else altogether) (see code below).
  • Some of the responsibility for correctness rests upon your shoulders as a user. E.g., when you encode a tuple, the left element must have either a fixed length (e.g., be an int8, int32, etc., be a fixed-length string, or be a tuple of fixed-length values) or be prefixed by a length marker (which the library provides a combinator for). Most of the errors for this are raised when you declare the encoding and a few are raised when you use the encoding. I recommend writing some tests to check that your encodings accept the range of values that you are going to throw at them.
  • The library is well tested: there are tests using crowbar to check that encoding and decoding are actual inverse of each others.

Let me know if you have more questions. And in the meantime, here's two different encodings for a tuple of 8 booleans:

(* easy-encoding, produces 8 bytes *)
let boolsas8bytes =
   tup8 bool bool bool bool bool bool bool bool

(* very-compact encoding, produces 1 byte *)
let boolsas1byte =
      (fun (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8) ->
         let acc = 0 in
         let acc = if b1 then acc lor 0b10000000 else acc in
         let acc = if b2 then acc lor 0b01000000 else acc in
         let acc = if b3 then acc lor 0b00100000 else acc in
      (fun i ->
         let b1 = i land 0b10000000 <> 0 in
         let b1 = i land 0b01000000 <> 0 in
         let b1 = i land 0b00100000 <> 0 in
         (b1, b2, b3, b4, b5, b6, b7, b8))

In general, data-encoding is probably slower than marshal, but its strong points are:

  • it offers some type guarantees,
  • it gives you some control over the representation of the data,
  • it allows you to define representations that are easy to parse in other languages or in other versions of the same language,
  • it generates documentation about the data-representation.

It there a tutorial for js_of_ocaml with simple graphics?

Deep in this thread, Phat Ky said

This is a really, really late reply but this youtube video was very helpful to me … https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=h_e5pPKI0K4

Interesting OCaml exercises from François Pottier available online

gasche announced

The recent URL https://ocaml-sf.org/learn-ocaml-public/#activity%3Dexercises contains auto-graded OCaml exercises, in particular a bunch of advanced and fairly interesting exercices written by François Pottier, which I would recommend for anyone knowledgeable in OCaml and curious about algorithms and functional programming. (You have to scroll down to see those, the exercises at the top come from the OCaml MOOC.)

See for example François' exercises on:

Context: the exercise platform is LearnOCaml, initially written by OCamlPro for the OCaml MOOC and maintaing by Yann Régis-Gianas (@yurug) on behalf of the OCaml Software Foundation. We (at the Foundation) are trying to assemble a corpus of nice OCaml exercises for teachers and people self-studying, and the nice exercises by François Pottier (@fpottier) were written as part of this initiative.


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