OCaml Weekly News

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Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of April 30 to May 07, 2019.

Table of Contents

Function that outputs a functor

Miguel Ambrona asked and Nicolás Ojeda Bär replied

> Is there a way of writing a function that returns a functor?

Yes, you can do this along the same lines of your example:

# module type X = sig val m : int end;;
module type X = sig val m : int end
# module type U = functor (X : X) -> sig val total: int end;;
module type U = functor (X : X) -> sig val total : int end
# let make (n : int) = (module (functor (X : X) -> struct let total = n + X.m end) : U);;
val make : int -> (module U) = <fun>

You can then use your function as follows:

# let module U = (val (make 7) : U) in let module U = U (struct let m = 12 end) in U.total;;
- : int = 19

New (significant) version of Tablecloth

Paul Biggar announced

I’ve just released a new version of tablecloth - an easy-to-use, comprehensive standard library that has the same API on all OCaml/ReasonML/Bucklescript platforms.

0.0.6 is a pretty significant step forward, bringing a ton of documentation, new Array, Char, and Tuple3 modules, a lot of tests, and a ton of new functions in the List, Tuple2, Result, Option, and String modules. All of these are implemented on top of Jane Street Base in the tablecloth-native version, and Belt in the tablecloth-bucklescript version.

It also fixes installation of the opam tablecloth-native package, which prevented native OCaml users from using it with Dune.

This release was almost entirely due to three amazing contributors: thanks a million to Dean Merchant, J David Eisenberg, and Johannes Hoffmann.

See the full changelog.

OCaml Users and Developers Workshop 2019: Call for presentations

David Allsopp announced

A reminder that the deadline for talk proposals is in just over a fortnight!

All proposals welcome - previous talks have included internship and experience reports, across the entire range of the language, from exotic new hardware backends to language features and tooling advances.

If you have any doubts about the scope of the talks, do get in touch directly. Additionally, if travel to the conference may be an issue, there is a budget available - again, please get in touch.


Writing internal DSLs with Ocaml

robkuz asked

what would be the preferred/community blessed approach to write DSLs with OCaml? Is something like F#s Computation Expressions possible?

Vladimir Keleshev replied

Special syntax for monadic and applicative operations was recently added and will be part of the 4.08 release:


The latest version of Dune back-ports this syntax to earlier versions of OCaml:


A popular approach that also works with existing versions of OCaml is a preprocessor called ppx_let:


Apart from that, using plain (>>=) and return is popular and is a fine approach too.

Any of these are adequate, and library authors can use any of them, while the users can make a one-or-two line aliases to make it work for their preferred approach.

My guess is that over time the new syntax will be the preferred approach, while (>>=) will still be used.

Engineer to work at Inria-Paris (LIP6) on Coccinelle

Julia Lawall announced

A two-year engineer position is available at Inria-Paris (Whisper team) to work on the Coccinelle program matching and transformation system for C code. Coccinelle is implemented in OCaml. The position is directed to someone with at most 2 years of experience since the masters. Contact Julia.Lawall@lip6.fr for more information.

OCaml syntax support added to astexplorer.net

Javier Chávarri announced

OCaml syntax support has been added to astexplorer.net.

This will allow to inspect the parsed abstract syntax tree of any OCaml program that is syntactically valid. All OCaml languages (core, class, modules) are supported.

Variant arguments have been manually labelled in the resulting tree visualization, so even when there are optional types with value None, the output will include some information about what that parameter represents.

For example, Pexp_fun that has the parameters (Asttypes.arg_label, option(expression), pattern, expression) is represented like:


With astexplorer, one can generate links from specific programs using the "Snippet" menu, and share them with others or include in blog posts, etc. For example: https://astexplorer.net/#/gist/19f5b9e2aca6a1dd9c1bfaca16980db7/241f9d6f55fe6ec407b210dc013f23a0d362d71a

Please let me know any feedback you might have, or bugs you might encounter. Thanks! :slight_smile:

2nd Call for Contributions: Summer BOB 2019 [Aug 21, Berlin, deadline May 17]

Michael Sperber announced

OCaml talks are extremely welcome at BOB!

      Summer BOB Conference 2019
"What happens when we use what's best for a change?"
   Berlin, August 21
      co-located with ICFP 2019
        Call for Contributions
        Deadline: May 17, 2019

You are engaged in software development or software architecture, and have an interesting story to tell about an advanced tools, technique, language or technology that you're using? Or a gnarly problems that these tools fail to address but should?

Summer BOB is a one-time-only event, in the spirit of the spectacular Winter BOB. The International Conference on Functional Programming is coming to town, and Summer BOB will be right in the middle of it, on the last day of ICFP proper, prior to all the workshops. Summer BOB will feature two tracks: one from practitioners, and one from researchers, and foster communication and cross-pollination between these communities.

If you share our vision and want to contribute, submit a proposal for a talk!

NOTE: The conference fee will be waived for presenters. Travel expenses will not be covered (for exceptions see "Speaker Grants").


We are looking for talks about best-of-breed software technology, e.g.:

  • functional programming
  • persistent data structures and databases
  • types
  • formal methods for correctness and robustness
  • abstractions for concurrency and parallelism
  • metaprogramming
  • probabilistic programming
  • math and programming
  • controlled side effects
  • beyond REST and SOAP
  • effective abstractions for data analytics
  • … everything really that isn’t mainstream, but you think should be.

Presenters should provide the audience with information that is practically useful for software developers.

We're especially interested in experience reports. Other topics are also relevant, e.g.:

  • demos and how-tos
  • reports on problems that cutting-edge languages and tools should address but don't
  • overviews of a given field


We accept proposals for presentations of 45 minutes (40 minutes talk + 5 minutes questions), as well as 90 minute tutorials for beginners. The language of presentation should be either English.

Your proposal should include (in your presentation language of choice):

  • An abstract of max. 1500 characters.
  • A short bio/cv
  • Contact information (including at least email address)
  • A list of 3-5 concrete ideas of how your work can be applied in a developer's daily life
  • additional material (websites, blogs, slides, videos of past presentations, …)
  • Don't be confused: The system calls a submission event.

Speaker Grants

BOB has Speaker Grants available to support speakers from groups under-represented in technology. We specifically seek women speakers and speakers who are not be able to attend the conference for financial reasons. Shepherding

The program committee offers shepherding to all speakers. Shepherding provides speakers assistance with preparing their sessions, as well as a review of the talk slides.


  • Direct questions to contact at bobkonf dot de
  • Proposal deadline: May 17, 2019
  • Notification: May 31, 2019
  • Program: June 14, 2019

Program Committee

  • Matthias Fischmann, zerobuzz UG
  • Matthias Neubauer, SICK AG
  • Nicole Rauch, Softwareentwicklung und Entwicklungscoaching
  • Michael Sperber, Active Group
  • Stefan Wehr, factis research

Scientific Advisory Board

  • Annette Bieniusa, TU Kaiserslautern
  • Torsten Grust, Uni Tübingen
  • Peter Thiemann, Uni Freiburg

More information here: http://bobkonf.de/2019-summer/programmkomitee.html

Let+ syntax backported to OCaml >= 4.02

Continuing this old thread, Bikal Lem asked

How do we use future_syntax with other ppx? For example, I am trying to use future_syntax with ppx_let but getting an error from dune.

$ cat dune
 (name test_let_syntax)
  (pps lwt_ppx ppx_let))
 (libraries lwt_ppx uri lwt lwt.unix str))

$ cat test.ml
let (let*) = Lwt.bind

let () =
  let* line = Lwt_io.(read_line stdin) in
  Lwt_io.printlf("%s", line)

The above is giving me the compilation error as below,

File "src/dune", line 7, characters 2-23:
7 |   (pps lwt_ppx ppx_let))
Error: Too many argument for preprocess

What gives?

Richard Davison then said

I had the same question. It doesn't work with other preprocessors. Here's the response. tl;dr: It would need to be implemented in ppxlib in order to become compatible with other preprocessors, but doing so requires non-trivial amount of work.


Jérémie Dimino added

Actually, following a few recent changes with dune 1.10 you should be able to do: (pps lwt_ppx ppx_let -- -pp %{bin:ocaml-syntax-shims}).

ppx_mysql 1.0

Dario Teixeira announced

ppx_mysql is a syntax extension aiming to reduce the pain and boilerplate associated with using MySQL bindings from OCaml. It is similar in spirit to PG'OCaml, but without the compile-time communication with the DB engine for type inference.

We've also written a blog post that describes in detail the genesis and development of this tool. Enjoy!

The future of ppx

Jérémie Dimino announced

If you are enjoying the many benefits of ppx, you probably know that it comes at a very high price: every OCaml release can potentially break your code. If you are the author of a ppx rewriter, it is likely that you often need to upgrade your code and re-release it.

This has happened several times since the ppx system has landed, and we recently decided that it was time to solve this problem once and for all. In this post, I will discuss the current state of affairs, why we want to change it and how we plan to do it.

This initiative is pushed by Jane Street as we are a big consumer of ppx rewriters. It will be executed by the ppxlib team, currently formed of myself, @xclerc and @NathanReb, as well as Carl Eastlund who is joining us for this particular effort.

The current state of the ppx world

The current ppx world is composed of various components. I am quickly describing the ones I know in this section. The order doesn't correspond to the order in which these components where developed.

  • The -ppx option of the compiler

    ocamlc and ocamlopt both take a -ppx command line option. This option takes as argument a program that is executed during the compilation of a file in order to transform it on the fly. This program is called a ppx rewriter or ppx for short. More precisely, once the OCaml compiler has parsed the source file and constructed an in-memory representation of its structure, often called an Abstract Syntax Tree or AST for short, it runs the ppx with this AST as input. The ppx returns a new transformed AST and the compiler continues the compilation process with this new AST, discarding the original one.

    Several -ppx options can be passed to the compiler. In this case, the compiler will apply the various ppx rewriters one by one, each one feeding its output to the next one.

    When this option was introduced, the language was also augmented with extension points and attributes, giving ppx rewriters hooks to embed foreign DSLs in OCaml source files for their own purposes.

    Ppx rewriters are typically OCaml programs that use the internal compiler libraries to analyse and transform the AST. Most often, they simply expand a few specific extension points and/or interpret a few attrutes.

    The -ppx option, a few modules of the compiler libraries, extension points and attributes form the basis of the ppx system. These were developed and integrated in the OCaml compiler mostly by @alainfrisch several years ago. The original motivation for this work was to provide a technically simpler replacement of Camlp4 as well as enforce a more uniform syntax of the language. Camlp4 was the previous official meta-programming system for OCaml.

  • ppx_tools

    ppx_tools is the original toolbox for authors of ppx rewriters. It is composed of a library of helpers and a couple of tools. It was originally developed by @alainfrisch.

  • ocaml-migrate-parsetree

    The compiler libraries are unstable and often change in incompatible ways. This includes the definition of the AST. ocaml-migrate-parsetree is a library that exposes the AST definition of each major version of the compiler as a separate module, as well as migration functions to convert between the various versions. A ppx rewriter can then choose one single version of AST to work with and ocaml-migrate-parsetree will do the necessary conversions to allow the ppx rewriter to be used with a different version of the compiler.

    In addition, it also provides a small driver functionality, which allows to link several ppx rewriters into a single executable in order to use a single -ppx option of the compiler rather than several ones. This allows ocaml-migrate-parsetree to perform the minimum number of AST conversions in order to speed up the overall process.

    Finally, ocaml-migrate-parsetree snapshots not only the AST but also the few modules from the compiler libraries that form the basis of the ppx system. This was done to ease the port of existing ppx rewriters to ocaml-migrate-parsetree, however we have now come to regret this choice has it makes it difficult to support new versions of the compiler.

    ocaml-migrate-parsetree was initially developed by @let-def, and I myself joined the project in its early days as I was eager to use it for the Jane Street suite of ppx rewriters.

  • ppx_tools_versioned

    ppx_tools_versioned extends ocaml-migrate-parsetree to ppx_tools. More precisely, ppx_tools_versioned is a package that contains one full copy of ppx_tools for each version of the AST snapshoted by ocaml-migrate-parsetree. This allowed ppx rewriters using ppx_tools to be easily ported to ocaml-migrate-parsetree.

    ppx_tools_versioned was created by @let-def.

  • ppx_deriving

    ppx_deriving is a ppx rewriter that allows to automatically derive code from type definitions. A list of derivers can be attached to a type definition via a [@@deriving] attribute. ppx_deriving provides a few derivers and third party projects can implement their own derivers. Each deriver must register itself against the ppx_deriving library. For this reason, the various derivers must be linked inside the same executable. To this purpose, ppx_deriving offers a driver functionality. This driver supports both static and dynamic linking of the various plugins.

    ppx_deriving predates ocaml-migrate-parsetree, however nowadays the driver part of ppx_deriving is using the ocaml-migrate-parsetree driver as backend so that ppx_deriving, deriving plugins and other ppx rewriters can be linked as part of the same ppx driver. Apart from that, ppx_deriving is still based on the current version of the OCaml AST, meaning that every new OCaml releases can potentially break it.

    ppx_deriving was developed by @whitequark in the early days of ppx. Nowadays @gasche is the main maintainer of ppx_deriving.

  • ppxlib

    ppxlib is a comprehensive library that exposes a higher level abstraction for authors of ppx rewriters. More precisely, ppx rewriters are no longer seen as blackboxes that transform the full AST and must be applied one by one. Instead, extension points are seen as compile time functions that are evaluated in a top-down manner. Not only this leads to much better performances as the whole rewriting is always done in a single pass, but it also provides a much better model for authors and users of ppx rewriters. In particular, it is much easier to reason about how several ppx rewriters compose with each other. Without ppxlib, it is up to the final user to understand the low-level details of the various ppx rewriters in order to understand whether they can be used simultaneously and how.

    Ppxlib also provides safety guarantees by checking that all attributes are interpreted, ensuring that typying mistakes are caught instead of being silently ignored. This was in fact the original motivation for the development of ppx_core, the ancestor of ppxlib.

    Ppxlib exposes a Ppxlib.Deriving module providing the same functionality as ppx_deriving. A small common dependency called ppx_derivers ensures that deriving plugins based on either ppxlib or ppx_deriving can be used simultaneously.

    It also offers a driver functionality which is built on top of the ocaml-migrate-parsetree one to ensure maximum inter-operability. The library itself is based on one selected version of the AST exposed by ocaml-migrate-parsetree. This way, when a new OCaml compiler is released ppxlib and ppx rewriters based on ppxlib usually continue to work as before. However, when ppxlib bumps the version of the AST it is based on, all clients of ppxlib can potentially break and need to be upgraded and re-released.

    ppxlib is the result of a merge between several older ppx projects. These projects were developed at Jane Street and started during the port of our code base from Camlp4 to ppx that was performed by myself and Nick Chapman. I am the original authors of a lot of the architecture and code of ppxlib, although some of the code of Ppxlib.Deriving is much older than this and dates back from the Camlp4 days.

  • dune

    dune is not strictly part of the ppx world. However, it orchestrates their compositions by linking static ppx drivers on demand. Dune doesn't support arbitraty ppx rewriters, only the ones that can be linked together as part of the same driver. Additionally, when doing so all the ppx rewriters must be based on the same driver backend.

    Nowadays, the vast majority of ppx rewriters are based on the ocaml-migrate-parsetree driver in one way or another.

Why is ppx so painful?

The main reason why ppx rewriters are so much pain is because the system is based on the compiler libraries. The compiler libraries are meant for experts and provide no stability guarantee. With such an unstable basis, it is no surprise that the whole system keeps breaking all the time.

ocaml-migrate-parsetree helped the situation by allowing to sandbox individual ppx rewriters into a protective layer. However, this sandboxing means that this method is not applicable when ppx rewriters need to inter-operate with each other in more sophisticated ways such as with ppx_deriving or ppxlib. Moreover, a user of ppx rewriters cannot use new language features until all the ppx rewriters it uses are based on the new version of the AST. Which means that all ppx rewriters still need to be updated and re-released after a new release of OCaml.

Finally, there are just too many projects doing the same thing which makes everything really confusing.

What's the plan?

The plan is to provide a stable base for the whole system that doesn't break when a new compiler is released or require all ppx rewriters to be re-released. Because there are some complicated problems that cannot be solved without breaking API change, this new base will be released as new package that will be called simply "ppx". Although a large part of it will be imported from ppxlib.

We will ensure that one way or another, ppx rewriters based on ppx can be used in conjunction with ppx rewriters based on ppxlib, ocaml-migrate-parsetree, ppx_deriving, ppx_tools, … This will provide a smooth transition story from the old to the new world. I discussed with the authors of the various projects to make sure they are happy with the idea of this new project eventually replacing everything else, to make sure we are not creating "yet another standard". I also discussed with the other OCaml core developers to establish a strong link between "ppx" and the compier and make sure that the compiler will never break "ppx". In particular, it will become much easier to test the trunk of OCaml against all released opam packages.

I am hoping that the stability guarantee provided by this new base will be enough of an incentive for authors of ppx rewriters to switch to it. However, if you have any concern about this plan, please raise them here or to me privately as soon as possible.

What does it mean for the AST?

The main difficulty of this project is to design a stable representation of the OCaml AST. What I mean by a stable AST is the following: a given file will always parse to exactly the same value no matter the version of the compiler. If this property is true, then one can have good confidence that an AST transformation written now will continue to be valid for a long time.

This is currently not true as the types used to represent the AST keep changing in breaking ways. For this reason, ppx rewriters will no longer see the AST used inside the compiler. Instead, they will work on a different AST that is more loose and allows to represent more than just the current language. In particular, this AST should be able to represent any future version of the language. However, the use of private types and construction functions will ensure that ppx rewriters can only construct valid AST fragments.

We are not far enough into this project to know the final representation of the AST. However, to illustrate the idea, here are two examples of what such an AST could look like (I omitted the locations to keep the examples simple):

(* Example 1: plain s-expressions *)

type t =
  | Atom of string
  | List of t list

type structure = private t
type expression = private t

(* Representation of [let x = 1 in x + 1]:

     List [Atom "let";
           List [Atom "binding";
                 List [Atom "ident"; Atom "x"];
                 List [Atom "int"; Atom "1"]];
           List [Atom "apply";
                 Atom "+";
                 List [List [Atom "ident"; Atom "x"];
                       List [Atom "int"; Atom "1"]]]]

(* Example 2: adding slightly more structure *)

type t =
  | Int of int
  | String of string
  | Ident of string
  | Let of t list * t
  | Binding of { lhs : t; rhs : t }
  | Apply of t * t list
  | ...

type structure = private t
type expression = private t

(* Representation of [let x = 1 in x + 1]:

     Let ([Binding { lhs = Ident "x"; rhs = Int "1" }],
           Apply (Ident "+", [Ident "x"; Int "1"]))

It is easy to see that such ASTs can easily be extended without breaking backward compatibility. Constructions functions would ensure that all values of type structure or expression that can be produced are valid AST fragments, i.e. ones that are part of the OCaml language.

For pattern matching, we will provide view patterns based on the ideas used in ppx_view so that programmers don't accidently write non-sensical patterns, i.e. patterns that can never match anything because they match on values that cannot be produced by the parser. Another way is by testing coverage: if one can reach 100% coverage then this is a proof that all the patterns are valid.

Using an AST that is not the one of the compiler might seem contrary to the philosophy of ppx. However, @alainfrisch mentioned to me that he did envision that ppx rewriters would use a different more stable AST when designing the original ppx feature. So I would say that we are making ppx what it was meant to be rather than diverging from it.


Ppx has a long and storied history leading to a complex stack that is difficult to maintain. We now want to clean it all and restart fresh with a strong base. While doing so, we are opening the discussion about this work early, and most importantly before the point of no return. So I definitely encourage anyone who is interested by all this or will be affected by these changes to chime in, ask for precisions, challenge the technical decisions and raise any concern so that together we can build a better, stronger and more unified ppx ecosystem!

Additionally, all this work will be done entirely in a pure open source fashion, which will make it easy for everyone to follow and/or contribute. In particular, help is most definitely welcome :) Ppx rewriters are used by a lot of people, so this work will benefit a large part of the OCaml and even Reason communities. So if you are new to OCaml and and motivated to make an impact, then this is definitely a project to consider.

Dune: serious bug found in the design of library variants

Jérémie Dimino announced

Dune 1.9.0 which was released about 3 weeks ago introduced a new feature: library variants. However, we recently realised that there is a serious flaw with the current design of this feature: some of the choices Dune is making depend on the set of opam packages installed. This is a serious reproducibility issue. This post describes the problem, explains what immediate actions we are taking to mitigate it, and what it means if you were already using this feature or were planning to use it.

The problem

When you write:

 (name prog)
 (libraries a b c)
 (variants x y z))

If a, b, c or one of their transitive dependency is a virtual library and no concrete implementation was found in the list of transitide dependencies, then dune will look at the variants attached to all installed libraries in order to automatically select a concrete implementation. As you might have guessed, the result depends on what is installed on the system. In particular, reinstalling a previously installed package could lead to a different result.

Who is affected?

Anyone who is using the new library variants feature, i.e. any project with at least one of these fields in their dune files: variant, variants, default_implementation.

I grepped the dune-universe repository to see if this feature was already used by released packages. Fortunately, it doesn't seem to be the case.

For the record, dune-universe is a repository that embed a snapshot of the latest version of every package released in opam and using dune or jbuilder.


We decided to take the two following immediate actions:

  1. we are narrowing the scope of library variants to something we are more confident can be safely supported
  2. we are putting back the feature into development mode

We will soon release Dune 1.9.2 with these changes and mark Dune 1.9.0 and 1.9.1 as unvavaiable in the opam repository to prevent these versions from being used by newly released packages.

  • Limiting the scope of variants

    It will now be forbidden to attach a variant to a library that implements a virtual library from another project. More precisely, if you write:

     (public_name foo)
     (implements bar)
     (variant blah))

    Then foo and bar must be part of the same Dune project. Put it another way, one must declare all the variants of a virtual library upfront.

  • Putting the feature back in development mode

    In order to give us a bit more time to think about the design and come up with a strong final one, we are putting back the feature into development mode. Technically, this means that to be able to use the variant, variants and default_implementation fields in your dune files you will need to add the following line in your dune-project file:

    (using library_variants 0.1)

    The 0.x version indicates that the design of this feature is not finalized and might change at any point. Once the design of this feature is finalized, this line will need to be removed from dune-project files and the feature will be part of the vanilla dune language again.

    It is OK to release packages in opam using this feature while it is still in development mode. However, it means that your package will get a upper bound on its dune dependency in a few weeks.

Future plans

We are planning to brainstorm more about library variants to come up with a more robust design. Once we find a more satisfying one, we will implement it, test it and finally integrate it into the vanilla dune language. In the meantime, feedback on library variants is warmly welcome!

Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog

Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at OCaml Planet.


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