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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of September 23 to 30, 2008.

  1. CSML: now under GNU/Linux + Mono
  2. What's the purpose of the static library?
  3. Teaching ocaml programming
  4. ocamlbuild-ctools and symbiosis meta build engine

CSML: now under GNU/Linux + Mono


Alain Frisch announced:
There is a new release of CSML that works under GNU/Linux on top of Mono
(tested with Mono 1.2.4). Even the Windows Forms example works fine.

The CSML compiler produces the same output for the Windows/.Net and the
Linux/Mono version (there is a tiny difference for the runtime system). It is
possible that the Linux/Mono version also works for other Unix-like systems,
but I haven't tried.

For those interested, there is now a mailing list for CSML (links on the web
page above). Thanks to OCamlCore and the team for hosting
Richard Jones then said:
You piqued my interest and I managed to get C# FFI to work in Mono:

What's the purpose of the static library?


Following a question by Bill Yan, Richard Jones said and Alain Frisch added:
> It's not particularly well-documented, and it changes a little in 
> 3.11, but below is my understanding.  There are probably errors in 
> what follows.  If someone can correct the errors then I'll publish a 
> corrected document. 
> File: module.cmi ------------------------------ 
> Contains the compiled interface for Module, essentially equivalent to 
> the contents of the *.mli file but in a compiled/binary form which the 
> compiler can load easily. 
> Created by: 'ocamlc -c module.mli', or if module.mli doesn't exist 
> then 'ocamlc -c' (also by 'ocamlopt -c'). 
> Used: Whenever the toplevel or compiler uses any symbol, 
> this file is consulted. 
> File: module.cmo ------------------------------ 
> Contains the bytecode of the implementation of Module. 
> Created by: 'ocamlc -c' 
> Used: When linking bytecode programs, or creating bytecode libraries 
> (*.cma), or by the toplevel when you use #load, or by Dynlink. 
> File: library.cma ------------------------------ 
> This is just a set of *.cmo files combined together. 
> Created by: 'ocamlc -a' 
> Used: Same as for module.cmo 

cma files also contain extra linking directives like references to C 

> Files: module.o and module.cmx -------------------- 
> These two files go together.  The *.o file contains compiled native 
> code in the normal system object file format.  The *.cmx file contains 
> metainformation about the machine code in the *.o file. 
> Created by: 'ocamlopt -c' 
> Used: When linking native code programs, or creating native code 
> libraries. 

.. or compiling other modules. 

> Note(1): You normally never need to specify the *.o files by hand.  On 
> the command line when the compiler sees a *.cmx file, it looks for the 
> corresponding *.o file if it needs it. 
> Note(2): It is thought that the *.cmx file needs to be around even 
> when linking a library (*.cmxa) file in order to do cross-module 
> function inlining.  Both the Debian & Fedora packaging rules specify 
> that *.cmx files be kept around for this reason.  Whether this is 
> really true or not is not certain.

This is true. 

cmx files are needed when they contain modules compiled with -for-pack. 
Otherwise, they are optional. Hiding them to the compiler is a way to 
get fewer dependencies (more separate compilation). 

Note that the .o extension is actually .obj for the MSVC ports under 

> File: library.a and library.cmxa -------------------- 
> These files go together.  The *.a file contains compiled native code 
> in the normal system archive format.  The *.cmxa file contains 
> metainformation. 
> Created by: 'ocamlopt -a' 
> Used: Same as for *.o/*.cmx 
> Note: You normally never need to specify the *.a files by hand.

(.lib for MSVC ports) 

> File: and liblibrary.a -------------------- 
> These files are created and used when a bytecode or native library 
> contains some C code.  '' is created for use by the toplevel 
> and contains the compiled C code.  'libXXX.a' is created for use by 
> compiled standalone programs and also contains the same compiled C 
> code. 
> Created by: 'ocamlmklib -o library *.o *.cmo' 
>         or: 'ocamlmklib -o library *.o *.cmx' 
> Used: is dlopen(2)'d by the toplevel. 
>       liblibrary.a is linked in standalone programs. is also used by the bytecode interpreter, by Dynlink and 
by ocamlc (to check for the availability of C primitives at compile time). 

> Note: You normally never need to specify these files by hand.  The 
> *.cma/*.cmxa file contains the necessary information to find these 
> files if necessary.
Stefano Zacchiroli then asked and Richard Jones replied:
> do you have a public place where this document (patched with the
> received comments) is available?  If so please let us know (so that we
> can reference if from the Debian OCaml packaging policy), if not I will
> integrate it directly in the policy document, which is in fact publicly
> available on the web.

is probably the best place.  I've added a link to my posting
Bill Yan asked and Alain Frisch replied:
> By my understanding, unlike and liblibrary.a give user an 
> option to choose compile dynamically or staticly,  it seems for 
> library.a, user can only choose static method. Does that mean  "compiled 
> native code" can only be staticly linked to user's application? 

In OCaml 3.11, it will be possible to link native code (found in 
library.a or module.o files) into .cmxs files that can be explicitly 
loaded at runtime (with the same API as for bytecode Dynlink).

Teaching ocaml programming


Andrej Bauer asked:
Once again I am teaching a course on theory of programming languages in 
which we will use ocaml to implement mini-languages. And once again I 
face the question: which programming environment should we use? 

I have so far tried to use (under Windows) 
1. cygwin + ocaml + XEmacs 
2. Eclipse + OcaIDE 

The second solution worked better than the first, for the simple reason 
that XEmacs is a complete mystery to students. They really, really hate 
it. But even with the second soltion we had a lot of trouble, because 
Eclipse is really complicated, and OcaIDE is sort of experimental and 
not so good under Windows, so the whole setup was confusing and fragile. 

The requirements are very simple: 
1. easy access to toplevel (with line-editing) 
2. editor which can send stuff to toplevel, points to errors in source 
code, and is not Emacs. 

Any ideas what to do? We have dual-boot machines (Windows + Ubuntu).
The editor says:
There were too many replies to summarize here. Please follow the archive link
above to read them.

ocamlbuild-ctools and symbiosis meta build engine


Mikkel Fahnøe Jørgensen announced:
I just dusted off some code used for internal builds and made it public.

---- cppinclude ----

A very simple but fast dependency scanner needed by ocamlbuild-ctools.
Just compile the cppinclude.c file to cppi binary and put it in the
executable path.

---- ocamlbuild-ctools ----

An ocamlbuild plugin that supports compiling C and C++ cross platform
using ocamlbuild only.

Variant builds - can build many different variants from the same
source tree. For example static libraries, test builds, debug,
optimization, linking or not linking with some other code, different
platform builds etc.

Automic recursive header file generation - needed for pulling source
into _build directory.
It used to be able to rebuild on header file change, but it has
regressed - it is possible that .stamp files do not hold signatures of
dependencies of dependencies or something.

It has not been tested on Windows, but build rules have been copied
from old build scripts so it should not be that hard to get going.

---- Symbiosis ----

This is a meta build system.
It is implemented as an ocamlbuild plugin.

It checks out source code from repositories and starts builds of
individual components.

Because ocamlbuild doesn't support linking additional files, a lot of
different code is collected in a single file. This includes a JSON
parser for configuration files.

Symbiosis tries to avoid the problem of collecting all source
dependencies in one large tree, or alternatively installing
dependencies on the system. The former makes it difficult to change
dependent component versions. The latter makes it difficult to quickly
test different build version complicates developer setup.

Correctly configured, just call ocamlbuild with a target for the top
most component to build. All the source should be appear in the
working directory and build.
Initially it can be complex to set up, but once done, it is rather
easy to add new components with interesting dependencies.

The README explains it, but it really lacks examples since it was
extracted from my own build infrastructure.

Each component is viewed as a source tree with actions that can depend
on other actions in other components. Typically checkout and build
Actions are implemented through agents - for example to execute make,
ocamlbuild or check out source code.
Actions receive parameters and return result arguments. This makes it
possible to find tool locations, libraries etc.


Currently agents need to be added to the ocamlbuild plugin. This is
easy - for example adding a new scm agent. But it would be nice to add
agents as external scripts. Symbiosis is designed to support this, but
it has not been implemented.

I have looked into integration with continuos build systems, but it
appears to be easier to integrate this into symbiosis also, since it
already does some of the work such a build system requires - but is
definitely is also missing some parts.
He later added:
Regarding Symbiosis:


Some clarification:

Symbiosis is a standalone tool that, once compiled, does not require
ocaml nor ocamlbuild to be installed at all. (Because ocambuild and
the symbiosis plugin are compiled together to a new executable).

Thus Symbiosis can be distributed as a binary package for driving all
kinds of high-level builds. This means developers can download a
prebuilt Symbiosis executable and a standard configuration file to
their local machine from a project file server and basically have a
build going by typing:

 symbiosis "myproject"

This assumes available components are listed in proxy files in a
dedicated repository that the config files can identify.

I hope to put up an example project eventually, but at least you have
the source code now.

Relation to git submodule:

Lars Hjemli who has been working on git submodules pointed out some
similarity. This is correct. To some extend symbiosis tries to solve
the submodule problem. At the time didn't know git submodules (but
sort of knew about svn externals). But I do not want a system that is
tied into a specific source control tool, and nothing prevents
symbiosis from compiling projects that use git submodules or
equivalent where this is the preferred solution for some component

Git submodule does not, for good reasons, in itself handle the problem
of how to compile a submodule. Symbiosis does this.

Symbiosis does not (yet) make it easy to snapshot a specific revision
without some manual work (updating checkout revision id in proxies).
Git submodules does.

Eventually I hope to generate a build report where the exact checkout
revision of each component is listed along with the compile flags that
went in - symbiosis should then be able to rebuild a project given
such a report. So if such build reports are checked into source
control, it should be easier to rebuild past versions of projects.

Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+

Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'<1':1

If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at the archive or the RSS feed of the archives.

If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online.

Alan Schmitt