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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 07 to 14 December, 2004.

  1. Lazy application to Lazy.t
  2. Line buffering
  3. Type constraints
  4. Felix 1.0.20 released
  5. environment idiom
  6. recursive types

Lazy application to Lazy.t


Hal Daume III asked and Karl Zilles answered:
> suppose I have
>   val x : int ref Lazy.t
> and I want to 'incr' it, but want to keep it lazy.  i.e., if i start with:
>   let x = Lazy.lazy_from_fun (fun () -> ref 0)
> then i run my lazy_incr on it, I want:
>   let y = Lazy.force x
> to return 1
> but i only want 'incr' to be run when I Lazy.force x.  is there a way to 
> accomplish this?

Not the way you have it.  Because x is itself not a reference, you can't 
change its value by calling a function on it.

If instead you had val x : int Lazy.t ref, then it would be possible:

open Lazy;;

let x = ref (lazy (0));;
val x : int lazy_t ref = {contents = <lazy>}

let lazy_incr r = let current = !r in r:=lazy ((force current) + 1);;
val lazy_incr : int Lazy.t ref -> unit = <fun>

lazy_incr x;;
- : unit = ()

force !x;;
- : int = 1

Line buffering


Richard Jones asked and Xavier Leroy answered:
> I noticed before that OCaml seems to implement its own I/O buffering
> system, instead of using FILE* (or sfio, I guess).  Is there a reason
> for that?

Largely historical.  Early versions of Caml Light, circa 1990, had a
GC which did not play nice with "malloc", hence many standard C
library functions such as fopen() could not be used.  The buffering
code that I wrote at that time managed to survive until now.  

Also, bytecode-level threads (vmthreads) need to do non-blocking I/O
on I/O channels, and I don't think this could be done reliably with FILE*.
This said, one could also argue that bytecode-level threads are
another survivance of the past.

Type constraints


In this long thread, Jacques Garrigue said:
> > > This does not answer to me why this works,
> > >
> > > #type t = { t : 'a. 'a -> 'a}
> > >
> > > #let v = let module M = struct let t x = x end in {t = M.t} in (v.t 5, 
> > > v.t true)
> I have the impression that if the above code is type checked,
> then, something like the following code could be type checked.
> What is the differences?
> > > #let v : 'a. 'a -> 'a = let module M = struct let t x = x end in  M.t 
> > > in (v 5, v true)

These two examples use different kinds of polymorphism.
In the first case, the data structure ensures the polymorphism,
meaning that even if the type of the data structure is made
non-generalizable, you can still extract a polymorphic value from it
That's why you can pass such values to functions, and use them
polymorphically inside (which you cannot do with normal variables.)

A simple example of the difference is
   (fun v -> (v.t 5, v.t true)) {t = fun x -> x}
   (fun v -> (v 5, v true)) (fun x -> x)

There is currently no way to make a first-class polymorphic value in
ocaml without using either record or object.
(There is no theoretical limitation, just we could never come up with
the right syntax for introduction and elimination.)
In the same long thread, Xavier Leroy said:
> Hmmm...  Now I don't know whether it's safe or not, and I don't know
> whether someone checked its safety before excluding it from the value
> restriction code...

You word it in a slightly backward way: it is always safe to claim
that an expression is expansive and its type should not be
generalized; it's the converse (asserting that an expression is
non-expansive) that is potentially dangerous and requires some
semantic evidence that it is safe.  The current treatment of "let
module" as being always expansive just errs on the safe side, in the
absence of this semantic evidence.

> >So I don't understand why the same cannot apply to local modules. If 
> >the let-module-in were declared "safe" for the value restriction, 
> >shouldn't
> >
> >let module M = struct let v = ref [] end in M.v
> >
> >yield a non-generalized type for the same reason as for the non-local
> >case (and not because of the value restriction) ?

I don't follow you here.  So, OK, your expression E above
(E = let module M = struct let v = ref [] end in M.v) has type
alpha list ref for a fresh variable alpha.  If we were to classify E
as non-expansive, we could do 

      let x = E in E'

and in E', x would have polymorphic type forall alpha, alpha list ref,
from which it is easy to break type safety.

So, your example shows that it would be unsafe to say that a "let
module M = A in B" expression is nonexpansive if B is nonexpansive.
One would need to inspect the module expression A to establish that it
is nonexpansive.  This is what we do for ordinary "let" expressions:
"let x = A in B" is nonexpansive if both A and B are nonexpansive.

There are two concerns here.  The practical one is that the module
language is quite complex and I really don't feel like implementing a
syntactic nonexpansiveness check for module expressions.  

The conceptual concern is that the type system for the module language
is somewhat richer than that of the core language -- it has "deep"
polymorphism, subtyping and some forms of dependent types -- so it is
not entirely clear to me that the value restriction and the syntactic
nonexpansiveness criterion that work for the core language would also
work for the module language.

Felix 1.0.20 released


John Skaller announced:
Felix version 1.0.20 is now stablised and 1.0.21 has been
opened as the development version. Felix is an Algol like
language with a strong functional subsystem and ML like typing.
Available with BSD like FFAU licence from

This version integrates Scott McPeaks Elkhound GLR parser

directly in the language. 

A complete (but trivial) working example is given below
to indicate the what the integration looks like.


include "std";
// the input string
data := "1+2+3$";
// a type for tokens
union token_t =
  | TOK_INT of int
// a token stream generator
var i = 0;
fun get_token():token_t =
  ch := data.[i to i+1];
  tok :=
    match ch with
    | "$" => TOK_EOF
    | "+" => TOK_PLUS
    | "1" => TOK_INT 1
    | "2" => TOK_INT 2
    | "3" => TOK_INT 3
  return tok;
// a type for expression terms
union expr_t =
  | Integer of int
// a grammar for expressions
nonterm expr : expr_t =
| xx:expr TOK_PLUS y:TOK_INT =>
  match xx with
  | Integer ?i => Integer (i+y)
| y:TOK_INT => Integer y
// a parser for our example
var z : 1 + int =
  parse (the get_token) with
  | e: expr => match e with | Integer ?i => i endmatch
// print the result
match z with
| case 1 => { print "Error"; }
| case 2 (?i) => { print i; }

environment idiom


A huge thread was started by the following message (see the archive for the rest). Jeff Henrikson said:
I am interested in the idiom of passing a number of parameters by some
kind of "environment" variable.  Think of a web server with hundredes of
functions for processing markup and other things, only 3 of which need
to detect the browser.  It's bad maintainability to explicitly pass
browserid through hundreds of functions which don't use it.  And of
course, we must separate the state of the calling threads so as to not
cheat with global variables or some such thing.

There seem to be two main candidates for such an idiom in Ocaml, objects
and polymorphic variants.  The object way, roughly:

let bar env s =
  env#pear ^ s;;

let foo env s =
  let x = env#apple in
  let y = env#banana in
  bar env (x^y^s);;

As long as we never name the classes the compiler keeps track of which
environment methods the foo call chain has by creating ad hoc classes:

#  val bar : < pear : string; .. > -> string -> string = <fun>
#  val foo :
  < apple : string; banana : string; pear : string; .. > -> string ->
string =

And the polymorphic variant way, roughly:

let h = Hashtbl.create 10;;

Hashtbl.add h `Banana (`Banana "b");;
Hashtbl.add h `Apple (`Apple "a");;
Hashtbl.add h `Pear (`Pear "p");;

let get_apple h =
  try match Hashtbl.find h `Apple with
      `Apple n -> n
    | _ -> failwith "no apple config key"
  with Not_found -> failwith "no apple config key";;

let get_banana h =
  try match Hashtbl.find h `Banana with
      `Banana n -> n
    | _ -> failwith "no banana config key"
  with Not_found -> failwith "no banana config key";;

let get_pear h =
  try match Hashtbl.find h `Pear with
      `Pear n -> n
    | _ -> failwith "no pear config key"
  with Not_found -> failwith "no pear config key";;

let bar env s =
    (get_pear env) ^ s;;
#   val bar : ([> `Pear ], [> `Pear of string ]) Hashtbl.t -> string ->
string =  <fun>

let foo env s =
  let x = get_apple env in
  let y = get_banana env in
  bar env (x^y^s);;
#       val foo :
  ([> `Apple | `Banana | `Pear ],
   [> `Apple of string | `Banana of string | `Pear of string ])
  Hashtbl.t -> string -> string = <fun>

foo h "5";;
# - : string = "pab5"

Each of these idioms has its own advantage:

In the object way the compiler verifies that the functions are passed
objects which contain all their needed configuration keys.  But if I
understand correctly, we must at some point construct an environment
object which has _all_ the keys, even if we don't know them yet.  We can
add by mutation, but we cannot simply leave them out and add them as we
get to functions which need them.  This is because while we can write

  method apple = "a"
  method banana = "b"
- : < apple : string; banana : string > = <obj>

we cannot inherit anonymously:

let add_pear env =
    inherit env
    method pear = "p"

#         Characters 40-43:
      inherit env
Unbound class

In the pv way the construction can be made incremental.  Ie, if we
changed the hashtable to a list or immutable queue, we could add keys as
we go.  But at least as I have it set up, the variants are not placing
restrictions on the existence of keys in the environment, other than
saying "we can understand at least this many keys," which is of course
meaningless.  Is there a way to turn the typing around to say "we
require at least these keys"?

In general, what are the typing and run-time limitations around each

recursive types


Keiko Nakata asked:
Can I have recursive types going through both of "normal" types and
class types?

I would like to define something like

type exp = [`Num of obj |`Neg of obj] 
and class type obj = 
    method eql : exp ->  bool
Damien Pous answered:
You can do something this:

type 'a exp_ = [`Num of 'a |`Neg of 'a] 

class type obj = object 
  method eql : obj exp_ ->  bool

type exp = obj exp_
John Skaller added:
Or the converse (parameterise the class instead).

Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+

Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'&lt;1':1

If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at the archive or the RSS feed of the archives.

If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online.

Alan Schmitt