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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 06 to 13 July, 2004.

  1. Thread and kernel 2.6 pb still there in CVS
  2. Does Caml have slow arithmetics ?
  3. Tail calls
  4. How OCaml objects of sum types can be passed to a C/C++ functions?
  5. MLpcap 0.9
  6. OCaml-Mingw-Maxi
  7. Passwdgen 0.1
  8. new release of OcamlJitRun - release 1.5-fetnat
  9. Embedded OCaml

Thread and kernel 2.6 pb still there in CVS

As a followup to last week's thread, Alex Baretta said:
Xavier Leroy wrote:

>If the above sounds mildly irritated, that's because I am.

Xavier is not the only irritated with the o(1) scheduler: see the
following link from HP.
Christophe Raffalli said and Xavier Leroy answered:
> I did again some testing, with a Caml program with 2 thread, one doing
> only float computation for a long time with no allocation. The nanosleep
> suggestion seems much better than the actual version doing nothing:

I tried the nanosleep() trick on a different workload (several
compute-bound threads).  Scheduling was less fair than with the "do
nothing" implementation.
Donald Wakefield said and Damien Doligez answered:
>I know this comes a bit late in this 'thread', but there's been
>discussion on Slashdot on a new scheduler framework called Bossa. I
>posted a quote from Xavier's discussion of sched_yield, and another
>poster replied. In brief:

I read that post and I don't think it makes any sense at all.

>" and Ocaml have to wait too long for their next CPU
>quantum, but that's because they are CPU bound tasks and it's their
>own fault.

In other words, a CPU-bound task should not expect to get CPU time.

>"The bug was in past versions of Linux where, although it was
>pre-emptive, sched_yield was allowed some power - it should have been
>ignored in user-space and the scheduler decided what gets CPU and
>when. Depending on that bug is also a bug and the mis-users deserve
>everything they get."

This implies that the new scheduler is just as buggy as the old one,
since it doesn't ignore sched_yield either.

The real problem, IMO, is that there are two "yield" primitives
needed: one for yielding to another thread, and one for yielding
to another process.  They (basically) changed sched_yield from
one to the other, but the right solution would be to provide both.

>The full reply can be read at:

Does Caml have slow arithmetics ?

Diego Olivier Fernandez Pons asked and Richard Jones answered:
> Does the Caml integer/pointer bit trick make arithmetics slower (with
> respect to 'pure' 32 bit arithmetics) because of some mask/shift
> intermediate operations or is it just the same ?

There's hardly any penalty because the code generator does lots
of tricks.  See:

(Editor's note: the original post spawned a long thread that you can read at:

Tail calls

Following the previous thread, Xavier Leroy explained:
Just for the record, here is the exact situation regarding tail-call
elimination in OCaml.  It is performed in any of the following

1- Compilation to bytecode (with ocamlc).
2- When the function being tail-called is the current function
   (tail recursion).
3- When the function being tail-called has no more than N arguments,
   keeping in mind that a function with free variables has one extra
   hidden argument representing its environment.

Here, N is a constant that depend on the target processor: it's 6 for
the Intel x86, and 10 or more for the other supported processors.
This constant is the number of processor registers used for parameter
passing.  The tail-call issue appears when extra parameters need to be
passed on stack.

In other words, the only case where tail-call elimination isn't
performed is: native-code compilation, more than N arguments, and the
function being tail-called is not the current function.

Before case 2 (tail call to self) was implemented, we often received
problem reports from x86 users.  Since the addition of case 2, we
haven't received any.  This makes me suspect that the lack of
tail-call elimination in the situation described above isn't that much
of a problem in practice.

Proper elimination of tail calls in ocamlopt in all cases is feasible
but requires a bit of work.  In particular, the current code
generation convention "caller deallocates stack-allocated arguments"
must be changed to "callee deallocates stack-allocated arguments".
Also, some stack manipulations are needed that would make tail-calls
slightly more expensive (in time) than regular calls.

How OCaml objects of sum types can be passed to a C/C++ functions?

Claudio Trento asked and Basile Starynkevitch answered:
> on the subject of interfacing OCaml with C/C++, it is not clear
> to me whether and how OCaml objects of sum types can be passed
> to a C/C++ function.  For example, suppose I have the declaration
> type expr =

(* I Basile added the 2 cases below for explanations *)
     | Bizarre

>    | Variable of int
>    | Coefficient of int
>    | UPlus of expr
>    | UMinus of expr
>    | Sum of (expr * expr)
>    | Difference of (expr * expr)
>    | Product of (expr * expr)
> What is the best way to pass an expr object to C/C++?

It is documented in the reference manual: sections 18.2.2 and

The two cases Nonsense and Bizarre I added (for the example) have no
argument (i.e. no "of" keyword - for representation issues, Foo of unit
is not like just Foo). So they are represented by small non-negative
integer, so Nonsense is 0 and Bizarre is 1.

The other cases have an "of" keyword, so are represented as tagged
blocks. The first case Variable has tag 0, the next Coefficient has
tag 1, etc

> How can C/C++ code visit such a structure?

Test if a value is a tagged integer, and otherwise it is a block, test
its tag:

in Ocaml:
   external c_fun : expr -> unit = "c_fun_ml"

in C // untested code

value c_fun_ml(value ex) {
   switch (ex) {
   case Val_int(0): /* Nonsense */
   case Val_int(1): /* Bizarre */
   default: {
     int tag = Tag_val(ex);
     switch (tag) {
       case 0: /* Variable varnum */
         { int varnum = Int_val(Field(ex,0);
           break; }
       case 1: /* Coefficient */
      } /* end switch tag */
   } /* end switch ex */

I hope you got the idea. I advise you to avoid coding in C, and to
call C functions only inside your Ocaml wrappers (which do appropriate
checks, raise exceptions, etc...)

MLpcap 0.9

Jonathan Heusser announced:
I released MLpcap 0.9 some days ago,

MLpcap provides bindings for the network capture library Pcap
Source code and debian packages are available under:

The changelog for this version includes:

        o added libpcap 0.8 compatibility with
          libpcap 0.7 backward compatibility
        o added following new API functions:
        o license fix, changed from GPL to LGPL
       o more configure arguments for enhanced


Christoph Bauer announced:
OCaml on Windows isn't very well supported. So I put some precompiled
binaries (compiler
+ add-on libraries) in a zip file.

It includes (til now):

OCaml 3.08-CVS, linked against tk8.4.6
ocamake 1.31
PCRE-4.4 (precompiled from GnuWin32 project)
PCRE-OCaml 5.08.1

Passwdgen 0.1

Alicia Young announced:
I have just added a password generator library to the linkdb. It's called
passwdgen and it generates secure human readable passwords.
Password generator will return a password of configurable length. It can add
special characters, digits, and capital letters to the password as well. The
number of digits, special characters and capital letters is also

You can get all the info and this library from:

new release of OcamlJitRun - release 1.5-fetnat

Basile Starynkevitch announced:
Thanks to the hard work of Paolo Bonzini & Laurent Michel, GNU
lightning has evolved (see its CVS for details).

I was also able to correct some bugs in OcamlJitRun.

Now OcamlJitRun is running successfully on x86 and PowerPC, passing
all the tests. There is still a bug on Sparc (the t120-getstringchar
test fails), but it is not any more a very useful architecture - I
don't know if the bug is in Lightning or in OcamlJit, and the [only]
Sparc machine I am using here is so slow (SpartStation5) that it is
unusable for debugging.

Since OcamlJitRun is now running on PowerPC, I can now use it on my
PowerBook (12", 1.33GHz G4, 768Mb RAM).

If you have some big programs (compiled as a bytecode for future
Ocaml3.08 or Ocaml CVS) I will be glad to test them with OcamlJitRun,
or you can test them also. Any bytecode program (compiled with future
Ocaml3.08 or the latest CVS, not 3.07!) should do.

I am seeking significant Ocaml programs (compilable as bytecode with
future 3.08 or latest CVS) running more than half a minute of CPU (on
eg a 2GHz x86 PC) - and if possible less than 20 or 30 minutes of
CPU. Please suggest me some such programs. Neither Coq, nor CIL or
MetaOcaml are easily compilable with future 3.08 or recent CVS Ocaml -
because of ocamlp4 changes (the ABI for locations has changed) or C
primitive names (the C primitives routines have now a name starting
with caml_ and some programs incorrectly use the name of internal
primitive in the runtime).

If some people happens to use ocamljitrun, please tell me, in
particular the performance gain w.r.t ocamlrun (a factor of nearly two
is typical, provided the JIT translation overhead is negligible -
about 1 microsecond / bytecode instruction), hence my wish of running
times bigger than 10 seconds.

Ocamljitrun mimics the behavior (i.e. the stack and the heap) of the
bytecode interpreter ocamlrun. In particular, it interpret all
tail-recursive functions (even those with hundreds of arguments,
contrarily to ocamlopt) tail-recursively, without eating the stack.

Ocamljitrun works with the toplevel, dynamic linking (Dynlink module)
and runtime bytecode generators (MetaOcaml) - but it cannot be running
a debugged Ocaml bytecode program. OcamlJitRun requires a bytecode
program compiled by the future 3.08 release or the current CVS
snapshot of OCaml (3.07 or earlier Ocaml releases won't work).

See for more (a
submitted paper explains the internals of OcamlJitRun). OcamlJitRun is
free software LGPL license, and there is no restriction on the
bytecode program it executes.

Feel free to give any (positive or negative) feedback about OcamlJitRun.
Nicolas Cannasse asked and Basile Starynkevitch answered:
> Hello Basile, and thanks for your work on JIT. I didn't have time yet to
> give it a try, but I might do in a near future. One suggestion of typical
> OCaml application that performances could be compared is the ocaml compiler
> ocamlc itself, running on a large set of files : the ocamlc sources for
> example. Creation and manipulation of AST as well as typing algorithms are
> good test apllications (heavy use of recursive functions and pattern
> matching).

This is of course a test I'm using very often. However, most ocamlc
(or even ocamlopt) compilations are very short (typically, each ocamlc
invocation last less than 0.1 or 0.2 second), so the JIT translation
time is not at all negigible (it takes about 0.13 seconds on an AMD
2000 running at 1.66GHz). And since the JIT translation occurs in
every ocamlc process, you may actually observe an overall
slowdown. For example, in ocaml/stdlib make runs in 5.2 seconds, but
make RUNTIME=ocamljitrun takes 14.4 seconds (because ocamlc was invoked
84 times, and the bytecode was JIT translated 84 times)

On big compilation (in a single ocamlc or ocamlopt process),
OcamlJitRun gives a speedup of about 2. For example, the C-- compiler
contains a file (of 3253 lines) which is compiled by
ocamlopt (with the bytecode interpreter ocamlrun) in 59.8 sec, and by
the same ocamlopt bytecode interpreted by ocamljitrun in 30.3 sec. For
reference, the native ocamlopt.opt does the same job in 17.2 sec.

Another interesting test would be a non-trivial toplevel
execution (The toplevel can be executed by OcamlJitRun, as avery
other bytecode), or programs using DynLink.

Thanks for your comments.
Benjamin Geer asked, Basile Starynkevitch said, and Benjamin Geer replied:
Basile Starynkevitch wrote:
>Benjamin Geer wrote:
>>Is there any chance you could package it for GODI?
>OcamlJitRun is in fact a C program (since it replaces the ocamlrun
>bytecode interpreter). Is GODI good for these?

Yes.  GODI includes OCaml itself as a package (it's the first one it
installs), and therefore ocamlrun.

The current development version of GODI builds and installs the CVS
version of OCaml, so you wouldn't have to worry about that dependency.
It would be nice to package GNU Lightning as well.  When an OCaml
library depends on a C library, the tendency in GODI is to package the C
library as well, so it can be built automatically if the user doesn't
already have it.

Embedded OCaml

Skaller said, Brandon J. Van Every replied, and Alex Baretta said:
Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
>Skaller wrote:

>>How about an aircraft heads-up display and instrument
>>unit using a PIII, and Ocaml? I can't see why you'd
>>not want to opt for a language where you can actually
>>reason the code is correct -- would you prefer your
>>aircraft to use a C program?
>That sounds like theory.  Show me an embedded device actually programmed
>in OCaml.  C interfaces are important when speaking to low level
>hardware, and OCaml doesn't have a particularly good one.  I'm aware of
>some other research work in the ML language family regarding "typed
>assembly language," such as the TILT compiler.
>  OCaml doesn't
>strike me as being oriented towards low-level hardware problems though.

We are about to ship our first embedded ocaml application: an automatic
glass cutting table. The PLC is 2Ghz Celeron with 256MB RAM, Linux 2.4
and Ocaml 3.07+2. It's just magnificent!

We are working on a logical control framework based on Ocaml. We will
release under the GPL when the API will have stabilized.
Brandon J. Van Every replied and Alex Baretta said:
>Sounds interesting.  Love to hear about things that aren't theory.

Very much, commercially. Industrial control is one of the few
applications of computing where there still is some money to earn.

>>We are working on a logical control framework based on Ocaml. We will
>>release under the GPL when the API will have stabilized.
>How does a GPL license help anyone else in commercial industry?  Or are
>you going to do one of those "GPL or you can pay us" licenses?

We currently develop the complete automation solution: PLC kernel,
low-level hardware drivers, application logic. We are more than willing
to share our technology with the Ocaml community in order to further the
development of the core and enhance our ability to develop custom
application logic at lightning speed.

And, BTW of benchmarking Ocaml vs. anything else, here are the figures.
It does memory management, driver management and process management. We
currently compile to bytecode for testing purposes because we are too
lazy to use ocamlopt, yet the kernel runs an order of magnitude faster
that the physical layer can handle. We spend most of our time waiting
for IO. Typical CPU loads are under 10% on the above mentioned 2GHz
Celeron. Typical memory usage is under 2MB.

To communicate with the UI, the PLC kernel uses a stateless
request-response binary protocol running over a TCP connection. This
protocol is implemented with ocaml's native marshalling. The actual UI
application has been written in Xcaml, my company's web application server.

The PLC kernel was developed in two days and debugged in a couple more.
The web UI required about a man week. The low level driver required a
couple of man weeks. We believe that no other computer language would
have given us anything close to the results we achieved with Ocaml.

The conclusion: Ocaml is a mature industrial language. It's definitely
not plain theory.
Brandon J. Van Every asked, Richard Jones said, and Alex Baretta replied:
Richard Jones wrote:
>Brandon J. Van Every wrote:
>>Great... again, how is a GPL license workable for others with a
>>commercial interest in the technology?  I am saying that license is not
>The GPL works fine in situations where you don't want a company to
>steal you hard work for nothing, and the LGPL works fine in
>circumstances where you will allow people to link to your work but you
>also don't want them to steal it.  What is your point exactly?

We are willing to allow other companies to use our code in their
products, so long as they are willing to release such products to the
community for mutual benefit. Essentially, anyone interested in using
our technology has two alternatives:
1) invest time and programming resources to improve our technology (and
release it under the GPL or not release it at all)
2) invest money into a consulting contract with us to help them develop
their products, whereby we would improve the core technology and
continue to release it under the GPL.

Overall, we've been in business for 20 months now, so we are no longer a
newborn company. Our experience is significant, I think. We've been
living by making GPLed software. Any code we release is covered by the
GPL. We are still climbing the Himalayas of technology, so I can't say
we are making cartloads of money, but we are making cartloads of
technology while maintaining a non-negative cash-flow. We consider our
results extremely pleasing. And, let this be noted, all our code is
either written in Ocaml or in any one of a number of DSLs whose compiler
we have written in Ocaml.

Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+

Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'<1':1

If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

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If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online.

Alan Schmitt