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Here is the latest OCaml Weekly News, for the week of June 07 to 14, 2016.

  1. How to include files dynamically
  2. omake-0.10.0-test2
  3. Bisect_ppx: removing report output formats, etc.
  4. OCaml workshop 2016: deadline extension until 20th June
  5. ML workshop 2016: deadline extension until 20th June
  6. Other OCaml News

How to include files dynamically


Nicolas Ratier asked and Sébastien Hinderer replied:
> Is there a way to include files dynamically ?
> a kind of :
> let aaa = "";;
> #use aaa;;
> Thanks,

Have you looked at the dynlink module?

As far as I know it can load only object files so you would have to
compile your .ml file before. Not sure there is a better alternative.
Mark Bradley also suggested:
You can try ocaml_plugin (also uses dynlink but will compile the .ml file before
loading, I've also never tried it from the OCaml repl):



Gerd Stolpmann announced:
there is a new test release of omake. It includes all the developments
since I started taking omake over last year, in particular:

 - omake got faster for large projects (this part of the work was
   funded by Lexifi)
 - there is a new bootstrap system that unifies Unix and Windows
 - it now also works with the MinGW port
 - a couple of bugs were fixed

This is a test release. In particular, it would be good to know whether
the new bootstrap works everywhere, and whether I package omake up

The tarball can be downloaded at The repository is now
at Github, There is also an
issue tracker.

omake requires now ocaml-4.02 as minimum.

Bisect_ppx: removing report output formats, etc.


Anton Bachin announced:
We are in the process of removing the following features from Bisect_ppx, as we
don’t believe they are used:

- combine expressions (reporter’s -combine-expr)
- XML output
- EMMA output
- “bisect” output [1]
- point kinds (mentioned earlier [2])

We would also like to remove “dump” output, but we are using it internally for

Please let me know of any objections.


Anton Bachin added:
I would like to clarify that -combine-expr is not about combining multiple
output files as in

bisect-ppx-report -html report *.out

That is not being removed.

-combine-expr is a separate feature that allows visitation counts of two or more
separate sets of *.out files to be manipulated, for example by subtracting them,
to obtain a new report.

OCaml workshop 2016: deadline extension until 20th June


Mark Shinwell announced:
We would be pleased to receive a few more proposals for talks at the
OCaml workshop this year.  To this end, we are extending the deadline
for submissions until 20th June, in any time zone.

See for the CFP.

ML workshop 2016: deadline extension until 20th June


Kenichi Asai announced:
Coordinating with OCaml workshop, we also receive more submissions until 20th
June, any time zone.

Call for papers:

Other OCaml News

From the ocamlcore planet blog:
Here are links from many OCaml blogs aggregated at OCaml Planet,

Lock-free programming for the masses

Counting Bytes

A busy spring week at OCL: multicore progress, releases, interns and visitors galore!,_releases,_interns_and_visitors_galore!

Old cwn

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Alan Schmitt