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Here is the latest Caml Weekly News, for the week of 09 to 16 September, 2003.

1) Beyond the strict value restriction
2) How to avoid compiling some code (like #ifdef in C)
3) suggestion for record pattern matching and construction
4) When does the GC collect ?
5) OCaML, GUI, rapid prototyping
6) mod_caml now supports Apache 2 API
7) date manipulation library

1) Beyond the strict value restriction
** Wolfgang Beck01 asked and Didier Remy explained:

[... Example simplified...]

> "let tmp = ref 0 let init = `V = tmp" compiles.
> However, "let init = `V (ref 0)" does not.

Yes, this may look funny... but it is all but far from a hasardous joke.

Here is some explanation of

 1) what happened in version 3.06 and
 2) how this is related to a relaxed form of value restriction,
 3) which is actually orthogonal to the solution implemented in 3.07

 1) The strict value restriction.

When typing let x = e1 in e2, the value-only restriction says.

        If e1 is not a value, then the type of e1 cannot be generalized.

This is what 3.06 implemented.  In your example e1 is of the form `V e3
where e3 is not a value.  Hence e1 is not a value and the type of `V (e3) is
not generalized. However, in the expression

        let v3 = e3 in let x = `V v3 in e2

`V v3 is a value-form, hence its type may be generalized.
Note that v3 itself cannot be generalized, but it happens to be monomorphic.
Hence the type of `V v3 can be generalized in e2.

 2) A well-known(?) improvement of value-only restriction.

Instead of enabling/disabling generalization for let expressions in a binary
manner, we may only disable generalization of type variables may end in the
type of a fresh piece of store by analyzing non-values more
carefully. Namely,

        Type variables appearing in the type of exposed non-value forms
        cannot be generalized.

For simplication take non-value forms to be aplications nodes.  Exposed
non-value forms are non-value forms that are not under an abstraction.
For example, in the expression

        ((c1 c2) (fun x -> (c3 c4))), (fun x -> x))

where c1, .. c4 are constants, the exposed non-value forms are the two
application nodes:

        "(c1 c2)" and and "(c1 c2) (fun x -> (c3 c4))"

The application node (c3 c4) is under an abstraction and thus not exposed.
The two abstractions and the pairing nodes are value forms.

For intuition, consider an experssion e1 = e1'[e11] where e1'[z11] is a
value for some fresh variable z1.  Then, the expression let x = e1 in e2 is
semantically equivalent to let "z1 = e11 in e1'[z1] in a2". Hence, the
former can be typed as the latter. That is, since e1'[z] is a value, all
variables of e1'[z] can be generalized except those that could not be
generalized in the type of z1, i.e. those that cannot be generalized in e11.

     To get the generalized rule, just simultaneously all toplevel
     non-value parts e1k of e1 and bind them to variables zk:

             let z1 = e11 in ... let zk = e'k in e1'[z1, ... zk] in a2

     Then,  recursively decompose each e11, ... e1k.

For instance, the full decomposition of Wolfgang's (simplified) example is:

        let z11 = 0 in              (* value *)
        let z1 = ref z11 in         (* non-value node but monomorphic *)
        let x = `V z1 in            (* value, hence generalizable *)

In short, this decomposition could be virtually done by the typechecker in
order to relax the value-restriction. Fortunately, the formulation above
avoids this decomposition beforehand and can actually be implemeted at no
extra cost.

 3) Jacques Garrigue "Relaxed value-restriction".

OCaml 3.07 uses the "relaxed value restriction" proposed by Jacques Garrigue
[1]. This claims that variables that occurs only positively can always be
generalized, Hence (1) becomes:

        If e1 is not a value, then type variables that occur (at least) once
        on the contra-variant side of a type constructor cannot be

Here, the intuition is that although these variables can appear in the type
of memory cells allocated during the evaluation of e1 these cells can never
be updated outside of e1.

When typechecking let x = `V e3 in e2 with this rule, the type of `V e3 can
again be generalized in e2, since although `V v3 is not a value, the only
variable ('a) appearing in its type ([> `V1 of t] as 'a) appears only once
at at occurrence 0.


In summary, your example can be solved either by (2) [known for a long time,
but not implemented in OCaml] or (3) [recent, implemented in 3.07].

This note is also to remark that (2) and (3) are both independent and
complementary.  Wolfgang's example happens to be at the intersection of (2)
and (3), hence his successful trick in 3.06 and the successful typechecking
in 3.07.

So, maybe (2) would still be worth implementing some day...


[1] Relaxing the value restriction.  Jacques Garrigue. August 2003.

** Jacques Garrigue added:

Answering to Didier Remy, when I introduced the relaxed value
restriction I intended first to do both improvements simultaneously,
but I stopped short of it for several reasons.
* the improvement you describe would require extensive changes in the
  type checker, as all the work on polymorphism is currently delegated
  to the handling of let.
* the combination with the relaxed restriction makes it even trickier
* in many cases, the relaxed restriction does already the job
* even when this is not the case, this improvement is purely
  syntactic, so you can still expand your definition to solve the
  problem, as Wolfgang discovered himself
* actually there is an exception, if a record type mixes both mutable
  and immutable fields
      type 'a mix = {data: 'a ; mutable count: int}
      let r = {data = (fun x -> x); count = 0}
  There is no solution here, short of changing the type to use a
  reference rather than a mutable field.
  But it might also be the case that you just want to put the identity
  there. In that case we have now polymorphic fields.
      type mix = {data: 'a. 'a -> 'a ; mutable count: int}
      let r = {data = (fun x -> x); count = 0}

So, I think this is a good idea in itself, but before I try again
introducing this improvement, I need a few compelling examples to
justify the effort.

2) How to avoid compiling some code (like #ifdef in C)
** David Mentre asked and Markus Mottl answered:

> In my OCaml program, I want to make the _compilation_ (and not simply
> execution) of some part of the code optional (some internal auto-tests
> for example), depending on some configuration option.
> In C, I would use an #ifdef for this.

In OCaml you can either also use the C-preprocessor or the preprocessor
camlp4, e.g. (using OCamlMakefile for specifying the preprocessor in
the topmost comment):

(*pp camlp4o pa_macro.cmo *)

open Printf

DEFINE Compile_code

let a () = printf "toton"

let _ =
  IFDEF Compile_code
    let t = 1 in a ()

Or as usual with cpp:

(*pp cpp *)

open Printf

#define Compile_code

let a () = printf "toton"

let _ =
  #ifdef Compile_code
    let t = 1 in a()

3) suggestion for record pattern matching and construction
** Eric Cooper asked Olivier Andrieu answered:

> I find that I am often writing code like
>     { field1 = field1; field2 = field2; field3 = field3 }
> when matching and constructing records.  I guess it's because thinking
> up good names for the record fields is nontrivial and having similar
> but different names for the bindings just bothers me.
> How about allowing syntax like that used for labels:
>     { ~field1; ~field2; ~field3 }
> would expand into the above, in both pattern matching and construction
> contexts.

I have a camlp4 extension that does exactly this (well, without
the ~). Also, you can put the module path before the { instead of
having to repeat it for each field. So :

  Mod1.Mod2.{ field1; field2 }

is expanded into

  { Mod1.Mod2.field1 = field1 ; Mod1.Mod2.field2 = field2 }

4) When does the GC collect ?
** Christophe Raffalli and Xavier Leroy answered:

> in the following kind code :
> let l = ... a function building a long list ... in
> let l' = fn l in (* or fold or anything similar *)
> ... no more reference to l ...
> Once the beginning of l has been read to compute l' (assuming
> starts from the beginning of l) is the GC able to collect the beginning
> of l ?

Short answer: with ocamlc, no.  With ocamlopt, yes.

Longer answer: in the bytecoded implementation, every value in the VM
stack is a GC root.  "let x = e in e'" pushes the value of e on the
stack just before evaluating e', and pops it at the end of e'.  So,
the value of e remains a live GC root throughout the evaluation of e'.

In the native-code implementation, not all machine stack entries are
GC roots, but only the stack slots that hold a variable of type
address that is live at the point where the GC is called.  ("Live"
here is in the sense of liveness analysis of local variables.)
In your example, "l" is not live across the call to " fn l".

> If not how to write the code to ensure this behaviour of the GC ?

As other mentioned, removing the outer "let" gives the desired GC
behavior even in bytecode: fn l (... list builder ...)

In the OCaml sources, you can find this strange-looking idiom:

      let (++) x f = f x

      Pparse.file ppf inputfile Parse.implementation ast_impl_magic_number
      ++ print_if ppf Clflags.dump_parsetree Printast.implementation
      ++ Typemod.type_implementation sourcefile prefixname modulename env
      ++ Translmod.transl_implementation modulename
      ++ print_if ppf Clflags.dump_rawlambda Printlambda.lambda
      ++ Simplif.simplify_lambda
      ++ print_if ppf Clflags.dump_lambda Printlambda.lambda
      ++ Bytegen.compile_implementation modulename
      ++ print_if ppf Clflags.dump_instr Printinstr.instrlist
      ++ Emitcode.to_file oc modulename;

which is a nicer way of writing

      Emitcode.to_file oc modulename
        (print_if ....
          (Bytegen.compile_implementation ...
             (print_if ...

and gives better GC behavior than the obvious:

      let x1 = Pparse.file ppf inputfile Parse.implementation ast_impl_magic_number in
      let x2 = print_if ppf Clflags.dump_parsetree Printast.implementation p x1 in
      let x3 = Typemod.type_implementation sourcefile prefixname modulename env x2 in

5) OCaML, GUI, rapid prototyping
** Valery Khamenya asked:

  I'd like to collect the state-of-art (see P.S.) info on
  GUI-applications created in OCaml. My motivation is to summarize
  what kind of GUI might be created by programmers who decide to stay
  with OCaml. In other words I have the following questions:

  Q1. How advanced might be the GUI in OCaml applications?

  Q2. What are the GUI engines (gtk/fltk/qt/.../?) supported today for

  Q3. What kind of development framework are available in spirit of  

  Q4. And what are the near plans concerning the issues above?

Please, don't forget to Cc to me  :-)
Thank you.


  While trying to answer those questions above I've found that
  links: ( <-- is available
                                                               but moved)
  seems to be no longer available.

** Richard Jones answered:

We're using Gtk (lablgtk2) to write a medium-sized simulation
application that works across Windows and Linux. We're using the
Gtk-Wimp theme on Windows which gives Gtk a reasonable Windows look
and feel. It's not perfect, but not bad.

Gtk is a very rich and powerful widget set, and we've written custom
widgets (graphs, flow diagrams, dialogs, etc.), all in straight OCaml.

Lablgtk is (to be honest) a bit odd, but once you get used to it,
there'll be almost nothing you can't do that you couldn't do with any
other language or widget set. Most things work identically on Windows
and Unix, so much so that I don't spend much time testing on each
platform separately. There are a few annoying differences in fonts
which I had to wrap into a little library. 

We're using OCam'OLE (on Windows) to communicate with Excel -- load
files, run macros, that sort of thing.

We're using NullSoft's NSIS to generate the installer (on Windows).

** Jacques Garrigue also answered:

I might be biased, but

>   Q1. How advanced might be the GUI in OCaml applications?

As advanced as you wish.
GUI is a lot of dirty work to get ill-conceived toolkits to do what
you really want...

>   Q2. What are the GUI engines (gtk/fltk/qt/.../?) supported today for
>       OCaml?

GTK+ (both 1 and 2), and Tcl/Tk.
Tcl/Tk is included in the distribution.

>   Q3. What kind of development framework are available in spirit of
>       Delphi/Kylix/Glade?

I suppose you mean GUI-builders?
You can use glade in combination with LablGTK, and there are also a
few other options (all for LablGTK).
However, you must realize that Caml programming being much
higher-level in flavour compared to C, once you have a reasonnable   
level of proficiency with the toolkit, you work faster by writing the
GUI code yourself.
You can have a look at the following link for LablGTK related  software

>   Q4. And what are the near plans concerning the issues above?

Hopefully LablGTK2 should become the main platform.
My only concern is that there is no good native Gtk for MacOSX yet.
(This just means that you have to install Apple's X11 first)

6) mod_caml now supports Apache 2 API
** Richard Jones announced:

Kenn has actually been using the latest CVS version of mod_caml for a
few days now.

This supports Apache 2, and hides the API differences between 1.3 and
2.  Modules and scripts should therefore be portable across both

It also supports cookies, which were notably missing from the previous

I put a package up last night for people to try out:

It's known NOT to work on Debian Apache2 however because of some
conflict in the C part of the PCRE library.

7) date manipulation library
** Alan Schmitt asked:

I am writing an application that needs to manipulate dates. More
precisely, it needs a function that, given a date and a duration (12
days, 2 weeks, 3 months ...) returns the date at the end of the
duration. Is there a library providing such a thing ?

** Julien Signoles answered:

My calendar library, available at , allows such a thing. For

# open Date;;
# let today = today ();;
val today : Date.t = <abstr>
# to_string today;;
- : string = "2003-9-15"
# to_string (add today (Period.month 1));;
- : string = "2003-10-15"
# to_string (add today ( 12));;
- : string = "2003-9-27"

** Matthieu Sozeau answered as well:

I'm currently writing an i18n library for OCaml (locales, timezones, dates,
numbers etc...). It is in early stages of development but date calculations
are at the top of my TODO list (i'm actually testing week of month, day of
week (...) inference). Maybe you should look at it ? I'm particularly
interseted in getting comments and advices from experienced caml developers
about this code.

freshmeat project page:

Using folding to read the cwn in vim 6+
Here is a quick trick to help you read this CWN if you are viewing it using
vim (version 6 or greater).

:set foldmethod=expr
:set foldexpr=getline(v:lnum)=~'^=\\{78}$'?'<1':1

If you know of a better way, please let me know.

Old cwn

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Alan Schmitt