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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 16 to 23 March, 2004.

  1. OCaml Genetic Programming Framework (OGPF)
  2. Better option to read a file
  3. OCaml's Cathedral & Bazaar
  4. OCamlDBI, mod_caml releases
  6. debugging a JIT compiler (from Ocaml bytecode to machine code [x86,etc...])
  7. Mailing list for GODI
  8. Memory Mapped Files and OCaml
  9. Confluence 0.9 -- Open Source, Executable Models, Auto Documentation

OCaml Genetic Programming Framework (OGPF)

Brock announced:
Hi all. I've been working on a modular genetic programming framework and
it works a bit so I thought I'd mention it here so that interested
parties would be informed of its existence. Of note to non-gp folks is
that I am trying to make this very modular through use of functors, so
it might be a good (or bad!) example of functor usage.

From the website:

    The goal of OGPF is to create a modular framework for building
    genetic programming systems in OCaml. It is also an experiment in
    modular framework design in OCaml, making heavy use of Functors.
    OGPF seeks to be a clean, elegant, and efficient solution to the
    question "How do I do genetic programming in OCaml?"

Raw Source at

I'm happy to discuss any aspect of this project (GP or functors or
anything) here or elsewhere.

Better option to read a file

Markus Mottl answered a question about how to read a file:
I usually use one of the two functions below to read in whole strings.
Function "read_file" does the obvious: read a file as fast as possible
into a string.

Function "read_channel" reads a channel of unbounded size (as long as the
maximum string length is not exceeded, of course).  It also takes the
optional argument "buf_size", which you can set depending on the kind
of channel you read from (the default 4096 bytes are somewhat optimal
when reading from files on Linux).

let rec copy_lst res ofs = function
  | [] -> res
  | (str, len) :: t ->
      let pos = ofs - len in
      String.unsafe_blit str 0 res pos len;
      copy_lst res pos t

let read_channel ?(buf_size = 4096) =
  let rec loop len lst ch =
    let buf = String.create buf_size in
    let n = input ch buf 0 buf_size in
    if n <> 0 then loop (len + n) ((buf, n) :: lst) ch
    else copy_lst (String.create len) len lst in
  loop 0 []

let read_file name =
  let file = open_in name in
  let size = in_channel_length file in
    let buf = String.create size in
    really_input file buf 0 size;
    close_in file;
  with exc ->
    (try close_in file with _ -> ());
    raise exc

OCaml's Cathedral & Bazaar

Foreword by the editor:
There has been a huge thread on the relation between the OCaml developers and
the OCaml community. The thread started here:
and is still active.

As much more has been said than could be summarized here, I will just reproduce
the message that started it, and the answer by Xavier Leroy. There are many
interesting things that have been said, which you can read in the archive of the
mailing list, following the link above.
Matt Gushee said:
(Sorry about the grandiose title. I have nothing suitably profound to
 say ... just couldn't think of a better way to express the subject.)

I wonder if it is possible to persuade INRIA to do anything.

I have no inside information on the process at INRIA, but my impression
from reading this list over the past year or so is:

 1) The OCaml team at INRIA care about the community, but there are too
    few of them to meet all our needs, and I suppose their work is also
    subject to institutional pressures that we are only vaguely aware
    of. Maybe they are struggling to keep enough resources for OCaml

 2) INRIA as an institution finds it convenient to release OCaml as open
    source, but doesn't really care about the community. They benignly
    neglect everything that doesn't relate to their research goals.

 3) OCaml-as-project (i.e. I'm talking about how OCaml is developed, not
    what it is) is a fragile enterprise. E.g., one developer leaves, and
    the future of Camlp4 becomes uncertain. Not good.

I'm not saying you should give up hope just yet, but maybe it's time to
consider alternatives.

What if there were an "OCaml Community Library Project"--a group outside
INRIA that would take responsibility for extending and perhaps partially
replacing the standard library--maybe a bit like the current ExtLib
project, only more extensive (BTW, why are there two ExtLibs?? One of
you change the name, please! Thank you.). Maybe if that project showed
itself to be responsible, credible, reliable, etc. etc., after a while
it could become the de facto standard library.

The idealistic scenario is a division of labor wherein INRIA continues
to develop the parts of OCaml that are interesting to them, while other
parts (of more interest to those of us working to create practical
and/or commercial software) would be taken over by the community.

I can't say whether this idea is feasible, or whether INRIA would be
willing to go along with it, but maybe it's something to consider.
Several replies later, Xavier Leroy answered:
This discussion is heating up, so allow me to make a few points.

One should carefully distinguish between the core OCaml distribution
(the one that comes out of INRIA) and the whole OCaml programming
environment, which includes a lot of third-party libraries and tools.

The core OCaml distribution should and will remain just that: the
core, i.e. the compilers, run-time system and the tools and libraries
that are closely intertwined with the first two.  We at INRIA do not
have the manpower to maintain, document and make distributions of a
much larger software set.  (Witness the problems with the CDK.)  We are
commited to developing and maintaining that core.  I agree we do this
in a "cathedral" style, but this is intended and unlikely to change.

For everything else, bazaar-style developments from members of this
community are most welcome, and indeed the preferred way to enrich the
OCaml programming environment.  A developer has an itch to scratch,
develops and releases a library or tool, gets it listed on the Hump,
users pick it up if it's good, discuss bugs, features and enhancements
with the developer, etc.  There is absolutely no reason we at INRIA
should interfere with this process: in general, we don't have the
manpower to play a significant role, and we don't have the competences
either (many libraries and tools require expertise in application
domains that we're not familiar with, e.g. database interfaces).

There remains a problem of how to make it easy for everyone to install
and use these third-party contributions.  CPAN managed to do it
through standardization on naming conventions, configuration and
installation procedures, and a *lot* of discipline from the
contributors.  We aren't quite at this point with OCaml, although Gerd
Stolpmann's GODI is an impressive first step in this direction.
Again, it's up to this community to tell whether this is a good
approach that should be pursued, e.g. by providing GODI packaging from
your own libraries.  One cannot just wish there would be a CPAN for
OCaml and just wait for us INRIA folks to come up with it overnight.

> The problem is not simply that INRIA is too cautious, it's that there is
> no visible process for accepting enhancements to Caml or its libraries
> from outside INRIA.  INRIA very rarely responds at all, either
> positively or negatively, to proposed modifications from outsiders (the
> sole exception seems to be bug fixes).

Don't attribute to malice what is generally a lack of time.  What do
you prefer: that I pontificate on every idea proposed on this mailing
list, or that I fix bugs?

As I said above, the preferred way to contribute to Caml is through
independent libraries and tools, not by aiming at getting your stuff
in the core OCaml distribution.  There are good reasons why we are
very careful indeed with what goes in it:

- As Diego said, it's extremely painful to roll back a change or
  addition that turns out to be a bad idea, because of backward
  compatibility issues.

- Maintenance and documentation takes a lot of time.  Often, it looks
  like contributors expect us to maintain their contributed code.

- Copyright issues are not trivial.  It's important for INRIA and the
  Caml consortium to own the copyright on everything in the core
  distribution.  Significant contributions by others would therefore
  require copyright transfers, whose legality in the French copyright
  law is unclear.

Moreover, a *lot* of the suggested enhancements can be done equally
well, if not better, without touching the core OCaml distribution.
A typical example is syntactic sugar (for regexps, for hashtables, etc):
all this can easily be done as Camlp4 syntax extensions, so don't
expect it to end up in the (already way too rich) core language syntax.

> Recently there has been a long discussion on this list about enhancing
> the Unix module, and no one from INRIA has said a word about it; this is
> very discouraging.

Again, this is essentially by lack of time.  If you want my opinion on
this discussion:

- Changing the organization and naming of the Unix library is out of
the question.  Yes, it could be organized a bit more nicely, but that
doesn't deserve breaking all the existing code that uses it.  Still,
the Caml module system makes it easy to wrap existing code in a
different interface, so everyone is welcome to come up with a
differently-structued OS interface.

- IPv6 support is on my to do list.  Missing POSIX syscalls can be
added on a case by case basis if there is clear need.  Having a full
POSIX interface just for the sake of it is low on my priorities.

- Extending the Unix library is a lot harder than what most
contributors realize, because of portability and autoconfiguration
issues.  The world isn't just the latest Linux release.  Writing and
testing the autoconf code for an extension (e.g. IPv6) is often harder
than writing the C-Caml wrapper code for it.

> Has been rejected?

By whom?  It seems like ExtLib is progressing, and if it's good it
will be widely adopted by OCaml users (just like, say, Markus Mottl's
PCRE library was widely adopted).  I don't have anything to say on
this matter.

> INRIA silently working on its own library enhancements which will be
> incompatibly replace some of the enhancements developed by the
> community?

As a matter of fact, no, we're not.  But even if we were, these would
not "replace" the work done by others, but at most compete with it.
Users get to choose.

> Is there a plan for the future development of Caml?

The short-term plans are stabilizing the core distribution, preserve
compatibility, and refrain from major user-visible changes.  We are
discussing some internal changes e.g. on the run-time representation
of objects, but these should not change the user's view of the system.
If GODI doesn't take up, maybe we'll invest more efforts into library
packaging and installation frameworks.

> We are like the man in Kafka's novel _The Trial_, who stands for
> years at the door of the Law, and is never told whether he will be
> seen, or when, or if not, why not.

Aren't you overdoing it a little bit? :-)

OCamlDBI, mod_caml releases

Richard Jones announced:
After quite a long hiatus when we weren't distributing packages for
mod_caml (instead everyone was chasing the CVS version), I'm pleased
to announce the availability of stable packages for the latest
OCamlDBI and mod_caml.

What has changed:

Christophe Troestler and myself split the database layer out of
mod_caml into a separate package called OCamlDBI.  This offers a
simple method for accessing a variety of databases through an API
which will be familiar to Perl DBI users.  There are some source-level
changes required - this will be the last time such changes will be

mod_caml has also been reorganized to split out the Template and
escaping libraries, so that they could be used in other programs.  No
source-level changes should be required.

As usual, many bugs have been fixed and many features have been added.

Both mod_caml and OCamlDBI are used daily on customer-facing websites
for serious production use, validating the appropriateness of OCaml in
these situations.

Issac Trotts announced:
For those who would like to encourage their coworkers to install OCaml,
here is a script that automatically grabs GODI and runs through all the
steps to get it running:

The script currently requires wget, htget, or snarf.
It has worked on some Debian and Redhat systems here.
It has failed on a Cygwin system here, but I think that is because of a
problem in GODI.  The tail of the bootstrap.log file says

  bmake.boot: no system rules (

Someone else asked about this a while back and got no response.  I guess
no one knows...
Gerd Stolpmann added:
Cygwin support is under development. That means there is a GODI version
bootstrapping under Cygwin (thanks to Eugene Kotlyarov). I have not yet
released it because there are still some important problems with it,
e.g. one currently cannot self-update godi_console, but it is nearly

debugging a JIT compiler (from Ocaml bytecode to machine code [x86,etc...])

Basile Starynkevitch announced:
As you might have noticed on my home page below, I coded (in C, using
the GNU lightning library) a JIT translator (or compiler) which
interprets Ocaml bytecode by translating it to machine code, using the
GNU lightning library. You'll need the latest CVS version of lightning

The intended use should be to replace ocaml's byterun/interp.c with my
jitinterp.c and recompile all the runtime. Details are given in my
homepage below.

**this program is coded but still buggy** so don't use it *yet*
(except for helping me).

Debugging such a machine code generating program is painful. All
trivial tests (those under CVS in test/testinterp/) passes but a bug
still remain, which causes a segmentation violation (later on... - not
at the faulty JIT codepoint!).

Currently, I debugged most of it using a mixture of following
techniques (enabled only with the -DDEBUG flag).

1. the generated machine code can be disassembled

2. the JIT translator is able to write on a pipe, originally to a Ruby
script (hence the JML_RBYPRINTF name in the C code). (you need a
special startup.c to open this pipe)

3. a specific tiny debugger (using the ptrace system call) has been
coded to st breakpoint appropriately (in the generated machine code).

4. I instrumented also the bytecode interpreter to print its stack and
registers (ie bytecode program counter, stack pointer, accumulator,
....)  and manually compare it with traces from my debugger.

5. the bytecode is expected to stay fixed (this is false for C
callbacks). If it is freed, the generated code should be freed also
(which should be easy to code, since most of the stuff is there).

My problem is that all simple tests run ok, and the few tests that
crash have to run a significant amount, so the trace files are huge.

I suspect that only one or two bug remains, like e.g. a wrong return
from the GC on allocation, which corrupt the (Caml) stack ... The
problem is that I lack of simple programs to exhibit it, and that the
bug don't appear on trivial samples.

I probably won't have time to work on it in the next few weeks, but
any insight or hint is helpful. If you happen to have small test
programs which uses a small fraction of the standard library, it
should help also.

If you would be interested by a JIT ocamlrunj program (with speedup of
at most a factor of 2 w.r.t. to ocamlrun), please tell.

If as a researcher or hacker you happen to write interpreters from
scratch for a new super-duper language, consider using GNU lightning,
it is very interesting and provide good results (which considerably
easier to code with than generating machine code directly).

Regards. --- all opinions are only mine

Mailing list for GODI

Gerd Stolpmann announced:
There is now a mailing list for all kinds of discussions about GODI. It
is intended for both users and developers, and of course for people that
simply want to watch what is going on. Announcements will go primarily
there, but I continue to summarize important changes as "GODI news" in

Here the relevant data:

- Mail address: godi-list (at)
- Subscriptions:
  (or godi-list-request (at)
- Archives:
- No moderator, everybody can post, spamoracle protects from being

Technical questions about the list should go to

What is GODI? You can read an introduction here:

Memory Mapped Files and OCaml

Richard Cole asked and Basile Starynkevitch answered:
> I wonder if anyone can give me some pointers. I'm interested in having
> all memory used by my ocaml program memory mapped so that calculations
> can be preserved from one run of an ocaml program to the next. [...]

There are two separate issues here:

1. first is memory mapped files, i.e. an interface to the mmap(2) &
   munmap(2) system calls. This is provided in the Bigarray module
   (see for more)
   thru functions like Bigarray.Array1.map_file etc...

2. second issue is persistent data. Did you look at Persil on which should provide what
   you need? Persil is using the internal marshalling primitives for

> With the idea being that all values are stored in the memory mapped
> files so put_value and get_value are very fast. Serialization is ok for
> small data structures, but for 50M data structures, for which only a
> small part of the data structure is accesed, it is a pain.

If the huge data structures contain some (potentially shared)
persistent data, you don't need to serialise the data itself but only
some persistent "pointer" to it (internally, a persistent value in
Persil is a phantom type of only two integers: the store number, and
the value rank within this store. So serializing such a persistent
value is quite quick). This is what Persil does. So I'll bet that evan
if you have a gigabyte of data, if it is organised as a "chunk" of
many medium (or small) sized persistent values, you won't have to
serialise 50Mbytes at once. Of course you'll need to explicitly code
with persistent values, and get & set operations on them (and also
transactions on persistent stores).

> Of course program termination can take a long time if there are many
> dirty pages that need to be synchronised to disk. There may be some way
> to tell unix to sync dirty pages while the program is running but
> without thrashing (i.e. using all system resources).

If you mean calling the msync(2) system call, I think that there is
currently no Ocaml interface to it. The madvise(2) system call might
also help. For reads, Linux also provide a Linux specific readahead(2)
call. All three calls (msync, madvise, readahead) are not interfaced
to Ocaml, but coding the C wrapper to call them from Ocaml should be

In Persil, updating the persistent store (if it was not done before)
is done at exit (using the Pervasives.at_exit function), unless it was
not done in a transactional manner. So you shouldn't lose your data.

> Such a persistent store does suffer from a lack of safety. i.e. killing
> the process or the machine going down could leave the store in an
> inconsistent state. If safety is required there must be algorithms
> around to provide it in conjuction with a memory mapped file, perhaps
> via checkpointing. Does referential transparency help us here?

Persil does provide some transaction mechanism, provided that the
underlying store (eg MySQL4) provides it. Persil also provides a
"generic" persistent store machinery (using functors).

> One final question: Are most people using database backends for
> persistence? Is it the case that most data structures that one would
> want to create in Ocaml programs map fairly easily into B-tree
> structures, i.e. are maps or multimaps from a keyed domain into some
> structured domain.

I think it depends upon the application. The main reasons for using a
database include

A. concurrency, and more generally ACID properties and
transactions. Persil does provide a transactional interfaces, if and
only if the underlying persistent store has them. I'm not sure that
memory mapping is enough here! And writing an ACID system from scratch
is a huge amount of work.

B. compatibility with other applications. If a database is accessed by
your Ocaml program and also by an existing Perl or Java software, you
have to find a least common denominator.... (which might be SQL...)

C. (closely related to B) compatibility with existing data. Usually,
big data is already available in some RDBMS system, and you have to
handle it thru the existing infrastructure.

Persil may use MySQL4 for point A (ACIDity & transactions), but the
persistent data is marshalled into a string.


There are still some difficult issues (a little related, but mostly

* functional values: marshalling functions (ie internally closures) is
difficult, and only currently possible within a single program which
does not change. This means that you cannot communicate a closure from
one program to another (even if it is inside the same compilation unit
- but in that case, the runtime might perhaps be adapted to handle
this specific case). I tend to believe that functional values are not
needed in practice in persistent stores, but Ocaml objects have
functions inside them (internally, in their class descriptor or vtable

* data schema evolution: suppose you serialise records like
   type person = { name: string; age: int }
  and later on, you want to change it to
   type person = { name: string; age: int; mutable friends: person list }

Currently, the marshalling machinery does not permit such an
evolution. You cannot store a huge number of persons of the first type
and read them as persons of the later type (with an empty friends list).

* generating encoding & decoding functions from the concrete type
descriptions (and, in case of abstract data types, from their module
signatures and more...). If all your types are concrete, a syntactic
approach like IoXML at should

Confluence 0.9 -- Open Source, Executable Models, Auto Documentation

Tom Hawkins announced:
This is probably the largest Confluence release to date.  The major
features include an open source license, executable simulation
models, automatic HTML documentation, and a new standard library.

** Open Source License

Starting with Confluence 0.9, the compiler is now released under the
GNU General Public License and the standard libraries are covered
with the GNU Lesser General Public License.

** Executable Simulation Models

The Confluence compiler now returns executable models providing bit
and cycle accuracy with high simulation performance.

The executable simulation models are controlled by a simple command
and query language, making it easy to connect Confluence to any
verification environment or programming language (SystemC, Java,
Python, OCaml, etc.).  Because the simulation kernels run optimized
native code, even a Perl test-bench will yield performance on par
with compiled HDL simulation.

Another added benefit of executable simulation models is IP design
firms can deliver precise evaluation models that are ready to run and
nearly impossible to reverse engineer.

** Automatic HTML Documentation

Confluence 0.9 also introduces cfdoc: a tool for generating HTML
documentation from Confluence source code comments.  Similar to
javadoc, cfdoc scans a source directory tree extracting comments from
*.cf files.  Currently the HTML is not the most attractive, but the
formatting and capabilities of cfdoc will continue to improve.

Here's a shot of the standard library:

** New Standard Library (

The new standard library has been built from the ground up with more
organization and clearer naming conventions to provide a robust
foundation for Confluence designers.

Aside from, the libraries have reserved space for higher-level
components for DSP, communication, on-chip busing, processors,
cryptography, and other categories.  Hopefully the open source
community will start elaborating on these areas.

** Download

Confluence 0.9 source code and binary distributions are available at:

** Background

Confluence is a declarative functional programming language for the
design and verification of synchronous reactive systems including
digital logic, hard-real-time software, and hardware-software

From one source, Confluence generates:

  - Verilog and VHDL netlists (synthesis, simulation)
  - Cycle accurate C models   (software, simulation)
  - NuSMV models              (formal verification)
  - XML netlists              (custom back-end tooling)
  - Executable Models         (open verification)

Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+

Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'&lt;1':1

If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

If you happen to miss a CWN, you can send me a message and I'll mail it to you, or go take a look at the archive or the RSS feed of the archives.

If you also wish to receive it every week by mail, you may subscribe online.

Alan Schmitt