OCaml Weekly News

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Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of October 23 to November 06, 2018.

Sorry for the hiatus, I was offline last week.

Table of Contents

(Non-protocol-specific) binary serialization library?

Brendan Long asked

I've been working on several libraries that need to send and receive packets in specific binary formats (PGX, TDS). Right now they both have extremely-low-level code to convert ints to bytes with the right endianness, but it seems excessively low level to put in every library I write that deals with a binary protocol.

I know there are a bunch of libraries for parsing text, or for working with defined protocols like msgpack, but is there anything for arbitrary binary encoding? I'm thinking something like struct in Python, although I'm not married to that particular implementation.

(As a side note: Another reason I'd like something like this is that all of my current implementations handle one byte at a time, and it would be nice if we could do this more efficiently).

Brendan Long then added

My current implementation of this in TDS involves adding a fold_bytes function to every type, like:


let fold_bytes ~init ~f t order =
  |> List.fold_left ~init ~f:(fun acc shift_bytes ->
    shift_right t (shift_bytes * 8)
    |> Uint8.of_uint32
    |> Uint8.fold_bytes ~f ~init:acc)

let fold_bytes_be ~init ~f t =
  [ 3 ; 2 ; 1 ; 0 ]
  |> fold_bytes ~init ~f t

let fold_bytes_le ~init ~f t =
  [ 0 ; 1 ; 2 ; 3 ]
  |> fold_bytes ~init ~f t

Although this makes things readable at the expense of most-likely being even slower than the usual implementations. Having something somwhat readable and also not horribly slow would be nice.

Matthieu Dubuget suggested

I used to use bitstring for such things. But it's a long time since i last had a look at it. I found it easy to use.

Brendan Long then replied

Ooo nice. That looks like exactly what I was looking for:


Hezekiah Carty also suggested

You can also check out angstrom which provides a nice parsing API and cstruct which includes a ppx somewhat similar to bitstring.

James Woodyatt added

The usual companion to the angstrom parser combinator library is faraday binary serialization library. These libraries are both fairly mature and they can work in combination or separately. Alas, we don't have anything quite as comprehensive as serde in the Rust language world.

opam 2.0.1

R. Boujbel announced

We are pleased to announce the release of opam 2.0.1.

This new version contains mainly backported fixes, some platform-specific and some opam specific. You can find more information in this blog post.

opam is a source-based package manager for OCaml. It supports multiple simultaneous compiler installations, flexible package constraints, and a Git-friendly development workflow.

Marek Kubica then said

FYI: brew users just have to run upgrade, it was added a few hours ago.

Perry E. Metzger said

Sadly, I haven't updated MacPorts yet because I'm getting a bizarre error with the result…

$ opam --version
$ opam upgrade
opam(44003,0x112e675c0) malloc: can't allocate region
*** mach_vm_map(size=259407338536550400) failed (error code=3)
opam(44003,0x112e675c0) malloc: *** set a breakpoint in malloc_error_break to debug
Fatal error: out of memory.

Help fixing this is actively solicited. I've never seen anything like it.

Perry E. Metzger later added

The problem proves to be hard to reproduce, so for now, MacPorts has also been updated to supply opam 2.0.1; updating as usual will get you the new version.

If anyone else manages to reproduce the failure above, please get in touch!

Documentation about the ocaml compiler?

Sean Talts asked

I'm looking to get to know the ocaml compiler a bit better and I was wondering if there's any documentation about it at a high level? I'm imagining something like Rust's guide to rustc.

Yotam Barnoy also replied

ocamlverse also has a page on the compiler, though it's mostly incomplete.

Packaging process

David Chemouil asked

Although the state of build and release tools has contiuously improved over the years (and I deeply thank all people involved in this transition), in particular regarding the simplification of steps to perform, I still find myself having trouble releasing software in Opam. So I'd like to ask here what is the current suggested process for "basic" projects relying on Dune (like my own pet project). I was even thinking a post that would permanently be updated would be cool. I know this post by @mmottl but now we have dune-release (BTW can it work across a proxy?) so I'd love to see an update, gather hints…

Markus Mottl replied

Incidentally, I finished rewriting my packages using dune, dune-release, and OPAM 2.0 just yesterday. dune-release behaves pretty much exactly like topkg on the command line. You can thus follow the usual process as outlined in my mentioned post and replace every occurence of topkg with dune-release. I did not need the CONDUIT_TLS=native environment setting anymore.

The only problem right now is that documentation generation does not work due to an apparent bug in dune-release, which will hopefully be fixed soon. This means that for the while being you can't just execute dune-release bistro. You should instead follow the individual steps as outlined in the previous post and skip the dune-release publish doc step.

Another small difference is that dune-release is more picky about your OPAM files and may fail during lint steps. The best way to fix this is by addressing any problems raised by dune-release lint. It seems like a small bug, but this linting process does not currently account for *.descr files. Though this may likely be fixed soon, just remove the file and put its contents into the synopsis and description fields in the OPAM file instead. I actually prefer having one less file in the source tree anyway. Note that the current OPAM repository does not have any descr files anymore. I'm not sure whether they are discouraged now, but OPAM, too, obviously prefers the package documentation inside the specification file.

OPAM 2.0 also introduced some specification changes, e.g. when it comes to external dependencies. You may need to update your package specifications if this affects you. Other than that the package release process should work fine.

I'd suggest you just grab one of my recently updated and merged packages to have a template to follow. E.g. Lacaml is one of the more complex ones that have been through the process. If you need an example for how to specify external library dependencies with OPAM 2.0, you may also take a look at the still unmerged Postgresql.

The above small bugs and kinks will probably be solved soon. Specifying, building, and releasing new OCaml software is certainly substantially easier, safer, and more efficient now than ever before. I doubt you can squeeze out much more goodness at this point for the vast majority of use cases. The combination of dune, dune-release, and OPAM is at least on par if not superior to anything other languages can offer.

Markus Mottl later added

I've just been contacted by the Thomas Gazagnaire (the dune-release maintainer) to discuss the recent problems. Strangely, when trying to replicate the problems to provide more details, it turned out that both the *.descr linting issue as well as the documentation publication issue have disappeared. Since even older dune-release versions don't exhibit the issues anymore, I suspect that either used libraries or tools may have been responsible.

Anyway, the gist is that you can apparently follow the simpler release process outlined in https://discuss.ocaml.org/t/experience-report-switching-to-jbuilder-and-topkg/993, replacing topkg with dune-release. Just keep the above hints in mind in case the mentioned problems still bubble up with your installation.

Thomas Gazagnaire said

Also, the expected workflow is supposed to be:

  1. add a tag in your Git repo. This should be done via dune-release tag [tag-name] and/or manually. If you don't supply a tag name, it will look into your change file to guess something.
  2. run dune-release. This is very similar to topkg bistro but it should handle properly repositories with multiple packages.

There are still a few fragile things in the release process, and I would be very happy to review patches and contributions :-) For instance, we start to have a few unit/regressions tests, but we definitely need more.

OCaml and LZMA - decompression based on xz-utils and 7zip

Anton Kochkov announced

Recently I needed to process a bunch of data that can be valid LZMA stream, can be invalid (e.g. damaged) LZMA stream, or just can look like it. I searched pure OCaml implementations and found none. Then I found the old library, but after a while decided to implement my own bindings. At first I tried to use liblzma from xz-utils, and created Ctypes-based bindings. But after working with them I found out that xz-utils implementation is not thread-safe, thus causing a heap corruption/segfaults when ran in many threads. So I switched to 7zip implementation of LZMA algorithm, and implemented bindings around them ocaml-lzma_7z.

Feel free to reuse the code any way you like, or complain in issues (or even send pull requests).

New release of odepack

Christophe announced

I am happy to announce the release of version 0.6.9 of odepack. Odepack is a library to solve Cauchy problems, that is ordinary differential equations (ODE) of the form ∂ₜy(t) = f(t,y(t)) with initial conditions y(t₀) = y₀. It has root searching capabilities for quantities depending on the solution t ↦ y(t). The OCaml version is a binding to the FORTRAN code.

NYC OCaml Meetup

Continuing this thread, Brendan Long announced

Don't panic that your opam switches recompile from today!

David Allsopp announced

The ocaml package has been updated in opam-repository in PR12832. Since all other packages depend on it, when you next run opam update, opam is going to want to rebuild all the packages in your switches. The compiler itself will not be rebuilt as part of this, "just" packages.

The ocaml package is a virtual package which probes the configuration of the underlying OCaml compiler (either a system compiler, an opam-compiled OCaml, or an opam-compiled patched compiler).

The reason for the change is to fix the creation of switches for compilers which don't support shared libraries. The problem was that a script in the ocaml package depended on the Unix library to probe the output of ocamlc -where.

Sorry for the CPU-hogging inconvenience this will cause - it's a package we aim to leave alone most of the time!

Annoucement of an OCaml book in Chinese

陈钢 announced

I am happy to announce my book, "An Introduction to OCaml Language Programming" in Chinese "OCaml语言编程基础教程", published in June 1st, 2018. The amazon website for the book is https://www.amazon.cn/dp/B07CXBXR67/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1541156503&sr=8-1&keywords=ocaml

ISBN: 9787115471215 The publisher: 人民邮电出版社 (Posts & Telecom Press)

I would like to take this chance to given my sincere thanks to my OCaml language teachers : Guy Cousineau & Micheal Mauny.

Destructive module substitution: changed in 4.07

Vincent Jacques asked

The following code fragment compiles with OCaml 4.02.3 to 4.06.0 but not with 4.07:

module Original = struct
  module X = struct
    let x = 42

module Intermediate = struct
  include Original

module Final = struct
  module X = struct
    let x = 43

  include (Intermediate: module type of Intermediate with module X := X)

With 4.07, it fails with this error message:

Error: In this `with' constraint, the new definition of X
       does not match its original definition in the constrained signature:
       Modules do not match:
         (module X)
       is not included in
         (module Original.X)

If you remove the Intermediate module (and include (Original: module type of Original with module X := X), it does compile with all versions I tried.


  • is it expected to compile? (i.e. was it a bug in previous versions or is it a regression in 4.07?)
  • is there a workaround to make it work with 4.07

octachron replied

This is an intended changes in 4.07, module type of does no longer remove module aliases information. You can get back the old behavior by adding a [@remove_aliases] attribute:

module type of Intermediate[@remove_aliases]

First release of bwrap

Christophe announced

I'm pleased to announce the first release of bwrap, a simple library to fork executables in a sandboxed environment — with an interface similar to Unix.open_process — thanks to bubblewrap (Linux only).

Enjoy and do not hesitate to report issues!

Ocaml Github Pull Requests

Gabriel Scherer and the editor compiled this list

Here is a sneak peek at some potential future features of the Ocaml compiler, discussed by their implementers in these Github Pull Requests.

Other OCaml News


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